Alexander Hughes PAGE 2 > HIGH POTENTIALS: Building your company’s future management team. executive search consultants PAGE 4 > YVES ROSSY FusionMan [ INTERVIEW ] European Newsletter PAGES 5-6 > XavieR COMTESSE Head of Avenir Suisse. Xavier Comtesse Head of Avenier Suisse ] FIRST OF ALL, MANY THANKS MR. COMTESSE FOR set-up the agenda which leads the active for- ••• YOU JUST MENTIONED THE WORDS ‘EXCEPTIONAL But in the end, I strongly believe that the most AccEPTING TO PARTICIPATE TO THIS SPECIAL exceptional talents have a broad experience H ces of the country to themselves induce the TALENTS’. IN YOUR POSITION, YOU ARE WELL-PLA- EDITION OF SEARCH ON THE RECRUITING OF changes needed to perform better. We have a CED TO SEE QUITE A NUMBER OF THEM IN ACTION of life. They have seen things, learned a lot it EXCEPTIONAL TALENTS. COULD YOU DESCRIBE TO down-top approach, and not the contrary. AND TO INTERACT WITH THEM. AT ALEXANDER about human beings, about the world itself. US, IN FEW WORDS, WHAT THE OBJECTIVES AND They understand the limits of theory and are W HOW DOES AVENIR SUISSE, IN EVERY DAY LIFE, HUGHES, IT IS OUR PERMANENT QUEST TO FIND GOALS OF AVENIR SUISSE ARE? able to take full advantage of opportunities FUNCTION TO REACH THESE OBJECTIVES? THE MOST EXCEPTIONAL CANDIDATES FOR OUR they identify and understand, often before CLIENTS AND THEY ARE OFTEN DESCRIBED AS ‘EX- W With great pleasure! Avenir Suisse is a ‘think We constantly organize conferences, semi- others do. CEPTIONAL TALENTS’. WHAT WOULD BE YOUR DE- tank’ based on the Anglo-Saxon models. It was nars, presentations and reflexion-circles in founded in 1999, by some fifteen major Swiss FINITION OF THIS TYPE OF PROFILE? vie direct contact with our targeted public. We And this is the difficulty: whereas professional # 32 companies, such as ABB, Novartis to name R like to have the best talents and resources For me, an exceptional talent is clearly articu- capabilities, knowledge and technique can be only a few ; today it is no less than 80 major put directly into contact with the people that lated around the following two major sepa- learned and refreshed at anytime, the beha- SSEEAARRCHCH companies which contribute to the functio- te vioural factor cannot. Of course, it can be in- will eventually implement the changes in the rate aspects: the first part is clearly made of To mark its six successful years of presence in ning of the structure. everyday economy. We think that civil society, fluenced by training, discussion and coaching, N the professional capabilities of an individual, I through its input, will lead the political world but the essence of it just has to be there. [ his acquired competencies, his knowledge Switzerland, last October the Alexander Hughes Our objective is not to lobby any kind any to adopt the necessary changes. We know, of and the ability to adequately and positively group of influence, but to be a source of new course, that this process is relatively slow, but use and combine them. In a dash of humour, And I believe that is where, among other Group organized an event centred on its core values: and innovative ideas. We are working at chan- we are convinced that in the end it leads to a things, a talented executive search profes- I started describing this facet of the exceptio- ging the paradigm of our society, by inducing durable and solid change. sional can make a major contribution to its nally talented leaders as the ‘Manager 1.0’, the new thinking processes from the actors of the client’s development: finding these people Passion – Commitment- Daring second one being the ‘Manager 2.0’. Under economy. We are extremely careful not to pre- IN SWITZERLAND, GENERALLY SPEAKING, IT IS NOT with combined the elements described here sent ourselves as a group of people who are APPRECIATED THAT TOP MANAGERS BECOME TOO ‘Manager 2.0’, I include all these intangible above. elements that are composed by the natural in the ‘know’, but to the contrary, we like to VISIBLE OR ARE BEING PUT FORWARD ON THE o illustrate one of its most significant By combining the knowledge gained through these SCENE. HOW DO YOU COPE WITH THIS CULTURAL social behaviour, the sociability, the ability to MR. COMTESSE, MANY THANKS FOR YOUR missions, the recruitment of exceptional experiences to his dream of free flying, and his ASPECT, WHEN YOU ASK THEM TO PRESENT THEIR see what & when nobody else sees or unders- TIME AND CONTRIBUTION. WE WISH AVENIR Ttalents, the Alexander Hughes team invited imagination, hard work and perseverance, Yves POINT OF VIEW OR SUccESS STORIES? tands, this ability to never give up, tenacity SUISSE AND YOURSELF FULL SUccESS IN YOUR Mr. Yves Rossy, « FusionMan » as the guest speaker. Rossy managed the unthinkable: to develop an a.o. It has now become a concept! ENDEAVOURS. individual jet-powered wing, allowing him to be For some years now, we have been working Yves Rossy is the first man to fly under a single jet- (almost) as free as a bird! hard with universities and high schools to powered wing (see pictures next pages). Exactly two weeks before his presentation to a large group change that perception. A deeper insight into In Yves Rossy’s accomplishments, we see all the of clients, friends and other invitees of Alexander the business world was needed from their elements of an exceptional talent: solid education side, and we have managed to demonstrate XAVIER COMTESSE : Hughes, Yves Rossy succeeded in his attempt to be and training, an ability to think out of the box, that our best and exceptional talents in bu- “WE ARE woRKinG the first flying man to cross the English Channel. and the capacity to obstinately pursue one main siness need to serve as examples to be fol- Seen by some, Yves Rossy is a dreamer, by others, goal. With these kinds of qualities, any obstacle lowed. And it worked fairly well! In fact, it is at CHanGinG THE PARADIGM becomes a challenge and a source of reflection a fabulous engineer and pilot. In fact, he has this now considered that there is a French-spea- towards better solutions! of ouR sociETY…” extraordinary capability to be both at the same king Switzerland model in that sense, which [ ] time! And that is exactly why Alexander Hughes This attitude is certainly one of the elements that will need to be implemented in the rest of the thought he was the right person to illustrate what country! ••• constitute an exceptional talent! an exceptional talent is. ALEXanDER HUGheS EUROPean NEWSLETTER In this issue of SEARCH, Dr. Xavier Comtesse, Head Office. Indeed, Yves Rossy was trained by and flew for the Head of AVENIR Suisse, also talks to us about his Editor in Chief. Maurice Rozet 57, bd de Montmorency – 75016 PARIS FRANCE Swiss Air Force as a fighter pilot for many years. He vision of exceptional talents, and you will have the Editorial Committee. Richard Aeschmann, Robert Baldwin, Essaid Tel.: (33) 01 44 30 22 00 Fax: (33) 01 42 88 33 95 Bellal, Gavan Burden, Benoît Chaignon, Miguel Codina, Christian www.alexanderhughes.com • e-mail: [email protected] then joined the Swiss International Air Lines where pleasure of seeing some pictures of our fantastic Coffinet, Michel Garretta, Richard Hes, Fivos Kiousopoulos, Nadia Offices in Europe. Amsterdam, Antwerp, Athens, Barcelona, Beirut, #32 he has been active for almost twenty years as pilot evening with Yves Rossy. Enjoy! FOR moRE INFORmation Laleej, Marc Lucchini, Steven Maisel, Michael Neumann, Irem Onen, Belgrade, Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Casablanca, [email protected] XAVIER COMTESSE PLeaSE CONTacT The ALEXanDER HUGheS Dana Patrichi, Bert-Jan Pit, Julien Rozet, Gianluigi Russo, Elizabeth Copenhagen, Dubai, Ekaterinburg, Frankfurt, Geneva, Helsinki, and is now an Airbus captain. Yet, his solid and Istanbul, Lisbon, Ljubljana, London, Luxembourg, Lyons, Madrid, Thomas-Gache, Patricia Zahr. rigorous training did not cancel out the possibility OFFICE NEAREST YOU. Milan, Moscow, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Seville, Sofia, St Petersburg, Richard Aeschmann www.alexanderhughes.com International Coordinator. Kristin Pittman Stockholm, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb, Zurich. of one day making his dream come true. Business manager, Alexander Hughes Switzerland Printed April 2009 • Printed designer Graphic 5 6 ••• customised to each candidate. tions. Act quickly, maintaining recruitment program for your Involve the company’s top exe- frequent contact with candidates company, providing new and High potentials: cutives in the interview phase throughout the process. The enti- former recruits an opportunity and ensure the coherence of the re recruitment process should be different arguments used by all rapid, not exceeding more than to mix. Lastly, review your com- building your company’s individuals contributing to the 3 weeks from beginning to end. pany’s integration procedures. recruitment process. Ensure that the recruited candi- future management team Once the best candidate has date has an intense integration During the recruitment phase, been identified and recruited, cycle, allowing them to become tailor-make any candidate offer, identify the candidate’s “mentor” operationally functional within a ost large international companies have developed high avoiding proposals that are too right away and look into deve- potential programmes over the last few years to better far off from his or her expecta- loping an official high potential few weeks. ■ M meet impending challenges for tomorrow’s markets. Many come as a result of a desire to better manage mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, promotion, downsizing, or retirement. The goal of these ] programmes are often similar: to find high quality individuals, future E leaders of tomorrow, who will be able to help a company keep their Yves Rossy competitive edge in the global economy; something that remains true CL even in today’s shifting economic market.
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