Consultative Dialogue Framework Acronyms Consultative Dialogue Conclusion Introduction Framework How to Use the CDF Overview of the CDF The 4 C’s: Coordinate, Collaborate, Consult & Contribute CDF Consultative Dialogue Framework CSO Civil Society Organisation EABC East African Business Council EAC East African Community EACJ East African Court of Justice EACSOF East African Civil Society Organisations’ Forum EALA East African Legislative Assembly MoU Memorandum of Understanding NGO Non Governmental Organisation PSO Private Sector Organisation Acronyms The East African Community (EAC) is the regional inter- ii) EAC Core Values governmental organization made up of the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and the United Republic The core values are professionalism, accountability, trans- of Tanzania. The Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC was parency, teamwork, unity in diversity and Allegiance to EAC signed on November 30th, 1999 in Arusha, and came into force Ideals. on July 7th, 2000. iii) EAC Objectives i) EAC Vision and Mission The objectives of the Community shall be to develop The vision of the EAC is a prosperous, competitive, secure policies and programmes aimed at widening and deep- and politically united entity. Its Mission it to widen and ening co-operation among the Partner States in political, deepen Economic, Politicial, Social and Cultural integra- economic, social and cultural fields, research and technology, tion in order to improve the quality of life of the people of defence, security and legal and judicial affairs, for their mu- 1 East Africa through increased competitiveness, value added tual benefit. production, trade and investments. 1 The particular areas of integration are detailed in Article 5(2) and (3) of the EAC Treaty which is also available at www.eac.int/treaty Introduction 7 iv) Benefits of regional integration at all levels: Partner States, individual, companies, profes- Following on the above and in order to implement Articles 1276, sional associations, groups, NGOs and other interest groups 1287 and 1298 , the EAC Secretariat developed a Consultative The Community is meant to widen and deepen cooperation like women and youth among others. The activities shall be Dialogue Framework (CDF) where key representatives from among the Partner States in the economic and social fields for as many as possible like trade, transport, farming, banking, the Partner States, private sector, civil society organizations, the benefit of the citizens of the region. For instance, through tourism, fishing, mining, sports, youth and women programmes professional organisations and other interest groups agreed on the EAC Common Market Protocol, citizens of East Africa will and many others. a comprehensive framework for dialogue. Consequently, the benefit from free movement of labour and persons, free CDF for Private Sector and Civil Society in the EAC integration movement of services, harmonisation of the legal framework process was adopted by the 26th Meeting of the Council of for capital markets (common goals approach), free move- The Treaty stipulates:4 Ministers.9 ment of capital; strong institutions to monitor decisions and “The Secretary General shall provide the harmonisation of monetary and fiscal policies. forum for consultations between the private sector, civil society organisations, other interest groups and appropriate institutions v) Treaty provisions for Private Sector, Civil of the Community”. 1 Article 7(1)(a) Society and other interest groups participation 2 Article 7(1)(d) 3 Article 7(1)(g) 5 The Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC underscores peo- The Treaty also obligates the Council of Ministers to: 4 Article 127 (4) ple-centered and market-driven cooperation and emphasizes “establish modalities that would enable 5 Article 129 (2) multi-level participation and the involvement of a wide range the business organisations or associations, 6 Article 127 of stakeholders in the process of integration.2 professional bodies and the civil society 7 Article 128 8 Article 129 in the Partner States to contribute effectively 9 Council of Ministers held in Nairobi, Kenya on 26th November 2012 (EAC/CM26/DECISION 06) The Treaty also mentions the principle of complementarity3 to the development of the Community”. whereby people will participate in the Community activities 8 9 The CDF is a structured guide aimed at ensuring inclusive and 3) Provide a structured framework for consultation consultative participation of the Private Sector, Civil Society, between EAC, Partner States, Civil Society, Private Sector Professional Associations and other interest groups on the one and other interest groups on the EA integration process. hand, and the EAC on the other, towards realizing the Commu- nity objectives and promoting a people-centered and market- 4) Provide an enabling environment for PSOs , CSOs and driven integration process. other interest groups to participate in the EAC integration process and discussions. i) CDF Objectives 5) Establish clear and effective communication and The objectives of the dialogue between the Civil Society, Private feedback mechanisms between EAC Organs/Institutions/ Sector and other interest groups on the one hand and EAC on Partner States and Civil Society organisations, Private the other hand shall be to: Sector and other interest groups on the EAC integration process. 1) Allow CSOs, PSOs, other interest groups and EAC 6) Enhance coordination and harmonisation of positions to consultatively work towards realising the Community by Civil Society, Private Sector and other interest groups in objectives and promote a people-centred integration the EAC integration process. process. 2) Enhance and strengthen partnerships between CSOs 7) Strengthen the capacity of PSOs, CSOs and other and PSOs and with the EAC. interest groups to more effectively and meaningfully engage in the EAC integration process. Overview of the CDF 11 ii) CDF Principles • Unity in diversity • Cooperation for mutual benefit Various partners with different roles in the regional integra- All matters for dialogue must aim at deepening regional tion shall complement each other in deepening the regional integration for the benefit of all stakeholders; integration process; • Mutual respect, trust and goodwill • Accountability to stakeholders All partners shall strive to build respect, trust and good The partners shall be transparent and answerable to the working relationship; stakeholders with effective and clear mechanisms of sending feedback throughout the dialogue structure; • Constructive Participation All partners to the dialogue must be knowledgeable about • Evidence-based dialogue “with a focus of results” various regional integration issues; Dialogue shall be based on evidence with a view to arrive at agreed positions. • Inclusiveness Various stakeholders at different levels should be repre- sented in the dialogue structure; 13 How to Use the CDF National Consultative Framework Diagram The CDF provides an opportunity for the private sector, civil • National level consultative framework society and other interest groups to discuss their interests and opportunities in the EAC Integration process at the regional At the national level the national positions are envisaged to level. The actors at the national level are expected to channel be developed through consultations starting at grassroots their issues through their representatives to the regional level. level, eg Community Based Organizations (civil society) and branch level private sector associations (private sector), which should escalate to the district/provincial level and end up in the agenda of the national apex bodies. The national apex bodies are expected to channel the same issues to the regional apex bodies who then present the same to the office of the Secretary General and concequently other EAC policy making Organs. 16 17 Regional Consultative Framework Diagram • Regional level consultation • The Secretary General Forum At regional level the Consultative Dialogue Framework Stakeholders can meet and discuss critical issues in the requires CSOs/ PSOs and other interest groups to be integration process and they get an immediate response organized through regional apex bodies. Currently East from the Secretary General and his team. This way, issues African Business Council (EABC) and East African Civil affecting any of the stakeholders are addressed in good Society Forum (EACSOF) are recognized as the apex bodies time, solutions identified and timelines set. The Secretary for the private sector and the civil society respectively. General is also able to take the issues as agenda for the The regional professional bodies are also identified as key Sectoral Councils, Council meetings and Summit meetings stakeholders for engagement with the Secretary General if necessary. This is referred to as the Secretary General’s although they are still largely thematic. Forum. 18 19 There exist other avenues for engagement aside from the CDF: Observer status; MOU (with the EAC Secretariat); Ad-hoc meetings with the EAC Secretariat; Public interest litigation with the East African Court of Justice (EACJ); Lobbying and advocacy with the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA). Conclusion 21 CONTACTS East African Community East African Business Council East African Civil Society EAC-GIZ Programme on (EAC) (EABC) Organizations’ Forum (EACSOF) Regional Integration Page 4 - INQUERIES: Cross Page 9 - BORDER IMMIGRA- Page 11 - CROSS BORDER Page 16 - FARMERS:
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