i THUB8DAT, OCTOBER 104t Avtngff Dfifly Circnlatioa llatirftirstM EttraUtg Brntfik Fra toe MMito ef September. t»48 Thi Wtaithar Stanley Backus of Marble street Miss Jessamine Smith, of 15 7,637 headed a troupe of 10 vaudeville Park street has ai'hor guest her BujX)he Week 86th Birthday KiwanisGets M eotora *t ths AaOM >nt Town acta that went to Bradley Field, sister, Mrs. MabelAbel Mead of Rut­Rut- lEurtittut H rralb Windsor Locks, last night to pre> land, Vermont. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY B w ean af C lw M tliin s sent an entertainment, included in — Leftto Apply 3 Scrap Tons Manehester r A City of Village Charm ' ■/ tban«W>norii> the group was Phylisa Durkee, Members of the MancheL„Manchestpsvlre ■ A IT J SAVINGS AT M r, and M m WUUaia !<. Olen and Gale Hansen and Thelma Department will meet,^«t heed •C • CliMhwit itrM t Snider, of Manchester. The enter­ quarters this evCntogr at 7 o'clock Ration Board Warns VOL. LXH., NO. 2« Advertlalag oa P^e 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30^ 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS GS cm w prior to ]bor mar* tainment was well received. and will go to.>tne , William P, Start to Salvage Metal a mat lOm Dorothy Hidtman Quisb funejrsfn^e oh Main-street Institutional and Indus- At Old Mill; To Work m — Emma L, Roberts, chil­ to pay^thelr respects to the late dren's librarian at the Mary Che­ Junes P. Moriarty who died yes- 'trial Sugar Users. Again on Sunday. FOSTER'S n a *Matbom Cbale of the ney library, and Miss Jane Grai^, 'Ijli^ay morning. The delegation loiad Hoait wUl moot at oii^t who assists at the latter lihra^ will be under the command of Institutional and industrial users FOR FINE Chief Roy Griswold. EHght strong-arm ed Kiwanlana Eighth Ar^iy Drives IfwiOi tblo ovoaliic a t the home and is children’s libirari^ht the 84 OAKLAND S T . FREE DELIVERY DIAL 7S86 Tanks Maintain of eugar are reminded that only went over to Buckland yeeterday : M m W iuiam U Ocmloii o f 70 Whlton Library, attpndM the fall a week remains . to apply for Due to the fact that the official aftomoon and dug out about three Double Stainpe Friday! Open TiD 9 P. MU' meeting of the State library As­ November and Decembw allot­ sociation today in New Haven. blanks for identification markers tons of scrap meUl. Wlflle tt was Quantities Limited — On Sale While Stock have not yet reached here the Am­ ments S t the office of War Price Mombon of the Mon’a Friend^ and Ra'lbning Board 11-75 in the hard work for most of them they Mdp oluh <rf the South Methodiot lh<r'marriage of Mias Lucinda bulance Transportation Unit and' had a lot of fun doing the Job. dispatchers will not meet this eve­ Uncoln school. Registrants v^ho’ Fancy Lamb Legs > ^ :3 9 c Deeper into Enemy ofaurch who are tot* rooted to bowl- Lines at Stalingrad; ■Gray, daughter o f Mr. and M rs. apply after Thursday, Nov. 6, will The. metal' is a remnant of the lac are aaked to meet at the Wool David Gray, of 67 Pearl street, to ning at the Shut Side Recreation Peter Adams Paper Oo., that was Center. The unit will receive the be penalised for each day of delay Rib Roast Beef ^ ^ Ib. 39c aide ReereaUon Center,, hlleya AvUtlon Cadet James Prentice, in making application. once the concern that made some Tnooday evening at 7:45. AH men son of Mr.', and Mrs. Samuel J. blanks within a few days it was of the finest paper in Amer­ learned this morning. Due notice Institutional users, those who tatareoud ahould call 4271 aa eoon Prentice, of 109 High street, will prepare food ' for consumption on ica. Like -many other paper as possible. take place Saturday at Chico, of the meeting will be called to making concerns of its day it went Cut Up Fowl ea. $1.19 the attention of the emergency the premises, are being allowed Lena Defenses in Desert California. The ceremony will be fu t of business because of strong Soviet Attacks Fail sixty per cent of their sugar base AmUison-Shea Auxiliary, V. F. performed by the Army chaplain ambulance group when word is re­ 'Mmpetltion and poor manage­ ceived here. for the two-month period ending No. 2046, wlU hold a food sale at the Chico flying field where the Dec. 81. while Industrial users, ment The property whm the Fresh Sboinders Ib. 39c •alarday from 9:10 on, at the J. bridegroom is stationed at pres­ those who prepare food for con­ metal is located is now owned by Russians Wifi Battle of Ceaseless Allied Air O t- W. tiiOa eompany's store. AH ent. Charles Jacobson who for a num­ Cqly6s' Liver Ib. 39c I Germans Repulse Coun­ sumption off the premises, are al­ • —Herald Photo Ntizis S ee Bsombers iiro. resided to have Surprise Shower William J. Shields (above) of ber of years has been manufac­ M ode ' Armored Forces; So­ Arkansas Tornado fensive Taking Stead­ their donations in early. lowed seventy per cent for the ter-Attacks in Moun­ Frank Butler and Johnny Merx same period. 139 School street, for 58 years a turing mats and known aa the viet Troops Regain Au‘ ily Heavier Toll in took first and second prises at the For Bride-Elect Due to a sharp dscrcaaa in Cheney Brothers weaver, recently Standard Washer and Mat Ga Sausage Meat Ib. 39c tains North and South R ed Plana Robert T. Southergill of 84 Men’s Club card party at Pariah sugar supplies throug^iout the celebrated his 88th birthday as The scrap metal was offetod in other Height in West Axis Rear; American .North School street who has been Hall of St Bridget's church last the gueet of honor at a family the present drive for all such ma­ Sliced Bacon Ib. 39c Of Road to Tuapse; Takes 27 Victims nadergoing treatment at the Me* night. Mr. Butler was first-Tues­ Mias Margaret Hennequin of country, these percent^es repre­ sent s marked reduction from al­ party at the Villa Louisa. Mr. terial and the Kiwanlana decided Reds Try Vainly to F o r D rive Caucasus; Invaders Fighter Pilots Alone asorial ho^ital, wad removed yes* day-evening at the Firemen’s set­ Knighton street was the honor Shields ta- the (fideet of a fanUly to try their hands at redeeming tertey to the Hartford hoepital. back tournament A goodly crowd guest at a surprise personal show­ lowance granted for the previous Force Retreat in Nal­ Mor. ^ 200 P er«« LaJjO r ^Down 22 of Enemy period. o f 11 brothers. some of it for the government Lamb Roasts Ib. 39c Break Out After Sup­ ^ youth mgs injured in a fail at attended theaKair. er given at her home last night. Yesterday Town Manager G. H. Injured as Storm Lev­ ^Ihe plant of the Hamilton'Propel* Miss Ruth Person of Norman Waddell Joined the workers and ply Routes Cut Off R e p o h R usbUuu Mtu$- chik Sector for Sec­ Fighters in Five Days ler company where he is employed. Reservations will close tonight street was the hostess, assisted by sale. Mrs. Ernest Morse will have with him waa Fred Lewie, grbo op­ Veol Roasts Ib. 39c a table of Cibrlstmaa sprays and B ath’s ing *Powerful Shock ond Successive 'Day. els M ore .T han H alf With Loss of Only Two for the family dinner Sunday at the mother of the guest of honor, Date Schedule<l erated the acetylene torch. Next By Axis Forces. Decision Not Commander Clarke ‘of the w reaths and Mrs. Maurice Trun- t n 12:80 at the Center Congrega­ Mrs. Louis Hennequin. About Simday afternoon another crowd Armie»* to Break F i l - O f ^ovon O sarks. Asmrlran Legion, BiU Pitkin and tional church. Mrs. C. K. Burfi> twenty-five friends and relatives tenltser another with greeting of Klwants members have prom­ Minced Ham Ib. 39c Moscow, Oct. SO.—(ff)— Cairo, Oct. 30.— (JP)— Brit­ M m Bverett Kennedy, who are on For Bean Supper cards and novelties. Berlin (From German ham, who is chairman, assures the from Hartford and this town at- ised to go over and tackle the Job. I Broadcasts), Oct. 30.—(A’)— . eb$k-Smohn$k, Line, Red Army tanks won a ttattle Berryville, Ark., 30.— Yet Reached ain’s Eighth Army has driv­ ■'Mm committee arranging for the parishioners that they will be wel­ tendedE- The Ways and Means commit* It has been estimated that there Dried Beef i lb. 45q en deeper into the Axis’ El . MaUown’eh Kiddies party Satur* come whether they attend en fam­ Mias Hennequin opened her tee is in charge of the November I The high command said to- of arm or^ forces to main­ (/P)— At least 27 Ever Ready Circle of Kings ia at least 50 tons of meUl that Alamein line defenses in con­ 'day mght are asking for volun* ily or singly. Children of pre­ glfta seated Under a beautifully supper and aato can be recovered. Large Roasting Chicken^ and |day that Russian counter-at- Bern, Swltxerland, O ct 80— (JT) tain Stalingrad’s defense were killed and more tiers to come over to the Legion school sgs will be served at a low decorated umbrella, made by Mrs. Daughters has set the date of -^German news agency reports lines and Soviet troops re­ Roosevelt Points to Pos* junction with a ceaseless Al­ Tuesday evening, November 17, I tacks in the mountains north 200 injured,' many critical! Homs tonight and help tie up fee and will be seated together in Harold Madden of Blgblow street.
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