Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1947-10-24 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1947). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1800. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1800 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xuuirr Uuiutrsitn Nrms ·I A. Weekly Newspaper By Students From Tlie Evanston, I BEAT UC I. BEAT. " UC• "• . Doivntown, And Milford Campuses. 1--..-------•--"'-•--J VOLUME XXXIJ CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1947 NO. 6 M,USKETEERS ·1NVADE -eEARCAT LAIR Barbara To Play At Goblin Frolic Jr.-Sr. Dance. COACI-JES GIVE STARTLING· STA.TE- Xavier ls Ready Set For Oct. 311\IENTSINEXCLUSIVEINTERVIEWS! For Cincinnati's rr ll Xavier's Head Coach Ed Kluska said in an interview with ('G o~/'_ v ' At S OUth .I.-:ta Bob Coates, NEWS Sports Co-Editor, early this week, "Xavier ante- 'J • .l. ear is happy to meet the University of Cincinnati in this intra-city The frost is on the pumkin, game. It is good for a better relationship between the two By Bob Cotttes and Xavier's Halloween Dance schools." Who will be the Queen City is in the offing. Pleased over the sportsmanship shown by the squad, collegiate football champions A holiday cr9.wd of some Coach Kluska said: ".We hope that all students, alumni, and of 1947? This question will be 200. to 300 upperclassmen and friends of Xavier will display as much sport~manship as the answered tomorrow afternoon their dates are expected to at- men on the field, We will fight for every inch of the way, and at Nippert Stadium as Ed· tend ~he dance, October 31, to ·be J hope everyone will be satisfied and happy afterwards." Kluska's Xavier Musketeers will he~d m South Hall fro~ .8:3? to , Kluska )then stated that, "this game is a great boost for 12.00 .p.m. Space limitations our football here at Xavier." Looking to the future, Xavier's battle Ray Nolting's Cincinnati. 2:30. ~a~e lt necessa.ry to allow only youthful mentor said, "we hope this annual affair will build Bearcats at One of the Jumors and semors to attend. up to a point that everyone will look forward to it." largest crowds in the history of Senior Jim Barbara will forego · Queen City football is expected dancing to bring his eight-piece COACH as the classic was a sell-out a orchestra, the Knights of Rhythm, week ago. to play for the gala festivities. Ve1·sus It will be T master against T Chairman Bill Sewell has in­ Coach Eel Kluska master, offense against defense, as formeq the News that the hall COACH the Bearcats' speedy bacltfield will be- appropriately decorated barons attempt to penetrate the Coach Ray Nolting of the rampaging·-University of Cin­ in the' traditional Halloween style. Muskies mighty forward line of cinnati Bearcats is a most taciturn man. defense. Dress will be informal with cos­ Questioned by News Sports Co-Editor Dick Henkel at the tumes optional. Prizes are being The Musketeers have defeated Xavier-Miami tilt last Saturday on the outcome of the annual Bowling Green, 2-0, Western Mich­ offered for the best woman's and intracity classic tomorrow afternoon, Mr._ NQlting, probably igan, 20-0, and John Carroll, 21-0. man's costumes. the most interested sf>ectator in the throng of watching 13,000 In losing to Kentucky, 20-7, the _The price of admission includ­ the dogged Musketeer hold the slippery Redskin, made the Blue Battlers showed the experts ing_ the cost of the favors which guarded statement that "It, (the Xavier-University of Cin­ that they can cope with the best the committee wiII provide is cinnati game) will be a good game. May the best team win." of them. This was proven last week $1.25 per couple. Thus in the traditional non-committal style of many foot­ when the Muskies tied Miami, 6-6, Besides the permanent installa­ ball coaches, the Bearcat coach commented upon the epoch­ o_n a sloppy field. tions in South Hall, additional making battle tomorrow afternon. tables will be set up for- the an­ The Bearcats are headed by In leaving, Mr. Nolting made one more statement in-which Roger (The Rocket) Stephens, ticipated attendance, and refresh­ he reflected an opinion held by most everyone in ·Cincinnati who scored five of UC's nine touch­ ments will be served. at the present time, stating, "It's a shame that there aren't downs. Stephens has been averag­ Serving on Chairman Sewell's 50,000 seats in Nippert ~tadium." ing more than five yards per try committee are Bob Coates, Jack Coach Ray NC)lting And that was all there was to the interview. as he is a· constant threat, espe­ Brauning, Jim Hughes, Jim Mc­ cially on quick opening plays. Hale, and Charles Weber. The Bearca.t signal-caller will Completely New Guidance ~nd Counselling, probably be Tom O'Malley who is No Neivs Next Week an able passer and smooth ball In commemoration of All­ Service For All "X" Students Begins Today handler. Alkie Richards, at right Saints Day, November I, the Assistant Dean J, Peter Busch­ important portion of scholastic ac­ be his responsibility. Each student half, and either Mike Graham or News. will suspend publication mann, chairman of the Student tivities. should contact his adviser within co-captain Al Sabata at fullback will round out a Cincinnati baclt­ for this coming week. The next Guidance and Measurement' Com­ The primary purpose of the SG 30 days, and must continue to con­ mittee, calmly remarked, "Student & M is to help students solv{l their tact him at least once every se­ field packed with speed and power. issue will be published Friday, The Bearcat line showed sparks November 7. Guidance is looked upon as an in­ academic problems, and "it will mester. He· should acquaint him­ tegral part of education in univer­ assist in complementing the work self with his 'counsellor, and en­ of brilliance for the first time in sities today." He then went on to of Father Dietz in his duties as able the adviser to become famil­ stopping* OkJahoma City's heavy announce that effective today Stu­ 'Student Counsellor." iar with his students. (Continued on Page 4) Taverners :Induct dent Guidance and Measurement Father Buschmann emphasized The chairman reported that a would become fully functionable the fact that, as announced in the complete list of advisers and ad­ Five Neiv Members at Xavier. Working in conjunction recent convocation, each student visees would be posted by the time Dialogue Mass To Those fellows, seen on the with Dr, Raymond F. McCoy and will be held responsible for con­ the News came off the press. This campus last week, who wore beau­ Dr. Frank Wheelan, Father Busch­ tacting his adviser. Every mem­ list will introduce the student to Be Chanted Sunday tiful 'mermaids on their sleeves mann has adva,nced the embryo ber of the faculty has been ap­ his adviser, state where the coun­ and every so often bowed in· the SG & M to a point where it is to pointed as special adviser to ap­ sellor is located, and between what By B. V. M. Sodality grand Elizabethan style, were not become a permanent and highly proximately . 45 students who will (Continued on Page 8) At 8:00, Sunday, October 26, the "off their rockers." Blessed Virgin Sociality will recite They were initiates into the the Dialogue Mass and receive Mermaid Tavern, Xavi_er's writers Holy Communion in a body. At the club. third meeting .held in South Hall, .Jack Bernens, Senior; Robert Wednesday, October 16, this was Brueggemeyer, Tom Farrell, Fred planned and committ~cs were Scholten, Juniors; and Will Splain, formed. Sophomore, were selected for the honor by a board which comprised The Catechetical Committee was the Dean, Father Nieporte, Dr. organized to teach religion to Charles Wheeler, Head of the Eng­ Catholic students attending pub­ lish Department, and Warder of lic schools. Through Our Lady's the Tavern, Father Sweeney. Committee, the Soda.lists show This addition of five members their honor and respect to the brings the undergraduate strength Blessed Virgin Mary by daily of the club to Its greatest number Rosary and office. In order to in­ In its hl~tory .. fluence the students in the daily Monday night, October 20, the reception of Holy Communion and formal Initiation was held when for the Sodalists to show spon­ the candidates suffered the tradi­ taneous and generous respect of tional rites of induction and in­ Dr. Raym.ond ·McCoy, Dr. Frank Wheelan, and Assistant Dean Buschmann Cau1ht by the News Photo- the Blessed Sacrament, the Euchar­ doctrination into the Tavem. 1rapher In a happy (?) mood over completion of plans for the new Guidance Service. istic ·committe was fo1·mcd. ... PAGE TWO XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1947 Xuuter 11lniuersitg News u uu u • ....,.,.. XnvlN" Unl\·erslty, Oct. 2-1, 11»7, weekly except during vacation period Mac's Yo!. XXXII, N<i. G Xavier University, Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio, E\·anston. $Ui0 per year. Application for entry as 11econd-claa1 matter 111 pending. , &ub1erlptlon tl,llO per ;rear, Member . By John C. McDonald . Jesuit College Newspaper Aa'n.
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