Education Reseach Teaching References Interests

Education Reseach Teaching References Interests

Curriculum Vitae Qijin Chen Page 1 of 4 Qijin Chen Shanghai Branch, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, the University of Science and Technology of China, 99 Xiupu Rd, Pudong, Shanghai #$%&%', CHIN); Email: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D., University of Chicago Chicago, (L #$$$ Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics M.S., Instit te of Physics, Chinese Aca!emy of Sciences #CAS$ Bei0ing, China %99' +3!eri,ental Condensed Matter Physics %.S. #with honor$, Univ. of Science an! Techno&ogy of China #USTC$ Hefei, China %99# N clear and Particle Physics/Theoretical Physics PRO(ESSIONA) EMPLOYMENTS University of Science an! Techno&ogy of China Hefei 5 Shanghai, China #$%9-!resent 6isting ished Professor, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale +hejiang University Hang7ho , China #$$8-#$%9 6isting ished Professor, 9he0iang (nstit te of Modern Physics and 6e!art,ent of Physics University of Chicago Chicago, (L #$$:-#$$8 "esearch associate and "esearch Scientist, Ja,es <ranck (nstit te Argonne Nationa& )a, - University of Notre Da"e )rgonne, (L S ,,er, #$$: >isiting <ello?, (nstit te for Theoretical Sciences .ohns /o01ins University Balti,ore, M6 #$$# @#$$: Postdoctoral <ello?, 6e!art,ent of Physics and )strono,y2 )dvisor- 9lat=o Tesanovic Nationa& /igh Magnetic (ie&! )a,oratory Tallahassee, <L #$$$@#$$# Postdoctoral "esearch )ssociate, Condensed Matter Theory Aro ! )dvisor- ;2 "obert SchrieBer University of Chicago Chicago, (L %99C@#$$$ "esearch )ssistant, Ja,es <ranck (nstit te )dvisor- Dathryn Levin Instit te of Physics, Chinese Aca!emy of Sciences Bei0ing, China %99&@%99' "esearch )ssistant, State Dey Laboratory of S rface Physics )dvisor- 9hangda Lin /ONO'S AND A2A'DS • #$$9, EChang0iang ScholarF Professorshi!, Ministry of +d cation, China • %99C, First Prize in Natural Sciences, Chinese )cade,y of Sciences GJointly ?ith 9262 Lin, D2)2 <eng, ;2 Hang and B2I2 S nJ, the most prestigious award of CAS2 • #$$:, >isiting <ello?, (nstit te for Theoretical Sciences, )rgonne NatKl Lab 5 Univ. of Notre 6a,e2 • %99%, A o Mor o Prize, Gthe most prestigious award for studentsJ, USTC2 • %999, Ho ng (nvestigator Travel )?ard, M#S@HTSC@>( conference GHo ston, <eb2 #$$$J2 • %99L, "obert A2 Sachs S ,,er "esearch <ello?, University of Chicago2 Curriculum Vitae Qijin Chen Page 2 of 4 • %99&, M tstanding Arad ate St dent )?ard, Chinese )cade,y of Sciences2 • %99#, M tstanding Arad ate of Higher +d cational (nstit tions, )nh i Province, China2 • %99#, M tstanding Arad ate, USTC2 • %988, Sa, el C2C2 Ting <irst@Hear Undergrad ate Physics and Biology )?ard, USTC2 • %98C@%99#, M tstanding St dent )?ard, USTC2 'ESEA'C/ INTERESTS • S !erN idity and related !hysics in ato,ic <er,i gases, o!tical lattices and . ant , si, lation • Strongly correlated electrons, high te,!erat re su!ercond ctivity Gand r thenate, organic, and heavy fer,ion and <e based !nictide s !ercond ctors) • To!ological ins lators • Ara!hene, nano !hysics, ,agnetism and spintronics, as ?ell as . ant , co,! ting ACADEMIC SERVICES • "eferee for Scientific "e!orts, since #$%'2 • "eferee for Physical "evie? ) and B and Physical "evie? Letters, since #$$$. • "eferee for Physical "evie? +, since #$%%2 • "eferee for + roPhysics Letters, since #$$82 • "eferee for Physica C, since #$$:2 • "eferee for Chinese Physics Letters, since #$$92 • Co@organizer, M"S+C se,inars, University of Chicago, %9992 • Me,ber, Arad ate )d,issions Co,,ittee, 6e!art,ent of Physics, University of Chicago, %9992 • Session chair, )PS March ,eeting, Seattle, I), #$$%2 • Session chair, )PS March ,eeting, 6enver, CM, #$$C2 • Mrganizer, 6e!art,ent of Physics Collo. i ,, 9he0iang University, Hangzho , #$$9@#$%$ • Me,ber, +3ecutive Co,,ittee, (nternational Collaborative Center for O ant , Matter, Hangzho , Since #$$92 • Co@organizer, #$$9 Hang7ho Iorksho! on O ant , Matter, Hangzho , China, Mctober %#@%', #$$92 • Co@organizer, #$%$ Hang7ho Iorksho! on O ant , Matter, Hangzho , China, May %8@##, #$%$2 • Co@organizer, #$%$ Iorksho! on O ant , Condensation, Hsinch , Tai?an, ) g st 9@##, #$%$2 • Co@organizer, #$%% Iorksho! on O ant , Condensation, Hong Dong, ; ly :@%', #$%%2 • Co@organizer, #$%% Chinese Physical Society <all Meeting, Hang7ho , China, Se!te,ber %'@%8, #$%%2 • Chair, #$%& Hangzho Iorksho! on O ant , Matter, Hangzho , China, )!ril ##@#', #$%&2 • Mrganizer Gand ChairJ, #$%L Hangzho Sym!osi , on 6egenerate <er,i Aases, ; ne #C@&$, #$%L2 • Co@organizer, #$%8 Hang7ho Iorksho! on O ant , Matter, Hangzho , China, Mctober 8@%$, #$%82 • "evie?4(ntervie? !anelist, National )?ards for Science and Technology, Bei0ing #$%'2 • "evie?er, Chang0iang Scholar !rogra,, Ministry of +d cation of China, since #$$92 Curriculum Vitae Qijin Chen Page 3 of 4 • "evie?er of grant a!!lications, National Science <o ndation of China, since #$%$2 • "evie?er of grant a!!lications, Nat ral Science <o ndation of 9he0iang, Shandong, Heilong0iang, Bei0ing, and H nan Provinces. • Me,ber of +ditorial Board, < nda,ental ;o rnal of Modern Physics, since #$%%2 • Co,,ittee Me,ber, 6ivision of Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics, Chinese Physical Society, #$%%@#$%&2 • Me,ber, Board of <ac lty, 6e!art,ent of Physics, 9he0iang University • Me,ber, Co,,ittee on H ,an "eso rces, 6e!art,ent of Physics, 9he0iang University • Me,ber, Co,,ittee on Teaching, 6e!art,ent of Physics, 9he0iang University G@#$%:J • Me,ber, Co,,ittee on )cade,ic 6egrees, 6e!art,ent of Physics, 9he0iang University • Me,ber, Co,,ittee on "esearch and Planning, 6e!art,ent of Physics, 9he0iang University G#$%:J • (n charge of the Progra, of (nternational Collaborations and )cade,ic +xchanges, 6e!art,ent of Physics, 9he0iang University, #$%#@#$%&2 TEAC/IN4 EXPERIENCE Professor, De0art"ent of Physics, +hejiang University Hangzho , China • To!ics in Theoretical Physics GS!ring, ann ally #$$9@#$%9J • Mechanics G<all4Iinter, ann ally #$$9@#$%9J • )dvanced Statistical Mechanics GS!ring, #$%9, ?ith Prof2 Xin IanJ Teaching Assistant, De0art"ent of Physics, University of Chicago Chicago, (L %99'@%999 • Aeneral Physics (, ((, ((( GSidney Nagel, Heinrich Jaeger, "enee Mng, Melvyn ShochetJ • Solid State Physics GP#&L, S san Co!!ersmithJ • Arad ate !hysics, O ant , Mechanics (( GP&:#, "obert AerochJ • Arad ate !hysics, O ant , Mechanics ((( GP&:&, Pa l Iieg,annJ2 PRO(ESSIONA) MEMBERS/IPS • S!ecial invited ,e,ber, ),erican )ssociation for the )dvance,ent of Science, %99'@#$$C • ),erican Physical Society, since %99L • Ne? Hork )cade,y of Sciences, #$$%@#$$: 'ESEA'C/ /I4/)I4/TS 'esearch areas- Strongly correlated syste,s, . ant , ,atter, esp2 su!erN idity and su!ercond ctivity, fro, high te,!erat re s !ercond ctors to ltracold ato,ic gases2 Deve&o0e! a 0airing 6 ct ation theory that self@consistently incl des the contrib tion of !airing N ct ations in fer,ion self energy2 (t can address the ?ide@s!read abnor,al !se doga! !heno,ena in high Tc s !ercond ctors, and has beco,e one of several ,a0or schools of high Tc theories, since it ?as ! blished in Phys2 "ev. Lett2 78 , :C$8 G%998J 2 Based on a BCS@B+C crossover scenario, this theory is a nat ral generali7ation of BCS theory to short coherence length su!ercond ctors. (t is one Gof very fe? theories) that can generate a cu!rate !hase diagra,, in Gse,i@J. antitative agree,ent ?ith e3!eri,ent2 (t !rovides a nat ral e3!lanation for the ,ysterio s . asi@ niversal behavior of the te,!erat re de!endence of the !enetration Curriculum Vitae Qijin Chen Page 4 of 4 de!th for diBerent do!ing concentrations in cu!rate su!ercond ctors. (t also !rovides a ni1ed !ict re for the ano,alo s dia,agnetic response, Nernst eBect, and n s al behavior of the Hall coePcient thro gho t the entire c !rate !hase diagra,s2 A00&ie! s ccessf &&y the 0airing 6 ct ation theory to a!!ress quantitatively e90eri"ents in &traco&! (ermi gases, incl ding the !hase diagra,, the ther,odyna,ic transitions, density !rofile, rf spectrosco!y, etc. <irst introd ced the !se doga! conce!t into the ato,ic <er,i gas field, ?hich has no? been established e3!eri,entally2 E90&ore! an! 0re!icte! e9otic ne: ; ant " 0henomena associated ?ith !airing and s !erN idity ?ith n sual !ara,eters or config rations, incl ding !hysics in ,i3ed di,ensionality, and in lattice@contin , ,ixed syste,s. P blished abo t 8$ SC( !a!ers, ?ith H@inde3 Q <= and an overall SC( citation of over #C$$2 To0 >ve most cite! theory 0a0ers ? %2 ;2 Dinast, )2 T rla!ov, ;2+2 Tho,as, Q... Chen, ;2 Sta0ic, and D2 Levin, Heat ca!acity of a strongly interacting <er,i gas, Science @A= , %#9L G#$$'J GScience +3!ress, doi-%$2%%#L4science2%%$9##$J2 RTi,es cited- S &#' T #2 Q... Chen, ;2 Sta0ic, S2N2 Tan, and D2 Levin, BCS-BEC crossover: From high temperature superconductors to ultracold super uids, Physics "e!orts B8< , %@88 G#$$'J 2 RTi,es cited- S 'LL T &2 ;2 Sta0ic, ;2N2 Milstein, Q... Chen, M2L2 Chiofalo, M2;2 Holland, and D2 Levin, Nature of superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases near Fesh"ach resonances, Phys. "ev. ) L9, $L&L%$ G#$$:J2 RTi,es cited S 8L T :2 Q... Chen, (2 Dosztin, B2 Jan=Uo, and D2 Levin, Superconducting transitions from the pseudogap state: d- wave symmetr!# lattice# and low-dimensional e$ects, Phys. "ev. B CD , C$8& G%999J 2 RTi,es cited S 8& T '2 Q... Chen, (2 Dosztin, B2 Jan=Uo, and D2 Levin, Pairing fluctuation theor! of superconducting properties in underdoped to overdoped cuprates, Phys. "ev. Lett2 78 , :C$8 G%998J2 RTi,es cited- S % 8: T PU%)ICATIONS GSee a se!arate file or htt!-44012 chicago2ed 4V.chen4P blications2!df for a list2J INVITED TA)ES GSee a se!arate file or htt!-44012 chicago2ed 4V.chen4Presentations.!df for a list2J.

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