Use the following type of citation: North-western Journal of Zoology 2021: e201203 Paper Submitted to The North-Western Journal of Zoology 1 *Handling editor: Dr. H. Lotfalizadeh 2 *Manuscript Domain: Entomology 3 *Manuscript code: nwjz-20-EN-HL-07 4 *Submission date: 21 September 2020 5 *Revised: 12 December 2020 6 *Accepted: 12 December 2020 7 *No. of words (without abstract, acknowledgement, references, tables, captions): 7431 8 (papers under 700 words are not accepted) 9 *Editors only: 10 11 Zoology 12 Title of the paper: New records of Heteroptera (Hemiptera)of species from Turkey, with 13 reconsideration of several previous records proofing 14 Journaluntil 15 Running head: New Records of Heteroptera from Turkey 16 paper 17 Authors (First LAST - without institution name!): Barış ÇERÇİ, Serdar TEZCAN 18 North-western 19 Accepted 20 Key Words (at least five keywords): New records, previous records, Nabidae, Reduviidae, Miridae, 21 Turkey 22 23 24 No. of Tables: 0 25 No. of Figures: 4 26 No. of Files (landscape tables should be in separate file): 0 Use the following type of citation: North-western Journal of Zoology 2021: e201203 nwjz-2 27 New records of Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species from Turkey, with reconsideration of 28 several previous records 29 Barış, ÇERÇİ1, Serdar, TEZCAN2 30 1. Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 31 2. Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey 32 * Corresponding authors name and email address: Barış ÇERÇİ, 33 [email protected] 34 35 Abstract. In this study, Acrotelus abbaricus Linnavuori, Dicyphus (Dicyphus) josifovi Rieger, 36 Macrotylus (Macrotylus) soosi Josifov, Myrmecophyes (Myrmecophyes) variabilis Drapulyok Zoology 37 and Paravoruchia dentata Wagner are recorded from Turkey for the first time. Second of 38 records of Amphiareus constrictus Stål,, Psallus (Psallus) cruentatus (Mulsant & Rey), proofing 39 Psallus (Psallus) konyaensis Matocq and Psallus (Psallus) pseudopunctulatus Linnavuori Journal 40 from Turkey are given. Previously unknown femaleuntil of P. (P.) konyaensis is illustrated and 41 host plant association is given. Examination of some Nabidae, Reduviidae and Miridae paper 42 species preserved in the Lodos Entomological Museum, Turkey (LEMT) led to the following 43 results: presence of Adelphocoris quadripunctatus (Fabricius) in Turkey is confirmed, and 19 44 other species are excludedNorth-western from the Heteroptera fauna of Turkey Accepted 45 46 Key Words: New records, previous records, Nabidae, Reduviidae, Miridae, Turkey 47 Running title: New records of Heteroptera from Turkey 48 49 50 51 52 Introduction Use the following type of citation: North-western Journal of Zoology 2021: e201203 nwjz-3 53 The knowledge of the Heteroptera fauna of Turkey was first summarized by Hoberlandt 54 (1952, 1956) which listed 66 and 862 species, respectively. After the publication of these 55 papers, many more species were recorded from Turkey, mainly by Wagner, (1959, 1966), 56 Seidenstücker (1957, 1958, 1960), Linnavuori (1965), Tuatay et al. (1972), Önder (1976, 57 1982), Lodos & Önder (1978a, 1978b, 1980, 1982, 1983a, 1983b), Önder et al. (1981, 1984, 58 1995a, 1995b), Lodos et al. (1978, 1998, 1999, 2003), Pehlivan (1981), Matocq et al. (2014), 59 Çerçi & Koçak (2016, 2017a, 2017b) and Çerçi et al. (2019). In addition, new species from 60 Turkey were published in several other papers, which were reviewed by Dursun & Fent 61 (2017). Aukema & Rieger (1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2006) and Aukema et al. (2013) 62 summarized known distributions of all the Heteroptera species known from the Palearctic Zoology 63 Region, hence they also considered all the Heteroptera species recorded from Turkey up to the of 64 publication of each volume. They regarded records of several species from Turkey as proofing 65 doubtful. Some of these species had been recorded by Önder (1976), Erbay (1986), Boz Journal 66 (1992) and Lodos et al. (2003). Specimens referreduntil to in these papers are deposited in Lodos 67 Entomological Museum (LEMT) and we could examine many of them. paper 68 In recent years, many Heteroptera species were either recorded or described from Turkey for 69 the first time. Papers recording new Heteroptera species from Turkey, published after 2014, 70 and papers describingNorth-western new species from Turkey, published in the 21st century, were cited by Accepted 71 Çerçi et al. (2019). The number of new species recorded from Turkey since 2014 is 65 and the 72 number of new species described from Turkey since 2000 is 33. 73 74 Material and Methods 75 Material examined in this study is preserved in LEMT, except Amphiareus constrictus (Stål, 76 1860) and Dicyphus (Dicyphus) josifovi Rieger, 1995, which were collected in June 2020 and 77 are preserved in the private collection of the first author. The specimens were examined using Use the following type of citation: North-western Journal of Zoology 2021: e201203 nwjz-4 78 Celestron 44215 Microscope. Photographs were taken with Nikon D3300 DSLR Camera 79 combined with a 68mm extension tube and a Lomo 3.7X 0.11 Microscope lens. Stacking of 80 images was done using Combine ZM software. 81 82 Results 83 Examination of some Nabidae, Reduviidae and Miridae species preserved in LEMT revealed 84 the following results: presence of Adelphocoris quadripunctatus (Fabricius, 1784) in Turkey 85 is confirmed; the following 19 species are excluded from the Heteroptera fauna of Turkey: 86 Prostemma (Prostemma) bicolor Rambur, 1839, Rhynocoris (Rhynocoris) erythropus 87 (Linnaeus, 1767), Adelphocoris suturalis (Jakovlev, 1882), Atractotomus kolenatii (Flor, Zoology 88 1860), Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) globulifer (Fallén, 1829), Dicyphus (Dicyphus) bolivari of 89 Lindberg, 1934, Macrotylus (Alloeonycha) nasutus Wagner, 1959, Macrotylus (Macrotylus) proofing 90 quadrilineatus (Schrank, 1785), Malacotes mulsanti Reuter, 1878, Megalocoleus bolivari Journal 91 (Reuter, 1879), Megalocoleus longirostris (Fieber,until 1861), Megalocoleus tarsalis (Reuter, 92 1894), Myrmecophyes (Myrmecophyes) alboornatus (Stål, 1858), Myrmecophyes paper 93 (Myrmecophyes) alacer Horváth, 1926, Oncotylus (Oncotylus) pyrethri (Becker, 1864), 94 Platycranus (Genistocapsus) bicolor (Douglas & Scott, 1868), Psallus (Phylidea) ocularis 95 (Mulsant & Rey, 1852),North-western Psallus (Psallus) flavellus Stichel, 1933 and Psallus (Psallus) Accepted 96 punctulatus Puton, 1874. Additionally, Acrotelus abbaricus Linnavuori, 2010, Dicyphus 97 (Dicyphus) josifovi Rieger, 1995, Macrotylus (Macrotylus) soosi Josifov, 1962, 98 Myrmecophyes (Myrmecophyes) variabilis Drapolyuk, 1989 and Paravoruchia dentata 99 Wagner, 1959 are recorded from Turkey for the first time. Below, detailed information and 100 comments on each species examined in this study are presented. 101 102 ANTHOCORIDAE Fieber, 1836 Use the following type of citation: North-western Journal of Zoology 2021: e201203 nwjz-5 103 Amphiareus constrictus (Stål, 1860) (Fig. 1A) 104 Material examined: Turkey: Muğla, Bodrum, Akyarlar, 36°57'49.7"N 27°16'59.6"E, 14. 06. 105 2020, 1 male (collected with light trap), B. Çerçi coll. & det. 106 First recorded from Turkey from Karaman by Çerçi & Koçak (2017). Second record of this 107 species, about 500 km apart from the previous one, indicates that the species is spreading in 108 the southern part of Anatolia. A sub-cosmopolitan species (Aukema 2020), introduced only to 109 Netherlands in Europe and not known from other European countries (Aukema & Hermes 110 2009, Aukema et al. 2020). Possibly introduced to Turkey independently because it is not 111 known from any neighbouring countries of Turkey (Aukema et al. 2013). It is known to be a 112 predator of small soft-bodied insects and inhabits in clusters of dead leaves in evergreen trees, Zoology 113 as well as on the ground (Yamada 2008). of 114 proofing 115 NABIDAE A. Costa, 1853 Journal 116 Prostemma (Prostemma) guttula asiaticum Kerzhner,until 1968 117 Prostemma (Prostemma) bicolor: Erbay (1986) paper 118 Material examined: Konya, Hadim, 27. 04. 1979, 1 male, 1 female (under a rock), H. Erbay 119 det. 1985. 120 Önder et al. (2006) mentionNorth-western one record of Prostemma (Prostemma) bicolor Rambur, 1839 Accepted 121 from Konya, Turkey, based on an unpublished master thesis, (Erbay 1986). P. bicolor is a 122 West Mediterranean species known from France, Italy, Portugal, Spain in Europe and Algeria, 123 Morocco and Tunisia in North Africa (Kerzhner 1996). The record of a West Mediterranean 124 species in Anatolia was suspicious and our examination of the specimen mentioned in Erbay 125 (1986) revealed that it in fact belongs to Prostemma (Prostemma) guttula asiaticum, a species 126 recorded from several provinces in Turkey, and known from Turanian region and Middle East 127 (Kerzhner 1996). Use the following type of citation: North-western Journal of Zoology 2021: e201203 nwjz-6 128 129 REDUVIIDAE Latreille, 1807 130 Rhynocoris (Rhynocoris) iracundus (Poda, 1761) 131 Rhynocoris (Rhynocoris) erythropus: Boz (1992) 132 Material examined: Turkey, Mardin, Nusaybin, 20. 07. 1977 (on cotton) 1 male, E. Boz det.; 133 Diyarbakır, Ergani, 11. 08. 1983, 1 female (on Mentha aquatica), Z. Şimşek coll.; Diyarbakır, 134 Çermik, 25. 07. 1977, 1 male. 135 Önder et al. (2006) mention records of Rhynocoris (Rhynocoris) erythropus (Linnaeus, 1767) 136 from Diyarbakır and Mardin, based on an unpublished master thesis, (Boz, 1992). Dursun & 137 Salur (2013) erroneously stated that Wagner (1959)
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