SRAC Publication No. 724 VI August 2000 PR Species Profile Sunfish Martin W. Brunson1,2 and Joseph E. Morris3 The sunfish family species profile will address only As interest grows in producing (Centrarchidae) includes 30 the culture of the genus Lepomis, these fish for human consump- species, and is found only in commonly called bream, sunfish, tion, producers will need to grow North America. This family sun perch or simply panfish. them to market size and ensure includes the black basses Refer to SRAC Publication 722 for that they have the appearance, (Micropterus spp.), crappies information on largemouth bass. texture and flavor consumers (Pomoxis spp.), and the bream Sunfish have been cultured almost desire. Bluegill and redear, as well (Lepomis spp.), as well as the gen- exclusively to produce fingerlings as several sunfish hybrids, have era Amboplites, Elassoma, for stocking recreational fishing good flavor and texture, low-fat Enneacanthus, Centrarchus, waters. Bluegills and redear sun- flesh, and good storage qualities. Archoplites and Acantharcus. This fish are stocked for forage, and Consumers recognize and accept family is one of the most popular with largemouth bass they also them. In terms of temperature and and widely known gamefish provide excellent sportfishing. water quality requirements, groups in North America. Historically, most state and feder- growth rates, trainability to manu- Anglers like sunfish because of al hatcheries produced large num- factured feeds, and fecundity and their fierce tenacity when caught bers of sunfish and distributed ease of spawning in captivity, all by hook-and-line; their firm, them to the public through vari- lepomids, in general, are easy to white flesh; and their favored sta- ous state and federal fish stocking grow. The bluegill and bluegill tus as “bread and butter fish.” In programs. Now many private hybrids may be easiest to culture addition to their utility as sport hatcheries are specializing in the to adult sizes. The most common and food fish, the lepomid sunfish production of gamefish for stock- hybrid is the male bluegill X species are generally stocked in ing, so public hatcheries and state female green sunfish, which has a impounded waters as forage fish agencies have reduced or elimi- desirably high male:female sex for predators such as bass. Most nated their production of game- ratio in the F1 generation. Other anglers are familiar with these fish for the public. hybrids may also be successful, fish. despite variable sex ratios, if tech- Another production scenario is to Bass, crappie and bream have niques such as ploidy manipula- stock fingerlings at high densities, tion can be perfected. been cultured for the past 50 feed them a manufactured feed, years, primarily to provide finger- and grow them to adult sizes suit- Biology and natural lings for stocking recreational able for marketing as foodfish ponds and lakes, or for use in (225 to 340+g or 0.5 to 0.75+ history research. There is increasing inter- pounds) or gamefish (110 g or 0.25 est in culture of these fish for The centrarchids are perciform pound). These fishes seem to have fish with a spiny dorsal fin (with human consumption and for use potential for both food fish and in fee-fishing operations. This 6 to 13 spines) followed by a soft fee-fishing markets. The culture of dorsal fin. The anal fin has at least hybrids has been studied more three spiny rays at its origin, fol- 1 Mississippi State University than the culture of pure species, lowed by numerous soft rays. The 2 Correspondence author but consumer interest will likely pelvic fins are located immediate- 3 Iowa State University stimulate additional research. ly beneath the pectoral fins and contain one spine and five soft Warmouth for species recognition, but will rays. The caudal fin has 17 princi- hybridize readily if unable to The warmouth, also called “gog- pal rays. Proper identification is locate a mate of the same species. gle-eye,” inhabits sluggish waters, critical to successful production, Thus, proper identification of both preferring weeds or debris such as because the genus Lepomis readily sexes is vital to successfully pro- logs, stumps and brush piles. This hybridizes. ducing the desired offspring. species has not been widely Bluegill and green sunfish males There are eleven species in the stocked in recreational waters, but in breeding condition are easily genus Lepomis, but only the is popular with anglers where it is distinguished from females, but bluegill (L. macrochirus), redear abundant. Its primary importance redears and warmouth sexes are sunfish (L. microlophus), war- to aquaculture has been in the more difficult to differentiate. mouth (L. gulosus), and green production of hybrids with the Experienced culturists can usually sunfish (L. cyanellus) and their other primary species. It has a distinguish males from females on various hybrids have been widely dark, olivaceous to brown body, the basis of external characteristics cultured as sportfish. Although with dark splotches on the sides such as color, body shape or size, other lepomids may have culture and the fins. The cheeks and oper- and distention of the abdomen and market potential, these four cula have three to four dark bars caused by enlarged ovaries or the have been the focus of research. radiating posteriorly from the eye, size and shape of the urogenital and the eye is often reddish. The sinus. Bluegill mouth is larger than that of the bluegill and the redear, and the It is easy to express eggs or milt The bluegill may be the most well from ripe broodstock. However, known of all the sunfish, and it is body is not as laterally com- pressed as in these species. broodstock often are not ripe at certainly the most popular with the time of stocking and identifi- anglers and consumers. Green Sunfish cation. A simple method of prob- Originally distributed from the ing for eggs involves using a 2- to Great Lakes south to the Gulf of The green sunfish may be one of 4-inch (5- to 10-cm) long capillary Mexico, it has been stocked the most adaptable, abundant and tube that is 0.04 to 0.05 inch (1.1 to throughout North America as a environmentally tolerant of the 1.2 mm) in diameter. The tube is gamefish. It is equally at home in sunfishes. It is found in a wide inserted into the urogenital sinus, lakes or streams, but is most variety of habitats ranging from then angled slightly back toward abundant in shallow, eutrophic ponds and lakes to river systems. the tail and slightly to one side. lakes and ponds. The bluegill is This hardiness makes it of interest With the application of light pres- identified by its deep, laterally as a “bait” fish, especially for set- sure, the tube passes through the compressed head and body and lines or trot-lines for catfish. In oviduct into the ovary. A finger is small mouth. The opercular flap some states, however, this fish is then placed on the open end of is black, and individuals longer classified as a game fish, and thus the tube to seal it before it is than 2 inches (51 mm) have a cannot be sold for this purpose. removed for inspection. If no eggs dark blotch at the posterior base Characteristic colors of the green are retrieved, the fish should be of the dorsal fin. The sides usual- sunfish include a blue-green to rejected as a brood fish. This is a ly have eight to ten sets of double dusky dorsum and sides, with a simple procedure, but must be vertical bars that are chain-like in yellow to white belly. A dark basal done with care to avoid damaging appearance. Body colors range spot is usually present on the pos- the fish. from olivaceous to purple, with a terior base of the dorsal fin. All white to orange belly. fins are yellow to orange tinted, Handling can be stressful to the with occasional bright orange fish and should be done with care. Redear areas and white margins. The Broodstock should be handled in cool water, which is conveniently The redear, like the bluegill, has green sunfish is the species used most often to produce hybrids available during stocking season been widely introduced through- (late winter to early spring). Fish out much of the U.S. and North with either the bluegill or the redear sunfish. should be handled as little as pos- America as a gamefish and a sible, sedated when practical, and companion to the bluegill in man- Culture techniques transported in well oxygenated aged systems. Its common names tanks. Thermal shock should be are “shellcracker” and “chin- avoided at all costs. Refer to quapin.” The redear prefers slug- Broodstock SRAC Publications 390, 392 and gish waters. It is identified by its Broodstock selection is critical in 393 for recommendations on han- olive-yellow to straw-yellow dling and transporting fish. body with gray or dusky spots. the production of sunfish and The breast is bright yellow to their hybrids. Improper identifica- Ideally, sexes should be kept sepa- orange, and the opercular flap is tion of the brood fish can lead to rate until they are stocked into short with a distinct scarlet out- contaminated stocks of offspring, spawning ponds. This allows side margin or spot. because these fish readily broodstock to be sexed in advance hybridize. Sunfish rely upon visu- and held for a period of time in al, auditory and behavioral cues conditioning ponds to prepare them for spawning. It eliminates, ly moves into deeper waters (up species are present, they may prey or at least minimizes, stressful to 6 feet or 2 m) as the water on the fingerlings.
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