Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 1 (1976) 33--49 33 © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands S T A B I L I T Y O F R A Y L E I G H - - B E N A R D C O N V E C T I O N R O L L S A N D B I M O D A L F L O W A T M O D E R A T E P R A N D T L N U M B E R JOHN A. WHITEHEAD Jr. * and GERALD L. CHAN ** Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, U.C.L.A., Los Angeles, Calif. (U.S.A.) School of Engineering and Applied Science, U.C.L.A., Los Angeles, Calif. (U.S.A.) (Received January 5, 1976) ABSTRACT Whitehead Jr., J.A. and Chan, G.L., 1976. Stability of Rayleigh--B~nard convection rolls and bimodal flow at moderate Prandtl number. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 1: 33--49. Experimental observations of cellular convection between two rigid, horizontal, con- ducting boundaries are reported for two different cases. First, the stability of two-dimen- sional roll convection of various wavenumbers and Rayleigh numbers is investigated in fluids of Prandtl numbers 16 and 2.7. The results qualitatively agree with earlier observa- tions by Busse and Whitehead of fluid with Prandtl number 126 but they differ somewhat quantitatively. Second, the stability of the bimodal flow, consisting of two rolls of differing and perpendicular wavenumber, is observed to be stable for given bandwidths and ranges of Rayleigh numbers when the configuration of the bimodal flow, consisting of two sets of rolls at right angles, is flawless -- without any disruptions in the periodic matrix. The stability range differs from earlier experiments and from our own experiments in which the bimodal planform is uncontrolled. INTRODUCTION F r o m the t i m e t h a t the e x p e r i m e n t s of B~nard (1901) were first r e p o r t e d , it has been k n o w n t h a t a h o r i z o n t a l layer of fluid heated f r o m b e l o w exhibits strikingly simple g e o m e t r i c a l c o n v e c t i o n p a t t e r n s when the t e m p e r a t u r e dif- ference is raised above a certain critical value. On the basis of o b s e r v a t i o n s of the change of slope of the heat flux vs. t e m p e r a t u r e , Malkus (1954) p r o p o s e d that the c o n v e c t i o n liberated progressively m o r e and m o r e c o n v e c t i o n m o d e s with increased t e m p e r a t u r e difference across the layer, and suggested t h a t the c o n v e c t i o n s y s t e m is an ideal subject for t u r b u l e n c e investigations because the progressive transitions can be investigated in detail. In the interior of the earth, in the ocean, and in the a t m o s p h e r e , such c o n v e c t i o n occurs, o f t e n in a relatively s t r u c t u r e d manner, y e t little is k n o w n of the details of h o w these structures c o m e a b o u t . * Present address, Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic In- stitution, Woods Hole, Mass. (U.S.A.). ** Present address, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass. (U.S.A.). 34 Recent studies into the geometric form of convection confirm the consis- tency of Malkus' original hypothesis. Although the convection above the critical Rayleigh number consisted of two-dimensional roll-like cells, Busse (1967) showed theoretically that the roll-form of convection cannot exist above a Rayleigh number of approximately 22,000 because rolls at right angles grow. The flow was observed to become three-dimensional by Krishnamurti (1970a) and this transition was accompanied by a change in the slope of the heat-flux curve. The three-dimensional pattern was observed to consist of two sets of rolls lying at right angles and of different wavelength by Busse and Whitehead (1971), and this pattern has henceforth been called bimodal flow. Further studies by Krishnamurti (1970b) and by Willis and Deardorff (1970) reported a gradual transition to time-dependent flow in large Prandtl number fluid in the Rayleigh number range between 60,000 to somewhat over 100,000. Krishnamurti further observed accompanying changes in the heat-flux curve. Recent studies by Busse and Whitehead (1974) show a much clearer transition to a time-dependent flow when the geometry of bimodal flow is carefully controlled. The purpose of the present paper is to report the results of further studies of the stability of convection rolls and bimodal flows for various Prandtl numbers, wavenumbers, and Rayleigh numbers. To this end we first describe observations of the stability of roll convection for silicon oil with a Prandtl number of 16 and hot water with a Prandtl number of 2.7 and such transitions have been observed by us to behave qualitatively like the transitions predicted by Busse for fluid with infinite Prandtl number, and observed by Busse and Whitehead (1971) in fluid with a Prandtl number of 126. Secondly, we inves- tigate the stability of the bimodal flow for fluid with a Prandtl number of 126 and we find that the bimodal flow is stable in a given volume in Rayleigh number, and two wavenumber space. To accomplish these observations the experimental technique of Chen and Whitehead (1968) was used to generate roll and bimodal convection consisting of parallel planar rolls of a specified wavelength as an initial condition. It was found that the instability of convection in a perfect bimodal planform, that is, one consisting of two sets of planar rolls at exactly right angles without any flaws in the bimodal matrix, has stability properties unlike those reported by Krishnamurti (1970b) or Willis and Deardorff (1970). It was found, how- ever, that when the bimodal pattern was not "perfectly flawless," as is always the case when initial conditions of the convection are not controlled, a new convection pattern grew at the flaw regions, which appears to possess the os- cillatory properties reported in the above papers. We believe that this is evi- dence that such an instability does not grow from background noise in the bi- modal flow, and hence that a transition to oscillations will not be predicted by a linearized stability analysis in the ranges observed here. THE EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS Two convection chambers of different sizes but similar designs were used in the present experiments. The larger chamber was used for Rayleigh numbers 35 above 10,000 in the Pr = 16 and the Pr = 126 case whereas the rest of the experiments were done with the smaller apparatus. A schematic diagram of the larger apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of two water channels, one placed horizontally above the other at a precise spacing, thus leaving a middle channel in between the two, which is filled with the working fluid. The bottom channel has a dimension of 100 × 91 c m 2 and is bounded by a one-half-inch-thick piece of plate glass below, and a one- quarter-inch piece of plate glass above. The top channel has a dimension of 80 × 80 c m 2 and is bounded by one-quarter-inch-thick pieces of plate glass. It is held in place by four brass brackets at its four corners. Although glass has about 5.6 better heat conductivity than the silicon oil, and 1.5 better conductivity than water, there is no other material which has higher thermal conductivity and meets the requirements of transparency and economy. In the water channels the circulating water is thermally regulated. The water in the two channels is drawn from two separate units of constant-tem- perature water baths which are capable of delivering up to five gallons of water per minute at any desired temperature between room temperature and 100 ° C. The thermostats in these baths maintain the water at a constant tem- perature to within a few hundredths of a degree Kelvin. Since the water in the two channels serves as the thermal boundary for the convection layer, it is essential that its flow be spatially homogeneous. A distributor is used both at the inlet and the outlet such that the flow may be as close as possible to being parallel. For the same reason, a rather high flow rate is employed, thus eliminating the possibility of a significant temperature gradient between the inlet and the outlet. The one-quarter-inch glass plates bounding the channels are not sufficient in strength to remain flat while supporting the weights of the fluids and their own weight. A counter pressure system is necessary to maintain the hydrostatic head in the lower, middle, and upper channels con- stant to 1 mm.
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