Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2006 ~ ~&Jji:G)~~~ ~~W~~ P

Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2006 ~ ~&Jji:G)~~~ ~~W~~ P

Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2006 ~ ~&JJi:g)~~~ ~~W~~ P.. B CK Incorporating Irish Pub Sales and Premier Land Sales Over 30 vears selling propertv incorporating IRISH PUB SA LES & PREM IER LAN D SALES For a complete, professional and personalised service, talk to Brodericks. P.J. BRODERICK & CO. 51152 LIBERTY SQ., THURlES. CO. TIPPERARY. Tel. : 0504 22811 Fax: 0504 22051 email: pjbrod@lol , L IIIIOI'Iiw iF _Is cam dts III SIMSEAR "GUS "IOMUIR hoadi IS I2b/IadIQj M ~ IC"I ti 22 Occober 2.006 _ .... ,.,mt.I!wc6..r;li .... IIfII ,., riIeotI at! buI 1& III lOme i 1.15 Ballingarry Minor hurling team on to field ....... , 1.17 Thurles Sarsflelds M,nor hurlIng team on It res me ven plellvre 10 to field wtlcOllle PI ~ to SempII Sudio.rI1 today lor what I rtgW U 00II gI' !he: moll 1.30 Throw·in for County Minor Hurling Final IIIlpOI'UI'II o:brs II the Courcla GMQIencbr. THURlEs SARSFIElDs v BAlliNGARRY c-y hi dIr liM f'VIsaI- &nil dI)o hu 5OI!Ildq sptoaI ... iI: ¥WI I hope !hit ... ~ tee !he: cby when ct.. one or !he adler wi ~--Ju County full dIr coma it the I:IId d Ihe: hori1 )W" 200611'1d wttI1 the new ~ br our i!1ter courq (UfI\ 00 the horuotl peopje toIIlt in b:p«tJlIIIn of wtIl new WeIll tml ..... tMaoc! our COII'It)' Se!D" hrir1 prDIf«Ii lor 2007_ r hope too:b'('l hi­ Rb[eoir: John CIeory. Knocksherowna ~ ¥WI En 0& ~ wi be 01 i Q'Idatd dill ..... ftbe Half·time in Minor Hurling Final i bnjK fwn lor OIK COIIlt)' II '1:1)7 Second half of Minor Hurling Final The IIItmS d 0l.Il' J1nor tt.ltn ltId 1M pIIm. eIIort by tile commences County'l (11-11) IWI'I iuten w!ll1or the ~ wi ~ God 2007 ...,. 1ft our Seo.or buOeo bruk bad Into die J.ono<rs kit To the End of Minor hurling final I\'IJ\OI'S 0/ Mnprry and TluIts Sm6tlck I WI (00InJe !he finI Presentation of Sean Treacy Trophy to tuq iNt)aJ hi¥! pnMb:ed [0 ret to Ihe: hi ¥WI f PI do pnrons winning Mmor captain followed by ... be .... pIased. bby u hu _ btcOII'It CUSIOIJW)' "'t in presentation of the Man of the Match honoo.m& the pi. RoKrea wms d!he: sIxtieS WId -.!'nor to Award sponsored by John Quirke Jeweller 1'161 RoKrea hid not WOfI i ~ _ tuirc trde. k i$hard to beIte>oe din m i hur1irt: tOWII ~ fMed to do WI. When they _ Presentation o f Roscrea teams of the the bmlcthroujl U! 1%81hty ~ lIP for iosl time ~ ~ II Sixties and Seventies 1969,70, 7l7J 1I'Id I),soc in ~,ws.We wekDml!)'OII locby 1I'Id Nenagh Eire 6g team on to field hope iN! tht Inn Bmn ~ ....... oa WI! til !he: Non!. E1st town Toomevara team on to field II !he not to chtanlluan. 1'wenry needs i WOIl iIIId W:nrw. Amhrin na bhFiann """"'-On behaI d \tie COII'It)' brd ma:prm our _ tNnb Throw-in for County Senior Hurling Anal to \1M! Thnl fippel1fY Bnpde OkIlllA CCl!IltIIemOmIO COOlYl'lttfe NENAGH EIRE OG v TOOMEVARA for their genetO'J' 6onIoon 0/ the new Ihn Bmn ClIP ...tIith wi be pmented IOd3)o for the fi"1 time. TIis i$1he: IhIrd edition ~t--c !he rntfIItII'}' 01 one 01 T~'I Imt 1I'Id lore l1li)' 011" ~ Jim --1Mri-c ~ CCIIIIIIM! to do 10. k IS P tocby to m twO referees RdIe &try (~) and Lj John Cleary ~) who 11M P"'I PI ~ honcw1!d 00 our lit dIy.1 ~ boch the MI 0/ W.I (0)>0:1 no( let !he octllion RelleOlr:}fidt1f: 8orry. COpp aw'·ute ~n WitMul ~ rtltrM( to the p,1II1t11 0/ John HoIooey who Half [ilne of senior hurling final reed ~ SQcIUn 00 rNnJ' I county I'INl day.A IN/l of the ~I Second naif of ser.ior hurling final who wi by III Hpe<iaIy by III'! IIItfCI'CY be silly missed 11 but w6e co'}Wl"lenc:es Bmy IllClIhe: bars to whom "'t mend 011" wart syrq:.uhy. Ef)d fI'IiIy I wid! to IIjlCIIop lor " eMed by 01 County Senior Hurlln, Final tilt _ on ..... UI ~ but I "SIn rou • wi be IIIOIth l. PreSentatIOn of Dan Breen Trophy to Stin 6 Compin winni", Senior captain followed by AR aCllJI),I,CH: The Itwtf 0.. hlI ~ pIIotorrWd ill Sen'fIIt SIDIn preSentatiOn of the Man o f thc Match 'IMII the .... ClIp (cllltltl -.hid! wi M~ til the wiIIiDf: ItM'n todIf. Award sponsored by J ~n Q uirke Jewellcr J Best of IlIck ill tlte COIlIlt)' Final to KEV IN TUCKER and all the EIRE 6G team From: Paudic Grace and staff at ~" I RST ACTIVE NENAGH Mortgage & SSIA Specialists - 067-46006 MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT STORE NENAGH Mortgage s Savings & Investments Insurances Ufe Assurance Pensions Talk to Paudle Grace. Manager F,rst ActIVe. Kenyon Street. Nenagh, Tel 06746006 emaIL nenagh@hrstactlwcom'Neb wwwflrstactNele First Active --mongages & 1I'M1,tmenlS for the re81 world ~t .............. ..,~_... lcpr' \ 1111 ,,~_lc..Vnl''''' """,*"~IoIId __JllQlt_.€'O(O"'(J ...'''' ..., ftoY.... I'd lr."Q_~"" ... .,... 01""PI~ fIfdI"'lInYIIwbll"'~".-:1""IO~' 1I\'II1htl <I' A-...~.II'f(IOIIto'J'''''''''~ .'Id'" aI"'lIftlI8~ Y,,\1U<ft.Ii fI)lJllII"-' IliAIII\!(' ~()U Dn Nil! QIPI.f'I'IlVM(~lS uN ~ uflr.;,r.a rl! MH DnUI~ illlJlD >N t .....E IWt II.'" ~ 1'Il,1J1/<jl IWtS .... ~ , •• ;t;Q\AoI.),l~"'Y • .to.A.IilIrtDiIV nt 1-''(1111('''' 11,11 to ', • .,..-.,. ....,.~~,.. ""-.-...... ....., ...1 ... __ __ ,!DIn IPIIIUton rt.IM II ko ..... "" .... III h II\IIIIf1'< .,.. .. IQ~, .... , .......... 'lollollol....m •• --'-_.-lo:uI""l __ ~'_ 'III:u~ .. ~t~....,'-!W ..., ... 'l'!II""'-: ~ datoIlO .w",,,~ 1.m~1 ~""'" ~ In itI9*'1 1_ nSeltr./lI_ ..... 1OI ...1' '' IUnIl~· _," __ !lIIIt n II'JIUt 'jQU ..til If'..... 'u., IUy 11 .. _ .... dIIIp 'MW.,... ... ~ 001 '" poIOIN P'G 01 "'" ~n ....... _ ... III.'-1M«1I'1III ......... IlIII'>II!!IIIIkh~ ..... ,.,. ... "'_u!1 _,ft .. JIXI __ ...., .". ........ __ 1..-.1_ ............... __ • .., ...... 1,. ... •• '.oq.II! 1O~ ........ _ __ _dlIqtd~" _ <J:III!IW'*'''' "\III" "" ~ _ ..... .... aI .. lQUI _ ___. ... III ••• Il!l' ........ ,..,At... ~l'_.... cmU1J .. ~II_ nw,.. ,.... '"It~pI<..~ .-l.,..111 h ..dI hili lIlt "-~~I-S ........- ,",*"-b II\nP",._-, ~1 ............... lkl 110111 ...... .uIl"'*"IMIItlmbt''''' .. SlJIAIUd ......,jIIc FIr"""-1Ik I~III' "'1DsI'I~ s.r..-..1II9U ..... ~ ...... _I~! .... lIIpn111 !'J'lItM 1IIIAUQ,o+~ May the best team win• By NOEL DUNDON (Tip~rory Stor) OUNTY Fin;r,1 time ilpn ~nd wNt a gren tby It is fof the ~nshel ofToomevara and Nemgh.Thurles and C&Ihngarry. This time of the year ~ has the effect of sef1ding ripples of excitement througt. the plnshes ~rtic~tlng in the decider aoo lor the Wlllners there will be a very speci<l1 time indeed. CeIebnollOflS win continue for cbys and the heroes will m.1ke their way into folklOf"t and me cups will travel throughout the pamh. yiSltmg schools, t.ospitals. nUl'Slng homes, public houses and IlJYO!le wOO will receIVe It. These tbys will never be forgonen by the pbyers ind those II1\'OI'ved In the twn 1I1d dub. Of course, the endeaYOUrs to gel to a County Final ire huge and the four clubs can take il well elomed bow thiS afternoon. It takes a maniY! effort. full of concentration, orpnisatioo ilnd planning to get to a County firuland there rellly is a huge athie¥ement In miking It to to<by In the ~l'1t place. But. let nobody !ted off senument - County FWiIs are all about WInning - nomlng comes dose to dlat feelillg. TOOITIeViIli are here by the skin of their teeth and yet are the favoorites to take the title. The late late show in the semi-fina1 Stamng P;.ddy O'Brien drew psps of dISgust from the 't'Ut ma,orlty in Semple Sadium - MuII~ wer'1! outed In dn.mati<: Iishion ind the peoples choice was not upheld. But. theren lies the motMtion ...mich drives Toomevar.l on.They are well aware that the majority of people ~re rooting fOl" Eire Og Nenagh today - !haft the price of success.Toomevara ~re png for their 11th county senior hurling title SltlCe 1992 - a fanwtic achievement and one that hu w be ~drNred. TOIMTf Dunne and Tony Debney are also going for their II th county medal and suddenly the record I ~ held by Mickey Rattler Byrne of Sarsfields is coming into view - they still have a bit to go though. Eire Og Necugh will relISh this dwlce to put one over their great rMls.. They have mlIde It to the final on mem and they have plenty of expenence to rely on when the lQIIlS thrown in. The town of NemgI1 needs this county fi~1 and while the Eire 6g lads know that they will have a k>t of support in the stands, they have to mlIke it count on the pitch. More than ~nyone else, they are thit they cannot let ToomMra get into stride - to do so would be faul Popular opinion suggests Wt Om 8rftn willl"Ieid towards Nenagh this evening. However, theA! will be a wrn off on the road to the right towards the village ofToommra - the destination of the cup. This islun the kind of talk that Eire 6g Nenqh want to hear - the underdogs tag suiu them down to the ground and they will come OtIt With all guns bluing ooce the twI is thrown in.

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