GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Today will be partly cloudy and slightly damp­ thundershoweQ, that is, Don't stray too far without owan a raincoat. Clearing and cooler tonight. r.tabu.hecll868 Vol. 78, No. 273-AP Newa and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Thursday, August 8, 1946-five Centa BYRNES IN DEEP CONTEMPLATION Dean McGrath Polio ')[0 Tour Reich , ' ~cho6r System Ep.idemic Stage * * * Dean Earl J . McGrath of the college of liberal arts wlll go to the American occupation zone in Europe the week of Aug. 19 as a member of a state department Areas mission which will inspect the I'n Some German schooi system. John H. Hilldring, assislant -ec­ r relary of slate, yesterday con­ Truman Supp rfers Hail Slaughter's Defeat firmed the fact that Dean Mc­ Worst Wave Grath would go on the mlsslon. Official announcement of the trip As Endorsement of Administration Policies wllJ not be made until each of the men asked to serve on the mission B7 D. HAROLD OLIVE. will be Albert L. Reeves Jr .. nom­ Of Disease has accepted or declined the state Polltlesl Reporter Inated without opposition. Reeves, department appointment. President Truman's supporters SECRETARY OF STATE James F. Bnnes (left) reat. h" cblll oa hit band al he IIateu to a speech also a veteran, is the son of a Since the trip will take only at. a mediI1&" of the cenerat aaaemblY of the peace conference III Luxemboarr Palace, Parlt. At. r"ht yesterday hailed the defeat ot three or four weeks, Dean Mc­ Is J_mes Dunn, .....lant lecreur.J, of llate. (AP WIREPHOTO) Rep. Slaughter (D., Mo.) for re­ long-time federal district judge in Since 1916 Grath will return to his duties nomination In Tuesday's primary Missouri. here about the time the fall ses­ *** *** *** as a sign of endorsement of ad­ A second congressman-Ralph sion ol'ens, Sept. 23. President ministration poliCies. H. Daughton (D., Va.)- was de­ IIr T"~ 80(,IAT&D PRESS Virgil M. Hancher said yesterday Thc presldcnt, the CIO-PAC, The worst wave of infantlle feated In the Tuesday balloting in that Dean McGrath has been Peace Conferen'ce Asks Former and tbe Pendergast pOlitical or­ paralysis si nce 1916, reaching granted permission to leave his . ganization of Kansas City backed Ix states, bringing to 14 the total epidemic proportions in some lo­ university post temporarily and Enos A. A)C;tell, 37-year-old atlor­ house members thus far failing of calities, has struck scattered sec­ that Prof. Walter F. Loehwing, ney and navy veteran, who de­ renomination. Thirteen of them tions of Ule soutb, west and mJd­ head of the botany department, Enemy 10 Participate feated Slaughter by an unofficial dlewest. OPA Permits Nations are DemOC~3ts. Five senators will serve as aeling dean during 2,301 votes in a tolal of 42,880. Health authorities took sleps to his absence. The vote W8'S Axtell 19,878; have lost out. check the spread of the disease A state department source said PARIS (AP)-The 2 I-nation By JOSEPH DYNAN amendment which said the United Slaughter 11,577, and Jerome While the CIO-PAC backed a as lhe United S lates public health Hike in Canned yesterday that the trip to Ger­ European peace conference yes­ Nations rulES would be the guide Walsh 5,425. winner in the nationally-watched ser vice reported a cumulative to­ Missouri fifth di strict, II last In many would be in line with' a terday Invited lIve former enemy had preceded final adoption of a "on all questions of procedure" not Axtell's Republican opponent lal of 5,454 cases throtJghout the slmllar mission 10 Japan several covered in conference rules. its effort to eliminate Senator nHlion, Includ ing all states but nations to participate in their de- British amendment provIding that Harry F. Byrd (D., Va.) who won months ago. Prof. C. II. McCloy of liberations beginning Saturday as recommendations botb of a two­ Adopt Procedure Rules West Virginia. Food, Prices lhe physical education dcpartment easily over Martin A. Hutchin­ This total compared with 29,000 the rules commJttee, putting aside thirds vote and a simple majority Rules on committee procedure son, Richmond attorney. Byrd and President Georgc Stoddard :H acrimony, moved with high speed wouid be submitted by the con­ cases in 1916, 2,013 for the same were adopted in quick succession Reveal Raid said he had been No. 1 on the the University of Illinois wcre and a show of harmony toward ference to the big four council period In 1945 and 3,992 in 1944. WASHINGTON (AP) - Prices and unanimously after the com­ labor organization's "purge ll:;t." hol1sewlves pay rot· canned corn, members of the mission to Japan. completion of its tasks. of foreign ministers. mittee, without dissent, approved The nexl worst year since 1916. Dean McGralh said that he had Further tabulations of Tuesday peas; tomatoes and tomato pro­ . Under an I\mendmcnt offered Ready to Report a Yugoslav proposal permitting votes showed these results: • • • ducts were ordered up one to two accepted the state department ap­ by United States Secretary of The committee cleared Its decks states neighboring Germany and On Secrel In some or the worst areas, poinlment 10 the m~ion and will State Byrnes and adopted unan- by 7:30 p. m., and was ready to MIssouri - Democratic senator­ the Dumber of c es rose \0 11) cents ,a can yesterday Lo make up Italy to present proposals direct,ly ial: won easily by incumbent lior ,subsidies which have been leave Saturday evening fot Wa~h­ imously by the committee, rep- report to a plenary session this times a. heavy as a. year aco. to the big (our without previous Frank P. Briggs, who had the dropped. ington, where he will discuss the resentatives of Italy, Romania, arternoon. reference to the council. • • • trip with state department offi­ Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland Senate Files blessing of the president. Repub­ In New England, some other OP A made the increases effec­ Yugoslavia wIthdrew a propo­ cials. The exact dales for the will be heard in the plenary ses- One flurry of argument came In lican senatorial: James P . Kern, eastern states and at least two tive immediately and IIlso raised sal to Invite Albania to attend the trip have not been telefjsed to slons of the conference as well a tina I move before the committee Kansas City attorney, won han- western slates reporled the inci­ price' ccllings one cent on 12-ounce plenary session at which Italy Is him, Dean McGrath said, but Ber­ as appear before committees. adopted principles for questions WASHINGTON (AP) _ The dlly. ..AIl .. I~ul)\bel"\t hou ~ e )Tlem­ dence of the disease was below packages of frozen corn and peas. to sta te her ease, atter British lin will be incluped on the inUn­ Show Strain not covered Qi' the conference's senate war investigating commlt- ' ben,' except jSlaughter, were re­ \a81. ~car. Sl)mf' ~\\et tl.te1l.'!> t~­ I\t the same tim ., the. Mency own rules. Delesate Hector MCNelJ saId it lIooclleli Qui price controls on fro­ erary. RIIIe!J committee members plain- tee disclosed last night thai It has nominated. porled the number of cases at ly showed the straIn of Tuesday's Chairman Paul Henri Spaak of was a question for the conference been furnished "the identity of Vlr&1nla - Democratic senator­ "about normal." zen and canned snap beans pack­ itself to decide. ed before last Ma rch 1. Price long and tempestuous session, Belgium had proposed, with the the Individuals" responsible for tal; won by Senator Byrd. Repub­ Epidemics we r e reported In ceiUngs on snap beans packed Gromyko Questions which broke up at 2:30 a. m. in support of Britain and the United Byrnes and Molotov joined In a mysterious, pre-dawn raid Ilcans nominated Lester Shields Minneapolis, an Arkansas county since that time were suspended a victory of the western powers States, that rules of the general asking unanimous action in the months ago upon its secret files Parsons, Norfolk attorney, in con­ and three Mississippi counties and several weeks ago. over the Soviet Union on a pro- assembly of the United Nations be adoption of the section on commit­ concerning the Garsson munitions vention last March. the Ohio stale health director Commiffee's Power cedural matter. applied to any questions not cov- tee procedure rules outlined In combIne. West Vlrc1nla-Democratlc sen- predicted an epidemic year unless The price increases on canned I However, neither Byrnes nor ered by the rules of this confer­ advance by the foreign ministers' lt withheld the names "for the atorial: won by Senator Harley M. a "sharp drop" was noted within and frozen vegetables meet terms NEW YORK (AP)-Russian Foreign Minister Molotov made ence. RussIa and Norway said council, and It was adopted with time being," but said It under- Kilgore. Republican: Thomas B. 10 days. of the new price control act. The delegate Andrei A. Gromyko yes­ any reference to the unprecedented the proposal was unnecessarY, but two amendments offered by the stood that the FBI had stepped Sweeney, former state senator. Ohio's heallh director urged law requires that When subsidies terday questioned the right ot a are cancelled, retail ceilings must diplomatic battle of words whicb it was adopted with a Russian American delegate. Into the case. Six Incumbent house members parents 10 keep children away United Nations membersh ip com­ be increased commensurately. The committee's statement de- renominated. from crowds. Some boys and giru mittee to ask information directly --------------------------------~.----------~--------------------- As a result, OPA said, number e1ared: Kansa_Republlcan Frank Carl­ con ven tlons were cancelled in from applying nations, including LouisIana and Mississippi and two sized cans of peas and toma­ "The committee has received son, United States house member, SovIet-sponsored A I ban i a and Former Japanese some 5w)mming.
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