IJ Iir:ai-l=*r-1 oor o6, oo1 00 1 0(f 1 0() 01 cro1001 00 pdl pn$ ilfrr{rq TAMTLNADU 1i1 ' BH9 628 4 iMAR ? rulB N^tc^rrlt; rTtr,,",,1 AN / ,*rPuJ Ii: ilo .7 /83/97 No.27, Arn /*':r,.ai'Nagaf, FORM 26 Kllpauk, Ch rrrte i - 60C 010. (See rule 4,A.) Cell : 9840rs tt$t / 8807gOA+i6 I AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONG WITH NOMINATION PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR ELECTION TO LOK SABHA (NAME OF THE HOUSE) FROM 4.CITENNAI CENTRAL constituency (Name of the constit PART-A I, DAYANIDHI MARA\ son/daughte#w#bof MURASOLI MARAN Aged 52 years' resident of No.4, SECOND AVENUE, BOAT CLUB ROAD, R.A. rr rr vvvv4u, a4 candidatevolllll at the !llu^Y1l-6_09.028, above erection, do hereby soremnry affirm and state on oath as under:- (1)I AM A CANdidAtE SEt UP bY DRAVIDA MT'NNETRA KAZHAGAM (DMK) (*TNAME political pu.ty)/** Of thE . (**strii<e ort *ii.t"uer is not applicable) (2)MV NAME iS ENTOIIEd iN 25, MYLAPORE ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY, TAMIL (Name NADU of the constituency and the State), at serial No.l069 in part No.l2 (3) Mv contact telephone number(s) is/are 044-24371515 and my email id (if any) is @ and my social media account(s) (if any) is/are ACCOTINT: WWW.TWITTER.DAYANIDHI MARAN * B]W /s, MI (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income Tax return: sl. Names PAN The financial year Total income shown in No for which the last Income-tax return (in Income-tax return Rupees) for the Last has been filed Five Financial Years completed (as on 3lst March) 20t7-20 8 Rs. 2,83,68,8201- 2016-20 7 Rs. 2,56,76,5401- DAYANIDHI MARAN- 1 AGRPMISOOD 20r5-20 6 Rs. 2.36,56,3001- SELF 2014-20 5 Rs. 2,05,08,2801- 20t3-20 4 Rs. 1"72.14,7701- 2017-20 8 Rs. 60.62.2401- 20t6-20 7 Rs. 63,53,0201- PRIYA DAYANIDHI AKYPD2SlOR 2015-20 6 Rs.67.41.1601- SPOUSE 2014-20 5 Rs. 65,55,600/- 2013-20 4 Rs. 60,37,6201- NOT APPI,ICABI,E NOT APPI.,ICABt,E NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPI,ICABI,E HUF (lf Candidate is NOT APPLICABLE NOTAPI'LICABLE t. NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NO'I'APPLICABLE Karta/Coparcener) NOl' API'LICAISLE NOT APPLICAI]LE 2017-2018 Rs. 35,76,684/- KARAN DAYANIDHI CLYPK7427H 2016-20r'1 Rs. 37,89,2751- 4. MARAN - SON- DEPENDENT.I 2015-2016 Rs. 38,1 9,0771- 2014-2015 Rs. 33,18,8921- 2013-2014 Rs.31,41,858/- (TOTAL TNCOME FOR THE ABOVE FINANCIAL YEARS HAVEBEENCLUBBED WITH DAYANIDHI MARAN'STOTAL TNCOME) NOTAPI'LICAtsLts NO1" APPt,ICABT,E] 5. DEPENDENT _ 2: NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NO'I' APPt.,ICABI,L, NOT APPLIC'ABLE NOT APPLICABLE 6. DEPENDENT _ 3: NOT APPI.,ICARI,F, NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOTAPPLICABLE NOT,APPLICABLE Note: lt is mandatory for PAN holder to mention PAN and incase of no PAN, it should be clearly stated "NO PANALLOTTED". (5) Pending crirninalcases I declare that there is no pending criminal case againstme.Nor AppLtcABLE (Tick thi,s alternative i/'there is no criminal case pending against the Candidate andwrite NOT APPLICABLE eryainst alternative (ii) below) OR follow'ing criminal cases are pending against ^:/ ,ra q (If there are pending crimtnal cases against the candidate, then tick this alternative ctnd sc:ore off' alternutive (i) ctbove, and give details of all t pending cases in the Table helow) ^ax/L Table (a) FIR No. With rc/DST/2013 tAl001e \OT APPLICABLE {OTAPPLICABLE name and address ]BYSTF/DLI of PoliceStation ]R. SUPDT.OF POLICE, concerned ]BVSTF, NEW DELHI (b) :.C I2I2OI7,IN THE COURT {OT APPI,ICABLE {OT APPLICABLE Case No. with Name )F XIV ADDITIONAL of the Court ]PECIAL JUDGE FOR 3BI CASES, CHENNAI. IO4 (c) Section(s) of \OT APPLICABLE \OT APPLICABLE concerned s.l2oB(l), s.409, s.467, Acts/Codes s.471, s.477A OF rPC, involved (give no. s.l3(2), s.l3(r) c, s.l3(r) d of the Section, )F P.C.ACT I988 e.g. Section .......of lPC, etc.). (d) ALLEGEDLY USED NOT APPLICABLE \IOT APPLICABLE Brief description of offence IELEPHONE FACILITIES ABOVE THE ENTITILEMENT AND CAUSED LOSS TO THE EXCHEQUER ABOUT 1.79 SRORES. (e) Whether charges have NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE YES been framed (mention YES or NO) (0 lf answer against (e) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE above is YES, then give l0-0r-20r9 the date on which charees were framed (e) Whether any Appeal/ YES. NOT APPLICABLE \OT APPLICABLE Application for revision has been filed against the Proceedings (Mention YES or NO) (6) Cases ofbonviction (t) Ideclarethatlhavenotbeenconvictedforanycriminaloffence. (fick thi,s alternative, i/'the candidate has not been convicted and wr ite N OTAP P LICAB LE against al ternative (ii) below)t/ OR (it I have been convicted for the offences mentionedbelow: (If the canclidate has been convic(ed, then lick this alternative A nd s c or e olJ' al t ernat iv e ( i) ab ov e, And give details in the Table below): NOTAPPLICABLE Table (a) Case No. {OT APPLICABLE \OT APPLICABLE {OT APPLICABLE (b) Name of the Court {OT APPLICABLE VOT APPLICABT,E VOT APPLICABI,E (c) Sections of Acts/Codes VOT APPLICABLE \OT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE involved (6ive no. of the Section, e.g. Sect ion ... of IP C, etc.). (d) Brief description of offence NOT APPLICABLE lOT APPLICABLE \OT APPLICABLE for which convicted N Dates of orders of convicted \OT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE {OT APPLICABLE l0.\ Punishment imposed \IOT APPLICABLE \IOT APPLICABLE \OT APPLICABLE ffi (e) Whether any Appeal has been filed against \OT APPLICABLE \OT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE conviction order (Mention YES or No) (h) If answer to (g) above is YES, give details and NOT APPLICABLE {OT APPLICABLE {OT APPLICABLE present status of appeal /l Y-<et/t , l./,t 3 (6A) I have given full and up-to-date infonnation to my political party about all pending crirninal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs (s) and(6). [C'andidates to whom this ltem is not applicable should clearly v,rile NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN 5(i) and 6 (i),aboveJ Note: 1, Delails should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters 2. Delails to be given separately for euch cctse under dffirent columns agcrinst eachitem. 3. Details should be given in reverse clronological order, i.e., the latest case to be mentioned.first and bacrc*aards in the order of dates.for the other cases. 4. Adclitional sheet may be added if required. 5. Candidste is responsible.for ,supplying all information in complionce of Hon'bleSupreme Court's judgment in W.P (C) No. 536 oJ201l. (7) That I give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc.) of myself. my spouse and alldependents: A. Details of movableassets: Note: l. Assets in joint name indicating the extent ofjoint ownership will also have to be gir.en. Note: 2. In case of deposit/Investment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, date of deposit, the scheme, Name of the Bank/lnstitution and Branch are to be given Note: 3.Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per current market value in Stock exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non-listed companies should begiven. Note: 4. "Dependent" means parents, son(s). daughter(s) of the candidate or spouse and any other person related to the candidate whether by blood or marriage, who have no separate means of income and who are dependent on the candidate fbr their livelihood. Note:5.Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment Note: 6. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshoreassets. Explanation:- For the purpose of this Fonn, the expression "offshore assets" includes details of all deposits or investments in Foreign banks and any other body or institution abroad, and details of all assets and liabilities in foreign countries. sl. Description Self : Spouse: IIUF: Dependent-1: Depndent'2: DependentS: No. Dayanidhi Maran PriyaDayanidhi Karan Maran Dayanidhi Maran (i) Cash in hand as on Rs. 57,700/- Rs.60,130/- NII, NIL NIL NIL 25.03.20t9 d' o r.Nlrry = w-// \Srv-rvreD / sr. Description Self : Spouse : tIUF: Dependent-l: Depndent.2r Dependent3: NA Dayanidhi Maran PriyaDayanidhi Karan Maran Dayanidhi Maran ii) Details of deposit lalFIXED DEPOSIT llal FIXED DEPOSIT NIL [aIFIXED DEPOSIT NIL NIL in Bank accounts WITH CITY UNION lwtrg crrY uNroN WITH CITY LINION (FDRs, Term Deposits BANK LIMITED, I eaNr LrMrrED. BANK and all other types of MANDAVELI I nraxnavul LIMITED,MANDAV deposits including BRANCH CHENNAI IBRANCI] CHENNA] ELI BRANCTI Saving accounts), AS ON 12.03.2019. ns oN tz.o3.2ors. CI.IENNAI AS ON Deposits with Financial I 12.a3.2019. Institutions, Non- I r. pn No:20029623 Banking Financial l.FD NO:5462888 I or' rerotnor+ Companies and Co- DT:26llll20l3 xs.z.ts.tztr- . FDNO:20041751 operative societies and Rs. 16.01,148/- I DT:1210412014 the amount in each such Rs. 1,90,54,453/- | ,. ro No:2002e624 deposit. 2.FD NO: 5462907 ,c.nlrzot4 DT:2611112013 I or' nr. 2,7sJ2v- 2. FDNO:20069056 Rs. 16,01,148/- I I DT:31/10/2015 3. FD NO.20029625 Frs.2,02,99,6411- 3.FD NO: 5462917 | I ot: t9to8t2ot4 DT:2611112013 nr.
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