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THTTWgnAV, RRPTF.'MrtER-flr.lfl&«- Rebekah Lodge Flans j^Jilristfeetwiir be clbsedT dally, rector for one year on a rota- phase of his aviation cadet train Workshop Held No Parting Monday through Friday from 11:45 In New Position tional assignment, the Standard ing program and has been crad" Reguter plow, Reception for Deputies a.m. tov 12:30 p,m.. to provide' a Oil Development Company, Lin- uated from the.: UBAFlireiFHEu: School, Lackland Air Force B j. Far Janitors ' Rase Rebekah' Lodge 99 made Area Planned play street' for students of , St. den, announced today. Mr. Mar- lsc VOTE 1 • plans" for a reception September Michael's School. San Antonio, Texas. Having com' Of Local Schools 16 for Mrs. Charlotte Le Due ofAt Cleveland tin is presently assistant director Cranford, district deputy, and dep- of the Development Division: cdurse, Be wUl enter the first ji'v In November • The first annual janitorial uties of the. Union. District.-at a The parking meters in North Kiwanians Name During this "period; T._SW6Td~ in? tratainr phases of the prog, J workshop of the Cranford public meeting last Thursday evening at Union avenue between Spring- Kaulakis of Chatham and Hen at bases of the Flying T' schools was held Friday in Cran- field avenue jiul Hit? vnlnjuc J. Ogorzaly of—Summ{•-..;;H-i T KEN IL WORTH ford High School and Cleveland ir was announced that Mrs.. ime-Pr: Mai tin's reapongit School, Martha ,_ eremer will represent in trie Development Division. ed and the area will be designated David J. Livingstone of ththe e lodge at the annual state Re- ^istrte^essiga ~Dr. Martin attended the Armour MOBC VU0HT8 NKEDED? LXI. No. 34. Entri«**J cl-it^i mail Vrwttter at Hunting Laboratories spbk~e~_and tekah Assembly at Atlantic City aT_ no parKing area. ~ ~^ Delegates to the DistrictiKiwan- Institute of Technology, which Th AUUo Cj «r'uie' \' CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER' 16, 1954. al Cranford. Ni J. 28 Pages — 10 CENTS presented demonstrations on This, was announced today_ J>y is' Con ventipn OctobejL l,_2_and _3 awarded-his bachelors'^egree-iiv iottoxemb&r. H«f*£«LSSJt.OfLCoininer on October 12, 13 and 14.^ __ wiU>6oirbetln evmluaUng-the re- scrubbing including the use~of "de- The"SecrerT*al CIub~ wilFTiave in Atlantic City were chosen Tues- chemical engineering and Jthe Uni- mits of a survey to determine how tergents, waxihg, maintenance of its revealing party .at the October a,nd Dr. Howard R.'' Best, super- day.at a luncheon meeting of the versity of Michigan, which con- w«U til* airline schedules at He? . wood and terrazzo floors and care 7 meeting and initiation of new intendent of schools. v ferred his master's and doctorate ark Airport arc meeting the air Parents Charge School jt)vejrcrowded; The action was taken. Dr. Best Cranford Kiwanis Club in Markos degrees. He joined the develop- trawl nMda of Nor Jer^y -A' ' Of mops. ' A film was shown on members will be held. v 4 9 Town Asks PUC to Block "Floor Seal" and a discussion was . Francis Munz, noble grind, said, to provide an. area for par-Restaurant. ^ ment_cojmpany_Jn_J9ai-_and_has Ot..mtvir'« commlttae u^j ' ents- to_disembark—and -pick-up «rall thousanthd ^Vfestlonnaire. to held on the treatment of asphalt presided -, -T , -"—j— — .:.-. Trie delesates~ar<5~Kenne>h "W7 numerous patents and published holder* Of Air Travel Ptan cardt A Look at Our Community .and rubber tile floors. A question their children at the opening anoj Iversen, president';' Rae •Arm- articles in the field of catalytic who ara mostly meaaoned air UtZ Ten lectures designed to present "A, Look-at Our Contmunity" and answer period followed. close of school. A schedule is cracking and other petroleum^ re- •tara who do a lot of budnegs fly. stuong, chairman of the interclub Despite protests, made by parents at Tuesday More tlhan 50 residents of the Cleveland and will be offered at the fall semester of the Cranford Adult School, Proposed CNJ Timetable "Arthur Trembley, custodian at Welfare Group being worked out so that half of fining processes. Among* his In*. If, at the committee suspects. the students will, come" and gorelations committee; and Chan- Men in Service th«r« are too f«w schedules «t nifiht's. meeting of the Township Committee about Brookside place school districts .complained to the starting on October .Vat Cranford High School. ' " -— | Charging steady deterioration of the high school, discussed the care memberships are the American. Mawark to matt the demand, the Slates Annual from North Union avenue and thening Rudd, past president. Alter- William Steers,' Jr., son of Mr. conditions at Cleveland School, Dr. H. R. Best, Township- Committee Tuesday night of the over- ^Topics of the lectures range in scope from the philosophy of and .maintenance of coal and 1 . HOSIER Z. MARTIN Chemical Society.and the Ameri- airlines will be encouraged to add service w.b!ch is continued in' the automatic oil boilers. other half from Miln street. • 'nates are Fred H. Gray, Jr., past can Institute of Chemical Engin- and Mrs. Steers of 604 Willow, flight* to atnre more New jeruy superintendent of schools; Miss Etta Tunner, prin- crowded conditions in Cleveland School where 721 municipal government, education, "health and welfare to planning proposed fall timetable of the Jer- " Meeting, Election ci|hl; and Cleveland PTA representatives who Dr. Howard R. est, s.uperin- Such arrangements were made president; Walter Schweizer nnd eers. „ "• street, has completed the initial raldents. pupils are enrolled because the Brookside Places and zoning discussions.. ^v Booster Club Membership soy Central Railroad scheduled to The annual meeting of thnecessare y because the students of observed the emergency program K Mayor Charles P.-Bailey of ' te'ndent of schools, opened the Charles W. Tfipp, schooT has not been completed. go into'effect on September 26, the workshop ' by discussing its pur- ranford Welfare Association will Brookside Place School will be Martin Given in the school Tuesday afternoon Westtield, Republican _ candidate Honored by PBA Lieut. Governor . Herman Dett- D of A Conducts Social Lloyd Btall of 210 Maple place DriveSlated for Saturday towiiship • of Cranford has peti- poses and explained to the jani- be held at its headquarters on attending Clcv^fend School until contend that the present sched- for freeholder, will open the series September 16, i at 8:15 p.m; the new building is completed. All mer.will make his official visit at SOD Research Harry D. Johnson Council 123, declared pupils arc sharing books Annu.il membership drive' of the Cranford Boosters Club Honed the Public Utility Commis- tors lhaf it was intended to make ule is working smoothly. Ptiblie School with a discussion of the*philosophy their work easier and to increase A c o m m ii t e e consisting of parents will be notified by school tonight's meeting of the board" of Daughters of America, met. last nd arc unable to take them home will'be-hclu Satin diiyr . ' r ol municipal government and their efficiency, George Fl. Bates as chairman, C. authorities of which street they directors. President Iversop an- Assignment yntler—the—plan—now—in-opcra^- or additional study, that the over- •Through the funds collected during its annual drive, the club until - .alleged inadequate service" ichnrds; trr«—tt> use-—when their Tnnmcedr Mayor ' Fred ^P. Andersen will -to—addition—to—the—15 janitors Kay Pischeda, chairman of the tjon_;ind Which probably will Enrollment^ crowded conditions constitute, a conducts dinners-in the fall.and spring for athletes at Cranford High has been rettitied. and Mrs. W. A. Wurth have re- students to and from, school, Grotip singing, was led by the Hom£r 2, Martin of 213 Beech of the school system, principals, continue until the^jtew Brookside fire hazard and that the traffic close the prograrq by discussing School, provides an annual, scholarship', honors championship teams Following is a copy of a tele- assistant principals and . other vised the constitution, which has children to and from school. '• Rev. Albert Dezso with Mrs. Ar-street will be transferred to the good and welfare committee, was place and Walnut Avenue ele- Up Again conditions around the school arc "Where Are We Going in Crari- and supports high.school athletics ram sent to the PUC in Newark ^.members of the staff attended the been in effect .since the agency It was also announced that thur Mctz at the piano. Research Division as assistant di- in charge of the social hour. ' mentary schools are completed— by Township Attorney Carl H. was organized. This new consti- dangerous. He added that parents ford?" \y in various other waay>,/ all-day program. ' ' the Cleveland School pupils re- , Enrollment in the Cranford pub- vVaisinski: tution will be presented at ''the He schools increased this year by have not been told when the new ural opportunities ftvXran- "The' projects of the club," Mr. ceive their academic work in the Aid Squad "At a meeting of the Township annual meeting and voted upon. about the same amount as Sic pre- elementary school will be com[or- d will be discussed on October morning and their activity'work Shire said., "bear out the import- Committee of the Township of Good Government Not The nominating committee will vious year. ' Cranford held last evening the in the afternoon. This program pleted and, that citizens who pro- 12 by Miss Anna B. Murphy, EnW ance of the: club as a backer of Backing Any Candidate present a new slate of officers for (MBS IRE SOW niRHUli IK On Moriday, the third day of tested to the' Board of Education Considering to\yn;;hip attorney was instructed 'the ensuing year.
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