L’Orgue Mystique by Charles Tournemire L’Orgue Mystique by Charles Tournemire N THE TIME BETWEEN THE TWO GREAT WORLD WARS (or as the historian Eugen Weber termed the entire æra, the “Second Thirty Years War”) there emerged a musical Imonument which the critic Pierre Giriat called a “sonorous Summa Theologica”. It was the culmination of great musical, religious, and philosophical movements which thrived and vied for attention in the Christian Church and through French society. THIS MONUMENT WAS “L’ORGUE MYSTIQUE” BY CHARLES TOURNEMIRE. This recondite magnum opus of two-hundred-fifty-three movements composed from 1927 to 1932 is fifteen hours in duration and employs over three-hundred chants both as an act of devotion and as musical exegesis based upon a chant libretto with the goal of celebrating fifty-one Sundays and Liturgical Feasts throughout the Church Calendar. Its haunting transcendent beauty and musical allegory, written by a pious, unassuming genius, constitutes one of the greatest single liturgical achievements in music history, and yet its utterances were little heard in the mælstrom of its time. P r o g r a m m e X X X I . D o m i n i c a V I p o s t P e n t e c o s t e n Prélude à l’Introït: Dominus fortitudo plebis suæ Offertoire: Perfice gressus meos Élévation: Misereor super turbam Communion: Circuibo et immolabo Pièce Terminale: Alléluia Nº III “LA MUSIQUE D’ORGUE DONT DIEU EST ABSENT, EST UN CORPS SANS ÂME.” X X X I V . D o m i n i c a I X p o s t P e n t e c o s t e n —Charles Tournemire Prélude à l’Introït: Ecce Deus adjuvat me Offertoire: Justitiæ Domine rectæ Élévation: Scriptum est enim Communion: Qui manducat carnem meam Pièce Terminale: Supplications et Fugue Modale A l l S a i n t s K i n g s w a y X X . S a n c t i J o s e p h S p o n s i B e a t æ M a r i æ V i r g i n i s Prélude à l’Introït: Adjutor et protector est Dominus T o r o n t o , O n t a r i o Offertoire: Lauda Jerusalem W e d n e s d a y , 2 6 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 8 Élévation: Et venerunt festinantes Communion: Jacob autem Pièce Terminale: Postlude Choral WILL offer in his dwelling an oblation with great gladness: I will sing, and speak praises Iunto the Lord. (Psalm xxvj/xxvij) E E E L’Orgue Mystique by Charles Tournemire Pièce Terminale: Alléluia Nº III A l l e l u i a • I n t e D o m i n e s p e r a v i BcfcfGYcGY7z^ß%vkck/c[ckzkcGYz%$MvviÐhzzîuÏgzzygzyÎfzzrdMc{c A L- le- lu- ia. * &c. XXXI. Dominica VI post Pentecosten LLELUIA, alleluia. = In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust: Let me never be put to Aconfusion. = Deliver me in thy righteousness, Bow down thine ear to me, make haste (Date of Completion: 29 January 1931) to deliver me. Alleluia. (Psalm xxxj/xxxij) A son cher confrère et ami Marcel Paponaud, organiste de St Bonnaventure et de la Société des grands concerts de Lyon E E E Liturgical Propers P r é l u d e à l ’ I n t r o ï t • D o m i n u s f o r t i t u d o p l e b i s s u æ XXXIV. Dominica IX post Pentecosten (Date of Completion: 16 March 1931) A son cher confrère et ami Dr Fritz Morel, organiste de St Luc, à Bâle XcaÝD$cfcf,c[cfgfcdcfcvdchzhc7zà^%zhcìfìgìfcf,c{c D O-mi-nus * for- ti- tu-do ple- bis su- æ, &c. E E E HE Liturgical Propers Lord is the strength of his people, and he is the wholesome defence of his Anointed. TO Lord, save thy people, and give thy blessing unto thine inheritance: Feed them, and P r é l u d e à l ’ I n t r o ï t • E c c e D e u s a d j u v a t m e set them up for ever. = Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my God, think no scorn of me. Lest if thou make as though thou hearest not, I become like unto them that go down into the pit. Vchcfcfzhz6z$z@csmvvv|vFTcêescêsêdêscsmcv{c = Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, E C- ce De- us * ad- ju- vat me, &c. is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen. (Psalm xxvij/xviij) EHOLD, God is my helper: The Lord is with them that uphold my soul. Reward thou evil O f f e r t o i r e • P e r f i c e g r e s s u s m e o s Bunto mine enemies: And destroy thou them in thy truth, O Lord my defender. = Save me, O God, for thy Name’s sake: And avenge me in thy strength. = Glory be to the Father, BcacsÌfdcf,cvvfzfvfzfzzëÌfÌscaÜSRcërdcdÍgfzfc[c and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: P Er- fi- ce * gres- sus me- os &c. world without end. Amen. (Psalm liij/liv) HOLD thou up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not: incline thine ear to O f f e r t o i r e • J u s t i t i æ D o m i n e r e c t æ Ome, and hearken unto my words: shew thy marvellous loving-kindness, O Lord, thou that art the Saviour of them which put their trust in thee. (Psalm xvj/xvij) BcscfcfzfzfcfÃvhgzzíygcfcFT6z%Þ$zgctfM<c[cfzfzfÃvhYctfM<c{c É l é v a t i o n • M i s e r e o r s u p e r t u r b a m J U- sti- ti- æ Do-mi- ni * re- ctæ &c. HE statutes of the Lord are right, and rejoice the heart, sweeter also than honey, and the VcgcuÏgzJIcjcájcvvjcvjcëJIcuhzjkj>c{c Thoneycomb: and moreover thy servant keepeth them. (Psalm xviij/xix) M I- se- re- or * su-per tur-bam: &c. É l é v a t i o n • S c r i p t u m e s t e n i m HAVE compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and Ihave nothing to eat, and if send them away fasting, they will faint by the way, alleluia. BcèfGYcvvgcvgcÌfRcsëÁRzz#zz!Ncv[c —Magnificat Antiphon (Saint Mark viij) S Crip-tum est e- nim * &c. C o m m u n i o n • C i r c u i b o e t i m m o l a b o S it not written, Mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people? But ye have Imade it a den of robbers. And he was daily with them, teaching in the temple. —Magnificat CcfcrÌavv·vdÍgfcf,c[cfchcvfcgcf,c[vc Antiphon (Saint Luke xix) C Ir- cu- i- bo, * et im-mo-la-bo &c. C o m m u n i o n • Q u i m a n d u c a t c a r n e m m e a m HE parents of Jesus went to Jerusalem every year, at the Feast of the Passover, alleluia. T—Lauds Psalm Antiphon (Saint Luke ij) Bcacvscvfzfcvf,cvvvvfcvfcvtfz6z%$cf,c{c C o m m u n i o n • J a c o b a u t e m Q Ui man-du-cat * car-nem me- am, &c. E that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him, saith the HLord. (Saint John vj) VchcGYcvfcrdcvvhzhchcH&c.jcÎhY.c{c J A-cob au-tem * ge-nu-it Jo-seph &c. E E E ND Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Pièce Terminale: Supplications et Fugue Modale AChrist, alleluia, alleluia. (Saint Matthew j) A l l e l u i a • E r i p e m e ( J u b i l u s ) E E E Pièce Terminale: Postlude Choral XcD$cfvÎ6Tz6z%z#MváfvyÎfztfcD$cÞfz6z%$Mc{cÞfz7z^ß%$vßgz6z%Þ$zzrdmv[vÞfz7z^ß%$zdzhzhz6z%$vgztfMc} H y m n • T e J o s e p h c e l e b r e n t A L- le- lu- ia * &c. LLELUIA, alleluia. = Deliver me from mine enemies, O God: Defend me from them that rise up against me. Alleluia. (Psalm lviij/lix) BcscrdcvfcvßgchcvwacvfcvÝdcvfcscacAWmncv{vc A T E Jo-seph ce-le-brent ag-mi-na cæ-li-tum: &c. OSEPH! to thee by hosts on high And quires of Christians, laud be paid! Saintly of life, by Jpurest tie Joined unto her, the glorious Maid. When thou didst doubt thy wife’s repute, And mark her great with motherhood, The angel taught thee that her fruit Came from the XX. Sancti Joseph Sponsi Beatæ Mariæ Virginis Holy Ghost of God. To clasp the Son, the Lord, was thine, To share his flight to Ægypt’s (Date of Completion: 18 April 1930) shore, With tears, to seek in Salem’s shrine Him lost, with joy, to find once more.
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