The Hill–Brown Theory of the Moon’s Motion For other titles published in this series, go to http://www.springer.com/series/4142 Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Managing Editor J.Z. Buchwald Associate Editors J.L. Berggren and J. Lutzen¨ Advisory Board C. Fraser, T. Sauer, A. Shapiro Curtis Wilson The Hill–Brown Theory of the Moon’s Motion Its Coming-to-be and Short-lived Ascendancy (1877–1984) 123 Curtis Wilson Emeritus St. John’s College Annapolis Campus Annapolis, MD 21401 USA [email protected] Sources Managing Editor: Jed Z. Buchwald California Institute of Technology Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences MC 101–40 Pasadena, CA 91125 USA Associate Editors: J.L. Berggren Jesper Lutzen¨ Simon Fraser University University of Copenhagen Department of Mathematics Institute of Mathematics University Drive 8888 Universitetsparken 5 V5A 1S6 Burnaby, BC 2100 Koebenhaven Canada Denmark ISBN 978-1-4419-5936-2 e-ISBN 978-1-4419-5937-9 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-5937-9 Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London Library of Congress Control Number: 2010928346 Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 01Axx, 01-02, 85-03 c Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2010 All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connec- tion with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) We must find a theory that will work; and that means something extremely difficult; for our theory must mediate between all previous truths and certain new experiences. It must derange common sense and previous belief as little as possible, and it must lead to some sensible ter- minus or other that can be verified exactly. – William James, Pragmatism, 1907 edition, p. 216 Preface The Hill–Brown theory of the Moon’s motion was constructed in the years from 1877 to 1908, and adopted as the basis for the lunar ephemerides in the nautical almanacs of the US, UK, Germany, France, and Spain beginning in 1923. At that time and for some decades afterward, it was the most accurate lunar theory ever constructed. Its accuracy was due, first, to a novel choice of “intermediary orbit” or first approxima- tion, more nearly closing in on the Moon’s actual motion than any elliptical orbit ever could, and secondly to the care and discernment and stick-to-it-ive-ness with which the further approximations (“perturbations” to this initial orbit) had been computed and assembled so as yield a final theory approximating the Moon’s path in real space with an accuracy of a hundredth of an arc-second or better. The method by which the Hill–Brown lunar theory was developed held the potentiality for still greater accuracy. The intermediary orbit of the Hill–Brown theory may be described as a periodic solution of a simplified three-body problem, with numerical parameters carried to 15 decimal places. George William Hill, a young American mathematician working for the U.S. Nautical Almanac Office, had proposed it, and computed the numerical parameters to their 15 places. A self-effacing loner, he had in his privately pursued studies come to see that the contemporary attempts at predicting the Moon’s motion were guaranteed to fail in achieving a lunar ephemeris of the accuracy desired. Of the two lunar theories vying for preeminence in the 1870s, one was the work of Peter Andreas Hansen. Hansen’s theory had been adopted as the basis for the lunar ephemerides in the national almanacs beginning with the year 1862, and it would continue in that role through 1922. It was numerical rather than algebraic. This meant that numerical constants were introduced at an early stage of the computation. A con- sequence was that, beyond this stage, the course of the calculation was not traceable; the algebraic structure of the theory was lost from sight. The only way to make responsible corrections to the theory was to start over again from the beginning – a daunting prospect, given that Hansen’s construction of the theory had occupied 20 years. Already in the 1870s Hansen’s theory was known to be seriously in need of correction. Further corrections would be required for the theory to keep pace with ongoing improvements in the precision of celestial observations. viii Preface The second theory, that of Charles Delaunay, which had also required about 20 years for its construction, was entirely algebraic; its calculative paths were there- fore clearly traceable. Its method, deriving ultimately from Lagrange, was elegant, and Hill was initially charmed with it. But then came a disillusioning discovery. In the higher-order approximations, the convergence slowed to a snail’s pace, and the complexity of the computations increased staggeringly. For perturbations of higher order than the 7th, Delaunay resorted to “complements,” guesses as to what the (n + 1)th-order perturbation would be by extrapolation from already computed per- turbations of the nth and (n − 1)th order. The complements were later found to be quite unreliable. Delaunay’s resort to “complements,” Hill concluded, was an admis- sion that his method had failed. In Part I of the following study, I tell of the new method that Hill now envisaged for developing the lunar theory, a method suggested by Euler’s lunar theory of 1772. In the form in which E.W. Brown carried it to completion, it was semi-numerical: the initial orbit (Hill called it the “variation curve”) was given by the dynamics of a simplified three-body problem. The numerical input for this three-body problem was a single number, the ratio of the mean motion of the Sun to the synodic motion of the Moon. This number was as exactly known as any of the constants of astro- nomy, and therefore unlikely to require revision. The remainder of the theory, con- sisting of the thousands of terms necessary to “correct” the simplified model taken as starting-point, was to be literal or algebraic throughout, and therefore straight- forwardly correctable. Part II tells how Brown, recruited by George Howard Darwin of Christ’s College Cambridge as Hill’s continuator, skillfully organized the long series of computations required for the completion of the Hill–Brown theory. Can our story appropriately be ended here? I say No. In the 1930s, J. Leslie Comrie of the British Nautical Almanac Office hazarded the opinion that the Hill–Brown theory would remain the basis of the lunar ephemerides to the year 2000. In fact, it would be replaced after some 50 years, and in the meantime the lunar problem would be transformed out of recognition. Brown lived long enough (he died in July, 1938) to have a role in early phases of the new development. I devote Part III of my study to describing this transformation, really three revolutions wrapped into one. To begin with, even before Hill had conceived of the Hill–Brown theory, two anomalies had been discovered in the Moon’s motion – variations in its motion which gravitational theory could not account for; they would still be unresolved when Brown completed his Tables in 1919. In 1853 John Couch Adams had shown that Laplace’s theory of the Moon’s secular acceleration (published in 1787) could account for only about half the observed secular acceleration, leaving the other half unexplained. Secondly, Simon Newcomb in the 1860s discovered that, besides its steady acceleration, the Moon’s motion was subject to additional variations, involving accelerations both positive and negative, lasting sometimes for decades and sometimes for shorter times. In 1939 it was at last shown conclusively that the first of these anomalies was due to a deceleration in the Earth’s rotation, and that the second was due to erratic variations in that same rotation. The assembling of the data leading to this conclusion was the result of a cooperative effort on the part of many Preface ix astronomers, including Brown. The final proof was worked out by H. Spencer Jones, H.M. Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope, and published in 1939. Jones’s proof meant that astronomy was in need of a new clock. Since Antiquity astronomers had depended on the diurnal motion of the stars to measure time. They now knew that this motion, a reflection of the Earth’s rotation, was not strictly uniform, but was slowing gradually and also varying erratically. A new method of measuring time was necessary if astronomy was to be a self-consistent enterprise. In an initial effort to restore logical consistency to their science, astronomers invented the notion of Ephemeris Time. This was intended to be the time presupposed in the ephemerides of the Moon, Sun, and planets, which time was in turn supposed to be the time presupposed in dynamical theory – still, in the 1950s, largely Newtonian. Unfortunately, the ephemerides were only approximately in accord with dynamical theory, and were subject to repeated revision to bring them more exactly in accord with the underlying dynamical theory. Moreover, intervals of Ephemeris Time could be measured only for the past – a considerable inconvenience.
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