LQVLGH WNBA AWARD CEREMONY UN UPDATES PUBLICIZING YOUR BOOK BOSTON CHARLOTTE President's Message DETROIT LOS ANGELES NASHVILLE A few weeks ago I had the privilege of meeting a remarkable woman, our WNBA NEW YORK CITY Award recipient, Masha Hamilton. After reading about her transforming work with SAN FRANCISCO $IJKDQZRPHQZULWHUVDQGFDPHOWUDQVSRUWHGERRNPRELOHV,ZDVVXUSULVHGWRÀQG SEATTLE that she walks and talks like you and I do. I mean, this woman has accomplished WASHINGTON, D.C. such important work—and much of it in what could be described as the most hostile place on the planet—yet she is as down-to-earth, and dare I say “ordinary,” as a person can be. Many of our heroines are larger-than-life, exalted beings who seem to inhabit another realm. To meet someone like Masha, though, impressed upon me the possibility of each of us “ordinary” people doing important work. Maybe not at the (continued on inside front) The 9RO1R 7KH2I¿FLDO3XEOLFDWLRQRIWKH 6SULQJ :RPHQ¶V1DWLRQDO%RRN$VVRFLDWLRQ 1$1&<3($5/1$0('/,%5$5,$12)7+(<($5 edited by Shannon Janeczek Some of Nancy's many accomplishments include: Establishing the One City One Read program, where (NOTE: For a link to a longer article from Library Journal, click everyone in a geographic area reads the same book and here: http://bit.ly/fQlFpy) discusses it in various ways Developing a public relations campaign for the Cuyahoga In January, Library Journal named Nancy Pearl the Librarian County Public Library (CCPL) in the Cleveland suburbs of the Year. LJ writes that “no one other than Nancy Pearl has that helped the the print circulation surpass the overall so convinced Americans that libraries, books, and reading are circulation critical to our communities. Her passionate advocacy has Writing seven books about books (the Book Lust series); done that nationwide for thousands of individual readers and the newest one is Book Lust To Go: Recommended library workers in the trenches at the local level.” Reading for Travelers, Vagabonds, and Dreamers She also broadcasts on NPR and various TV shows, and A quote from Nancy, in the Library Journal article, talking teaches skills of collection development and readers' about reader's advisory: advisory to the students at the University of Washington's Information School. She is very busy as the country's most "When people ask, ‘What should I read next?’ we well-known librarian. should always try to give them three books. One should be pretty close to the one they loved. The But of couse, our tie is that Nancy was instrumental in the second should be a little bit different, a bit of a founding of the WBNA Seattle Chapter in 2008. We are also grateful for her participation in our National Reading Group stretch. The third book is the real stretch book, the Month program. We wish we could see more of her! reach book. The book they never would have IRXQGEHFDXVHLWLVQRQÀFWLRQDQGWKH\RQO\ORRNDW Her website is www.nancypearl.com. Westerns. People come into the library and head straight to the section where they have found the most pleasure.... It is our job to take them around to the rest.” Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. ·¡Ö (continued from front page) THANK YOU, level of embarking on a mission to Afghanistan or riding a camel to remote African villages, but the potential for doing GENEROUS SPONSORS important work through WNBA. It’s the reason I joined WNBA all those years ago—to be a part of an organization that makes a contribution to society through the written Chronicle Books word and, in so doing, changes the world. Dollar General/The Dollar I have a bumper sticker on my car that reads “You don’t General Literacy Foundation have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to Harper Collins Publishers stop reading them.” (Ray Bradbury) Harper Perennial The work that we do through WNBA does contribute to a better world—whether it’s by giving books to underprivi- Harper Paperbacks leged children, helping writers get their books into a wider Ingram Content Group world, recognizing hardworking independent booksellers, issuing grants and scholarships, or the myriad of other ways Penguin Young Readers Group that chapters connect with their communities. Yes, it’s great to get together, network, eat meals, and enjoy A NEW BOOKWOMAN EDITOR! each other’s company, but every now and then we have After three years as Managing Editor of Bookwoman, to remind ourselves that we “ordinary” people are making Shannon Janeczek will be stepping down as of June 2011, a difference. due to family and work demands. "I thank everyone for their assistance and support during my tenure as editor. It's - Mary Grey James really been a valuable experience." WNBA is a national organization of women and men who Gloria Toler of Nashville will be taking on the role of work with and value books. WNBA exists to promote Managing Editor. For those of you who do not know reading and to support the role of women in the commu- Gloria, she received a B.S. in Business Administration from nity of the book. The Bookwoman is the publication of the Women’s National Book Association, published in fall, the University of Central Missouri and studied graduate- winter and spring each year. level accounting at the University of Texas. She obtained KHU&3$OLFHQVHLQ7H[DVDQGZRUNHGIRUDORFDO&3$ÀUP before moving to Toronto, Ontario with her family. They The Bookwoman Women’s National Book have now lived in Franklin, Tennessee, for the past thirteen Association years She does freelance copyediting and proofreading c/o Susannah Greenberg Public and has been the editor of WNBA’s Nashville Chapter news- Relations letter, The Nashville EditionIRUWKHSDVWÀYHDQGDKDOI PO Box 237, FDR Station, New York, NY 10150 years. Gloria will continue serving as Webmaster for the www.wnba- books.org Nashville Chapter. Outgoing Managing Editor: Shannon Janeczek When not reading or writing, Gloria enjoys playing the ([email protected]) Future Editor: Gloria Toler piano (and occasionally) the accordion, and loves following ([email protected]) her two college-aged sons in their musical endeavors, from songwriting to performing at local venues. 2 The Bookwoman Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. ·¡Ö HELP WANTED: Board Relations Communications Board Chair and Preparing a brief written report to Board members updat- Development Board Chair ing them about the organization’s communications activi- ties three times per year, or on a If you're interested in either of these chair positions, which VFKHGXOHDJUHHGWRE\WKH&KDLUDQG([HFXWLYH2IÀFHUVRI will be new Executive Board roles, please contact Mary the Board, in addition to the annual national Board meet- Grey James, or your chapter president. ing Reporting on the previous year and planning for the Both chairs should: upcoming year at the annual Board meeting. Possess knowledge of and passion for the Women’s National Book Association’s mission Development Board Chair Be a strategic thinker on behalf of WNBA’s This Board Chair will work in partnership with the Executive ongoing needs Board to discuss ongoing program, Serve a 2-year term with the possibility of renewal fundraising, and outreach initiatives upon vote by full Board Attend annual national Board meeting in person Fundraising Execute their responsibilities with the help of commit- Make introductions to professional colleagues, associates, tee members, to be chosen by each Chair friends and institutions on behalf of WNBA. Review and contribute to Board meeting agendas Research and apply for grants throughout the year. Work with the board on appropriate follow-through Communications Board Chair strategies to cultivate the interest, involvement and sup- This Board Chair will have previous experience in publicity port from prospective donors, thereby assisting in rela- and communications in either his or her own professional tionship-building for the organization. or volunteer work. Write thank you notes for contributions. Prepare a written report to Board members updating Responsibilities them about the organization’s progress, Publicity highlights and achievements. Overseeing and directing the implementation of an Develop template language describing WNBA which overall external communications strategy for the could be used by any chapter or chairperson to solicits QDWLRQDO:1%$ZLWKWKHKHOSRIWKH([HFXWLYH2IÀFHUV funding for the association. of the Board Maintain a current list of solicitations. This will Initiating and executing publicity campaigns for WNBA be important if Jill and WNBA Award chairperson or any- national-level activities, including the WNBA Award, one else is asking for funding, so no company or organi- the WNBA Pannell Award, and National Reading zation gets more than one solicitation. Group Month; and presenting plans for these cam- paigns to appropriate Board members for their input and approval in advance of executing them. Get listed in Publishers Weekly! Working with the Board on developing a Do you have an industry event you would like to comprehensive media list, updated regularly share with the publishing community? If so, send Assisting and advising the Board, including the news- details about upcoming happenings to events@ letter chair, to enhance the newsletter and other publishersweekly.com. (Please note, they will not run information about promotional events, such as internal communications as vehicles to increase inter- book parties.) And -- your event doesn't need to nal knowledge of and excitement for the organiza- be in NYC to be considered. tion, its work, and activities. Spring 2011 3 MEMBER NEWS & BOOKS WNBA members contribute to a wide variety of aspects of the book world. We created this column to celebrate our members’ most news- worthy accomplishments. BOSTON LQWKH86DIWHU"´,QKHU &RPPXQLFDWLRQV,WZDV /RQJWLPH:1%$'& 'DSKQH.DORWD\¶VQRYHO UHVSRQVH1LHVFLWHGVRPHRI LQFRUUHFWO\LGHQWL¿HGLQWKH 0HPEHUDQGSURPRWHURI 5XVVLDQ:LQWHU +DUSHU&ROOLQV WKH$PHULFDQVWUXFWXUDO ODVWLVVXHDVWKH/HJDO$ZDUG :DVKLQJWRQDUHDZULWHUV ZLOOEHUHOHDVHGLQ LVVXHVVXFKDVTXRWDVIRU 5LFKDUG3HDERG\ZDV SDSHUEDFNLQ$SULO$¿QDOLVW ZRPHQLQSURIHVVLRQDO WASHINGTON, D.C.
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