Report No. 1 SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES IN America First Committee IN CALIFORNIA AMERICANISM COMMITTEE 17TH DISTRICT : THE AMERICAN LEGION : DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA October 10,1941 To: Commander Harold F. Bergan, 17th District, The American Legion, Department of California. This Committee has investigated the infiltra- tion of subversive and un-American influences in the America First Committee in California. We present to you the following report which we trust will be of assistance in correcting the evils it calls attention to. Respectfully submitted Americanism Committee, 17th District, The American Legion, Department of California. Ben S. Beery, Chairman Dee Holder Wm. B. Johnston Samuel H.Robinson H. C. Heinritz Henry Mayers Russell W. Starr I Purpose and Procedure of Investigation That the striking similarity between Nazi structed the Americanism Committee of the propaganda technique and America First 17th District to make a thorough investiga- methods of operation can be no mere coinci- tion and detailed report. dence has been repeatedly pointed out by This report is not an attack or a reflection observers in various sections of the United upon those sincere Americans who honestly States. believe in the isolationist theory. No com- Realization by California Legionnaires ment is made in this report as to the merits that the America First Committee of this or demerits of the recommendation by the state was permeated with Nazi agents and America First Committee of isolation as the Nazi sympathizers, led to the passage of the best United States defense. The America following resolution at the 1941 Convention First Committee has an undoubted right, of the California American Legion at Sac- which no member of The American Legion ramento: or other loyal citizen of this country would "WHEREAS throughout California Nazi agents have seek to impair, to freely and openly present insinuated themselves into the top circle of the Amer- its isolationist contentions to the American ica First Committee of California, contrary to the spirit and intent of its accredited leaders, and people. "WHEREAS these elements threaten to misuse what is This report is presented for the pur- otherwise a sincere effort to express an honest point of view, pose of preventing the misuse of sincere "BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: That this conven- Americans by Nazis or other subversive tion of The American Legion petition General Robert persons operating through the America E. Wood, National Chairman of America First, to con- duct an investigation of all local committees in Cali- First Committee. fornia, removing from office any person affiliated with This committee is aware that some at- a Nazi, Communist or Fascist organization." tempts have been made by America First to Because this petition to General Robert E. stifle the participation of subversive groups Wood brought no noticeable change in the in its affairs. Months ago, Mr. JohnT Flynn, a situation it called attention to, Commander member of the America First National Com- Harold F. Bergan, 17th District, The Amer- mittee, sent the following letter to the Free ican Legion, Department of California, in- American and Deutscher Weckruf und [2] PURPOSE AND PROCEDURE OF INVESTIGATION Beobachter, a German American Bund news- the aggression or the methods of Hitler's Germany, but because it wishes to protect this nation from involve- paper: ment in Europe's wars. We do not want in our organ- ization men who support the philosophy of Hitler's "May 2, 1941 government because we do not believe them to be good Editor Americans. The very first and one of the indispensable Free American and Deutscher und Weckruf Beobachter qualifications for membership in our organization, as 175 East 85th Street stated in all our literature, is that it is not open to those New York City who are members of the communist or fascist parties or Dear Sir: the German bunds in this country or those representing any foreign power which desires to involve us in this "A copy of your newspaper has been mailed to me and war. my attention called to an article in which you ask your readers to join the America First Committee. Let me "May I suggest that you give this letter the same pub- say to you. that not only does the America First Com- licity in your newspaper as you gave to the article to mittee not solicit their membership, but that they are which I referred. not eligible for membership. The America First Com- Yours very truly, mittee is against America's entry into the war not be- cause it approves of the philosophy, the government, JOHN T. FLYNN" Office, 34 North Raymond Avenue ^V"" t. A- Pnone, PY. 1-1464 Telephone SY. 3-6111 y Per Dedicated to Truth. Fair Play and Community Betterment Copy An Interpretive Newspaper VOL. 9—NO. 72 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1941 MASS MEETING BOOS PRESIDENT asked. "We should campaign to re- 'Did these people tell you the peal the lend lease bill." ith about Czechoslovakia?" he He read at length from an in- inquired. "The fact is that Czecho- SADENA MEMBERS rview in Life magazine given Lkia was a dagger pointed at TO GET THE HAMME former Ambassador Cudahy by heart of Germany. But they OF'AMERICA FIRST' t at no time had his intentions s Palestiti md the tritish f •ard this country been inimical. CHEER AXIS IDEAS Cobb then quoted portions of a Dillon scoffed at the idea thai Jew York Times editorial answer- erm&ny had Invaded democracies, ng Hitler, in which it was pointed listing each of the overrun coun- Cheers for Colonel Lind- mt that declarations of friendship ies and commenting that none of bergh, silence for Adolph preceded most of Hitler's inva- lem were democratic. He pictured g, p sions. ngland as an autocracy, an "Old Hitler, boos for President Raising his head to look at the [an of the Seaa" clinging to the Roosevelt and Wendell ludience and spacing his words to acks of subject peoples. Willkie. permit booing for each name, Cobb Eulogizes Lindbergh Thus 250 members of the i asked: "And who are the Referring to Lindbergh as a great ers of the New Tork Times? atriot, he asked: "Who is the America First committee Ocb.3—Adler—Sulaberger!" Copperhead, Lindbergh or the registered their reactions to Cheers For Hitler President?" The audience roared these individuals at a meet- i: "Roosevelt!" ing in the McKinley Junior s a liar and crimin- "American Gestapo" High School auditorium ad- e referred to the Federal Bu- i of Investigation as an dressed by Charles Cobb, ican Gestapo," persecuting political hael Francis Dillon, of thi aorities, and called the Dies at U. C. L. A. Cobb audience booed vigorously Gen ns were reed sign th. i a "tool of the F. B. I." of Ch ty of Ven at the "poin Roosevelt knows that he whe of a gun." defeat Fascism by the Mrs. elt,, Atto ey Ge Robert H. Jackson, Senat Cl "There still is such a thing Dillion said. The audience • Pepper and Mayor Fiorello LaG' retribution," he said. "England wildly. dia of New York City were men- France are paying for their per- In closing the meeting, Cobb tioned by the speakers. fidy in blood, sweat and te said that if the President got thi Doubts British Victory Says Public Deceived Cobb told the audience that he He then mentioned the na not follow him. If this be treason does not believe a British victory the President and several others either possible or desirable. who have expressed strong oppos Copies of Social Justice. Father Money Down Rat Hole tion to the Nazi aims, and declare Coughiin's Jew-baiting luld the taxpayers throw that the people of the Unit* magazine, were sold to •,000,000,000 down the rat hole of States had not been told the truth bers as they left thi PURPOSE AND PROCEDURE OF INVESTIGATION [3] The editor's reply, clearly indicating that the made by John Wheeler, son of the Montana Bund intended to continue the "fight," was Senator and chairman of the America First as follows: Committee in Southern California, to elim- "We print in full the above letter as per request of inate subversive or un-American elements the writer thereof. We are American citizens of Ger- within the organization. That any efforts man origin, fighting only to be allowed the usual privi- lege of enjoying our rights as free men and women. he made have been unavailing will be shown "Because it is not the fault of the 'America First by this report. Committee' that a false, slanderous, un-American The investigation upon which this report stigma has been put on the German American Bund, we have no desire to see the 'America First Committee' is based does not cover every community in suffer from the undeserved reflection cast on the Bund California, or every subversive factor in the by the chosen minority, who denounce the America First Committee as a pro-Nazi agency with the same communities covered. There are many per- degree of injustice that the Bund has had to endure in sons whose activities indicated they should the past. be investigated, but because of lack of time "Nevertheless, we shall continue our fight against those who persecute American citizens of German stock they were disregarded in compiling this re- in order to create a war fervor. port. However, the activities of those indi- Editor." viduals who are mentioned in this report were Loyal Americans frequently have been thoroughly investigated. Scores of persons concerned because of published reports that were interviewed. A vast amount of photo- America First audiences boo and hiss the graphic and documentary evidence was ob- President of the United States and such out- tained.
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