CGST & C.Ex. Commissionreates, Bhopal Zone

CGST & C.Ex. Commissionreates, Bhopal Zone

CGST & C.Ex. Commissionreates, Bhopal Zone (as on 22-06-2017) Contact Details of Seva Kendra Bhopal Zone S. Nam Commissionerate Divisi Range Postal Address Phone Fax no. Email Id No e of on number (with Zone (with STD STD code) code) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Bhop CGST & C.E., Bhopal Range-I al (Commissioner Tel. Bhopal Range-II Block No. 2, Paryavas 0755- cexdivbhopal1@gmail. Zone No.0755-2765904, Fax- -I, Bhavan, Jail Road, Range-III 2493709 com 2557816, e-mail- CGST Range-IV Arera Hills, Bhopal commissionercexbpl@g Range-V; Additional Range-I Commissioner Tel. Bhopal Range-II Block No. 2, Paryavas No.0755-4927937, Fax 0755- cexdivbhopal1@gmail. -II, Range-III Bhavan, Jail Road, no. 0755-2557802, e- 2493709 com Range-IV mail: vaishaliadc@ CGST Arera Hills, Bhopal ; Joint Range-V Commissioner 0755- Range-I, 2552010, Fax no. 0755- Mandidee 2557802, e-mail: p Range-II, ranjeet111976@redif 0755- Mandidee 2559822 Bhopal p Block No. 2, Paryavas -III, Range-III, Bhavan, Jail Road, CGST Mandidee Arera Hills, Bhopal cexdivbhopal2@gmail. p com Range- 0755- cexdivbhopal1@gmail. Vidisha 2493709 com Range- 0755- cexdivbhopal2@gmail. Raisen 2559822 com Bhopal Range- KotwaliChauraha, 7562222747 cexdivbhopal1@gmail. -IV, Sehore Above Narmada com CGST JhabuaGramin Bank, Sehore Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Complex, Range- Station Road, Hoshanga SatrastaChauraha,Ho 7572237 cexdivbhopal2@gmail. bad shangabad 387 com Bajaj Bhawan, In front of Gurunanak Range- Dal Mill, GandhiNagar 7572237 cexdivbhopal2@gmail. Itarsi Ward, Itarsi. 387 com Bajaj Bhawan, In front of Gurunanak Range- Dal Mill, GandhiNagar 7572237 cexdivbhopal2@gmail. Betul Ward, Itarsi. 387 com KotwaliChauraha, Above Narmada Range- JhabuaGramin Bank, 7562222 cexdivbhopal1@gmail. Rajgarh Sehore 747 com Bhopal Range Custo Mandidee Paryawas Bhawan, 7552559 cexdivbhopal2@gmail. ms p-I Bhopal 822 com Divisio Range n, Mandidee Paryawas Bhawan, 7552559 cexdivbhopal2@gmail. CGST p-II Bhopal 822 com Bajaj Bhawan, In front of Gurunanak Range- Dal Mill, GandhiNagar 7572237 cexdivbhopal2@gmail. Itarsi Ward, Itarsi. 387 com Range Paryawas Bhawan, 0755- cexdivbhopal1@gmail. Bhopal Bhopal 2493709 com KotwaliChauraha, Above Narmada Range JhabuaGramin Bank, cexdivbhopal1@gmail. Sehore Sehore 7562222747 com Range 45-A, City Centre, 7512343 [email protected] Gwalior Gwalior 573 m Range 45-A, City Centre, 7512343 [email protected] Malanpur Gwalior 573 m Sagar, Range-I, 5 Civil Lines, Sagar 7582221 [email protected] CGST Sagar 885 Range-II, 7582221 Sagar 5 Civil Lines, Sagar 885 [email protected] Range-III, 7582221 Sagar 5 Civil Lines, Sagar 885 [email protected] Range-IV, 7582221 Sagar 5 Civil Lines, Sagar 885 [email protected] Range-V, 5 Civil Lines, Sagar- 7582221 Bina Bina 885 [email protected] Magrana House near Range- Patanjali Shop, 7542252 [email protected] Shivpuri Jagdish Colony Guna 777 m Range-I, 45-A, City Centre, 7512343 [email protected] Gwalior Gwalior 573 m Gwalior -I, Range-II, 45-A, City Centre, 7512343 [email protected] CGST Gwalior Gwalior 573 m Range-III, 45-A, City Centre, 7512343 [email protected] Gwalior Gwalior 573 m 3, Shiv Colony, Near Range- Railway Station, 7524223 [email protected] Sheopur Dabra 092 m Range- 45-A, City Centre, 7512343 [email protected] Bhind Gwalior 573 m 3, Shiv Colony, Near Range- Railway Station, 7524223 [email protected] Datia Dabra 092 m Gwalior C/o Ram Nath Singh -II, Range- Gurjar, A.B. Road, 7532476 [email protected] CGST Morena Barmor, Morena 003 m Magrana House near Range- Patanjali Shop, 7542252 [email protected] Guna Jagdish Colony Guna 777 m Range- Magrana House near Ashok Patanjali Shop, 7542252 [email protected] Nagar Jagdish Colony Guna 777 m Ujjain CGST & C.Ex. Commissionerate (as on 22-06-2017) S. Nam Commissionerate Divisi Range Postal Address Phone Fax no. Email Id No e of on number (with Zone (with STD STD code) code) 2 Bhop al CGST & C.E. Ujjain Ujjain-I, Range-I 29, Administrative Zone (Commissioner Tel. No. CGST Range-II Area, Bharatpuri, 0734-2511108, Fax Ujjain (MP)-456010 Range-III No.0734-2527099, e- mail Range-IV 0734- 0734- [email protected] Range-V 2510106 2510106 [email protected] Ujjain- om; Joint 29, Administrative II, Commissioners Tel. No. Area,Bharatpuri,Ujjain CGST 0734-2527098 & Range-I (MP)-456010 2527090, e- 29, Administrative mails:meena_bara@ya Area,Bharatpuri,Ujjain, Range-II (MP)-456010 0734- 0734- mahendrak.sharma@g [email protected] 29, Administrative 2510106 2510106 ) Area,Bharatpuri,Ujjain Range-III (MP)-456010 Office of The Superintendent-CGST & CX, Range Nagda, Range- Birlagram, Nagda (MP)- Nagda 456331 Ratlam 07412- 07412- [email protected] , Office of The 236112 236112 CGST Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX Mitra Niwas Road, Range-I Ratlam(MP)--457001 Range-II Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX Mitra Niwas Road, Ratlam(MP)--457001 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX Mitra Niwas Road, Range-III Ratlam(MP)--457001 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX Mitra Niwas Road, Range-IV Ratlam(MP)--457001 0742- 2256376 Office of The Superintendent- CGST & CX ,Range-V Mandsaur, HDX,64-65, Range- Kitiyani, Mandsaur(MP)- Mandsaur 458001 Office of The Superintendent- 0742- CGST & CX , Range-VI 2255170 Neemuch, G-5,Type- III,Alkaloid Range- Colony,Neemuch(MP)- Neemuch 458411 Office of The 0729- 0729- [email protected] Deputy/Assistant 2256480 2256480 Pitham Commissioner, CGST & CX pur-I, 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, CGST Range-I Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-II Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Range-III Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-IV Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-V Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Pitham Office of The pur-II, Deputy/Assistant CGST Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-I Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-II Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Office of The Deputy/Assistant 0729- 0729- Commissioner, CGST & CX [email protected] 2256481 2256481 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-III Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-IV Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-V Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 Pitham pur-III, CGST 0729- 0729- [email protected] 2256483 2256483 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-I Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 0729- 0729- 2222509 2222509 Office of The Superintendent- CGST & CX ,Range-II Dhar, Silver Hills Colony, Dhar Range-II (MP)-454775 0729- 0729- 2256483 2256483 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, CGST & CX 510, Sector-III, Pithampur, Range-III Dist-Dhar (MP)-454774 0729- 0729- 2222509 2222509 Office of The Superintendent- CGST & CX ,Range-IV Dhar, Silver Hills Colony, Dhar Range-IV (MP)-454775 Khand wa, CGST Range Khandwa Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX, 7-A,Subhash Nagar, BT College Road Khandwa(MP)- 450001 0733- 0733- [email protected] Range 2249413 2249413 Burhanpur Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX, 7-A,Subhash Nagar, BT College Road Khandwa(MP)- 450001 Range Khargone-I Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX, 7-A,Subhash Nagar, BT College Road Khandwa(MP)- 450001 Range Khargone- II Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX, 7-A,Subhash Nagar, BT College Road Khandwa(MP)- 450001 Office of The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner- CGST & CX, 7-A,Subhash Nagar, BT Range College Road Khandwa(MP)- Sendhwa 450001 Jabalpur CGST & C.Ex. Commissionerate (as on 22-06-2017) S. Nam Commissionerate Divisi Range Postal Address Phone Fax no. Email Id No e of on number (with Zone (with STD STD code) code) 3 Bhop CGST & C.E. Jabalpur Divn-I CR BUILDING ,NAPIER 0761- 0761- [email protected] al (Commissioner Tel. Jabalpu TOWN , JABALPUR 2403180 2400177 Zone No.0761-2974041, Fax r, CGST Range-I, 0761- no. 0761-2400177; e- Jabalpur 2974046 mail: [email protected]; Range-II, Joint Commissioners Jabalpur Tel. No. 0761-2979000 Range-III, & 0761-2974063 e- Jabalpur mail: commr- Range-IV, [email protected]) Jabalpur Range-V, Jabalpur Divn-II, Jabalpu Range - r, CGST Sihora Range - Mandla Range - I, Narsinghpu r Range - II, Narsinghpu r Range - Gadarwara . Divn- Dharam Tekri ,Deen 07162- 07162- cexchhinwara@gmail. Chhind Range- Dayal Dham, 247867 223369 com wara, Chhindwa Chindwara(MP) CGST ra Range- AKVN, Raymond 7165- 7165- cexsausar@redifmail. Sausar Chowk, Boregaon, 226554 226554 com Range- Tehsil-Sausar, Distt. Pandhurn Chhindwara (MP) a Range- Infront of Mission 07692- 07692- [email protected] Seoni School Seoni MP) 220544 220544 om Range- Balaghat Divn- O/OF Assistant 07672- 07672- [email protected] Satna, Commissioner , 225137 223220 om Range - I, CGST Satna C R Building Satna (MP) Range - II,Satna Range- I, Chopra Complex, 07674- 07674- [email protected] Maihar Station Road , Maihar 232413 232413 m (MP) Range - II, Maihar Range- Vijayragha vgarh. Divn- Junior HIG -, Shanti 07622- 07622- [email protected] KATNI, Range-I, Nagr , Housing Board 223616 223616 CGST Katni Colony , Katni (MP) 483501 Range-II, Katni Range-III

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