Page 1 of 64 THE PARISH REGISTERS OF TWYFORD HAMPSHIRE 1626 to 1837 TWYFORD BURIALS - 1626 to 1837 - Revised 7 July 2008 Transcribed from a document produced and edited by M H Hughes, MA, DM - in 1966, and checked by Author against microfiche and origanal documents. Additional Notes added January to April 2008 Additional information has been added to the file from the 'Vicars Day Book' maintained by James Hodges Vicar for the period 1825 to 1848 Hampshire Record Office reference 64A 07 (A1 - A2) - Miscellaneous file Fiche numbers 774 to 780. Data examined and input onto a computer data base by B M Sullivan ACMA Telephone 01425 655827 Data only checked by Author. Notes 1 - Page No on the left of the document refer to M H Hughes page Numbers. ( Pages 1 - 3 Narrative - not printed) 2 - No on the left of the document - Each entry has been given a line Number to correspond with entries made by M H Hughes. 3 - Where M H Hughes has put a note on the line below an entry(ies) the note has been shown for completeness on the relevant line. 4 - Where from January 1813 M H Hughes has abbreviated an entry e.g. Lab for Labourer, psh for parish and T for Twyford this has now been amended in line with the original entry. 5 - Some minor errors have been found in M H Hughes transcript and these have been amended accordingly. 6 - The Page and Number on the right of the document refer from 1813 to the original entries in the Parish Register from that date. 7 - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document by checking against M H Hughes' original document, and the origianal documents held by Hampshire Archives and Local Studies, Hampshire Record Office, Winchester the Author cannot be held responsible for any errors. 8 - If you wish to use the information you should always check back to the original documents held on microfiche at Hampshire Record Office, Winchester 9 - The Author would be pleased if you could notify him of any errors in this document. Acknowledgement:- HAMPSHIRE ARCHIVES AND LOCAL STUDIES, HAMPSHIRE RECORD OFFICE, Winchester, SO23 8TH. Prepared by Bernard and Jo Sullivan 10/08/2008 Page 1 Page 2 of 64 Page Christian Page Number Number Date Year Surname Age Abode Remarks Vicar Parish MHH Name Parish Register 111 1 19.10.1626 1626 Pryor George son of John Twyford 111 2 13.03.1626 1626 Richards Edward son of Mr Edward Twyford 111 3 15.05.1627 1627 Hooker John Twyford 111 4 30.09.1627 1627 West the wife of Henrie Twyford 111 5 12.12.1627 1627 Heath Jane Twyford 111 6 23.01.1627 1628 Tee Steven Twyford 111 7 18.02.1627 1628 Chicke Alice Twyford 111 8 06.04.1627 1628 Kinge Tho son of Thomas Twyford 111 9 16.04.1627 1628 Hooker John son of Joan Twyford 111 10 28.08.1628 1628 Smyth Thomas killed with the fall of a cart Twyford 111 11 03.11.1628 1628 Grover Jane the wife of Nicholas Twyford 111 12 26.03.1629 1629 Collins Thomas son of Christopher Twyford 111 13 28.03.1629 1629 Owldfield Rowland Mr Twyford 111 14 12.04.1629 1629 Cox Margerie the wife of William Twyford 111 15 08.05.1629 1629 Taylor Margaret the wife of ? (Name omitted) Twyford 111 16 09.07.1629 1629 Rutter James son of William Twyford 111 17 01.08.1629 1629 Dibden Robert son of Robert Twyford 111 18 12.08.1629 1629 Langford Peter son of the widowe Twyford 111 19 27.12.1629 1629 Glaspoole Phillip son of George Twyford 111 20 27.12.1629 1629 Robbinson Elizabeth Twyford 111 21 04.01.1629 1630 Wilkins Phillip Twyford 111 22 05.01.1629 1630 Littlefield James Twyford 111 23 03.03.1629 1630 Mallard the widowe Twyford 111 24 21.03.1629 1630 Glaspoole Robert son of George Twyford 111 25 25.03.1630 1630 Noyse the widowe Twyford 111 26 22.04.1630 1630 Grover Nicholas Twyford 111 27 16.05.1630 1630 Cooper Marie the wife of Richard Twyford 111 28 18.05.1630 1630 Raynols Thomas Twyford 111 29 26.05.1630 1630 Noyse Benjamin Twyford 111 30 19.07.1630 1630 Osborne the widowe Twyford 111 31 14.11.1630 1630 Midleton Roger Twyford 111 32 21.12.1630 1630 Smyth Embleme Twyford 111 33 22.12.1630 1630 Beane Anthonie son of Anthonie Twyford 111 34 23.12.1630 1630 Jennings the wife of John Twyford 111 35 17.05.1631 1631 Oldfield Rowland Mr, the elder Twyford 111 36 29.05.1631 1631 Wellen the widowe Twyford 111 37 02.06.1631 1631 Hatut John Twyford 111 38 11.06.1631 1631 Smyth Hester the wife of William Twyford 111 39 23.07.1631 1631 Collins the widow Twyford 111 40 30.07.1631 1631 Basset the wife of Richard Twyford 111 41 09.04.1632 1632 Sutton Ann daughter of Richard Twyford 111 42 18.04.1632 1632 Ginninges John Twyford 111 43 27.05.1632 1632 Basset Dorothie daughter of Richard Twyford 111 44 28.05.1632 1632 Smyth the wife of Robert Twyford 111 45 07.07.1632 1632 Collins Elizabeth wife of Thomas Twyford 111 46 27.12.1632 1632 Trigg ffrancis Twyford 111 47 13.01.1632 1633 Littlefield the wife of Bernard Twyford 111 48 29.01.1632 1633 Shoveler the wife of Thomas Twyford 111 49 05.02.1632 1633 Light Stephen Twyford 111 50 05.04.1633 1633 Futcher Walter Twyford Prepared by Bernard and Jo Sullivan 10/08/2008 Page 2 Page 3 of 64 Page Christian Page Number Number Date Year Surname Age Abode Remarks Vicar Parish MHH Name Parish Register 111 51 11.09.1633 1633 Tarrant the wife of John Twyford 111 52 03.10.1633 1633 Churcher the wife of John Twyford 111 53 02.02.1633 1634 Smyth Elizabeth the wife of William Twyford 111 54 04.03.1633 1634 Pitfall the wife of Christopher Twyford 112 1 11.06.1634 1634 Noyse the wife of Richard Twyford 112 2 13.06.1634 1634 Noyse Joane daughter of Richard Twyford 112 3 05.07.1634 1634 Ratliefe Elizabeth widow Twyford 112 4 16.07.1634 1634 Beane the widowe Twyford 112 5 07.08.1634 1634 Smyth Richard Twyford 112 6 14.11.1634 1634 Segar Thomas Twyford 112 7 26.11.1634 1634 Thaye the wife of Moses Twyford 112 8 24.02.1634 1635 Canninges the wife of John Twyford 112 9 18.03.1634 1635 Welch Ralphe Twyford 112 10 04.08.1635 1635 Hide Margaret wife of Mr George Twyford 112 11 29.08.1635 1635 Barber John Twyford 112 12 25.10.1635 1635 Poole John Twyford 112 13 07.12.1635 1635 Richards Cicilie daughter of Sir Edward Richards Knight Twyford 112 14 05.01.1635 1636 Hide Marie widowe Twyford 112 15 09.02.1635 1636 Oldfield Alexander sonn of Mr Alexander Twyford 112 16 09.05.1636 1636 Smyth James a stranger who died suddenly at Albrooke Twyford 112 17 28.06.1636 1636 Colebrook Richard son of Richard Twyford 112 18 24.07.1636 1636 Basset Richard Twyford 112 19 08.08.1636 1636 Pitfall the widowe Twyford 112 20 26.09.1636 1636 Richards Elizabeth daughter of Sir Edward R Knight Twyford 112 21 24.10.1636 1636 Wilkins the wife of Thomas. Two children still borne Twyford 112 22 19.02.1636 1637 Churcher Ann the wife of Roger Twyford 112 23 25.05.1637 1637 Charker Ide daughter of Thomas Twyford 112 24 28.06.1637 1637 Wilkins Thomas Twyford daughter of Anthonie - MH Hughes recorded 112 25 13.08.1637 1637 Snowe? Jane name as Snow Twyford 112 26 00.00.1637 1637 Beare Gilbert son of Gilbert - entry scored Twyford 112 27 20.09.1637 1637 Beare Joane wife of Gilbert Twyford 112 28 24.12.1637 1637 Rutter Jane daughter of William Twyford 112 29 14.01.1637 1638 Langford William Senior Twyford son of John - MH Hughes recorded name as 112 30 04.02.1637 1638 Tarrant? John Farr Twyford 112 31 18.02.1637 1638 Smyth Robert Twyford 112 32 23.02.1637 1638 Charker Joseph son of Henrie Twyford 112 33 02.03.1637 1638 Ekon widowe Twyford 112 34 05.03.1637 1638 Leyborne widow Twyford 112 35 13.03.1637 1638 Richards Jane daughter of Sir Edward Richards Knight Twyford 112 36 28.03.1638 1638 Light Alice widow Twyford 112 37 29.03.1638 1638 Smyth Nicholas Twyford 112 38 21.03.1638? 1638 Beare John MH Hughes recorded date as 29 March 1638 Twyford The Lady Susan, dyed Aprill 19th - recorded 112 39 19.04.1638 1638 Seymour Susan date of Death not burial Twyford 112 40 13.05.1638 1638 Inwood the widow Twyford 112 41 14.06.1638 1638 Churcher the wife of William Twyford 112 42 16.07.1638 1638 Keene als Cowdry Ann daughter of Thomas Twyford 112 43 19.08.1638 1638 Collins Thomas Twyford 112 44 27.08.1638 1638 Singleton John Twyford Prepared by Bernard and Jo Sullivan 10/08/2008 Page 3 Page 4 of 64 Page Christian Page Number Number Date Year Surname Age Abode Remarks Vicar Parish MHH Name Parish Register 112 45 27.08.1638 1638 Hadley Elizabeth daughter of Moses Hadley vicar Twyford 112 46 08.09.1638 1638 Hadley John son of Moses Hadley vicar Twyford 112 47 12.09.1638 1638 Hadley William son of Moses Twyford 112 48 13.09.1638 1638 Langford the widowe Twyford 112 49 04.10.1638 1638 Smyth Ann daughter of William Twyford 112 50 05.10.1638 1638 West Thomas Twyford 112 51 11.10.1638 1638 Madlin Susan wife of John Twyford 112 52 15.10.1638 1638 Beaman the wife of Richard Twyford 112 53 07.11.1638 1638 Colebrooke Richard Twyford 112 54 07.11.1638 1638 Visson Alice Twyford 112 55 18.11.1638 1638 Singleton Richard Twyford 112 56 20.11.1638 1638 Pitfall Richard Twyford 112 57 28.11.1638 1638 Madlin John Twyford 112 58 04.12.1638 1638 Singleton John the younger Twyford 112 daughter of Thomas - (this entry has been 59 16.12.1638 1638 King Margaret added at the foot of the page in another hand) Twyford 112 60 01.01.1638 1639 Smith Austin son of William Twyford 113 1 14.01.1638 1639 Harrison Katherine a Strainger Twyford 113 2 16.01.1638 1639 Cossen John son of Thomas Twyford 113 3 01.03.1638 1639 Darre Leonard son of Leonard Twyford 4 113 30.03.1639 1639 Beare Elizabeth widowe - widowe not recorded by MH Hughes Twyford 113 5 15.04.1639 1639 Hide Anthonie Twyford 113 6 16.04.1639 1639 Colebrooke the widow Twyford 113
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