Deep-Sea Research I 47 (2000) 757}788 The hydrography of the mid-latitude northeast Atlantic Ocean I: The deep water masses Hendrik M. van Aken* Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, P.O. Box 59, Den Burg/Texel, The Netherlands Received 22 December 1997; received in revised form 2 April 1999; accepted 7 September 1999 Abstract The circulation of the deep water masses in the mid-latitude northeast Atlantic Ocean was studied by analysis of the distributions of potential temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Pre-formed nutrients were used to allow a quantitative descrip- tion of the deep water masses, especially the Northeast Atlantic Deep Water, in terms of four local source water types: Iceland}Scotland Over#ow Water, Lower Deep Water, Labrador Sea Water, and Mediterranean Sea Water. Over the Porcupine Abyssal Plain between 2500 and 2900 dbar Northeast Atlantic Deep Water appears to be a mixture of mainly Iceland}Scotland Over#ow Water and Labrador Sea Water (&80%), with minor contributions of Lower Deep Water and Mediterranean Sea Water. When the Northeast Atlantic Deep Water re-circulates in the north-eastern Atlantic and #ows southwards towards the Madeira Abyssal Plain, contribu- tions of the former two water types of northern origin diminish to about 50% due to diapycnal mixing with the overlying and underlying water masses. The observed meridional and zonal trends of dissolved oxygen and nutrients in the Northeast Atlantic Deep Water appear to be caused both by diapycnal mixing with the underlying Lower Deep Water and by mineralization of organic matter. The eastward decrease of oxygen and increase of nutrients especially require considerable mineralization of organic matter near the European continental margin. At deeper levels (&4100 dbar), where the nutrient rich Lower Deep Water is found near the bottom, the meridional gradients of oxygen and nutrients are opposite to those found between 2500 and 2900 dbar. Diapycnal mixing cannot explain this change in gradients, which is therefore * Fax: 0031-0-222-319674. E-mail address: [email protected] (H.M. van Aken) 0967-0637/00/$- see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 6 7 - 0 6 3 7 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 9 2 - 8 758 H.M. van Aken / Deep-Sea Research I 47 (2000) 757}788 considered to be a qualitative indication of ageing of the Lower Deep Water when it #ows northwards. A considerable part of the Iceland}Scotland Over#ow Water and the Lower Deep Water that enter the northeast Atlantic may be removed by deep upwelling in the Bay of Biscay and eastern Porcupine Plain. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In this paper we study the deep circulation in the mid-latitude northeast Atlantic Ocean by analysis of a data set of temperature, salinity, oxygen and nutrient observations from the 1980s and early 1990s, collected between 313 and 533N, and east of 213W (Fig. 1). We focus on the composition, circulation and modi"- cation of the North-East Atlantic Deep Water, characterized by a deep salinity maximum as it is observed over the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, and also of the underlying near bottom salinity minimum. We analyse the bio-geochemical properties for indications of ageing over the meridional succession of the Por- cupine Abyssal Plain, the Iberian Abyssal Plain, and the Madeira Abyssal Plain. These deep basins are separated by the Azores-Biscay Rise and by the Azores- Portugal Rise. We also study the composition of the deep water mass in terms of source water types from potential temperature H and salinity S, together with pre-formed nutrients. The zonal variation of the hydrographic properties is analysed by comparison with data from the Biscay Abyssal Plain, the West Iberian Margin, and the Seine Abyssal Plain. The hydrographic results are then discussed, and conclusions on the deep water mass of the northeastern Atlantic and its deep circulation and mixing are formulated. Part of the deep branch of the global thermohaline circulation passes through the northeastern basin of the North Atlantic Ocean (Dickson and Brown, 1994). Cold water from the Norwegian Sea #ows through the Faroe-Bank Channel and across the Iceland-Faroe Ridge into the Iceland Basin. During its descent from the sills between Iceland and Scotland into the deep Iceland Basin this water initially entrains warm and saline Sub-Polar Mode Water. At later stages in the Iceland Basin cold and less saline Labrador Sea Water (LSW) entering the eastern North Atlantic basins near the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone at &523N (Talley and McCartney, 1982) is entrained as well as the overlying upper parts of the cold low salinity Lower Deep Water (LDW; van Aken and de Boer, 1995; van Aken and Becker, 1996). By this warm and cold entrainment the Iceland Scotland Over#ow Water (ISOW) is formed in the northern Iceland Basin. About 3.5 Sv (1 Sv "106 m3/s) ISOW passes south of Iceland (Saun- ders, 1996; van Aken and Becker, 1996). The characteristics of this water mass change considerably due to diapycnal mixing, which decreases its density, when this water proceeds further south to 523N, the latitude of the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone (van Aken and Becker, 1996). There a deep water mass is observed, characterized by a salinity maximum at about 2600 dbar between the low salinity cores of LSW and LDW (van Aken and Becker, 1996) and designated Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW). With a multi-stage H}S analysis Harvey and Theodorou (1986) derived H.M. van Aken / Deep-Sea Research I 47 (2000) 757}788 759 Fig. 1. The spatial distribution of the hydrographic stations with bio-geochemical data used in this study. At each station water samples with a potential temperature below 53C were collected. The symbols indicate the regional attribution of the stations to the di!erent deep basins and are explained in the legend. The water depth in m is indicated by isobaths. 760 H.M. van Aken / Deep-Sea Research I 47 (2000) 757}788 the presence of ISOW around the deep salinity maximum between 2000 and 2600 m in the southern Iceland Basin. They however did not pursue their analysis into the Porcupine Basin and further south. Lee and Ellett (1965) assumed that NEADW contains considerable amounts of ISOW. By analysis of salinity anomalies in the deep northeast Atlantic they were able to follow the NEADW core southwards to at least a latitude of 473W over the Porcupine Abyssal Plain. At that latitude the salinity signal due to the high salinity core of Mediterranean Sea Water prevented further identi"cation of the NEADW core. The abyssal water mass, LDW, is characterized by a low salinity and a low dissolved oxygen content, and especially by its high dissolved silica content (Mantyla and Reid, 1983; McCartney, 1992). This is assumed to be due to the contribution of Antarctic bottom Water (AABW) to the LDW when it enters the eastern Atlantic basins at the Vema Fracture zone near 103N (Mantyla and Reid, 1983; McCartney, 1992; Schmitz and McCartney, 1993). Throughout the north- eastern Atlantic Basin the LDW core can be recognized by a near bottom salinity minimum and a silica maximum. When the LDW meets the pure ISOW core in the Iceland Basin the ISOW has a higher potential density than the coldest LDW over the deep Porcupine Abyssal Plain. This forces LDW to overlie the ISOW core in the relatively shallow northern Iceland Basin (van Aken, 1995; van Aken and Becker, 1996). The low salinity LSW core is found at about 1850 dbar in the northern parts of the northeastern Atlantic basins, overlying the deep levels where NEADW and LDW are observed. A shallower high salinity Mediterranean Sea Water (MSW) core, which originates from over#ow near Gibraltar of sub-surface water from the Mediterranean Sea, is found at about 1000 dbar in the more southern parts of the northeastern Atlantic (Tsuchiya et al., 1992; Arhan et al., 1994). Due to diapycnal mixing of the NEADW core with the overlying water its salinity therefore may either increase or decrease, depending on the geographical location. Tsuchiya et al. (1992) have shown that near 203W the salinity minimum, characteristic for the LSW core, disappears south of 413N due to mixing with the saline MSW. This results in an increase of the salinity at NEADW levels south of that latitude. Arhan et al. (1994) have observed the same feature south of 453N near 153W. This e!ect limits the determination of the southward extent of the retraceable NEADW core in the northeastern Atlantic when one uses only a H}S analysis (Harvey and Theodorou, 1986; Harvey and Arhan, 1988). Broecker et al. (1985) tried to determine the #ushing in the deep northeastern Atlantic from northern sources by means of an analysis of dissolved oxygen and nutrients in the cold bottom layers with a potential temperature H(2.63C. Given the contrast between ISOW with low nutrient and relatively high oxygen concentrations and LDW with lower oxygen and high nutrient concentrations a northward decrease of nutrients and an increase of oxygen is expected if ISOW also contributes to the ventilation of the deep northeastern Atlantic. Broecker et al. (1985) did not "nd any evidence for a meridional trend above the scatter of the observations in the deep nutrient and oxygen concentrations south of the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone at 523. This led them to conclude that all ISOW leaves the northeastern Atlantic towards the H.M. van Aken / Deep-Sea Research I 47 (2000) 757}788 761 west through this gap in the Mid Atlantic Ridge and does not contribute to the deep water mass further to the south.
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