USF's First Class Newspaper I @J I tEQJ I t$J I H$J PUBLISHED WEEKLY Subscription R•'• VOL.l-NO. 4 8 PAGES UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, SEPTEMBER 28, 1966 Page 4 Frosh McEvoy Sparks I ' USF Ove·r Stetson, ·4-1 reinjured By JEFF SMITH forced to leave the game after scoreboard with 10 :02 remain­ end of last season. But both legs were 2:27 in the second period. ing. Velde, Horvath and Zagarri and he might be slowed up in Sports Writer injuries during the Saturday' contest. Bill Mishler, the Hatter's South Florida' final score suffered action. Horvath and Za:garri Freshman forward T i m sophomore goalie, blocked a came with 6:08 left in the SOUTH FLORIDA meets St. do not appear to be too seri­ Mc~voy kicked-off USF's 1966 Jerry Zagarri shflt with a div­ game. Freshman outside left Leo this Saturday at 2 p.m., ously hurt, and both should be , soccer season in a big way, ing grab after 8:58 had ex­ Pete Tumminia s t u f f e d on USF's intramural soccer ready for Saturday's St. Leo scoring three goals while pired in the period. Mishler Meyer's pass between the field. Florida S o u t h e r n game, according to Holcomb. leading the Brahmans to a 4-1 collected 24 saves and contrib­ Stetson goalie's outstretched downed St. Leo 3-1 in the victory over Stetson's Hatters uted many outstanding defen­ hands into the webbing. Velde, 1965 All-State for­ opener for' both squads ast before 250 fans on the USF in­ sive plays. ward, was injured more seri­ Friday. Brah­ Leg trouble h as tramural field last Saturday Brian Holt and Zagarri put COACH HOLCOMB'S ously. USF's seven freshmen start· now have a three game plagued him before and he The Brahmans opened their on a dribbling exhibition mid· mans streak, two coming at the ·was well taped for the game. (Continued on Page 6) second soccer season with way through the second peri­ win Helge Velde kicking-off to od, to the delight of the South freshman Denny Meyer. After Florida fans. 58 seconds had elapsed, Mc­ Evoy took a pass from Velde HOLT OPENED the third and scored USF's first goal of period by dribbling the ball to Zagarri. Zagarri fired a quick Elections the season. SA pass to McEvoy who bulleted USF MAINTAINED ball a shot past Mishler, raising control throughout the game, the Brahman lead to 3-0. and Stetson had trouble pene- South Florida continued Its trating the Brahman defense, ball control tactics in the Planned Friday managing only two shots in third period with Meyer, the the opening period. Brahman quarterback, contin- South Florida struck early ually cutting and faking By JIM RAGSDALE the election Friday from 2 to 3 has ten seats available. Stu- in the second period as Jerry through the Stetson defenders. Staff Writer p.m. dents who filed petitions are: Zagarri pushed the ball . Students will vote for candi- Doug Kaye (2CB), John R. toward McEvoy, and the little STETSON GOT its best PetitiOns from 31 ~t~dents dates from their college of Hindle (1CB), Gregory Hall forward from St. Louis scored scoring opportunity in the who are hopeful of gammg a study to represent them in all (2CB), J a n e t Nowakowski after 1:05. final period as a Brahman seat in the Student Association legislative matters, such as ap- (2CB), Jack L. McGinnie (2CB), was guilty of using his hands (SA) legislature, were turned in propriating money for the stu- John Crowley (2CB), David B. STETSON'S F 0 R W A R D in the penalty area. Donny Ja- ' d t b d t B) H h V Sky a cobson took the direct free- to the SA office last week. en u g~ · Ornsteil (1C • ug an - Harry Fraser suffered . These Will be the polling plac- hawk m (1CB), Gregory Hull _s_h_o_ul_d_er__ i....;nj_u_ry_,_a_n_d __ w_as __ k_i_ck_,_a_nd__;p_u_t _s_te_ts_o_n_o_n_th_e_T_w_e_nty __ s_ea_ts_a_r_e_av_ru_·_la_b_le_m es by college; Basic Studies, (1CB) , Ronald Frenchen (1CB), (2CB), Teaching Auditorium Theatre Russell C. Dickinson -Oracle Photo by Anlhony Zappone (TAT); College of Education, Robert Strell (2CB), Barbara University Center Ballroom Dooley (1CB), Joseph R. Kalish Battling For The Ball Oracle Expands , News, (CTR 248); Liberal Arts, Fine (2CB), Ted W. Weeks ill (2CB), Arts & Humanities 101 (FAH); Jon Robinson (2CB), and Scott All-State USF Soccer players Beige Velde bound into the air during an afternoon p~ Business Administration, Busi- Barnett (2CB). and Brian Holt use a little head-work as they tice session. ness Administration • Building The College of Education has I (BUS). --------;~----,.,.,-------------~:------- Joins Press Service The college of Basic Studies (Continued on Page 2) The Oracle has joined the vin Mencher, assistant profes­ and contracts for space in col­ U.S. Student Press Associa­ sor, Columbia, N.Y., Gradu­ lege newspapers among the Unlevel Concrete M·eans tion and has subscribed to its ate School of Journalism; and country's national advertising Collegiate Press S e r v i c e William A. Miller Jr., staff as­ agencies. Local Tampa Bay. Positions Open (CPS) to give its reaqers news sociate, American Council on area advertising and other Staff and features of the collegiate Education. non-national advertising will Repairs To Gym Floors scene across the country. continue to be solicited by The THE ORACLE is also a On Literary Magazine Stories and articles ap­ Oracle advertising staff. completely out member of the Associated Col­ By STU THAYER apparently wasn't and the concrete drilled pearing in The Oracle from ability to legiate Press (ACP). News PROF. STEVE YATES, Applications will be re­ sential will be the Staff Writer leveled. and repoured before new this course will carry the CPS for select and organize a staff, it would take ap­ and and articles received from general manager of The Ora­ ceived this week and next Tile floor .of the new USF Hill said flooring is laid, sanded byline following the dateline in creative writing, to six that organization and pub­ cle, and Sanderson are mem­ the editorship of, i.e., the USF aptitude and the floors of proximately a month sealed. in the opening sentence. ­ gymnasiUIJl Oracle will of Sigma Delta Chi, literary magazine, in the Of­ and the ability to judge manu weeks to put in new floors, Hill said a tolerance of a Dr. Arthur M. Sanderson, lished in The bers three other rooms in the men's professional journalism fice of Campus Publications, scripts offered for publication, Building once repairs have started, quarter inch variation in floor director of the Office of Cam­ carry the byline "(ACP)." Physical Education second 224 University Center CTR. Sanderson said. probably in November. height is allowed for every 10 pus Publications, has been a The Office of Campus Publi­ society. Yates is in his will have to be torn out and year as secretary of the The publication budget calls He said the floor replace­ feet of flooring. However, the member of the national advi­ cations is represented in the . Dr. Joseph G. Bentley, asso­ replaced because of improper Bay chapter. for salaries to be paid to the ment will not cost the state or unevenness of the floor can be Tampa & English, will installation, according to sory board of USSP A for the National Council of College ciate rofessor of editor, business manager, and University any money, but by its The USF Journalism Pro­ adviser and Steve Clyde Hill, director of physi­ felt when it is walked on. - last three years. O~her mem­ Publicatiorls Advisers be editorial copy editor, he said. Other that the contractor will pay and Office of Campus professor of cal plant. Classes in gymnastics, fenc­ bers include Milburn P. director and publisher of The gram Yates, assistant staffers and an editorial the repair bill, roughly esti­ are also repre­ will be production Instead of being flat, the ing, wrestling and dance have Akers, retired editor, Chicago Oracle, Dr. Sanderson. For 10 Publications journalism, board will be selected by the mated by Hill at $30,000. An­ in the national Associa­ it was announced this gym floor and similarly con­ I5een moved to other locations Sun-Times; M. Stanton years, before his resignation sented adviser, editor. other unofficial e s t i m a t e in Journal­ structed floors in rooms set in the Argos Center area. Dr. Evans, editor, the Indianapo­ in 1965, he was executive di­ tion for Education week by Dr. Arthur M. San­ Copies of the spring, 1966, around $15,000. aside for wrestling, gymnas­ placed costs Richard Bowers, USF athletic lis News. rector and editor of its jP.ur­ ism (AEJ) through te mem­ derson, director of the Office edition, a 42-page printed and general activities THE FLOOR WILL remain director said no classes have Corbin Gwaltney, executive nal, The College Press Re­ bership of Sanderson. of Campus Publications. magazine, are on sale in CTR tics, spght hills and valleys in as it is until after Homecom­ been canceled but that no new editor, Editorial Projects for view. At its annual convention, Candidates for editor need 224 at 25 cents a copy. The have in the ing festivities Oct. 19-23. A programs would be added Education; Sidney Hertzberg, The Oracle is represented held at the University of Iowa will be published them. The trouble lies not have had previous experi­ next issue is scheduled for Friday freelance writer; G.
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