A V U U O B DAILY OUMniLATtOM for Ike meatk a( OetiW 18M OeeoaleMl rata arttk arihl ten / 5,442 peratore toalgkt nad . Satarday. e< t t OoMer Satarday algkt oad Soadajr. et UrMUaUoM ^ VOL. U V , NO. 62. (CtaMUM A«vertlalBg ea Fra* IM MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1934. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS An All-Embracing View Of Royalty HAWAH DENI ES 1 BOLIVIAN REGIME DUKE AND DUCHESS RADI O REPORTS CHANGES HANDS AS OFF ON HONEYMOON OF i m WAVE Old London Celebrates Untfl FIGHT IS RENEWED HALE’ S, HOUSE’S Severe Earthquake Shocks Early This Morning —’ Starts Rumors — Troops ADOPT STAMP NATION’S BUSINESS Unconfirmed Report Says Monster Crowds See Held in Readiness But President of Bolivia Is SAKPLAN SLOWER THIS WEEK Royal Pair Depart. Nothing Happens. Prisoner of His Own Sol- London, Nov. 80.—(AP) — Staid Fafflons S & H Green Tradbg Unseasonable Warm Weath- diers— Vice President [ Lioodon celebrated until an early Honoluju, Nov. 30.—(AP)— A lour today the wedding of Princess severe submarine earthquake sent Stamps to Be Given at Marina and the Duke of Kent, while alarming radio reports to the states er Hits Trade — Retail Directs Affairs — Para- the ro3TM couple were in bone}rmoon that a tidal wave would sweep the Both Stores — Vahuble retreat at Hlmley Hall, country Hawaiian islands but caused scarce- Sales a Bit Better. guay Joyful Over News. home of the Earl of Dudley. They wrere received only by serv- ly a stir in Honolulu. Premimns Are Obtainable. onta when they arrived at the large The shock, centered about 2,000 country house last night after a miles at sea, was recorded last night New York, Nov. 30—(AP) —Dis- (By ASBOCI.\TED PRESS! trip through the English countrj'- on the seismograph of the Hawaii Heartened by an unexpected aud* A plan whereby patrons of the J. tribution of merchandise was at a Blde before cheering throngs. National Park' observatory on the den change of the Bolivian govern- Hale Company and C. E. House and slopes of Kilauea volcano. slower pace in the last week, said EhtciUd crowds in London kept up ment, Paraguayan forces pressed ■the celebrations until long after Son stores may economize in their Observers said the disturbance the weekly Dun Sc Bradstreet trade might cause a tidal wave, but the review, mainly aa a result of un- forward today In the Chaco Boreal, midnight. pqrchases, be rewarded for their pa- Lord Trencbard, chief commis- tronage, itad at the same time an possibility was so slight they ex- seasonably warm weather. seeking a quick end to the war lioner of London police, expressed inducemenVio pay cash for merchan- pected none. A midnight deadline "The gains reported for retail which has raged furiously for the gratification at the success of the (5:30 a. m., eastern standard time) sales a week earlier," asserted the handling of the Immense crowds and reportedly set by the hydrographic last two and a half years after half Summary, "were narrowed sub- the protection given foreign royalty office for the crest of water to stantially in some parts of the coun- a century of animosity. against possible assassinations. sweep upon the islands passed with- Vice President Jose Luis Tejada out a sign of a dlsa.strous wave—ex- try'. but consumer demand still Is Home for Christmas The royal -welcome Is, after all, a hearty kiss. broadening, in spite of tbe prolong- Sorzano of Bolivia issued a decree The Duke and Duchess are ex- ceedingly rare in this Pacific cross At left, the Dko of Kent is portrayed in o.scula- ed rainy spell. three days ago in which be declared pected to join King George and roads. "Stability undoubtedly has reach- himself to be in charge of the affairs Queen Mary at Sandringham for the Reports Unfounded. tory greeting with Princess Marina. King George ed firmer ground and nearly all fac- of state for his nation. His president, Christmas holidays. Then they will . Reports that all military forces on bestows a royal kiss on a member of Marina's Oahu (Honolulu) island, were called tors are contributing to business re- Daniel Salamanca, was absent from extend their honeymoon to the con- party, whith Included her mother. Princess Nich- covery, but there still persists too La Paz, the nation’s capital, at th6 tinent, traveling ultimately to Italy. Into the readiness for any possible olas of Greece. much unsettlement In many direc- time, inspecting the Bolivian troopa Today is Marina’s birthday—her emergency, were denied at Schofield tions to permit indulgence in any in the jungle battle territory. 28th. The Duke wrlll be 32 Decem- Barracks, 30 miles from Honolulu. rampant enthusiasm regarding on Most Hawaiians were not even Dispatches from Buenos Aires and ber 20. The exodus of many of the accelerated rate of process during from Asuncion, the capital of Para- more than 70 members of visiting aware of the quake and apparently the remainder of the year. few heard of the possibility of a tidal guay, indicated that Salamanca had royalty here for the ceremony began Retail Bales been made prisoner by his own sol- this morning. wave' for life went on as usual, pos- PRESffiENT SCANS "Retail sales in the east north Marina’s parents. Prince and sibly a bit gayer since it was tbe BABES IN WOODS CASE diers. central district continued to make No Oonflrmatlon Princess Nicholas of Greece, left for close of Thanksgiving Day. progress, having the advantage of Paris accompanied by Prince Paul Even Kilauea volcano, so easily HOUSING PROGRAM There was no confirmation of this cooler weather, with- the average recent of Yugoslavia, Prince and disturbed by submarine earth move- IS VIRTUALLY SOLVED about 10 per cent in excess of last report from Asuncion, however. On Princess Christopher of Greece, and ments, remained quiet. week’s and 12 to 15 per cent great- the contrary, the Bolivian govern- the C^unt and Countess Toerrlng. er than for the similar week last ment announced that tbe vie* presi- King Haakon and Queen Maude Naval radio and amateur opera- Moffett Holds Conference year. dent’s assumption of powers was "n of Norway are remaining for a few tors in San Francisco and San Pedro, California Man M ocated ALABAMA GETS BID "In the west south central states routine matter.” Dispatches from days. Calif., early today reported receiving satl.'ifactory gains were made dur- La Paz, today, however, indicated Crowds aF Station messages from Hawaii that a tfdal that Tejada Sorzano’s action was a With Chief Executive on ing November, department store A huge crowd saw Marina and the wave started by the earthquake His Children, Shot His sales for the week rising to 10 per coup d'etate, for they told of hia Duke off when they left Padding- would sweep the Islands before mld- TO MEET STANFORD naming a new (Cabinet and said cent above the 1933 figures. tMi station on a special train, fol- ■nlght, Honolulu time. Home Construction. "The devastation of the summer’s there was "great jubilation’’ at tha k^ng the double ceremony — the Military forces on Oahu island Niece and Then Commit- drought has left Its traces on near- seating of the new president. , Angellcan at lyeatminater Abbey dise, was announced today by Her- were reported held In readiness for ly all branches' of business In the A strict censorship in Bolivia has and the Greek Orthodox at Buck- bert B. House of the Hale and House an’emergency. Crimson Tide to Play Pacific Warm Springs, Ga., Nov. 30.— north west central group of states, prevented ail but tbe most meagra organliuitions. 'Ihe plan brings to Later amateur operator Frank ted Suicide. ingham Palace. (AP)—-Presldcn'v Roosevelt pushed and the warm weather and rain dispatches from reaching the ex- The new Duchess wore a fur coat Manchester the famous Sperry and Sarber, in San Pedro, told of pick- were not beneficial to the retail Hutchinson Green Trading Stamps Coast Champs in Rose forward his determination to provide terior, for Bolivia and Paraguay ara and a green hat when she boarded ing up parts of a broadcast from ra- volume, but in nearly all lines the engaged In what most military ob- the train and carried a large bou- savings method, in its newest form, dio station KGU in Honolulu, saying BULLETIN! better homes for the low income volume exceeded that of tbe com- e) one that haa been tried and tested CarUsle, Pa., Nov. SO.—(AP) servers believe to be a deadloclc. I t quet. all danger of a tidal wave had Bowl Grid Classic. group of the Nation today after one parative period for 1933. is for this reason that tbe League of *1 The Duke and his Princess were in some of the biggest stores in the passed and troops had returned to —Positive identification of the of his happiest Thanksgiving day "There were more upward curves married yesterday with tt^o cere- country. their barracks. The broadcast, he man found dead in the Pennsyl- parties. Nations has asked for an embargo In the industrial Indices this week, on all future shipments of arms to monies, that of the Church of Eng- Premiums Displayed. said, urged Hawaiians not to become vania monntains as Elmo 'j. Jame.s A. Moffett, administrator some of which have reached the best land in Westminster Abbey and Premiums, composed of the high- alarmed. Noakes, of Roscrille, Calif., Pasadena, (Jallf., Nov. 30.— (AP) of the pre.sent machinery to e position this fall." the two countries.
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