2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2D TO 3D CONVERSION OF SPORTS CONTENT USING PANORAMAS Lars Schnyder, Oliver Wang, Aljoscha Smolic Disney Research Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland ABSTRACT background panorama with depth for each shot (a series of sequen- tial frames belonging to the same camera) and modelling players as Given video from a single camera, conversion to two-view stereo- billboards. scopic 3D is a challenging problem. We present a system to auto- Our contribution is a rapid, automatic, temporally stable and ro- matically create high quality stereoscopic video from monoscopic bust 2D to 3D conversion method that can be used for far-back field- footage of field-based sports by exploiting context-specific pri- based shots, which dominate viewing time in many sports. For low- ors, such as the ground plane, player size and known background. angle, close up action, a small number of real 3D cameras can be Our main contribution is a novel technique that constructs per-shot used in conjunction with our method to provide full 3D viewing of a panoramas to ensure temporally consistent stereoscopic depth in sporting event at reduced cost. For validation, we use our solution to video reconstructions. Players are rendered as billboards at correct convert one view from ground-truth, professional-quality recorded depths on the ground plane. Our method uses additional sports pri- stereo sports footage, and provide visual comparisons between the ors to disambiguate segmentation artifacts and produce synthesized two. In most cases, our results are visually indistinguishable from 3D shots that are in most cases, indistinguishable from stereoscopic the ground-truth stereo. ground truth footage. Index Terms— Stereo vision, 2D to 3D conversion, Mosaicing, 2. RELATED WORK Segmentation, Sports Visualization, 3D Reconstruction Stereo content creation requires the use of a view synthesis tech- nique to generate a second view close to the first. This is a difficult 1. INTRODUCTION problem, as it requires knowledge of scene depth. Conversion meth- ods must therefore either use some form of manual input, such as While stereoscopic 3D movies have been hugely successful in the- user specified normals, creases and silhouettes [1], manually traced aters for some time, 3D-at-home has only recently began to gain objects at key-frames in a video [2] or a priori scene knowledge. traction. One bottleneck inhibiting its adoption is that there is not We are interested in automatic methods that use scene specific yet a sufficient amount of suitable 3D content available and few live assumptions, as manual approaches are not scalable for converting broadcasts are viewable in 3D. This is because the creation of stereo- large video libraries or broadcast content. Two automatic techniques scopic content is still a very expensive and difficult process. Filming that use priors are Make3D [3] and Photo Pop-up [4]. Such methods in 3D requires highly trained stereographers, expensive stereo rigs, operate by; building statistical models of 3D scenes, segmenting im- and a redesign of existing monoscopic content work-flows. As a ages, and applying a classifier to assign planar relationships between result, techniques for converting 2D content into 3D are a very im- segments. These approaches are limited in the types of scenes that portant alternative, both for new productions as well as conversion are supported, and provide no temporal stability for video input. of existing legacy footage. Fortunately, for 2D to 3D conversion, we do not require a full 3D The general problem of creating a high quality stereo pair from representation of the world to be reconstructed, since the distance of monoscopic input is highly under-constrained. The typical conver- virtual viewpoints to be rendered is very limited. Instead, a depth or sion pipeline consists of estimating the depth for each pixel, project- disparity map for a given input image is sufficient. ing them into a new view, and then filling in holes that appear around However, for conversion of video, the temporal stability of depth object boundaries. Each of these steps is difficult and, in the general maps is very important in order to avoid noticeable temporal flicker- case, requires large amounts of manual input, making it unsuitable ing artifacts. We achieve temporal stability through our novel con- for live broadcast. Existing automatic methods cannot guarantee the cept of first constructing a background panorama for a given shot, quality and reliability that are necessary for TV broadcast applica- and then creating a depth map for the entire sequence. Tempo- tions. rally stable depth maps for each frame are then reprojected from We focus on a specific application of 2D to 3D conversion which the panorama. We use a state-of-the-art video mosaicing approach allows us to use domain-specific priors to automate the conversion to create our background panoramas. process. One area that has traditionally been at the forefront of ad- Other existing methods of automatic stereo video conversion vances in technology (such as the adoption of HDTV), is sports. from single view video typically work by reconstructing a dense Sports games are a prime candidate for stereoscopic viewing, as they depth map using parallax between frames [5], or structure from mo- are extremely popular, and can benefit from the increased realism tion [6]. However, these methods require static scenes and specific that stereoscopic viewing provides. camera paths, and in cases where parallax does not exist in a video Our method takes advantage of prior knowledge, such as known sequence, such as with a rotating camera, these methods would not field geometry and appearance, player heights, and orientation. We work. Our method produces high quality automatic stereo conver- create a temporally consistent depth impression by reconstructing a sion without assuming static content. 978-1-4577-1302-6/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 2001 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 3. METHOD 3.2. Background modeling using a video panorama Temporal stability and consistency is one of the most important con- ditions for convincing stereo content generation. We therefore in- troduce a novel approach using a panorama to address these issues. Figure 3 illustrates the approach. Fig. 1. Overview of our processing pipeline. The basic idea of our approach is to separate static and dynamic parts of the scene and process them each using specific algorithms [7]. Our method works for wide field shots and exploits assumptions about the image content. The overview of the pipeline is shown Fig- ure 1. First, each input image is segmented into static background and moving players. Then, a background panorama is constructed from the whole shot using a classical mosaicking approach, assum- ing a fixed rotating camera. From this, a depth map is created for the whole panorama using assumptions about the planar structure of the field, and a heuristic, but sufficiently accurate model for the back- ground. Background depth maps for each frame can then be com- puted by an inverse projection from the panorama depth map using the previous homography. By design, these depth maps are tempo- rally stable and consistent throughout the shot. Then, segmentation of the players is improved considering the background panorama, Fig. 3. Temporally consistent depth map generation. A panorama and each segmented player is represented as billboard with depth is created using video mosaicing. A depth map is created for the derived from its location on the background model. Ambiguities in panorama yielding a complete background model. Depth maps for segmentation are corrected so as to not cause noticeable artifacts, each frame are then extracted from the panorama by inverse homog- giving us a final depth map for each input image. Finally, stereo raphy projection. views are rendered with disocclusions inpainted from known back- ground pixels. In the following sections we describe each of these steps in more detail. We define Ti;j as the homography transform (represented by a 3x3 matrix) that projects frame i onto the plane of frame j. Our process can then be summarized as follows: 3.1. Player segmentation 1. Compute homographies Ti;i−1 using a method by Shi and Tomasi [9] and KLT feature tracking. 2. Create a panorama using the accumulated homography Ti;0 = Ti−1;0 ∗ Ti;i−1, T0;0 = I. This is used to warp all images i onto the first image plane. We denote this ho- mography Ti;0 as Ti. 3. Given this panorama, compute a consistent sequence-wide depth map (see below). 4. For a specific frame, transform the sequence depth map into −1 its local coordinates using inverted homographies Ti , giv- ing us the background depth map for each frame. We note that although our approach uses only frame-to-frame in- formation (which leads to a small accumulated error over the whole Fig. 2. Player segmentation. White lines are drawn around automat- sequence), it achieves sufficient quality for our application. This is ically detected player regions. because the panorama image is only used for the construction of per- frame temporally stable depth maps. We therefore found this method The first step of our process is segmentation into static and dy- to be an optimal trade-off between running time and accuracy. namic parts (Figure 2). For that, we use a standard support vec- In step 3 of the process, a depth model of the panorama is cre- tor machine (SVM) [8] that is trained on a small database of field ated. This can be done with sophisticated automatic systems like and player appearances. A vector of RGB colors in a small win- Make3d, prior knowledge about stadium geometry, or even created dow around each pixel is used as a descriptor for the SVM. After by hand for each camera since they are usually stationary.
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