www.orphancameras.com This manual is for reference and historical purposes, all rights reserved. This creation is copyright© by M. Butkus, NJ, U.S.A. These creations may not be sold or distributed without the expressed permission of the producer I have no connection with any camera company On-line camera manual library If you find this manual useful, how about a donation of $2 to: M. Butkus, 29 Lake Ave., High Bridge, NJ 08829-1701 and send your e-mail address so I can thank you. Most other places would charge you $7.50 for a electronic copy or $18.00 for a hard to read Xerox copy. This will allow me to continue this site, buy new manuals and pay their shipping costs. It'll make you feel better, won't it? If you use Pay Pal, go to my web site www.orphancameras.com and choose the secure PayPal donation icon. www.orphancameras.com tRoflei 1z1Bc in der Praxis in practical use dans la pratique nell'uso pratico en la pr6ctica in de praktijk Rollei-Werke DE | 3-011 7/1 9-0973-00-200 Franke& Heidecke FI 33 Braunschweig SH PRS www.orphancameras.com Rollei 121 BC wir lhnen viel Mit lhrem neuen Gomputer-Blitzgerdt wtinschen Freude und Erfolg. Rollei-Werke Franke & Heidecke Einzelteile und Funktion 1 Deckel fur Batteriefach 2 steckfuB zum Einschieben in steckschuh an Kamera oder Blitzschiene 3 AnschluB fur Synchronkabel mit Rollei-Stecker 4Mittenkontaktftirkabe||osenAnschIuB 5 Verriegelung fur synchronkabel mit Rollei-stecker 6 Handauslosung TsensorfurautomatischeLichtdosierung 8 Schieberfur Sensor 9 Blendenrechner (DlN- und m-skala weiB,AsA- und feet-skala gelb) 10 Ein/Aus-Schalter 11 Leuchtsignalfur Blitzbereitschaft Pagifra Batterlen einsetzen www.orphancameras.comGontenuto 36 Parti e funzioni "" 37 delle Pile Erforderlichsind 2TrockenbatterienTyp AA (Mignon-Zellen)1,5 Volt in!"iit"nto 37 Colleqamento "' :' --+Techn. Daten Seite 9 und Tip @ Seite 6 oetl'aPParecchio''''i17 H6o;fu;ione 38 KeinesfallsgleichgroBe Batterien hoherer Spannung einsetzen i t6,ego dell'automatismo non automatico 38 Gerdt wird dadurch funktionsunfdhigoder beschadigt! imbie6o 39 ConsigliPrattct 43 Deckel1 wie in BildA gezeigtin Pfeilrichtungziehen und aufklappen. Accessorl ... ,45 ---> 1 .. Batterien entsprechend Schema einsetzen Bild B. Deckel Datitecnici 46 Difetti e rimedi schlieBenund festdrucken. Aprire i .due risvolti di coPerttna Gerdt anscfrlieBen KabellosesBlitzen bei Kameras mit Mittenkontaktim Steckschuh: SteckfuB2 in Kamerasteckschuheinschieben Blitzen mit Syncfironkabelbei Kameras mit Synchronnippel:Blitz- gerdt in Steckschuhan Kameraoder Blitzschieneeinschieben Kabel anschlieBen:Rollei-Stecker an AnschluB3; Normal-,Rollei- oder Leica-Steckeran Kamerasynchronnippel-> Bild C. Mitten- kontakt 4 ist durch eingesetztenRollei-Stecker abgeschaltet. Kabel losen: Verriegelung5 nach auBen ziehen. Dabei wird ein p6gina evtl.gespeicherter Blitz durch Handauslosung6 gezundet. Kamera elnstellen Syncfrronansc*rluB(falls wdhlbar) X ( l) benutzen. VerscfiluBzeitnach Angabe in Kameragebrauchsanleitungwdhlen: Bei ZentralverschluBbeliebig, meist r/rzss€c; bei SchlitzverschluB meist lleooder llsosec. Entfernungeinstellen wie gewohnt. 1 www.orphancameras.com Rollel 121 BC Insertlng batteriee you much fun success with your new cornputer flash 2 We wish and standard 1.5 Vott-AA. type dry batteries (Mignon cells) are unit. necessary -+ Technical data on page 21 and hini@ on -tnispage 1g. Never use batteries of same size but higher voltag-eas wiil Rollei-WerkeFranke & Heidecke cause deteriorationof performanceor damage to flish unit. Draw and open cover 1.asshown in fig. A. InsJrt batteriesaccording to diagram -+ fig. B. Close cover f anO secure. Connectlng the Component parts and functlon unit cordless flashing for cameras with "hot shoe,, contact in accessory 1 Cover for battery compartment shoe: Push foot 2 into this shoe. 2 Foot for accessory shoe of camera or flash bracket Flashing_with synchronizing cord for cameras with flash ouilet socket: Push frash 3 Outletfor flash cord with Rollei plug unit into accessory shoe of curer" or ttash bracket for cordless connection connection: 4 Centre contact Roilei prug to ouilet 3 and standard, Roilei- or Leica plug to camera -+ 5 Lock for flash cord with Rollei plug ouilet socket fig. c. centre contact a i. oi.- connected by inserted Rollei plug. firing pull 6 Manual Discor;.ection: lock 5 0utwaid and discharge unit by manual firing 6. 7 Sedsor for automatic light control 8 Slide for sensor Gamera aettlng 9 Aperture calculator (DlN and metre scale in white, ASA and Synchronization feet scale in yellow) (if adjustabte)with X (J ) setting. shutter speed re11switch set according to camera instructions: with rens 10 On shutt.ers_,any i./r:s setting, usually SOC;with focal ptine shutters 11 Ready signal-lamp usually 1/eoor r/:o SeC. Distance set in usual way. 12 l ,::t:,L,+Lt*n.. www.orphancameras.com Automatlc flash Switchon: Red mark appearson switch 10. at distancesbetween about 0.4 and 4m /16 in and 13 ft. Flashready when signal lamp 11 lights up. Switch to automatic operation: Uncover sensor 7 with slide 8. swilch ofl if no immediatefurther shots are planned(red mark on Determine aperlure: Set A 1or V) mark on aperture calculator 9 switch10 hidden). ooposite ASA (or DIN) number of film speed. Read off aperture yellow triangle mark. Keep camera constantly set to this opposite Practlcal flash hlnte aperture. Example:100 ASA/21 DIN film, constant aperturef/5,6 + fig' D' @ Power economy After use and during longer shootingintervals: Switch on: Red mark appears on switch 10. switch off unit. @ Signal lamp Flash ready when signal lamp 11 lights up. i AJterswitching on:.wait for signallamp 11 to light up. More planned (red mark than switch off if no immediate further shots are 30 to 60 secondsdetay in tightingup indicates-thatihe batteries ; are exhausted i on switch 10 hidden). + hint @ page 18- I t.t @ Full illuminationof subjectarea Non-automatic flash Be sure that entire subject area is fully-witt illuminated: Flash unlt mountedinto accessoryshge of camera give at any distance. an angle of illu- minationof approx.460x600. For close-upsdi-rect nanoireto Rasn Switch off automatic syslem: Cover up sensor 7 by slide 8. towardscentre of subject,or turn camerabracket as required. Rangeof flash is increasedby room reftection(for aperture: set (or V) mark on aperture calculator 9 examplelight- Determine A coloured walls). ln very light-walledrooms, automatic oppositeASA (or DIN) number of f ilm speed.Find requiredaperture ilasn ex- posuresare thereforepossible even beyond4 m (13 opposite flash-to-subjectdistance used. ft.). Examplefor average subjects of medium brightness in medium-size rooms with normally reflectingwalls: 100ASA / 21 DIN film, flash distanceapprox. 20tl:6 m, requiredaperture t2,8-4 -+ fig. D. 14 www.orphancameras.com @ Fill-in flash In dayilght @ Bounceflash To relieve shadows:switcn on automaticsystem. Find required Advantages:Soft illuminationwithcut hard shadows. Use flash apertureopposite yeilow triangre mark, but irose aperturefurther cord and direct flash unit by hand or commercialtilting bracket down by 1-2 stops and use appropriaieshuttercp'"eO (". to ex- towardsceiling (approx. 60 o). Switch off automaticsystem. Accord- posuremeter). ing to subject condition,open apenturemore than indicatedby Result:.subject is nearrycorrecily exposed, but share of frash calculator(usually 2-3 stops). reduced so far that shadowsare ierievedonry, however,without ff possible,use a ratherfast lens and/or high speed film for this beingfulty tightened. bounceflashing. @ Doubteftash @ Flashrellectlons synchronizedflash shots with two flashunits: Use a multipleadap- Avoidshooting in directionswhere reflectingsurfaces would throw tor for couplingboth flash cords. your into flash light directly back camera.Choose viewpoint and YVilhau.loqatic_system switched on: Correcrexppsure is obtained arrangeflash unit so that frontalreflections (window panes, mirrors automatically.Place the flash units so that theii sensoisare not or polishedsurfaces) are eliminated. subjectedto directlight from the otherflash unit. with automaticsystem switched off : Two frashesfrontalry @ CommunalFlashes distance at equal Enenwhen several photographers are usingflash at the sametime; wiil doubreyour right,so use nextsmaile. ipeitri" ,rop. your your with flashesat different-distinces(second flasn servini unit still controls exposureautomatically. lts stray light example): ro, barrierprevents flashes of other photographersfrom affectingthe useaperture for distancebetween subject an-d "slirr-inmain flash. automaticcontrol system. @ Flash dlstanceand taklng dlstance can be variedindependently by usingflash extensioncord between flash unit and camera. Refer to flash-to-subjectdistance when settingaperture! @ Open llash This methodallows seriesof flashesduring a long time exposure to obtain special effects and trick shots. Use flash and camera separated,open camerashutter, and flash by manualfiring 6. 16 *tx;i. - *x*:;' ;a,,.:.", I @ Use of verywww.orphancameras.com short flash times Accessories Switch on automatic system. Use a short flash distance (minimum 40cm/16 in), choose a light background and if possible a light Camera brackels flash distance, flash duration is also il subject. With a shorter 1. Bracket with accessory shoe t,/:o,ooosecond. and synchro adaptor for Roilei 35, shortened to a minimum of about Order No. 301 220. For extremely rapid movements: Use open flash method- and a To mount: Push adaptor into camera accessory shoe, fit bracket suitable contactor
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