1252 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 FEBRUARY, 1915. on the 29th day of October, 1910), are, on or before died in or about the month of September, 1913), are, the 10th day of March, 1915, to send by post, pre- on or before the 9th day of March, 1915, to send by- paid, to Mr. William Edward Farr, a member of the post, prepaid;, to° Mr. H. A. "Carter, of the firm, of firm of Messrs. Booth, Wade, Farr and Lomas- Messrs. Eallowes and Carter, of 39, Bedford-row, Walker, of Leeds, the Solicitors of the defendant, London, W.C., the Solicitor of ,the defendant, Charles Mary Matilda Ingham (the wife of Henry Ingham), Daniel William Edward Brown, the executor of the the administratrix of the estate of the said Eli deceased, their Christian and surname, addresses and Dalton, deceased, their Christian and surnames, descriptions, the full parfcieuJars of their claims, a addresses and descriptions1, the full particulars of statement of (their accounts, and the mature of the their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof nature of the securities (if any) -held by them, or in they will be peremptorily excluded from it-he* benefit of default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the said order. Every creditor holding any security is from the benefit of the said judgment. Every credi- to produce the same at the Chambers of the said tor holding any security is to produce the same at Judge, Room No. 696, Royal 'Courts of Justice, the Chambers of Mr. Justice Warrington and Mr. London, on the 16th day of March, 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, being the time appointed for 'adjudication on Justice Sargant, Room No. 252, the Royal Courts of' 1 Justice, Strand, London, on Wednesday, the 17th day the claims.—Dated this 3rd day of February, 1915. of March, 1&15) at 12 o'clock noon, being the time WM. FISHER, 51, Lincoln's Inn-fields, London, appointed for adjudicating on the claims.—Dated '4* W.C., Plaintiffs1 Solicitor. this third day of February, 1915. GIBSON and WELD ON, 27, Chancery-lane, London; Agents for URSUANT to an Order of the Chancery Division CRANSWICK, CRAWFORD and OWEN, of P of the High Court of Justice, England, dated 121 Leeds, Plaintiffs' Solicitors. the Hth January, 1915, made in tihe Matter of the •trusts of a legacy of £200 bequeathed to John Perrott Barwise bv ithe will of JOHN PERROTT, deceased, 'and in an action of Rickardagainst Barwise (1914. P., URSUANT to a Judgment of the Chancery 2315), whereby the following inquiry was directed, Division of the High Count of Justice, made in namely:—"An inquiry whether John Perrott Bai'- Pthe Matter of the estate of MARY SHUKER, wise is living or tiWd, -and, if dead, when the died, Widow, deceased, and in an action, Davies v. Wood and, if he died after the 26t!h October. 1880, who is and Roberts (1914, S. No. 704), the creditors of Mary his legal personal 'representative." The said John Shuker, late of Horderdley, in the county of Salop, Perrott Barwise, df living, or, df he died after the Widow, Poultry and1 Game Dealer (who died on iwie 26th October. 1880, his legal personal representative, fourth day of February, 1912), are, on or before the is, by himself or 'his Solicitors, on or before the 1st first day of March, 1915, to send by post, prepaid, to June, 1915, to come in and prove 'his claim at tihe Mr. Albert Henry Spink, of Bishop's Castle, in the Chambers of the Judge, Room No. 288, Royal Courts county of Salop, the Solicitor of the defendants, of Justice, Strand, London, England, and to enter John Percy Wood and George William Roberts, the his name in a book kept for .that purpose in Room executors of the deceased, their Christian and sur- No. 287, at the said Royal Courts of Justice, or in names, addresses and descriptions, the full particu- default thereof he -will be peremptorily excluded from lars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the -benefit of any order to be made dn the said action. the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, Tuesday, the 8th June. 1915, art 12 o'clock noon, at or in default thereof they will foe peremptorily ex- the Chambers of the Judge, .Room No. 288, at the cluded from the benefit of the said judgment. Every said Royal Courts of Justice, is appointed -for the creditor (holding any security is to produce the same hearing and adjudicating upon the claim.—Dated this before Mr. Justice Neville, at his 'Chambers, Room 30th January, 1915. No. 704, the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, H. D. HUGHES-ONSLOW, Master. on Tuesday, the ninth day of March, 1915, at 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for NOTE.—The said John Perrott Barwise left Eng- adjudicating on the claims.—Dated this third day of land in 1878 for Brisbane, Australia, and -was last February, 1915. •heard of at Walgett, New South Wales, in 1880. GIBSON and WELDON, 27, Chancery-lane, RAWLE, JOHNSTONE and CO., 1. Bedford^row, London; Agents for Lonaon, W.C.; Agent® for MUSGRAVE and McKELVIE, of Whitehaven, J. H. C. BOWDLER, of Shrewsbury, Plaintiff's 143 Cumberland. 12* Solicitors. URSUANT to an Order of the Court of Chancery P of the County Palatine of Lancaster, -made in an action Rosa Thompson, Widow, against Edward In the High Court of Justice.—Chancery Division. Thompson and Josephus Brocklehurst (1914, Letter T. No. 245), the creditors of EDWARD THOMP- Mr. Justice Astbury. SON, late of 117, Old-lane, Hollinwood, Oldham, in No. 0026 of 1915. the county of Lancaster, retired Colliery Manager In the Matter of LONDON AND COLONIAL .(who died in or about the month of March, 1898), are, INVESTMENT CORPORATION Limited, and in on or before the 5th day of March, 1915, to send by the Matter of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, post, prepaid, to John Nicholson, of the firm of ]908. V ' •Megson and Nicholson, of 26, -Clegg-street, Oldham aforesaid, the Solicitors of the defendants, the surviv- OTICE is hereby given, that a petition was, on N the 22nd day of January, 1915, presented to ing executors of the deceased, •their Christian and the High Court of Justice by the above named Com- surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full parti- pany, to confirm an alteration of the said Company's culars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, objects proposed to be effected by a Special Resolu- and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, tion of the Company, duly passed at an Extraordinary or in default thereof they will be peremptorily ex- General Meeting of the said Company, held on the cluded from the benefit of the said order. Every 17th day of December, 1914, and subsequently duly creditor holding any security is to produce the same confirmed at an Extraordinary General Meeting of before the .Registrar of the Manchester District at the said Company, held on the 4th day of January, •his chambers, situate at Duchy Chambers, 4, Clarence- 1915, and which Resolution is as -follows:— street, Manchester, on Tuesday, the 16th day of 1. That the provisions of the Memorandum of Asso- March, 1915, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, being ciation of the Company, with respect to its objects, •the time appointed for adjudication on the claims.— be altered in manner following, that is to say:— Dated this 2nd day of February, 1915. (1) By cancelling sub-clauses (b), (c), (d), (e) and 050 HUBERT WINSTANLEY, Registrar. (•f) of clause (3) of the said memorandum. (2) By inserting the following new sub-clauses after sub-clause (a) of the said memorandum, namely:— (b) To invest in or otherwise acquire and hold for URSUANT to an Order of the Chancery Division investment purposes, shares, stocks debentures, de- P of the High Court of Justice (Mr. Justice Eve), benture stocks, bonds, obligations and securities, issued made in the Matter of tihe estate of SAMUEL or guaranteed by any Company, constituted or carry- BROWN, deceased, and in an action Jackson and ing on business in the United 'Kingdom, or in any Othens against Brown (1914, B., 2591), the credi- Colony or Dependency, or possession thereof, or in tors of Samuel Brown, late of No. Ill, Maiden-road, any foreign country, and debentures, debenture stocks, New Maiden-, in the county of Surrey, Builder (who bonds, obligations and securities, issued or guaranteed.
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