I I , A* * .~ , ,,***.***\, . *. I * t ** J * ,~ \:44:* ,, , A* *, 11 ,-J * \. A ANZAC Spirit Study Tour BYBRAEDENPARNELL Stjohn's Catholic College 2016 ChiefMinisters Anzac StudyTour .. " ~.~ " - ~.~ ~~~ ..~~~..~... .....~"...~, - ~.~ ~ ......*....~..,~..,~ .-.... ~ I - F-. co FF o F1 ^ ,'I'.: O d5' Frj ^- -.. 00 C: F. I I^ > FD r=, Z co ^^N, -. , I,;*,*,, ,.,*,>, < ~ *. o *\ o < ,t. P, \ ~ *" \ .. Ii o ;a t*\ \* \ ;;3 FD *{\,:', 51 \ **'. - o ~ \ 9.1 FF ^. o . ^ o co F1 It -, I~ < O > in CD . Z 61 DJ ^ . *, I* > =' I , ^! F1 , to F1 <0 , 7< . z ^ 0 66' > :-I ^ 7<' '1^ < N CD g. is r: * o I-,O ^ O 0.1 H I\I " 01, , I^ 01 0.1 I-: FF ~ co ^ 0.1 CT, o o . ^ ~ , :r C o ^ F, .~ FF o to in ;^ 'C I~ o -I I. -. ^ > F1 . c, o in o rr: o Z . I . * . ET: CD p, I > Z ^, co ^ H ~. FF I-o :rj F-* F1. *-. 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The war continued on until NovemberlT"}918 when Germany signed an Armistice with the allies (History Learning Site, 2016) ANZAC, an acronym created in }9L5 fortheAustralian NewZealandArmyCorps (ANZAC Day, 00.6) were originally volunteers for the AIF (Australian Imperial Forces), during the Great War. Ariapproximated 50,000 Australians were sentto Gallipoli. Most above the enlisting age, but few under 18 Years of age. Of those 50,000 Australian soldiers fighting against a relentless war, 8,709 were killed. ^9,44, were grovely injured (ANZACS of Gallipoli, 00.6) During the First World Warthe ANZAC landed in the central Gallipolipeninsu}a on the dawn of the 25'' of AprilL9i. 5, LOT years ago. Eight months later in December 19}5, the stalemate was met with a retreat from the ANZACs (Gallipoliand the Artzacs, 2016). From this sacrifice the ATizac spirit was born, a fierce will for all Australians, all current serving Australian soldiers and retired veterans. From Sydney to Perth the ANZAC spiritis alit, blazing through each and every Australian. But what is it that 1<eepsthe ANZAC spilt alive? (ANZAC Day, 2016) Even though there is thousands of Idiometers separating Australia and the original battlefield of the ANZACs. The ANZAC spiritcontinuousto live on through our events and celebrations. Each and every Yearthe ANZACs are remembered fortheirsacrifice and devotion to their country throughwar memorials. These take place in each and every city in AUStraha, whether it be through a dawn service, a schoolassembly, a Mass or social gathering. This remembrance, our remembrance of Australian soldiers and their war in GaHipoli(ANZAC Day, co^6) In each state there is a state memorial, where a dawn service is conducted Yearly, commemorating the ANZACs fortheir valiantservice to Australia, there are 36 memorialsin NSW, z in the ACT, 36 in QLD, 16 in Victoria, linTasmania, and PAGE3 more than 900 war memorials and related objectsin WA (Wildpedia, 2016). Each year, thousands of Australians flocl< to these memorials alike, to pay respects to the fallenANZAC soldiers. It 1sthrouoh this commitment to respect, that the ANZAC spiritis carried on, Whether it be a father taking his daughter to a war memorial, and later on that daughter taking her own child to a Dawn service. These simple actionsthat we allundergo, keep alive the spirit of ANZAC. On the 20LS Loo year commemoration of the ANZACslanding of Gainpoli, a collection of ANZAC Centenary coins wasreleased by the Australian Mint, these coins decorated with desions and images of the ANZACs, from depictions of the Gallipolilanding, and the brave soldiers who fell. These coins in their own way, carry on the ANZAC spirit(The Perth Mint, 2016) Manyother eventsa. rid monuments celebrate the ANZAC spirit. Such anthe Borella Ride, an ANZAC service retracing the steps of rubert Borella, who rode horsebacl< from tenant creek, to Darwin (NT Government, 2016). This very Essay, and the Studytour to follow it, are allways that the ANZAC spirit are continued on and remembered, every year, countless NT students enrollforthe ChiefMinisters Study Trip, each one of them researching and remembering the ANZAC spirit, The Kokoda Trail, where 625 Australians losttheirlivesin world war two, fighting of the lapanese. By walking the 96kms you help keep the ANZAC Spirit alive by remembering the fallen and wounded soldiers. The 1<0koda Trailisn't onlya symbolfor ANZAC spirit however, it is also a symbol of remembrance for allfb. Ilen police officers. The Police Legacy Organization send a number of officers Yearly to wall<the 1<0koda trailin remembrance offallen Police officers Lisa Huitson (As seen in Figure z) hiked the Kokoda Trail, in 2015 on the 100 year commemoration of the ANZACs(NT Police Legacy, 2016), she completed the hike in memory of her husband, Glen Huitson, who wasl<illed on dutyin }999, during a roadblocl<(ABC, 20L6) What keepsthe ANZAC spirit alive? From enlisting into the Army to donating to an ANZAC charity, these parades, ceremonies, and events allintegrate the ANZAC spiritinto our culture and society. Australians continuously remember and celebrate ANZAC Day, this passes on the spirit of ANZAC to the leaders of tomorrow. PAGE4 . References ANZAC Day 00.6. ANZAC Day I Home. [ONLINE] Av^itchle at https, //anzacday. org. au/home. tAccessed o3 August 203.6j. The Artzacs of Gallipoli. 201.6. Who were the Anzacs? ~ The Anzacs of Gallipoli. 10NLINEl Available at: http://WWW. anzacsofgallipoli. coin/who-were-the-anzacs. htm[, [Accessed o3 August 2016]. ANZAC Day I anst, ana. gov, au. 20.6. ANZAC Day I anst"ana. gov. au. 10NLINEl Available at http://WWW. australia. gov. au/about-australia/australian-story/anzac-day. IAccessed o3 August 20161 Gallip, Min^sion plans I Why did An"^.^ land at Gallip. Ii? I Gallip. nand th^ Mints. 00.6. Gallip. Minv^^ion plan^ I Why did am^^us land at Gallipoli? I Gallip. nand th^ Am^CS. [ONLINE] Available at: http://WWW. gallipoli, gov. au/why-gallipoli/gallipoli-invasion-plans. php. tAccessed o3 August 20161. ANZAC Day. co, 6. ANZAC Day I Australian War M^mori^I^.tONLINEj Natbbl^ at https://anzacday. org. au/australian-war-memorials. IAccessed o3 August 20T61. Wikipedia. 2016. List of Australian military memorials - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 10NL!NEl Available at: hitps://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List, o1. .Australian_military_memorials. IAccessed o3 August 201.61. co, 6. Th^ ANZAC Spi"month Anniversary I Th^ Path Mint. 10NLINEIAwn, b!^ at harp://WWW. perthmint. comau/catalogue/anzac-spirit. aspx. IAccessed o3 August 20161. NT Government Anzac Centenary Program -Anzac Centenary- NT. GoV. AU. 2016. NT Gayerrim^ntAn^^c Conten^ry Prog, am - Annac Centsn^, y - NT. GoV. AU. [ONLINE] Available an https://nt. gov, au/learning/primaryand-secondary-students/anzac-spirit-study-tour~and-anzac- centenary/anzac-centenary/nt-government-anzac-centenary-program. IAccessed o3 August 20L61. History Learning Site. 2016. Timeline of World War One - History Learning Site. [ONLINE] Available at: hitp://\myw. historylearningsite. co. uk/world-war-one/timeline-of-world-war-one/. IAccessed o4August 20161. Biograpltycom. 2016. <em>Fronz Ferdinand</em>. 10NLINEl Available at: <u><a href="http://WWW. biographycom/people/franz"fordinand" 9300680">http://WWW. biography. coin/people/Eranz-fordinand~9300680</a></u>. IAccessed 3 August 20L61 fume Fran!< Stichting. 2016.1914 - World War One .tONLINEI Available at: http://\mywarinefrank. org/en/Subsites/Timeline/World-War-One-L9i4-19/8/Theme-1/19/41MAP--- World"War"One'is~a-conflict~between-the-Central~Powers-and-the-Allies/.tAccessed o4 August 20161. ABC News. 2016. Police Remembrance Day: Remembering Northern Territory Seroeant Glen Huitson - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).!ONLINEl Available at: http://winv. abc. net. au/news/2014-o9-291remembering-nt-police-glen-huitson/5775szo. tAccessed 04 August 20161 PAGES . , . ^. ~. Q Fr I-. = ~~ ^, -O >Z , t- 91 z co it: in ^ o. > 0< 4>. 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