Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1966 Daily Egyptian 1966 10-28-1966 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 28, 1966 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1966 Volume 48, Issue 28 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 28, 1966." (Oct 1966). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1966 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1966 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. : .~~------~----- -------- ~.. 4"t1t~ ,,~':!l"'I'!'.• ..,~ri-T.- 'DAILY EGYPTIAN Southern Illinois University Vo lume 48 Carbondal., IIli no i. Fri day , October 28 , 1966 Humb.r 28 Nancy Sunderland Chosen Queen * * Senior Crowned Weekend By Kin'g Menes Nancy Sunderland i s Home­ Events Set coming queen. Long live Queen Nancy! A stage show, [he SIU-East Carolina State football game Miss Su nde r l and, a senior and the annual Homecoming from A lton wa s presented by dance will highlight the 1966 King Me nes, the traditional, Homecoming weekend at m ysterious sove r e ign of SIU Southern. ho mecomings, in the corona­ The Ho mecoming festivi ­ tion ce re monies in Shryock ties, which began Wednesday Audirorium Thurs day night. night with a kick-off parade, The r oya l court consi sted of will continue ronight with the Johnn y Be lle Rlak.e, Janice stage show featuring Harry Giache ni. Sharon K. Johnson, Belafonte , Nipsey Russell, Jane Pinks taff . Sandra Lee Nana Mouskouri and the Bela­ Stice. fonte singers. Janee Mercer and Janis So me $ 1 tickets r emain and Dunham served as anendants will be sold at the door tonight. to the queen. The Homecoming parade Studems c hose the queen will consist of 24 floats , nine and he r 3((e ndanrs in an all­ Stunts, the Homecoming quee n campus e lection Friday. and ~er court, the Marching Steve Jas per serve d as Salukis and Color Guard, the m aster of ce r e monies. Other SIU c hee rleaders and 27 high performers we re Joyce Gim­ school bands from the Southern mel, court dancer; and Leigh­ Illinois area. ton Rockafellow, court soloist. A Homecoming buffet lunc h­ At the c limax of the cere­ eon will be s e rved in the mony, King Me nes announced Ro man Room of the University the new queen. Center fro m II a.m. to I p. m. Saturda y. Janis K. Ockerby. 1965 HER MAJES1l'--The 1966 Homecoming Queen, queen. Queen Nancy will reign over the Home­ Homecoming queen, presented At I :30 p. m . Saturday the Nancy Sunderland , is c rowned at the annual cor­ coming festivities through the wee kend and will her s uccessor with her Salukis will meet the Pirate s onation c e remonies In Shryock Aud itO rium last be quest of honor at the Homecoming football (J a wing, red cape and a dozen from East Car olina State . night L ook ing on IS Jani s Ocke rby. lasl year's game. (Photo by John Baran) Half-time ceremonies will Alumni Activities ~i~S ~~~:'rl~~n:~th ' ~~~~~~ feature the Marching Salukis that will be hers during her and the presentation of the year-long re ign. Homecoming quee n and her court. Luncheons, Open House Planned for Alumni Quee n Nancy, her court and Student ticke ts for the game attendants attended a Home­ SILl alu mni are inviled to Wo me n's Recrea tion Associa- r oas t pi'g . dinne r at 10 1 Small coming reception a t 9 p.m. may be oought at (h e informa­ a numbe r of acrivites planned lion will ho ld a hockey ga me Group Housing. tion desk of the Unive rsit y in [he University Cente r Ball­ by various o rgani zations for at the hoc key fie ld on the Delta Ze ta alumnae rea tit room. Homecomi ng weeke nd. e as t e nd of MCA ndre w Stadi- 103 Small Group Hou s ing. ( Conti nued on Poge 2) The entire court will be pre­ At 8 a.m. Saturda y. (hi> um between the wome n' s Sigma Pi social frate rnity sented during the Hom'ecoming varsity and the alu mnae . o pen house at 105 Small Gr oup parade Saturday l11ornlng, Decisions on Calendar, Finals From 9 a.m. until noon, Housing. during the hal~me ce re­ the School of Ho me Economics Sigma Sigma Sigma social monies of we ~IU-Eas t will ho ld a coffee in the Home sorority tea and open hou se Ca rolina Slate . football game Not Yet Reached by Council E cono mics Building lounge. at 107 Small Group Housing. that afre rr;'loon and a t {he Final decisions have not yet cei ved fro m (he Senate belo r e At 10:30 a.m. the Women's The ta Xi social ,fraternity Queen's dance from 9 p.m. ro bee n reached on proposals to [hen, Keene e xplained, Counc il Rec re ation Association will luncheon buffet at 114 Small 1 a.m. in ~be Ballroom. r evise the University calendar members could be polled by have a coffee in room 114 of Group Housing. and to r e turn lO a two-hour phone. the Wo men's Gym. An alumni coffee hour held Gus Bode final exams system. The University Council is Following the parade Sa tur­ by the SIU Engineering Club Reaction from the Campus an advisory body composed of day mo rning, alumni are tn­ in the Ohio Room of the Uni ­ Senate favoring rwo - hour facult y members and adminis­ v ited I.P (he Homecoming buffet versity Center, finals has been r eceived and trawrs. The Council conducts to be served from 11 a.m. to A coffee and sing sponsored the marter will be taken up at r egular meetings with Presi­ J p.m. in the Unive r s ity Center by the SJU Male Glee Club the Nov. 9 meeting of [he Uni­ dent Delyte W. Morris. Ba llrooms. in Browne A~di[orium . versity Council, according to Keene said that the Univer­ The ASSocia[ion for Com­ Sigma Betli! Gamma hono­ Roland Keene , secretary to the sity Council will not take any puting Machinery will hold a rar y soc i e t y after-game Council. action o n the first half of the demonslration at 11 a.m. in coffee held in [he Communica­ repon of the Coleman Com­ Poims of protest have in­ Wham Building. B-24. tions Buil\llng lounge. mission. ISchool ·of Technology coffee cluded, a scheduled three- day The Council will meel again From 11:30 a. m. to 1 p.m. spring break in the calendar the School of Agriculture w1ll io . Ohio ' Room of Unive rsity with Coleman and members of Cente r . as it was fir st announced.. the comm ission to "place the have a barbecue In the Agri­ c ulrure Building Arena. The matter of revising !.'he report in per s pective." The Forest Hall open house at calendar has been presented [0 first half of the report, con­ The Alpha Gamma Delta 820 W. Freeman. the Campus Senate. A decision sidered by the Council on Oct. social sorority luncheon will Srudent Christian Founda­ on guidelines for the calendar 19, dealt with the student' s be at 104 Small Group Housing tion coffee a t 913 S. 111. could be reached before the role and participation In Uni ­ fro m 11 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sigma Kappa social sorority Gus says If his name were Nov. 9 meeting of theCouncH. versity affairs. The second The following events are will be bast at an alumnae Alice he could s wear he 1sUv­ Keene said. half will concern the Univer­ planned fo r after the game: ing in Wonde rland . .. wonde r (Continu..d on Pog. 16) If a set of guideUne s is re- sity's role in ~oclety . De lta Chi social fraternity what's next . ~ Wilson Resigns from Senate Post ::.'" The CampusSenateWednes- Wilson cited the rea80ns for tile letter and that It WIll now 1 day night received tbe reslg- his resignation as stemming be forwarded [0 President nation of David Wilson, Gen- from a "feeling ofpowerles8- Johnson. f·era! Studies sen&[or. ness, fut1l1ry and binerness'" The letter stated the NSA • In his parting speech, W 11 - and the fact that he had been beUeved the growing commltt­ r. son said, Ifl am tired of hear- unable to reach any under- ment In Viet Nam 18 not in ! ing President Morris' s e nd- standing With the admin1strs- tune wtth the threats placed less rhetoric. [ am tire d of don In the ar ea of student on America's interests. hearing sympathy from ad- rights. In a repon regarding the NOW mlnistrators who do nothing," Following Wilson's reslg- Nov. 4 Board of Trustees 0 I °t d nadon, the senators completed meeting in Edwardsville , AI umn I nVI e the week's bU siness and ad- President Morris has In- SHOWING journed in almost record time. dicated that only Drinan. Ann Bob Orinan, student body Bosworth. Bard Grosse and To Activities preSident, submitted copies of Terry Proffitt will be allowed THRU a lener [Q the senators lhat to address the board, it was , Around Campus was drafted by the National .nnounced.
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