\ew Jersey Finally Starts War on Pollution STOKY PAGE 15 Sunny and Cold THEBAEY FINAL Partly sunny and cold today. Cloudy and colder again Red Bulk, Freehold tomorrow. I Long Branch 7 EDITION (Bit DetUIl, Put 3) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 02 Years POL. 93, NO. 135 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1970 26 PAGES 10 CENTS Hughes Denies Mafia Link By LEW HEAD Richard J. Hughes said in a four-year period, tell of ing received $10,000 per year —Former Essex County NEWARK (AP) - An an- wrathful reaction to a De- payoffs to public officials, in mob payoffs, said his on- Democratic leader Dennis gry denial of any association Carlo statement that "if loanSharking and gambling ly involvement with Mafia Carey, mentioned as a re- wiitih a reputed Mafia figure Hughes gets in (elected), operations, and name many figures has been on an "of- cipient of Mafia funds, was has been made by New Jer- we're all right." prominent personalities. ficial basis." He also as- reached in Florida for com- sey's governor — one of a "The unfortunate thing The transcripts .include serted that he successfully ment. He said he "never number of reactions yester- about tapes," the governor cautionary footnotes by the prosecuted Russo on perjury took a quarter." day by public officials to the said, "is that there is no FBI to the effect that those charges in 1963. Russo is ap- —Atlantic City Police Sgt. release of taped conversa- protection for innocent peo- bugged may be embellishing pealing. Anthony Pasquale, men- tion of underworld figures. pie." the truth, exaggerating their —Republican State Sen. tioned in the transcripts^as The conversations were ob- DeCarlo and his three fel- influence and seeking to im- . Frank S. Farley, mentioned a bookie, termed the charge tained by the FBI through low defendants are being press one another. as being controlled by Her- "ridiculous." electronic eavesdropping and tried on charges of attempt- Other Reactions man "Stumpy" Orman, re- were admitted to court rec- ing to collect extortion loans Here are the reactions of puted Atlantic City gambling One of the conversations ord here Tuesday by U.S. from insurance broker Louis some other public officials boss, had this to say: "I sheds possible light on an District Court Judge Robert Saperstein, .who died mys- to the gossipy records: have never had any dealings intriguing 8-year-old mys- F. Shaw. teriously of arsenic poison- —Former State Police Su- with any members of the tery, the disappearance of 1 The documents, 12 volumes ing in 1968. perintendent Dominic R. Ca- Cosa Nostra. I personally Anthony (Tony Bender) of more than 1,200 pages, , Defense lawyers asked pello, mentioned several have not had anything to do Strollo, reputed gangster were released at the extor- yesterday for a mistrial on times as allegedly taking with illegal gambling . boss of the New York wa-. tion trial of Angelo "Gyp" grounds the FBI transcripts Mafia bribes, denounced as nor have I knowingly been terfront. Strollo left his plush DeCarlo and three other* per- had generated publicity "ridiculous" any insinuation connected with any illegal Fort Lee home in April 1962, sons. The- "bugging" was pre]udical to their defen- that he ever received any transactions." got into a black Cadillac driv- mainly of DeOarlo, reputed dants' cases. But Judge Shaw bribes. —Former Atlantic City en by a stranger and was Mafia chieftain. denied the motion, saying —Monmouth County Pros- Mayor Richard S. Jackson, never seen again. "It is back fence gossip that because of the expected ecutor Vincent P. Keuper, mentioned as being linked In the conversation, De- in which hoods brag to each publicity he had ordered,the mentioned by DeCarlo and with a bookie, denied the al- Carlo tells Russo that the other, about how big and im- jury sequestered. alleged Mafia figure Anthony legation and said he barely late Vito Genovese ordered portant they are." Gov. The transcripts, taken over "Little Pussy" Russo as hav- knew the man. the execution of Strollo. County Aides to Sue for Millions By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI called them deliberate Court Judge Robert Shaw. FREEHOLD-County Pros- lies and categorically denied "But the suit will be started." ecutor Vincent P. Keuper ever being a "contact man" Mr. Keuper said he was said yesterday he and county for anyone. curious to hear the tapes. "I Detective Captain Andrew B. Mr. Keuper said he was don't know what I will learn,' SUBJECT OF FBI TAPES — Angelo 'Gyp' DeCarlo it Manning plan to file a $10 planning to file the suit be- he said. After he listens to shown leaving Federal Building here yesterday on million libel suit against An- cause he has no other way to them, he said he will ask the charges involving extortion. FBI tapes released on thony Russo and Angelo get his side of the story across. FBI why they inserted his "Gyp" DeCarlo, two reputed He added that this way he name after the word "boss." Mafia influence on New Jersey politics star DeCarlo Mafia figures. would have Russo — one time The FBI, however, may not and his conversations with mobster and politician The two Mafiosos, in con- reputed Mafia boss of Mon- release the tapes. Ralph Bach- friends. IAP Wirephotol versations bugged by the FBI, mouth County — on the wit- man, head of the FBI in New had linked the prosecutor ness stand under oath and for Jersey, would not comment and the detective to mob ac- him to repeat his story. when asked by The Daily tivities, by stating that Mr. The suit will be filed in fed- Register if Mr. Keuper would Keuper was receiving money eral court, said the prosecu- be able to listen to the tapes. Mary Jo's Friends and Mr. Manning was a "con- tor. Mr. Bachman said the tapes tact" man. "I'll have to wait until I were not available and would Both Mr. Keuper and Mr. play the tape," he said, re- not say where they are.' He Manning yesterday denied ferring to the tape made by said transcripts of .them are To Return to Stand any connections with the Ma- the FBI of bugged Mafia con- available and are filed with EDGARTOWN, Mass, (AP) -r- Five young women fia. Mr. Keuper branded the versations which were re- the clerk of the court in New- Whom tragedy has jolted from obscurity return to an old remarks "completely without leased in transcript form ark. county courthouse on a wintry island today to tell what Andrew B. Manning Vincent P. Keuper Angelo DeCarlo foundation." Mr. Manning Tuesday by federal District (See County, Pg. 2, Col. 1) they remember about the last night in the life of a friend, Mary Jo Kopechne. The girls are Rosemary Keough, 24, of Drexel Hill, Pa.; Maryellen Lyons, 26, of Milton, Mass.; her sister, Nance, 25, Susan Tennenbaum, 24, and Esther Newberg, 27, all of Washington, D. C. Sills Away, Office Won't Comment Nancy Lyons is now on the staff of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, whose car carried Mary Jo, 28, to her death in a plunge into a Chappaquiddick Island tidal pond the night Bj» DORIS KULMAN Nastasio Jr. and council- Feb. 6, 1963$' conversation, The FBI identified "Poagy" you and trying to get you in- With the boss in sunny of July 18. men in Long Branch, Russo's that Russo- "must have the as Alfred Toriello. volved in a controversial sit- 1 Puerto Rico leading a con- New Jersey home base, judge in Long Branch." "I*-don't know any of those uation." For some 20 hours over the first three days of the in- ference on organized crime, stomped the snow from their -' Mr. Baldino, who sat on the names," Mr. Baldino de- According to the trans- quest, other witnesses took their turns in a guarded court- state Attorney General Ar- boots, emphatically denied city court bench from 1952-64, dared. cripts, Russo boasted to De room as 63-year-old Judge James A. Boyle tried to decide thur J. Sills' office yesterday there is any underworld 'in- said he doesn't know Russo, Carlo in January 1963, that whether her death was caused by any act which might call He said he doesn't know for criminal proceedings. recorded an official "no com- • fluence in that city's govern- either. any Alfred Toriello. As for "we rigged the election so ment" on those FBI tran-' ment, and asserted that if According to the transcript Russo, "I know by rumor, that we got most everything One witness yesterday was John Farrar, Uie skindiver scripts of bugged conversa- flusso's . 1563 . tape-recorded of the conversation, which and by the newspapers, if in Long Branch." who recovered Miss Kopechne's body. Before the inquest tions between reputed Mafia boast.of rigging Long Branch concerned alleged payoffs for newspaper accounts are ac- Russo was convicted of per- began, he had said publicly he thought an air pocket in the figures. elections were true, it was gambling in Monmouth Coun- curate, that he was supposed jury and•sentenced to three car might have permitted her survival if help had come According to the tran- many administrations ago. ty, DeCarlo said "Pussy to have lived in Long Branch to five years for denying-Jto quickly. Kennedy delayed nine hours in reporting the ac- icripts, Sills' name was Denied Knowledge ' (Russo) must have the judge at one time," Mr. Baldino a Monmouth County Grand cident. among those dropped in an Thomas J. Baldino Jr., a in Long Branch." said.
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