COMBINING, / The Summit Herald, Sunuuil Record, Summit Press and OFFICIAL Summit Newa-Guide Official Newspaper of City and Subscription $2.00 a Year County. Published Thursday A. M. by The Summit Publishing Co., 357 Telephone Summit" 6-1900 Springfield Avenue. Entered at the- Wailed in conformity with P. 0. D. Post Office, Summit, N. J., as 2nfl Order No. 19687. riERALD Class Matter. 54th Year. No. 37 FRED L. PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1943 J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 5 CENTS Army and Navy Give CIBA RECEIVES ARMY=NAVV "E" FOR WAR PRODUCTION IN CEREMONIES AT LOCAL PLANT Chairman Announces T Banner To CIBA Individual Leaders For Aid To Nation For Red Cross Drive Today's war is being waged ir Graham H. Brewer, chairman of defense of'% freedom so natural to the 1943 Red Cross War Fund our way of life that we scarcely ap- Drive, this week announced hid preciate it," Biig. Gen. S. U. Mar- committee of individual leaders. ietta of the Office oi" the Surgeon As was announced last week, General, said Friday afternoon as j Hairy T. Hamilton will serve as he presented the Army-Navy "B' ! vice-chairman «in charge of -solid-- Production Award to Ciba Pharma- i tations and special gifts and Law- ceutical Products, Inc, Lafayette j-renee J, MacGregor will be treas- park, Summit, at a ceremony at- ' urer. Individual leaders will bo tended by more than 1,000—includ- B. J. Clark, Fenton Johnston, Clin- ing military and consular represen- ton S. Van Clse, Lemuel Skidmore, tatives of ten United Nations. | Jr., K. F. Flindell, J. G. MacKeeh- "E" pins for employees were | nie, George N. Leuci, J. J. Hcavey, presented by Captain Reynolds j Alan B. Underbill, It. P. White, Hayden (M€). medical officer for | George F. Simpson, AlbeVt Roberts, the Third Naval District. Lowell I J. B. Bishop, H. H. Kimball, J. B. Thomas, radio commentator, au Whitley, Henry "W. Harding. Hor- thor and lecturer, acted as master ace W. Moody, KichardG. Mosor, of ceremonies. • Harvey E. Mole, Jr., John N. May, This freedom, Gen. Marietta s:iid. Jr., Alan A. Pott, Hichmond Tracy, consists of "the right to sp;ak as Donald Bourne, E. O. Von Dunn, we will, to read, work1 and live Stephen G. Kent and A. D. Welsh. •without fear of . dictators who Others will be announced later. would deny us the right to carve Chairmen of the various.division:-) our own destinies," include Oscar Frankel, business "Freedom," he continued, "is the and industrial divisions; Mrs. birthright of America. This is the Vreeiand Tompkins, booths; Mrs. freedom for which American sol- Pictured at the dinner for CIBA employees, lield at the Essex House., Newark niter the Shown above are Army and Navy Officials with members of the CIBA personnel holding, Paul Gadebuach, Jr., organizations, diera, sailors and marines fight on ceremonies at tlic Summit plant• nre (left to rif?lit) Arthur I. Kejiuer, CIHA, Montreal; Mile. Vohi (lie "K" flaiff prcspnteil to the local firm last Friday for excellence in production of vital medicaments schools, churches, etc.; Mrs. T. J. for the Armed Forces, From left to right arc Carinelo Terraiiova, CIBA employee; Wing Commander Summersby, Jr., publicity, with many fronts .throughout the 'world. Zorlnii, bnllerina,. who lias been active in campaigns for'..the Norwegian Relief Fund; J. ,1. Broilbcclt, 1 Men and women of CIBA, you have N. I'l icriiinii, I). S. (>., W.F.I ., It. A. F.; Brlp. Men. Shellej \V. Marietta, Medical Corps. l\ S. Army; J. ,1. Fred L. Palmer and Mrs. G,_.B. Caul, vice-president of CIBA, Summit, and Edward Bjkmski, first class pharmacist's unite, who was se- •been and will continue to play a Broilbeek, vice-president of CIBA, Summit; (apt. Reynolds Hayden, (.IK) I'. S. >'.; Miss Helen Danow, as vice-chairman; Mrs. John J. very important part in helping to verely injured wlien his ship, the cruiser Vinceiims, was sunk off the Solomons. control clieinist at'ciHA, and Sam Terranova, CIBA's oldest employee in point of service. Tennaut, special activities; Mrs. •win this . flglH--perhaps not as ' . l'li(>Iii by Tommy Wulicr I'hnto liy Tnmiiiy Welii-r F. A. Steele, records and supplies, spectacular a part as the soldier at with Mrs. F. B. Llewellyn as vice- the front, but a part just as impor- RED CROSS SUNDAY chairman. tant, "Without your efforts and Hew Raid Alarm City Catches Up Branch chairmen are Mrs. A. G. your ability to .produce those Summit Merchants Harms, New Providence Borough; Sunday, February 28, will lie Mrs. P. L. Procter, New Providence things necessary to maintain the Ked Cross Sunday, and the heurfth and provide treatment for Initial Test Here OUR TOWN Coordinate Efforts On Ash, Garbage Township; and Miss Grace Pollard, week-end of February 2(>-27 Passaic Township. the sick and injured, we could not will be Ked Cross Kiilihutlu(Mi win," I Summit's quota in the War Fund Proves Satisfactory those dales the clergymen of Collections | Drive has been set this year at Gon. Marietta recounted tjie ef- In Victory Drive THE RED CROSS ISSUE all churches have been asked ! $52,000, $22,000 of which will be forts made by CIBA in the produc- The initial test, Thursday • night Id speak on the work of I lie Daniel Gilinartin, chairman of-j Taking advantage of, the long I used in Summit. The drive will tion of sulfa drugs and other phar- of the now air raid alarm routine, We commend the next issue of The Summit Herald par- Ked Cross. > ,„ '- the Summit Victory Fund Cam- begin Sunday and will continue maceutical compounds necessary proved generally satisfactory in! ticularly to your attention. Eight special pages are being All members have beeir'asked ;W(jfik-end -created by Washington's not only to the health and well-be- paign was pledged the support of " to attend their eliurclies in Ked Birthday coming on Monday and j throughout the month of March, Summit, Friday's checkups with added—all having to do with the Summit Red Cross. In them Summit merchants in coordinating ing- of the, soldiers but of the civil- you will Md over forty pictures of Nurses' Aides, Motor Cross uniforms on the 'dates the pro-showing of Spring for the ians as well, When war came, he air raid precautions • personnel in- their efforts to the success of the mentioned. This applies' to past several clays, the Summit forthcoming April solicitations for said, production did not lag and thedicated Defense Council officials Gbrps, Home Service,. Firstr Aid..and all the, other.divisions and. every corps without exception* •scavenger service by working on Police Arrest Nine quality of the" products did not praised the "Kigli percentage of brandiiTSf tfiat'lrfeat American organization in this area. the fund at the annual dinner whether individuals appear iu Thursday night of the Chamber of Sunday caught, up with its ash, suffer compliance" with the new proce- We commend this issue to you because we think you will Hie regulation tailored uniform, garbage collections. dure, which drastically changes the Commerce at the Beech wood Hotel. or wash uniform with cap and . Charged With Thefts 'You have supplied mithy critical find it most interesting—one of the most interesting we have Only one incident, marred the (Continued on page Seven) variety of alarms and signals pre- President Gardner P. Eastman veil. viously used. published in a long time. You will get a word and photo picture of the chamber followed a short eolh.'clion. II occurred Saturday Full moonlight bathed the black- of the Red Cross here such as you may never have had before. address by Mr. Ollmartin by prorn- at the home of President Howard At McOrqgor Mfg. Co. :sinf,r to appoint a committee lo Bishop of the Human Ungineering Summit Invited out scene, preventing the stygian You may be surprised at the scope of its activities. looitlinate the efforts of the mc-r- With the arrest of nine men over darkness of other tests and dimin- Ration Book 2 Flow Foundation, M Prospect Hill ave- The,Red Cross in, Summit is more than twenty-five years chiMii H.- the week-end, Summit police be- ishing the effect of-the extremely mi«. Mr. Bishop had stored an ex- To First Showing old and we have reproduced one or two old pictures for you. Mr. Ciilmartin expressed to the hibit of the foundation in the base- lieve they have solved the .system- few violations which, on blacker diners appreciation, of the cooper- Starts; Applicants nights, would have seemed like fig- We want you tb be very much aware of the Summit Red ment of his home consisting as hejatic looting going on over the past urative "sore thumbs." Cross and its branches in New Providence, Passaic Township ative efforts and "whole hearted .said of "crutches people use to eor-j y«a'" and a half at McGregor'* Of New Use of radio ;broaclc!isty for the Give Cooperation ma nerve conditions!." Sportswear Manufacturing Co., •and Millington because beginning March 1st the local organ- chants in the December solicita- m m M ls avtmuc Stolcu ''all clear" signal caused some con- On coming to the Bishop home, ' °" • The Minister's Association is ization will set out to raise its largest wartime quota—$52,000. tions of the Summit Victory Fund goods valued at $1,050 have been fusion, too. Householders left their I lie scavenger col lectors asked Mrs. sponsoring the first showing in campaign. Starting off on a new war-time recovered.
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