TERMS: {TEN CENTS PE~ COPY. VOL. VII, No. 21. CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1887. $4.00 per Year, In Advance. SCENES ON AND ABOUT THE ISLAND OF MACKINAC. 3:22 THE GRAPHIC NEWS. VOLUME VII, No. 21. IT is llOW learue,; that ttie proposed monllment to Bungtown, and, much to the editor's delight, the drop, PICKETT'S division on the Gettysburg battle field, which of what seemed to be solid shekels, upon the sounding AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. was to be erected on the 3d prox., will not materialize. board below, filled the air with the sweetest kind of The hitch seenis to be about the precise location, as music. The people were delighted with the great Prose Sketches, of between 1,000 and 3,000 words, written by the Gettysburg Memorial Association refuses to allow work of art, and many of them, to show their appreci­ experienced literary people, will be carefully read and, if any Confederate monument to be erected within the ation, visited the coal-oil can a second time before accompanied with stamps, will be promptly returned it found unavailable. lines of the Union forces. Then the inscription to be departing. "Gorl bless you!" repeated the Blizzard cut upon the monument is,objectionable, as the word man fervently 650 times on that night. 'Late at night, ADVERTISINC RATE. 50 CENTS PER ACATE LINE "patriotism" was designed to be used. We think that upon investigating the contents of the somewhat heavy ;~EADINC NOTICES. $ 1.00 PER LINE "faithful performance of a soldier's duty" would read contribution box. he found it contained 23 pennies allrl far better, and would be read with more appreciation nickels and 627 buttons, mostly large and worn out BUSINESS NOTICE. and a better understanding by coming generations. specimens. He then got down on his knees anf1 The business of THE GRAPHIC PRESS embraces Photo Engrav­ ing, Wood I:!~ngraving, Designing and Printing, All the work prayed. "Oh, Lord," said he, "I have asked you to Oll this paper is done by this establishment. Only the best MANY of the mechanics and other laboring men, of bless them, but if you have not done so already, ·and it artisans employed. Electrotypes for sale. the Eastern cities, who have lost their situations by makes no difference to you, please make them suffer participating in strikes, are casting their eyes longingly for this night's coutemptible work. Oh, Lord, smite ENTERED AT POST OFFICE AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. toward the prairies of the Great West, where it is them, pulverize them, d-n them!" This is very much CINCINNATI, I15 il1aill St. CHICAGO, OPera I-Iouse Bu£ld'g. thought they are wanted. This may, to some extent, the feeling of the GRAPHIC NEWS people, only in a more DETROIT, I15 Woodward Ave. be true, but those who go there should be prepared for gentle and refined manner, after contemplating the result the hardships and labors of the frontier life. Many of of their experiment to raise the small deficit necessary to MAY 21,1887. these misguided people imagine that, if they go West, complete the" Garfield Pedestal." Here are a few of they can soon be the possessors of good farms and the items of interest in the transaction. To the four herds of cattle, imagining that these important callings DON'T overlook the Seven Wonders. thousand letters, including circulars, addressed and sent are easily acquired, and can be carried on without cap­ by mail to as many prominent business me)1 of Cincin­ itai or credit. That the most of them, after reaching nati, we received less than twenty-five replies. We WE would respectfully call the attention of Louis­ their new homes, will have to live for the first few years called upon the different clubs of the city, political and ville, that frightfully degenerate city, to the fact that in sod huts and log cabins, sleep on the hard ground, otherwise. and received two very kind acknowledge­ for a "seventh rate" club, the Cincinnatis continue to and live on meat "straight," corn bread or parched ments, permitting us the exhibition of subscription win with enthusiastic regularity. corn, if they manage to live at all, is the prediction of lists in their respective club-rooms. Our proposition to one who has been 1 here. the press of the city, asking for donation or exchange LET'S see! Has any body mentioned the magnificent of space-to advertise the scheme-was treated with possibilities of natural gas in and about Louisville? BOOM THE CITY. silent contempt by all but the Evening Telegram, the But the disadvantage of that city's supply is that it is Volksfreund, and the Enquirer. The latter has been above rather than below the soil. To bring life into a city is an art, and not the product especially kind to our undertaking, and has thus of nature; for, let a city simply rely upon its natural largely contributed towards gathering in what little OUR own Battery B is going to Washington, D. C., to advantages, let the public spirited citizens grow silent, has been realized. Whilst sadly disappointed in our show to the various crack companies, that will congre­ and stagnation of the worst kind will set in. We are expectations, we are not disposed to give up our pIau gate there next week, that there are many really bril­ induced to indulge in these reflections by the example to accomplish the erection of the statue during the liant maneuvers in UPTON'S tactics. which some of the neighboring cities, of lesser import­ present year, and we have to this end organized a prize ance aud lesser ad van tages, are setting us, and the great puzzle scheme, the particulars of which will be found THE New York Tribune suggests that General WOL­ results they are attaining. Let us look at Louisville! elsewhere in this issue, and, by the aid of which, we SELEY would probably have had more respect for With less than one· half the population of Cincinnati, hope to raise the small amount necessary to rescue the that enterprising city has laid out a Summer programme General GRANT, had he been in command of the magnificent statue of our dead hero fro~ its hidden Confederate forces at Vicksburg or Donaldson. which bids fair to bring about most suhstantial benefits corner in the Custom-house, amid the gloom of oblivion to its inhabitants. Two weeks ago the Democratic and cob-webs, to the light of day. The empty coal-oil THE recent disturbances of the earth's crust in State Convention met there with its thousands of vis­ can is in position. No buttons, gentlemen, this time! Sonora are reported to have laid bare several rich gold itors, enjoying the proverbial hospitality of the" Corn­ crackers," and anxious and willing to spend their veins, for which the prospectors are going with all the REUNION, INDEED. energy and enthusiasm of "old forty-niners." money with them with the liberality such occasions beget. Last week 1,200 delegates of the Southern At both the unveiling of the Garfield Statue at \Vash­ Baptists met there in convention; then followed the THE impression has prevailed for some time that ington City and the erection of the Sedgwick Memorial Republican State Convention, with its enthusiasm and the war was over, but a few more "RoSSER" letters Tablet at Spottsylvania Court· house the era of good its attending influx of strangers and circulation of will convince a man, not thoroughly acquainted with feeling and comradeship, now existing between the money. On the IIth in st. begal' the "Great Ken­ American history, that the strife is still in progress. sections, was stnkingly demonstrated by the presence tucky Derby Races," which conclude to-day. In the of both Federal and Confederate veterans of the late first week of June a grand operatic festival will take war, who vied with each other in demonstrations of IT would seem to the poor unsophisticated Western place, and, after that, the Exposition. Louisville knows' respect for the distinguished dead. The reports of the man that the whole Republican portion of New York how to attract strangers, which is of inestimable value numerous correspondents, relating to these events, City was devoting itself very energetically to giving to its business interests. In this direction Cincinnati record no word of bitterness or resentment towards the dinners, at which CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW could air his might well profit by the lesson. If Cincinnati desires soldiers of the Union or the lost cause. If there was especial qualities for delivering after dinner orations. to secure these great advantages, identical with conven­ an utterance or sentiment that breathed aught but It would further seem to this aforesaid poor unsophisti­ tions, reunions, etc., her citizens must not quietly sit charity and good will, or that might not as well have cated Western man that Brother DEPEW was posing as down in idleness, they must be up and doing, they been said in church as in camp, it failed to reach the very valuable Presidential timber. must ask for what they want, ancl they must show to ear of the listener. The noble old veterans were not the outside world that the Queen City possesses all the there to revive the passions of the war, but to celebrate requisites which are wanted and that she 'is anxious to THE editor of the Arizona Paralyzer makes the fol­ its victories. and especially'the fruits of its victories-a make sa,crifices in order to obtain the advantages.
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