DOCUMENT RESUME ED 062 248 SO 002 953 AUTHCR Hem, Joan TITLE Social Studies; Politics and Revolution. INSTITUTION Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Fla. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 34p.4 Authorized course of instruction for the Quinmester Program EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Activism; Activity Units; Behavioral Objectives; Curriculum Guides; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12; Politics; Resource Guides; Secondary Grades; *Social Action; *Soclal Change: Social Structure; *Social Studies Units; Social Values; Socioeconomic Influences IDENTIFIERS Flortda; *Quinmester Program; Revolution ABSTRACT This quinmester course for grades ten through twelve emphasizes major causes and symptoms of revolution, and also examines other forms of change available to society. Goals pursued throughout the course are for the student to: analyze what happens, why, and the cost of a revolution; understand "revolution as a problemsolving technique"; instill an awareness of the nature of revolutionary struggle, and the possibility that a revolution "won"may ultimately be "lost"; analyze the type of society that exists after sucha restructuring. Ten units are: 1) The different levels of change within a society and the ways to differentiate between them; 2) Causes of a revolution; 3) Application of the causal theories; 4) Students' generalization from data about the primary and secondary causes of revolution; 5) Application of generalizations; 6) Examination of the resolution of revolutionary activity; 7) Students' proposal of reasons for change in direction ofa revolution; 8) Examination of the aftermath of a revolution; 9) Students° proposal of reasons why the goals of a revolution were metor not met; 10) Analysis of revolution as a problem solving technique. A list of resource materials and five appendices are provided. Related documents are SO 002 708 through SO 002 718, SO 002 768 through SO 002 792, and SO 002 949 through SO 002 970. (Author/SJM) AUTHORIZED COURSE OF INSTRUCTION FOR THE UI POLITICS AND REVOLUTION 614148.19 61414.10 .. 471 SOCIAL STUDIES C12 r' 'DIVISION OF INSTRUCTION*1911 POLITICSSOCIAL AND STUDIES REVOLUTION 6414.106448.19 2raeliCISee3.g3nm2aglnia2VS2r0E23CrelC Written by Joan Heggy Q2g4"gET,C325§20gSeq0PggaiiQ'411ZAVIC318P2.4eVgCgO331511gri2 for the n112:341;210:*Pq' DadeDivision CountyMiami, of 1971 PublicFloridaInstruction Schools DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Mr. William Lehman, Chairman Mr. G. Holmes Braddock, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Ethel Beckham Mrs. Crutcher Harrison Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers Dr. Ben Sheppard Mr. William H. Turner Dr. E. L. Whigham, Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Miami, Florida 33132 Published by the Dade County School Board Copies of this publication may be obtained through Textbook Services 2210 S. W. Third Street Miami, Florida 33135 Price: $.75 3 INTRODUCTION resources,planarequinmester meantinstructionalThis tocourseandadministrative be other neither of programs, studyfactors. all-inclusive organizationwas writtentaking intoasnorof a prescriptive;schools.accountpart of studenta Thetotal butmaterials needseffort rather, and andto ancharacteristics, revise informationaide tocurriculum teachersin availablethis toas guidefit they the porateofcontent, study.The into majorteaching Teacherstheir intent lessons.strategies, may of then this acceptclasspublication theactivities, modelis.toframework andprovide materials ina broadtotal all framework orrelated draw ideasofto goalsa fromdescribed and it objectives,to courseincor- majorororientedand corequisite learning.The subdivisions informationguide activities, experiences.is dividedof forthe and theintocourse. 4)Theteacher; 1) materials.contentaThe broad "indicatorsobjectives outline goalsThe firstsection,illustrates, andof success"sectionlearning 2) a provides incontentrefersactivitiesgeneral tooutline, descriptivesuggested terms, 3) the prerequisiteobjectivesand scope goal- and categories:aplaceprovides set of givenora totalinessential learningaddition picture textualactivities.to of the the oraforementionediconcept otherThe material; ormaterials main supplementaryidea alternatesection and specific ofclassroom teacher the behavioralguide resources;materials listssection, objectivesresources andto hopefully,usesupple- ininfor four andcourse:mentary sendAnyone studenttoe.g., :having Socialpretests,resources. recommendations Studies readings,The Office, appendix relatingvocabulary, Room may 306, toinclude etc. thisLindsey publicationotherHopkins,material isA-1. urgedappropriate to write for thema specific down JamesSocial A. Studies Fleming Consultant OFDRASTICSUGGESTOTHERCOURSE THE FORMSDESCRIPTION: RUSSIANSTEPBOTH OFASPHILOSOPHICAL REVOLUTION,CHANGEREVOLUTION.ALTHOUGH AVAILABLE THEAND WHILEFOCUSING STUDENTSPRACTICAL TO ATHE SOCIETY. PRIMARILY CLASSWILL REASONS ALSOAS THIS AONWHY UNIT REVOLUTIONARY PROVIDESA PORTIONINQUIRES SOME OFINTO GROUNDWORKCHANGE,A SOCIETYTHE CAUSES,THIS WOULDFOR COURSE RESOLUTION,THE UNDERTAKE NEXTALSO STEPEXAMINES SUCHAND - AFTERMATHTOA GRADEON CONCURRENT LEVEL: STUDIES10-12 OF OTHER EXAMPLES. MAKE HYPOTHESES ABOUT REVOLUTIONS INGENERAL, BASED INDICATORSCOURSE STATUS: OF SUCCESS:ELECTIVE NONE- FULFILLS THE REQUIREMENT FOR POLITICAL STUDIES. CULTURECOURSE RATIONALE: THAT OUR STUDENTSTHE WORD MUST REVOLUTION SURELY FAIL HAS TOBEEN APPRECIATE SO COMMERCIALIZED THESCARRING AND GLAMORIZEDEFFECT OF EVENIN OURTHE "EXPRESSMOST SUCCESSFUL, YOURSELF" crt AWILL-INTENTIONEDCONSIDERREVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTION, REVOLUTION THISSTRUGGLE, REVOLUTION. COURSE AS ONE THE IS OF POSSIBILITYDESIGNED MANYBY UNDERTAKING PROBLEM-SOLVING TO THATINSTILL AAN REVOLUTION IN-DEPTHAN TECHNIQUES.AWARENESS STUDY"WON" OF OF MAYTHE THE ULTIMATELYFOLLOWING: AFTERMATH BEASTHE "LOST,"WELL DELICATE AS ANDTHE NATURETHECAUSES NEED OF OF TO GOALS:1) THE STUDENTS WILL EXAMMNE DIFFERENT LEVELS OFCHANGE IN A SOCIETY AND DIFFERENTIATE AMONG THEM. 3)2). THE STUDENTS WILL IDENTIFYGENERALIZE REVOLUTIONARY FROM DATA ABOUT ACTIVITYTHE CAUSESIN A GIVENOF A POLITICALCOUNTRY AND REVOLUTION. PREDICT THE OUTCOME. 5)4) THEANDUSING STUDENTSPROPOSE SELECTED REASONSWILL EXAMPLES,CRITICALLY WHY THE THE GOALSDISCUSS."REVOLUTIONSTUDENTS OF THEWILL REVOLUTION EXAMINE AS THEAWERE PROBLEM-SOLVING RESOLUTION MET OR NOT AND MET. TECHNIQUE."AFTERMATHOF REVOLUTIONS, I.COURSE Thesociety OUTLINE:different and the levels ways ofto changedifferentiate within a VI. Examination of the resolution of betweenB.A. Evolutionary them. change ofwithin a system asystem revolutionaryA.B. InInor Russia.groupcountries study. activity. selected for individual II. CausesE.D.C. RevolutionThe of couprebellion a revolution. d'etat VIII.VII. ExaminationStudentsdirection proposeof ofa revolution.the reasons aftermath for ofchange in A.C.B. TheTheoriesRevolutionary philosophers of revolution. literature. of revolution. revolution.A.B. InIn thecountries USSR. selected for individuala 3.2.1. Change.CraneChalmersKarl Marx,Brinton, Johnson, The CommunistThe RevolutionaryAnatomy Manifesto. of IX. Studentsof a andrevolution grouppropose study. were reasons met orwhy not the met. goals III. ApplicationA. To Revolution.the Russianof the RevOlution.causal theories. X. Analyzationsolving technique. of revolution as a problem- IV. StudentsprimaryB, Toor revolutionsgroup andgeneralize secondarystudy, selectedfrom causes data for ofabout individualrevolution. the V. ApplicationA. Identificationactivity ofin generalizationsa given of revolutionary nation. (IV.). GOAL 1: EXAMINE DIFFERENT LEVELSOF CHANGE IN A SOCIETY AND DIFFERENTIATEAMONG THEM. DECkEESSOCIETY OF FOCUSCHANGE IN A The studentsOBJECTIVE will examine 1.From a list compiledLEARNING by the ACTIVITIES teacher,students can pick out indifferenttiate a society between levels andthem. differen-of change ExamplesorderTheysituationsa. Voting shouldto workof to theyitemsalso cowardamend think explainthat the aare tentativecouldConstitution. reiectionsillustrative be placeddefinitionas ofwellon thisrevolutionary ofas list"revolution."selections are: activit in y Notothi,Aingsio;:ome upto forteacher: studentsthey this are course maygoing c.b. GuerillaofAlegislative, groupa given ofwarfare nation.generals and iniudicial alltaking thepower overcities centers.a nation'sand population executive,centers rathernotRemindto learna vocational themthan "how-to-do-it." that"how-to,"At course;this is 2. (Alternateofwhatthis tentative question:types orof definition,supplementactivity"If you would weretoas #1).in youobserving #1. see?"List ona Proceed full-scaleboard thewith revolution,answers formulationto Why,stiesses and whatwhat cost.happens, 3. askaAsk school students administration to completelist all distasteful possiblethis activityforms to them.individually. of reactionIf done against onAsk board, them changenecessarypossibleliststo list andpossible in forms heredefend order - of in only theirof reaction.a "mild givena orderrecognition tosituation. ofHaveextreme" listing. several of thettie Astudentsoriginal subtleconsensus degreesreadlist is theirofnot of 4. ThecarggoryarriveThe teacherfollowing at (or a cancategoricaladd activities choosesome), from definition askenable the the suggested thestudents ofstudents levels toactivities findofto inductivelysocietala commonfor change.each changecategoriesdenominatorthe(1) commonevolutionary of ain denominatorsystemin the the changefollowing activities(3) into withinCoup order:a d'etatdefinitionpresented,a system(4) inandrebellion(2) the thenevolutionary followingreformulate 1 (5) revolution. a. Evolutionary(1) Many Screen LEARNINGchange News
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