PARRIGIN HEADS I LIBRARY DONOR JUNIOR CLASS tEJje Batoiteontan ANNOUNCED ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS VolumeXXIX. X-528 DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 Number 3 Lapt. James r\ Orey GREY MEMORIAL LIBRARY ]Lyman Parrigin Defeats Lacy Is Donor Of Library For Junior Class Presidency " Hugh A. AndJane Parks Grey y-v " " | j Memorial Library Given Heads Class Transferred To M. I. I. In DlStingUlSHed Pep Meeting Cambridge NAME OF DONOR HELD QrOUp AppCdY Will Precedi SCHMIDT RUNS THIRD Grey's Name Revealed In! S SpeClliCYS Election Take3 Four Ballots; Alumni Journal A Seivanee Trif Ten Men Run Rutledge, Whitaker, Chattanooga Special 1 to generosity Captain And Chartere I.1 t week in the final primary lot Hue the of Odum To'Lecture To Student For Those Who Wish To Grey, '85, i ■■ Lyman Tames Parks class of Dav- Body In Series See Game f I id ni nt" tlio Jiniiur class, id.-on College now has a beautiful ■■ ' j . f '.■ :< .! lyesid^nt with new library ready for us*.- by the '"' " Several distinguished speakers A final, hrsi miIiiiiiu pcji nn itin ;; i ■ . .- : 1"■ Schmidt run- students of the college now and for j have been procured for lectures for dupartinii (oplba in ■ ip for this office, years In come. the Davidson here at Davidson during the com- ; " modesty I ummi will be licjti m the Souther 1 : : ■ ctn iscn by the Because of the of tin's ing mouths, according to Dr. C K. Railway nominating prominent JBristot, Va., hosiery Brown, Dean of the Faculty. Station l'ii<l:u afternoon b Junior class committee manufacturer, the announcement of 1:30. lu-ad chccr-lcadcr Gi-org ivt'rc; JoJinny I*ro<lcricks, B.cn Lacy, Rutledge ttii-i ihe name of the donor of tin's new Mitchell nmiuuiiccfl wxd! Hank Crane, IV tc \*"oiinj. Fred building has not been published un- Dr. Archibald Rutledge, poet lau- ■\t tin- same time, it was 411 Morton, and Schmidt. Those til the issuing of the Alumni reate of South Carolina, will come Crai^ Journ- iiiiunccd that, l"i the benefit 0 : al last Tuesday. It was Captain to the campus on, October 29th and Duke Ambassadors I iioiiitn.itv.l hv the class ai i!u I body, will speak at chapel at 10:05 A. M. j >.n idson student th unv: Jimni) I"'f iacott, Welford and again in Chambers Auditorium Southern Railway is sending a spe Mohliio, Lacy NUI.can, Lyman evening- and at 8:15 that Dr. Rutledge Signed For Dances 1i.il coach attached tn iI1.1t of til is author "f many books, particular- ParriKin. ti.'iin to carry any supQprters lha ly on wild life and plantation life Succeeds 1-oiiR Courtney's Band Is Among might \\Mi to !■,.' 1.1 i'Ii.iHth*"** in tile South. The latest and prob- Best College Organizations Alumni Commissioned ' ', M..M i ■ , eli in l.-t spri King uilli tilt- Wilili ats 1. I til] auly Dcst known iu his books is John 1 ii-iiiv and Edgar Tin- >uu. l.YMAN PARR1GIN presiil. nt (ii :>■:■; In Country the riMi1^ Junior class. SB £#* JPm^B mi "Home by the River," written about B. Watson both of the class of j fare 'will he $111.75. Th.> train" \vi 1 l'ridaj has 11.iiisiYru .1to the Massachusetts the restoration of the home of the Vincc Courtney's Duke Ambas- 1941 were recently commissioned Ilenye Davidson at :51 l\ M. and will arrive in Davidson *'ii tT■ Institute of Technology in Cam- old Hampton family of South Caro- sadors have been signed by the [ as Second Lieutenants in the Has return trip Sunday afternoon a Magazine bridKi', tliu- leaving the office of lina. Pan-1lelUtiic Coinieil to play for United States Regular Marine Corps. They ! 1:00 presitlent He had been a teacher in a lead- Homecoming Dances Kriday andt . are now at the of the Junior class open. the ;'.\*n Neiv ing preparatory school in Mercers- Saturday, October IT-IS. 1're-idmt Basic School at Philadelphia It w ,is announced that in at Features Man was prominent in campus- ac- burg, Pennsylvania. for where they will remain until election tastijig from September 2A I several Pal Kudulnh announced last week, h.uiir.' him ihus.-ii gym RS- yiars and returned to South Caro- J.inn.!!v when they will take their .V., Camfimm AikLv. Pete Cavcrl Scripts 'n Pranks Appear is'.ani lor this year. He wai a meiii lina t<> a-si-t in the restoration of Charlotte Hotel command. n t.in *i linrcli and Jack Waytnai To This Month r year, the "Id home about which he has The first dance will be held on John King was president of were elected Junior Chcer-luader her 1 the wri ilin^ team last written his recent book. He is also Friday night, OclobeC 1". at the ball- j Kappa Alpha social fraternity as for the 19-11 season. AnsKv i. and iii his first year .it Davidson I ihr in .i ■ jsuc of the 19-11 Si |■;■; i widely acclaimed as a lecturer, poet, room of tin- Charlotte Hotel, ami well as being a member of O. Iiiu-niln! of'Kappa Alpha .^mi.il fra \\;is a Freshman 'X I'ranka nienifter of the and essayist. formal, Ilie D. K. tcrnity arid mi assistant in Kn^lisl will soon hi ofl the press will be second and inntli.ill team,, 1le i. a member oi Saturday, Iil was president and uitli ii will conic \\ itli several Whitaker final dance is to be held Watson also CaVii t is ;i meniher of Phi Gainm Phi Gamma Delta. IS, of his fraternity, Sigma Ep- mark)t] < J-ltli, October in the Charlotte Aim-! Phi Drlta fraternity. Church hclenys 1 hatigcs On November John T. informal, and a D. K. Activities ory, will lie The silon, member of O. Beta Theta Waymftii m;i;\i/inr \ Whitaker, foreign correspondent for and i I'i. while is Tlit iln t-.ir will lie dance tickets will cost $2.50 each. j meniher <" t Kappa Phi. l.ynmn Pai 1'■'■ is Kappa the Chicago Daily News since 1938. I'i mimUt tlic itlitorsllin of Dan 1lodge*. in a Pi Set tickets will be $4.50. and can be Phi [1I1 ilis'c Iast year he v-as a will tell Davidson students of his " AsitU- from the umi.iI jokes, ilir new obtained from any member of the Grey*s desire that no mention be experiences in the war capitals of BAND LEADER member ni the Quips and Cranlcs whatsoever, Pan-Hellenic Council. features will include movie com-; made of his name but Europe, lie is a native of Chatta- ,iud u{ I nirnts, !■"« .1. revii w -, opinions on ■an. was also on the staff the inscription above the building, nooga, Tennessee, 11m Duke Ambassadors of 1941 ' and a graduate lie i-- a member of "Hugh A. and Parks Grey Me- arc.considered among the best col- ,iicwl} released viclrol.i rcrords, plus .-. Jane University <Se- 1 ;it:il of the of the South tin \ :: i■. tonni team Li^t morial Library," left little doubt as lege bands in the. country today. :i sniarl section cm nu wancc). He went into newspaper | n's ctotiiiiifci 1 , donor, Ambassadors, \ 1 ■"■... initiated inln'.the alchem to the identity of the who finishing Ihr under Dutch Mc- fti :'.«|.!ni,»ii llic , ' - work soon after school and -\n new attrac- ■■".':'" I : ;,. in is from I'aims gave to fultill a long-fell need of has been in foreign service almost Millan played" here for a Homecom- ' college ago, \ Iit-Hif will he tlic short stories villi■. Kintiuky. the and to perpetuate the ever since. ing dance two years and the : Vrcli Tailor anH Pal Rudolph, ar- ! memory 'of his parents. 1le has covered the war in Spain, present leader. Vincc Courtney, was Orijflnal linllot tickv l>v Ri|] I,yman ( including a ' ' : Five Sons in Ethiopia, and at different limes their vocalist. Of he ten nit:t on 1 :.' ..vicinal :-..'Iin!» ;il freshman autobiography), l'nrr; Fredericks, I-ncy, Hugh A. and Jane Parks Grey has reported from Berlin, Geneva, Rate High liall'it. in. Moscow, Paris, Belgrade, i;iii(! an expose »>f .ivniy life af Clem Mel can, Vuuiik, Sihmidt, and Ilob- made significant contributions to and other contest, of the "Battle ■ At a recent ■ ■■■ t'e si sons, capitals.. Since the start of \\ orld m 'i liy v left on 1!:. Bond ballot. D.avidson in that they had five Music," In at University of Suutheatc Join In addi- ICottlthHcd fit I'tltit S\x\ Id the Of tin r r.in '■'.■\u* Ia. and (■> 1 >■. all of which graduated here. Cap- S'ortll Carolina, the Ambassadors tion tin io I!' .v i« ature ■ i-^ plan Sihuiilt v.i:e hi! nu the third bal- tain Grey and his brothers were re- against lop-flighl .1 ■" I ».t ■! .1!., ; firsi com- IH'il iitti lltinil iocIT\ 1 placed . ■1 I.. Id, and 14 votes. 1l cipients of lhe best that Davidson from" petition from dance bands all j ii") tit (iicntion 't NTnrthcross had to offer, and throughout the Freshmen John - over this section <>f .the country; cover, ill*- usijal number of Scripts On tlit; third ballot Parrisin re- era of their attendance here were were al-o featured in a recent ' ' They ! 1 ;■ t.acj* as>ociatfd the endeavor.*; !fl Prank. jok) ami f' atui I'eivi .
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