e í The Belleville Times Thursday> Âugmi IÔ , Î9& 3 ^WíK4i^W:^;Ä^ÍSÄï:S^SSîWSSÎi®ï3¿ïïï5Sÿ:ïíï•X•^K•:<ir5K;ÍÍ!¡:ïS5ñ!SSSïSSS!5ÍÄ?¥5JÏ>SÏÏ■îW»!•y,.• fp lp K e Cìntesi Letters in Print 1 Golden iComments Publisher FRANK A. ORECHIO Another Businessman |;6 y James R. Golden Editor EDMUND CAPPARUCCI Just as the thermometer rose to un­ Social Editor Objects Police Move comfortable levels during the torrid & days of July and summer, so too, will HELEN MAGUIRE *■ the political temperature soar in Bel­ Advertising Coordinator To the editor: the details involved, otherwise, they li leville, which very well may serve as the CELESTE FEDERICO As a local-basinessm an operating “ - should not have voted on the matter. | deciding cockpit in tke-impending fall Jackie’s Corner,” I share the sentiments One was ¡eft with the impression that i election for the office 6f State Senator Published every Thursday. Production Manager of the Beüeviîle Chamber o f Commerce the men now entrenched in power don’t ; from the 30th legislative district of E§- The Times concerns itself DAVID SALATA and many other merchants of town in concern themselves with the wishes of • sex County, which pits Republican with p rin tin g information opposition to the proposal of the Town the Beileviiie business community nor • Ralph Salerno, a former Belleville lad with th e b e s t interest o f Annual Subscriptions: Commissioners to remove the police its people.,that they’re there to run the , who grew up In the Silver Lake section the resid en ts of Belleville. Regular: $12 Senior Citizens: $7 headquarters from its present location. township the way they want. Take it or | of town and now ap attorney, against Becauie-oLmy-concermbout th e leave ¡ft Th; public be damned. : the incumbent Carmen Orechio, Telephone: (201)759-3200 To Subscribe call 759-3200 adverse effect this move would have That is no way to rule. It begets ■ Democratic State Senate President and upon the protection and securitys,of all anger and resentments. In this country acting governor when Governor Kean the business establishments in the im­ the people have the final voice. These leaves the state. Sen. Orechio is the mediate area and the feeling of aban­ Commissioners have no option on their operator of the Nutley Travel Service, a donment of the governing officials of office, they can be removed. Nutley.native"and Mayor of the town. Excel lent A ppointm ent often discussed plans to rebuild the Respectfully submitted, Both are of Italian lineage. Orechio Washington Avenue business section, I Jackie Rega is 58, Salerno is 44. Ironically, they attended the AugustStfurneetingoTthe both like each other and call their oppo­ The Belleville Board of A word about,Dr. Greed — Commissioners. nent a “nice guy.” Carmen’s third Education this week appointed he was a public servant un­ I was much impressed by the argu­ senatorial term, because of a quirk in ments of spokespersons o f the Chamber a 32-year veteran of tn e Bel­ usually qualified for th e high Fire Department the State Constitution is an abbreviated of Commerce and others who expressed two-year stint which occasions his seek­ leville school system as position he held. Dr. G ree d wais angered resentment toward the Town ing re-election this year. superintendent of schools to understanding' of staff Commissioners for their complete dis­ Responsed Fast The Republicans concerned over the succeed Dr. JohnT.Creed, who problems, as well as focusing on regard for the wishes and interests of To the editor: Democratic control of both houses of recently was named the need for staff discipline. Dr. our local merchants. On July 6 at 3 a.m. our house caught the State legislature are concentrating superintendent of the Sparta Greed enjoyed the respect and Contrarily, I found distasteful the fire. on SenatoV ©rechio’s district in the apathetic indifference and evasive dis­ hopes of “knocking off’ the opposition school system. support of the Board of Educa­ The quick response and fast action interest of the Commissioners to the of the Belleville Fire Department saved party’s top man. They pih (heir strategy Michael Nardiello's appoint­ tion and equally so with the concerns of the merchants. Because our house from total destruction. They upon outspending the Orechio forces ment is effective in September. teaching staff. Commissioner Matthew Pica was ab­ worked very hard to keep the damage at and gloat over the ¡independent can­ His appointment was not unex­ The students and parents are sent, the questions of the Chamber of a minimum. didacy of Martin G.jScaturo, a former pected — for he served three beneficiaries of Dr. Greed's Commerce went unanswered. Thank you for your kindness and aid Essex freeholder and a Democrat, years under a great teacher — dedication to providing quality Since all five.Commissioners voted in our time of need. pointing to the slim margin of Senator to move the police station, all of them Orechio’s last victory, although, as assistant superintendent to education for the children of Mr. & Mrs? D. Bums should have had full knowledge of all 139 Bremond St. overlooking the popularity and voting Dr. John Greed. parents who are fortunate strength of Bloomfield councilman Nardiello is expected to con­ enough to recognize that Bel­ John Crecco, Orechio’s last opponent, tinue in the progressive ways leville is a class community. and the fact that the Senator also had established by Dr, Greed. independent democrats drawing votes in that election. The School Board should be Township Bulletin Board Dave Murray, executive director of congratulated for going within the Republican Legislative Campaign the system and rewarding a (items for the Belleville Bulletin sioners caucus meeting. — Town Committee, a union of the Republican 1 deserving employee through Board may,be sent to P.O . 56, Bel­ Hall. national and state committee^ and key ■ the promotional process. It leville, N.J., dropped off at 800 8 p.m. Board of Commissioners legislative Republicans, said the GOP is ■augurs Well fo r the morale of its Bloomfield Ave., N u tle y , or regular meeting. — Town Hall. prepared to spend "whatever it takes to ■staff. telephoned to the Times/News at 8 p.m. Kqights of Columbus — win.” He doesn’t say how much that 759-3200. There is no charge for dlls 94 Bridge St. will be, but, they have already started public service. Belleville organiza­ 8 p.m. Elks Lodge 1123 meeting. with expensive form letters couched in tions are urged to list future events — Elks Lodge, 254 Washington Ave. snide allusions «to cronyism and well in advance so the weekly listing 8 p.m. Jr. Woman’s Club nepotism in politics coupled with in­ •jMyevents oan serve as a “clearing meeting, 51 Rossmore, PL ferences of supplying jobs to friends and Herbert Mercuri© "fliwse” for Other groups attempting to Asjcsmpanying the «Void conflicting dates.) sr).is¿u^endorsemer»l of J-r 11 e: jP ¿pvfi m I Herbert J. Mercùrio Sr., passion and law enforcement. Salerno's cancfidacyWHER Gbyerior ¡former Chief Sanitary inspector He'had the capacity to merge THURSDAY, AUGUST’It TUESDAY, AUGUST 8S along with a call of volunteer service and a financial contribution as well as a [for the Township of Belleville, both objectives to the satisfac­ 10 a.m. “ MakeA Butterfly Mes­ photo of Salerno’s family. [died last w e ek at the a g e of 68 10 a.m. ‘‘A Storytime for tion of the people who were sage Clip,” a library program' will All political campaigning traditions j— an age w h e n most peopleex- Children,” conducted by Mary Ellen subject to the laws of o u r com- be taught by Mary Ellen Baker in the Baker, will take place. — Belleville are being shattered by starting the race [pect to begin to enjoy th e fruits mu nity and yet enforce th e laws Children’s Room. — Belleville Library. before Labor Day. The well-heeled Republicans, in an expensive effort to ¡of the labors of their youth. for the benefit of our residents. » nibljc Library, 221 Washington 1 p.m. Senior Citizens’ Club. -$■ « help Salerno develop an identity with ¡Indeed, Mr. Mercurio was too Mr. Mercurio was a good and Ave. Franklin Avenue. 11 a.m. The films “Blind Bird" the voters, are using their well staffed lyoung to die. decent man, and an out­ Moose Club regular meeting — and “Teach Me to Dance” will be 22-28 Eugene PI. and financed organization to compen­ I As Belleville Chief Sanitary standing public servant. shown at the library, — Silver Lake sate for Orechio’s 12-year record of ¡Inspector for 16 years, M r. Mer­ Branch, 30 Magnolia St. achievement as Senator in the 30th curio did an outstanding job. Noon-1 p.m. The films, “ Shark” District. He was a dedicated public and “World In A Marsh” vyill be Murray justifies the strategy of big . shown. —- Library. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 84 spending on Salerno’s candidacy by employee serving in a difficult pointing out he is,a political unknown. post with great distinction. ■ 1 P-m. Senior Citizens’ Club Sponsored by Essex County Depart­ 9:30 a.m. Belleville Retired Men’s Salerno’s only previous political in­ Mercurio performed a job ment of Parks. — Belleville Avenue Club — Fewsmith Church, 444 volvement was the direct Republicans that required a balance o f com- m the park. Union Ave. for Congressman Jan Flprio, Gov. The Cen:i 6:30 p.m. Belleville Kiwanis Club ' for Environmental Kean’s Democratic opponent in the dinner meeting.
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