luot in Vaiii Girl, 15, Becomes a Bride to Federal Quiz Courboin Organ Recital Today Today's News For Widow of Escape School, Officials Say In "Suicide" of at 2.30 Broadway at Ninth Formerly A. T. Stewart Telephone mo Hammerstein Mary Barrett Shows Weeding Ring to Teachers VeteranSought Stuyvmm Who Filed Non-Attendance . Charges 'olice Unable to Trace Move¬ Against Representative Rossdale Has im ments Since She Left Co¬ Her; Husband Is 19-Year-Old Factory Worker Affidavits From Patients lumbus Ave. Apartment Fifteen-year-old Mary Barrett, of young Johnson. Judge Wiley said he That Deatli Followed a ft Last Waiden, has just married Alden John¬ was informed that the girl's mother Monday Morning of the and the mar¬ Card Game at son, nineteen, of that village, in order, approved match Hospital Ill iftif riage. The bridegroom is emploj#ed in according to the village authorities a Waiden factory and goes to a "part- Mad Threatened Suicide yesterday, to avoid going to school. time" school to obtain the amount of Five Floors The girl astonished pupils and teachers education required by law. Plunged yesterday by displaying a wedding Johnson, although over eighteen, ac¬ Whoever Desires to Friends Say She Was De¬ ring. cording to the officials, is in the fifth "Don't Push Me!" Was $86,130 of Bedroom an Judge Henry Wiley, of Waiden, de¬ grade in school, where pupils about Cry spondent Because Benefit clared that the bride's mother, Mrs. eleven years old ordinarily belong. He of Thomas Scott as He Make the Best Use for Her Was Unsuccessful Eva Barrett, has been before the court is the son of Edward Johnson. It Is Declared lately because her daughter failed to Mrs. Mary Barrett Johnson, as the Fell, of His Life Living-room Furniture attend school, and there is now"a case girl is now known, did not attend Vo clew to the disappearance of Mrs. of non-attendance at school pending school yesterday after the marriage Federal investigation of the death must find time, reasonable ..«..ar Kammerstein, widow of the fa¬ «gainst the girl in County Judge Rus- was announced. Judge Wiley declared of Thomas Scott, a wounded war vet¬ time, for rest and play. ns impresario, ha3 been discovered iscll^lÈyggins's juvenile court. It was that he does not believe that the fact who fell five to out of this that the that the girl is married will enable her eran, flights to his death The shortened hours of This comea her friend, Mrs. Julia Farley, a wiggle charge In good fortune so girl, according to Waiden officials, went to escape the requirements of the com¬ Veterans' Hospital 81, Sedgwiek labor, the Summer holidays at unexpectel vitiate nurse, of 27 Columbus Ave- to Wallkil!, N, Y., and was married tó pulsory education law. Avenue and the and some clos¬ just the peak of the Autumn Kingsbridgc Road, days' early season refurnishi or by the police of the West Sixty- Bronx, on the afternoon of October 29, ings, giving full half-day and when so many people are ;th to are all new teh Street station, whom Mrs. may be undertaken by United States holidays, helpful. apartments and homes, because we icy the case. Hazed Plebes Say Raid Recovers 27 ha reported Attorney William Hayward, it was in¬ But it is a sin against suddenly decided to make a complete This is the latest of a series of ad- dicated by developments yesterday. yourself and your employers out of all the clea "nturcs which Mrs. has Asked Cases of Stickley discontinued patter Hammerstein Midshipman Whisky Representative Albert B. Rossdale, when holidays given to you and odds and ends in our for recreation are regular stocks. .perienced within the last few months, in Trial Taken Robbers of the 83d OJkngress District, forward¬ used to do furniture is from the two îj .ecently her acquaintances were star¬ Support by ed to Mr. three affidavits work that lies at home un¬ great fa Hayward done because some one tories in Grand and Stickney red to hear that she had become en¬ from patients in the hospital, all set¬ neg¬ Rapids Syracuse. a but rumor was Man Accused as lected it. gaged to prince, the | Assert Gilmer Urged Them Manager ting forth that Scott's death occurred Jenicd and Mrs. Hammerstein begged a (Signed) BEDROOM to 'Stand Him' ; for "Mannie" Kassieren¬ following card game which ended FURNITURE leave "to forget the incident." By Upper with a quarrel among the players. In Brown a con¬ to der Indictment; 2 Girls come chromewald finish About month ago the critical Class Man Admit Con¬ The principal affidavit was made New Frocks to of Arrested as by dition Mrs. Hammerstein's finances versations; Wanted Truth Bootleggers Martin H. Schneider, and two corrobo¬ Straight-line bedroom furniture in the im was made publ'c when she was found this and ous brown Twenty-seven cases of iden¬ rating by Ludwig Zymansky Stickley chromewald finish. penniless in Central Park with her Special Dispatch to The Tribut«» whisky, all in 71 Dressers at 543.75 instead of tified as part of 5,100 cases taken in Benjamin Goldstein, patients C $87.50, collie, Teddy. She said that she had ANNAPOLIS, Md., Nov. 7..Efforts of the of the Ward 80. They declare Scott, whoso 16 Dressers at $42 instead of $84 to leave suite at robbery Republic Ware¬ November 8, 1922. 17 been compelled har Judge Advocate Murphy to show that house, which, with other», started the death was reported the Chiffoniers at $37 instead of $74. Federal by hospital 24 Chiffoniers at the Hotel Netherland. Miss Margaret Midshipman John P. Gilmer jr.. charged present Grand Jury bootleg authorities as was For Miss 14 to $42 instead of $34. was suicide, playing 20 9 Toilet de Rohun, a was affected with before a investigation, recovered in a raid Tables at $27.50 instead of designer, by hating court martial at to John ©. cards with attendants on the fifth floor New 45 $55 her and shared her room at the yesterday, according dance frocks of metal cloth and sup¬ Bedroom Desks at $18.25 instead 0f story the Naval Academy, had sought to in¬ Appleby, zone chief prohibition agent. on the day he met his death. TODAY.at 2:30 22 Bedroom $36.50 Waldorf-Astoria with Mrs. Hammer¬ The was ple brocades.white and Tables at $18.25 instead 0f fluence the under class men who are liquor found in a garage "Don't Posh Me!" Was In the bright gold. $36.50 stein for severs! days, during which the witnesses in the case, was the sen¬ in the rear of the home of Edward Cry Auditorium banded with fur, green with darker In »he advertised ior work "of sort." Costella, at Just before he over a balus¬ gold. Mahogany finish any sation of the session of the court Astoria, Queens. Mr toppled * * When she was interviewed at the hotel to-dsy. Áppleby charged that Costella had trade and fell five stories, the affi¬ Fifth Organ Recital * Also a quantity of the same .he said she had received only one Some of acted as manager of whisky deliveries : A whole of .the articles of tu these young men testified for "Mannie" davits say, he was heard to call grroup new deep blue in velvet, niture are to be had reply to her advertisement, a position on the stand that they had had several Kessler, alleged wealths "Don't push me! Don't throw me by and beautifully designed. in mahogany finish. a« housekeeper, but that she had re¬ bootlegger under indictment tht conversations with Gilmer in reference Federal Grand by down I" * * * fused when the man tried to force his to their and that he in¬ Jury. to were Charles M. Courboin testimony, had Mr. said he had Patients rushing investigate in or LIVING-ROOM attentions upon. her. dicated to them the line that he was Appleby accom¬ restrained by a Miss Carty, a nurse, Crepea lavender, rose, with silver trim¬ FURNITURE In the tile of persons panied two of his agents Monday nighl Formerly organist of mings. ponce missing going to take, asking them to "stand to hunt around who later told them not to make in¬ Cathedral. Mrs. Hammerstein is described a6 be¬ by him." The cross-examination Long island inlets foi the affiants Antwerp New French frocks.straight from Paris and Arm chairs, side chairs, rockers in a variei in condition She by rum runners' launches, when he en¬ quiries concerning Scott, tickets ing poor mentally. Major Leonard, counsel for Gilmer, in¬ countered CosteTIa in front of declare. Complimentary quite obviously so.for afternoon and informal of styles and coverings. A few examples: has often seemed despondent and in dicated that the interviews would not tht When John a may be had at the Auditor¬ wear.in a latter's home. He had a watch Boyle, night attendant, evening soft fine crepes. 25 Side chairs, mahogany finish at $6.75 note to Mr». Farley ahe wrote: . "I be denied placee {tor by Gilmer, but that he would on and the man was came on duty the inquired ium Bureau. * * * $13.50. wish to thank you so much for what assert that he had told the under class Costella, seen tt whether he had heardpatientsabout Scott. He have done for me. I am tired carry liquor into the garage, it it First Gallery, New A 25 Side finish at you very men to testify to the truth. told them, they said, that Scott was Building.
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