DRIVE THE WESTFIELD LEADER SAFELY THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Second C WICSTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1965 Pu 30 P*ae»—10 Cent* Life in Suburbia Quimby St. was the scene of Columbus Takes Olympics Title Again 0 a real animal-life drama Tues- day morning when a non-dc- For the second year in a row Co-which highlights the summer play- Scoring fur the final and winning and equaling others were evenly bcrlpt, dirly white chicken, lumbus School i-ilaygrounders car- ground season. total consisted of th« field events as distributed among the various play- young in years, was stalked by ried off the victory plaque in the Columbus piled up 459 points to well as the points scored iu theground representatives. a hungry alley eat and saved Olympics Saturday at the Recreation lead the individual playfields in theOlympic parade conducted prior to The Olympic winners were as fol- • * ' ' i from the (laws of death when a Field on Railway Ave. A large crowd overall scoring- In second place was the athletic program. The results ot lows: Girls 60 yd. dashes 5-7: first, Leader printer gave the cat the was present for the program spon- Flanhiin with 358; Lincoln with 289 the judging put Jefferson in first B. Mulbolland, Lincoln, 10 sec; boot. sored by the Wvstfield Recreation was third; Tamaques with 286 wasplace; following in order were Co- second, JU. Mussman, Lincoln; third, Where the chicken came from Commission, and participated in byfmirth; fifth, Washington with 272; lumbus, Franklin, Wilson, Washing- J, Giamo, Tamaques; fourth, D. Git is a mystery but from its appear- children from nine playffeids- sixth, Wilson with 251; seventh, Jef- ton, Lincoln, Grant, Tamaques and Kan, Columbus, and fifth, S. Yearly, Franklin. Girls 8-X0: First, V. Mc- ance it must have been on the The number of entrants in Satur- ferson wish 243; eighth. Grant with McKiniey, road far a good many days. An- 155, and McKinley was ninth with 87 Olympic winners responsible for Allister, Columbus, 8.0 second*; sec- day's Olympics was the largest in I ond, P. KUb, Lincoln; third, D, other benefactor picked up the the 10 year history of the event points. cracking several previous records bird and planned to release it out in the country where it conld resume its nomadic wandering, EIM! o safe from suburbia's perils. ouncil Vacancy Delay Attacked £H THE STAHS—The Tempos-Statre band will present Hie concert tonight at 8:15 from the . MindowasJiln Park in the current scries of band cuitroris sponsored hy the Wrstficld Htrrea- By Candidate *ion. Tl>£ director ol the Tempos Is Keith MacDonald. Norman Wellen, democratic candi- date for council frcm the Third Park Tonight Ward, charged the Mayor and ma- jority of council with deliberately disregarding the rights of the resi- \There'll Be Music In The Air dents of the Third Ward. Mr. Wellen stated: Tonight at 8:15 in Mindowaskin Park the Tempos-Stage Band will "On May 25 Hotel* Cowles, the resent a concert sponsored toy the duly elected representative of the iVestfield Recreation Commission, Third Ward was required to resign this concert is another in the sum-due to a promotion and transfer by ner series held weekly in the Park his company. The residents of the The Tempos, made up of 20 area Third Ward chose Mr. Cowles be- toys who participate in tho Berkeley cause they believed in the programs ieigltts summer band school pro- for which he and bis party stood. ram, are taking a course in dance The Third Ward is entitled to a re- and music, the only one offered in presentative supporting those views, —Hull J HUM —Uwyt Taylor n; area. They arc directed by !rv- "I am seeking the scat, now held THE VICTORS—I'lnygroundi-rs nt Columbus School field were the g Former and Keith Mac Donald," by James Moran, an incumbent THE BEST JUMPERS—Smiling over their victories and trophies In victors In the town Olympics helct Saturday at the Itcrreotlon fteltl, councilman. Thus, I have no person- nd their concert will consist of pro- the boys 5-7 bread jmrip at the town Olympics Saturday arc Joe Gordon Booth, chairman of the Westfield Recreation Commission Is essional arrangements of the songs al interest in any appointment that shown presenting (he winners plaque to Joseph I'ellliMino, leader at liey play. may bo made to fill Mr. Cowies seat Berkowski, D. Robertson ami M. Sttllivun. Columbus Playground. other than to sea that a qualified The program witi include: "Fid- person supporting the views es- Smith, Columbus; fourth, M. Per- Girls Accuracy Roll, 7-5: First, M. Fifth, K. Brown, Lincoln; sixth, Gtama, Tamaques; third, B. Mttihol- i!cr on the RooE," "Spoonful of Supoused by Mr. Cowles is appointed. kowski, Tamaques; ftfilh, M. Hollo- MuUis, Lincoln, T9": second, L. J. Van Viiel, Franklin, 8-10: First, land, Lincoln; fourth, D. Gillian, Co. jar," "Java," "Biusette," "Near No serious effort has ueen made by way, Columbus, and sixth, K. Mor-Mussman, Lincoln; third, C, Tar-N. Mulken, Wilson, TV; second, K. iitmbus; fifth, M. Kilshelroer, Lin- less of You," "Little Girl BSue," tho Mayor and the majority of coun- ton, Columbus. Girls 11-12: First, S, anta, Franklin; fourth, 13, Gingcrich, Howeli, Washington; third, J, Kll-coin; sixth, M. Austin, Washington. Blast Off," "Cute," and "A Hard cil to fill this position. An eminently Wright of Franklin, 8,0 seconds; Tamaques; fifth, B, llogan, Lincoln: shclmcr, Lincoln; fourth, M. D«va- 8-10; First, M. Perkowskl, Tatna- Day's Night," as well as other pou qualified resident of our ward, Lou- second, J. Turner, Columbus; third, sistli, K. Kelly, Washington. Girls, lon, Tamaques; fifth, S. Lupia, ques, 6'8'/i"; second, P, Rub, Lin« ular selections. is Ciarrocca, a lawyer and civic lend- J. Williamson, Columbus; fourth, tie 8-10; First, M. Holtoway, Columbus, Washington; sixth, P. Gehn, Frarsk- coin; third, D. Smilli, Columbus; During the intermission, the Katu er lies been recommended for ap-between S. Williams, McKinley and 4!'4i"; second, N. HawkinSi Wash- !fn. fourth, K. Holland, Tamaques; fifth, amiiy Band from Westfield will pointment, la an exhibition of sheer J. Honynur, Wasl ingtisn, fifth M ington, tliirtl. K Gingarich, Tiima- 1 Girls Broad Jump, 5-7. Kitst, J M Holland, colurnhua; sixth, .K, play a number of songs. Tho band, partisan politics he was rejected by Rot;eis Lincoln qu<">. font Hi I AhPiirn, McKmley, .Rubin. Givnt, 5 3 suennd, J Kilhlwln.ei. Lineiln U-12: M Dcva- composed of four talented children, the Mayor In public in a manner Jimmy, JO, on pter.o: Ke?m( H, a that was an insnH to Mr. Ciarroeca rurapct and violin, Patricia, 13, o and the residents of the Third Ward bass and flute; and Brian, 10;. on The Mayor nnd my opponent seem clarinet, will 'provide a short pro ram of favorite melodies. (Continued on page 2) Fried Raps Freeholders On Sweeper Purchases "..••£• Arthur Fried of Westfield, Demo- sweepers and then do a more thor- LESTER M, COYKENDALL cratic candidate for Freeholder ough and conscientious job of in- Monday night charged the Republi- vestigating the merits and costs of can controlled county board with such equipment. The net result being "less than penny wise and would be a saving of taxpayers It For Jr. High Youths Offers more than a pound foolish" in a re- money to tiro tune of more than cent action approving the purchase $4,000. stration On Use Of Firearms of two street sweepers. "Further, while i agree that legal- tration on the use ofof band guns. The speaker will tie "1 suggest," Mr. Fried said in a ly Uie board may take quotations for jj highlight the Y-night moftstrnte how to slice pla talk at a meeting of the Westfield such equipment, it would seem more Jtt Tuesday evening at cards, how to use a mirror for hit Democratic Club Monday night at prudent to abide by the time-tested | •Activities for all boys ting small objects, pius many otliea the home of Mr, and Mrs. Patrick principle of getting competitive bids, I WeslfiokTs two junior outstanding shots. He will also Ice Kennedy of 025 Kimball Avc, "that "Let's look at the record on this Ifrom 8 to 11 p.m. Win tho Freeholders rescind the resolu- latest bit of purchasing by the turo on safety in the use of firearm —Beryl Titylru |iag, swimming, game and demonstrate police trninin tion approving the purchase oi thocounty board. —Hoi > 1 'I ay iur "«s a addition to themethods using a silhouette target. THE BEST DISTAFF UUMNEBS—Cnrrylng off the first three places THE PAKADEHS—A feature of the to«n Olympics each year Is the ms tecture, "Quotations were sought and re- Tho firearms program for the ceived from four companies. One In tile dash fur gltls at the town Olympics Saturday nt lU'crcation parade wliieh precedes the ficlil events ami is participated in by nil playgrounds tinder Uie sponsorship of tli» Westfield Ik-creation Com- Coykcntoll, a retired boys and girls only will be held in introduce Mr. Coyiseminll, firm offered a three-wheel sweeper Field were, left to right, J. Turner, second; S. Wright, first, and J. 'n the Michigan Stale mission. In (lie scene above, Jefferson I'laygrotind, the eventual parade the new gym starting at 8:30 p.m. Those attending must use thewhich the board decided against Williamson, third. nscat an exhibition on U, Det.
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