server_ an independent student newsp.1per serving notre cbme and st. m41 ry•s Tuesday, October 17, 1978 ND Trustees formulate South African stock policy by Sue Wuetcher · with a company, ''we will tell them provide improved opportunities Senior Staff Reporter we're against the repugnancy of and employment practices for non­ apartheid.'' whites. The Notre Dame Board of Trus­ The trustees' statement main­ Wilmouth declined to comment tees has adopted a policy regarding tains that the University can more on the names of the companies in University investments in South effectively influence company South Africa in which the Univer­ Africa. policy by correspondence, share­ sity holds stock and also the Trustee Robert L. Wilmouth, holder resolutions and public percentage of University invest­ head of the subcommittee which statements than by divestiture. ment in these companies. formulated the investment recom­ Divestiture may be justified as a ''Our portfrJlio is closely held. mendations that the board approv last resort when persistent efforts There are changes in investments ed, explained that the board exam­ to persuade a company to abandon literally every day," he said, ined carefully the available alterna­ unethical practices rave proved adding that the amount of money in tives. ineffective, and the outlook for South African investments is a ''There were two basic possibil­ future seems hopelesj;. minor portion of the more than ities," he said, "that of divestiture Wilmouth said that Notre Dame $100 million in total University and that of staying with a corpora­ has essentially follo"!'ed the second investments. tion and using our power to possible course of acl!ion. "We can The trustees' statement has its influence company policy." speak with a positive economic origin in the work of a committee Wilmouth said that if the Univer­ force," he said. i appointed by the board in Novem­ sity were to divest its stock in Wilmouth stress~d that the Uni­ ber, 1973, consisting of Trustee I. corporations with South African versity does not invest in South John P. Powers of New York City, holdings, it would actually do African companies;. but rather in Prof. Kenneth P. Jamieson from nothing positive towards the im­ companies that h~ve holdings in the department of economics and provement of apartheid conditions South Africa. He noted that the John F. Connor, an alumnus from in that nation. University would·. support share­ Chicago. Its report a year later "West Germany or Japan or holder petitions for withdrawal of a furnished general guidlines for the some other foreign country will just company from South Africa if it board's investment committee re­ take our place," he noted, adding refused to adopt the Sullivan garding social responsibility as­ that if the University does remain Principl~s. whose objective is to pects of Universit investments. The papal flag seen flying yesterday under the US flag signified the election of the new pope. [Photo by Mark Muench]. 'Ministry of love' theme to mark reign, says pope VATICAN CITY [AP] - Pope ist leader Edward Gierek sent a John Paul II promised Tuesday that message to the pope, saying that a "ministry of love" would mark his election ''fills Poland with great his reign as the 264th pontiff of the satisfaction" and that he was Roman Catholic Church. "convinced that further develop­ He said, "We would like to reach ment of relations between Poland out our hands and open our hearts and the Apostolic See" would come in this moment, to all people and to about. those who are oppressed by what­ A polish government spokes­ ever injustices or discrimination · man, Kazimierz Kakol, said that whether it has to do with economy, passport restricitons would be life in society, political life or the eased to allow a "large number" of freedom of conscience and just Poles to travel to Rome for the reliuious freedom. We must reach installation. He did not say how ouc~!th all means to them, that all many visas would be granted. forms of injustice manifest in our Poles normally have to wait three to times be rejected by public four weeks to obtain a travel visa. opinion." In his first papal sermon that was In his televised sermon delivered televised live in Poland, the 58- under Michelangelo's fresco "The year-old pontiff warned that the i Last Judgment" in the ·sistine "general criteria of loyalty to the The lottery for Foreigner concert tickets was he~ last night. [Photo by Mark Muench]. Chapel, the pope pledged to carry Vatican Council" must not affect on the church reforms launched by loyalty to the basic doctrinal truths the Second Vatican Council of ofthe church. This was perhaps an 1962-65 and to follow the guide­ indication of that he would pursue a lines laid down by Paul VI and John conservative stance on such HPC discusseS Huddle plan Paul I. matters as the church's ban on The former Cardinal Karol artificial contraception, the ordina­ by Rob Powers the responsibility of taking sug­ newspaper recycling program will W ojtyla of Krakow, Poland, also tion of women and the marriage of Staff Reporter gestions at this week's hall council begin next month. She said a bin took a trip outside Vatican walls on priests. meeting. will be placed by the stadium for his first full day as leader of the The pope supported the contra­ Del Grande said that Huddle newspapers, and collections will be world's 700 million Catholics · to ception ban put forth in Pope Paul Renovation .of the Huddle and Manager Dan Pickler cannot pro­ made in the halls November 14 hall use of Community Service visit a "very dear friend" who had VI's 1968 encyclical Humanae ceed with the renovations that include ,13,15. Profits will go to Volunteer suffered a heart attack. Vitae when he was archbishop of Organization (CSO) funds were a delicatessen and expansion of the Services. Krakow. among the topics discussed at last ice cream section, Del Grande said. Vatican officials, meanwhile, an­ Clad in the traditional papal night's Hall President's Council Del Grande recommended that ·Ellen Dorney, Badin president, (HPC) meeting in Badin lounge. nounced -that John Paul would robes of brilliant white satin and a hall presidents not use CSO funds said that Badin will be host again preside at a Mass at his installation red skullcap, the pope celebrated HPC Chairman Chuck Del to operate hall administered com­ this year to the eighth grade class on Sunday. The announcement Mass jointly .with the cardinals who Grande reported that no one at­ munity service projects, encourag­ of Sacred Heart School on the made no mention of a coronation, elected him Monday. He delivered tended any of the meetings held ing them instead to run them at the south-side of Chicago. Dorney said implying that he would continue a half-hour sermon in Latin and Monday night to take suggestions hall's expense. From a show of forty student tickets are needed for the pattern of John Paul I, who then released the 110 men from the for the Huddle renovations. As a hands, only a few halls are now the Tennessee game for the stu­ refused to be crowned the tempor~l secret conclave where they had result, Del Grande cancelled to­ using CSO funds. -dents. Any one interested in ruler of the church. been sequestered since Saturday night's meetings and recommend­ Mary Early of the Student Gov­ *-ating a ticket should contact From. War~w. Polish Common- afternoon. ed that the hall presidents assume vernment announced that the ...at6922. .. ~--------~--------------------------------------~------------------------------------~------- ----- 2 the observer Wednesday, October 18, 1978 ,....News Briefs _____ Americans share Nobel Prize STOCKHOLM, Sweden [API - physics prize with Professor Pyotr Oenzias, reached at his home in 1::============================== National Two Americans whose work with Leontevitch Kapitsa of Moscow. New Jersey, said he and Wilson microwave radiation supported the Kapitsa, 84, was honored for his were studying the Milky Way when "big bimg" theory of the creation work in the low-temperature "we found more radiation than we of the universe shared the Nobel physics. could account for in the Milky Way, Nurses protest new drink Prize in physics yesterday with a The chemistry prize, also and it turned out upon investiga­ Russian scientist. The prize for $165,000, went to Professor Peter tion that this radiation was coming RICHMOND Va. [AP)-The beer manufacturer calls its new product chemistry went to a Briton. Mitchess, 58, for his _work in form outside even our own galaxy. a "not-so-soft drink" but a nurses' group wants it boycotted, saying Dr. Arno A. Penzias, 45, and Dr. bioenergetics, which concerns the it could help soda-sipping children grow into beer-guzzling adults. Robert W. Wilson, 42, both of the chemical process responsible for An amber blend of lemon, ginger and apple flavoring in a Bell Telephone Laboratories of the energy supply in living cells. ND sets malt-flavored base, "Chelsea" is being test-marketed by Anheuser­ New Jersey, shared the $165,000 Busch in six markets, including Richmond and Staunton, Va. The Six of the nine men named to 3,000-member Virginia Nurses Association, is worried because it SMC re-presents receive or share in Novel prizes this laundry pick-up contains about one-half of one percent alcohol and is packaged to year are Americans. Americans look like premium beer. Barbara Bolton, executive director of the shared with other nationalities in slide show Clothes laundered at the Notre association, said yesterday that the nurses' group fears that physics and medicine, and won "SMC .... A Tapestry," the spe­ Dame laundry will be ready three drinking Chelsea will "condttion" children to consuming beer and outright in literature and econ­ cial Founder's Day slide presenta­ working days after pick-up, accord­ other, stronger alcoholic beverages when they grow older.
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