Fluoromount-G® Cat. No. Format Size 0100-01 Clear liquid mounting medium 25 mL Description Fluoromount-G® is a water-soluble compound recommended for slides mounted after a staining procedure having an aqueous final step. Since Fluoromount-G® is water-soluble, the coverslip may be removed by submerging the slide in a PBS solution until the coverslip is loosened. This mounting medium also provides a semi-permanent seal for storage of slide preparations. The refractive index of Fluoromount-G® is reported to 70 be ~1.4 . Applications IHC-FS 1-28 IHC-WM 31-33,48 (F)ISH 6,65 PLA 66 IHC-PS 7,29,30 ICC 12,17,30,34-64 TUNEL 6,54 Fluoromount-G® is compatible with the following reagents – AEC 29 Chlorin e6 (Ce6) 56 Fast Red 17 NeuroTrace® 435/455 Blue 1 Alexa Fluor® 350 57 Coumarin 28 FD Rapid GolgiStain™ 69 NeuroTrace® 640/660 Deep-Red 16 Alexa Fluor® 405 23 CY2 1 FLIVO® 3 Nile Red 35 Alexa Fluor® 488 2,4,6,7,13,15,16,18,20,21,25,26,28,35… CY3 1,8,22,65 FluoProbes® 488 38 NorthernLights™ 493 9 Alexa Fluor® 532 44 CY3.5 25 FluoProbes® 547H 38 NorthernLights™ 557 12 Alexa Fluor® 546 6,39,48,58 CY5 24 Fluorescein (FITC) 5,22-25,27,54,60,65 Oil Red O 59 Alexa Fluor® 555 15,26,41,68 CY5.5 56 Fluoro-Emerald 26,67 Oregon Green® 488 46 Alexa Fluor® 568 16, 23,25 DAB 14,17 Fluoro-Gold 27 Pacific Blue™ 10 Alexa Fluor® 594 2,4,5,13,18,23,26,62 DAPI 1,3,7,9,11,13,21,24-26,42,45,46,48,50,51,53,54,61,65 Fluoro-Jade® 18 Phycoerythrin (PE) 40 Alexa Fluor® 633 38 DiD 53 Fluoro-Ruby® 67 Phycoerythrin/Cyanine 7 (PE/CY7) 40 Alexa Fluor® 635 57 DiI 58 FM® 4-64 46 Propidium Iodide (PI) 24 Alexa Fluor® 647 2,4,31,33,39,40,48 DRAQ5® 6,19 GFP 30,45,46,61 PROTEOSTAT® 13 Alexa Fluor® 660 68 DsRed 43,48 HCS LipidTOX™ Deep Red 31 Qtracker® 655 12 Alizarin Red S 21 dTomato 31 HCS LipidTOX™ Green 33 Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP) 61 AMCA 30 DyLight® 350 63 Hematoxylin 17,22,29 Rhodamine (TRITC) 27,60 AmCyan 23 DyLight® 405 8 Hoechst 33258 68 Rhodamine 6G 50 Amylo-Glo® 15 DyLight® 488 26,51 Hoechst 33342 13,20,36,46 Rhodamine B 32 APC 11,44 DyLight® 550 45,51,55 Hoechst 34580 22,49 Rhodamine Red™-X 20 BCIP/NBT 6 DyLight® 594 10 Image-iT® FX Signal Enhancer 10 Sudan Black B 20 BODIPY® 493/503 64 DyLight® 633 55 Lissamine™ Rhodamine B 24 SYTOX™ Green 6,44 BODIPY® FL 34 DyLight® 650 10 LysoTracker® Green 52 TACS® 2 TdT Blue 54 Brilliant Violet 421™ 31 eFluor® 450 5 LysoTracker® Red 34,56,63 Texas Red® 7,30,34 CdSe-ZnS Quantum Dots 52 eFluor® 615 11 Marina Blue® 19 Thioflavin S 26 CellMask™ Orange 62 EGFP 31,48 mCherry 48 TMR Red 6 CellTracker™ Blue 39 Eosin 22 MitoTracker® Deep Red 60 TO-PRO®-3 43 CellTracker™ Green 36 ER-Tracker™ Green 34 MitoTracker® Orange 47 TSA™ CY3 2 CellTracker™ Orange 36 Ethidium Bromide 41 MitoTracker® Red 45 X-gal 6 CF®488A 37 Evans Blue 3 MTT 7 Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) 6 ® 37 4 42 CF 568 EYFP NBD C6-Ceramide CF®660C 37 Fast Blue 17,27 NBT 14 Suggested Protocol Prepare samples and perform staining according to established procedures Following aqueous final step, remove excess liquid around the sample and add 1 drop (~50 μL) of Fluoromount-G® for an area of 22 x 22 mm Mount coverslip and remove excess mounting medium Allow to air dry for 5 minutes prior to analysis Handling and Storage ® Fluoromount-G is supplied as a 25 mL solution containing NaN3 as preservative. Store at ambient temperature. Warning Contains sodium azide. Please refer to product specific SDS. References 1. Casas C, Isus L, Herrando-Grabulosa M, Mancuso FM, Borrás E, Sabidó E, et al. Network-based proteomic approaches reveal the neurodegenerative, neuroprotective and pain-related mechanisms involved after retrograde axonal damage. Sci Rep. 2015;5:9185. (IHC-FS, CY2, CY3, DAPI, NeuroTrace® 435/455 Blue) 2. Cheng C, Wang W, Huang C, Du P, Yang J, Tsaur M. Coexpression of auxiliary subunits KChIP and DPPL in potassium channel Kv4-positive nociceptors and pain-modulating spinal interneurons. J Comp Neurol. 2016;524:846-73. (IHC-FS, AF488, AF594, AF647, TSA™ CY3) 3. Cursio R, Miele C, Filippa N, Colosetti P, Auberger P, Van Obberghen E, et al. Tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrates during ischemia/reperfusion-induced apoptosis in rat liver. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2009;394:123-31. 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Box 26221 Birmingham, AL 35260 USA Tel: 205.945.1774 U.S. and Canada: 800.722.2255 Fax: 205.945.8768 Email: [email protected] Website: www.southernbiotech.com 7. Herbig ME, Houdek P, Gorissen S, Zorn-Kruppa M, Wladykowski E, Volksdorf T, et al. A custom tailored model to investigate skin penetration in porcine skin and its comparison with human skin. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2015;95:99-109. (IHC-FS, IHC-PS, AF488, DAPI, MTT, Texas Red®) 8. Hilton BJ, Assinck P, Duncan GJ, Lu D, Lo S, Tetzlaff W. Dorsolateral funiculus lesioning of the mouse cervical spinal cord at C4 but not at C6 results in sustained forelimb motor deficits. J Neurotrauma. 2013;30:1070-83. (IHC-FS, CY3, DyLight® 405) 9. Imai DM, Feng S, Hodzic E, Barthold SW. Dynamics of connective-tissue localization during chronic Borrelia burgdorferi infection. Lab Invest. 2013;93:900-10. (IHC-FS, DAPI, NorthernLights™ 493) 10. Kim YU, Lim H, Jung HE, Wetsel RA, Chung Y. 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