RARE VALUE GUIDE 8/10/2015 * 2015 Change in Value #2015 New Addition to Guide

RARE VALUE GUIDE 8/10/2015 * 2015 Change in Value #2015 New Addition to Guide

RARE VALUE GUIDE 8/10/2015 * 2015 change in value #2015 new addition to guide TITLE Issue Current S/O Aaron $45 $50 Sep-00 Angels Prayer $70 $135 Oct-88 Abby $30 $150 May-90 Angels Two $40 $125 Jul-88 ABC’s, The $80 $90 N/A Anita $30 $55 Jun-92 Abilities $100 $200 4-Apr Anna $25 $150 May-92 Abram’s Delight $100 NE Oct-95 Annie & Teddy $20 $110 Sep-86 Across the Silent Snow $200 $300 Jun-95 Anniversary $100 $250 Sep-98 Adam $25 $200 N/A Anniversary Dance $100 $175 May-93 Adam’s Hat $30 $45 N/A Anniversary Song $45 $90 Mar-96 Adorable $75 NE 5-Feb Apple Annie $30 NE Jul-10 Adoration $40 $150 Feb-88 Apple Barn $80 $125 Oct-95 After School $90 NE 2-Sep Apple Baskets $45 $54 Jun-00 After The Harvest $65 $70 Dec-00 Apple Blossom Chat $115 $225 Jun-98 Aggie Memories $115 $140 Sep-98 Apple Blossom Love $80 $150 Jan-96 Air Force Museum $65 NE Aug-98 Apple Blossom Maid $125 NE Apr-00 Airman, The $25 $50 Jul-97 Apple Blossom Spring $150 $250 May-98 Alex $35 $95 Oct-90 Apple Blossom Time $75 $160 Jun-95 Alexis $35 $75 Nov-92 Apple Butter Makers $175 $250 1-Jan Alisha $45 $60 Sep-98 Apple Day $80 $450 N/A All Aboard $50 $85 Feb-90 Apple Farmers $120 $225 Oct-89 All American Boys $65 $110 Feb-88 Apple Girl $30 $150 N/A All American Girls $35 $80 Aug-00 Apple Harvest $75 $225 N/A All Done $35 $60 Aug-95 Apple Kids $60 $175 Mar-87 All Dressed Up $60 $100 Oct-99 Apple Outing $60 $75 May-00 All Ears $45 NE Jul-98 Apple Pals $45 $95 Jan-92 All in a Row $65 $100 Dec-92 Apple Picker $35 $120 N/A All in the Tree $100 $650 Mar-87 Apple Time $70 $145 Aug-90 All Together $115 $135 May-96 Apple Twins $40 $70 Dec-93 Allegheny Heritage $100 NE Sep-98 Apples for Teacher $45 $100 Feb-94 Allison $20 $150 Nov-86 Apples Galore $150 NE Nov-99 Allison’s Baskets $40 $78 Nov-00 April $30 $80 Nov-88 Almost Finished $60 $95 May-99 Arbor Lodge $140 NE Dec-00 Almost Home $30 NE 4-Sep Arm in Arm $45 $175 May-89 Along For The Ride $90 NE Nov-99 Army Boy $25 $45 Sep-97 Along the Canal $80 $175 Feb-88 Army Girl $25 $35 Aug-98 Always $55 NE N/A Arnold's Park $75 NE 6-Aug Always & Forever $75 $120 Apr-98 Art Show $60 NE Nov-95 Always Together $60 $150 Feb-87 Ashley $35 $165 N/A Amana Heritage $225 $260 Sep-94 Ashley's Delight $45 NE Jan-00 Amanda $30 $140 May-91 Ashley's Flowers $40 $78 Aug-94 Amanda & Her Panda $30 $53 Sep-00 At Rest $75 $80 Sep-98 Amberly $35 $85 Jun-90 At the Beach $50 $80 Aug-93 American Apples $65 $85 Jun-98 Atlanta $100 $240 Apr-88 American Girl $35 NE Jan-09 Auction Today $140 $145 1-Apr Amish Auction $85 $100 5-Feb Austin $45 NE Aug-99 Amish Barn Raising $175 $500 Dec-93 Autumn at Grove $170 $300 Jul-96 Amy $20 $250 N/A Autumn at Hatteras $70 NE 5-May Amy's Cradle $65 $160 Aug-89 Autumn at Mabry Mill $95 NE 6-Oct Amy's Flowers $50 $185 N/A Autumn Blessing $200 $350 N/A An Angel $60 $75 May-07 Autumn Friends $100 NE Aug-98 Anchors Aweigh $50 NE Oct-99 Autumn Harvest $60 $76 Jun-00 And the Greatest of These $125 $150 5-Mar Autumn in Long Grove $115 $175 Dec-91 Andrea $55 $60 1-Jun Autumn in Williamsburg $100 $125 5-Jul Andrew $20 $160 Nov-86 Autumn Love $125 $200 Oct-91 Andrews Flowers $40 $71 Nov-94 Autumn Outing $225 NE 6-Jun Angela $50 $75 Sep-94 Autumn Picnic $115 $160 Jun-98 1 RARE VALUE GUIDE 8/10/2015 * 2015 change in value #2015 new addition to guide TITLE Issue Current S/O Autumn Ride $80 $375 N/A Betrothed $150 $275 Oct-88 Autumn Triptych $150 $400 N/A Betty $20 $105 Jun-87 Awaiting the Curtain $65 $85 Oct-98 Big Race, The $70 NE Sep-98 Awake O Earth $50 $175 N/A Bill $20 $100 Jun-87 Awakening $65 $130 Sep-87 Billy $25 $100 N/A B & O Roundhouse $95 NE Feb-09 Bird Boy $110 $200 Apr-87 Babies Three $75 $130 Feb-90 Bird Song $40 NE Oct-97 Baby Boy $25 $80 Aug-90 Birds of Peace $60 NE Feb-00 Baby Bunny $55 $60 Dec-00 Birthday $50 $95 Sep-90 Baby Girl $25 $80 Aug-90 Birthplace of 4-H $100 NE Sep-99 Baby Parade $200 $420 May-88 Birthplace, The $100 NE 6-Jul Baby, The $35 $110 Mar-89 Bishop's Palace $100 NE Sep-98 Baby's First Ride $70 $75 Dec-99 Bit of Heaven, A $185 NE N/A Back Yard Picnic $75 NE 2-Dec Black Cat $50 $250 N/A Bainbridge Farm $60 $130 Oct-88 Black Cat on a Pink Cush $40 $125 N/A Balloon Boy $20 $90 Nov-88 Black Sheep $60 $350 N/A Balloon Girl $20 $75 N/A Blessed are the Pure of H $140 NE 2-Nov Balloon Ride $100 $225 N/A Blessed Assurance $40 $130 Jan-87 Bandstand, The $100 $120 Sep-98 Blessed Departure $225 $300 Oct-97 Bandstand/Park $80 $125 Jan-91 Blessed Union $175 NE 1-Nov Baptist Church, The $65 $85 Nov-96 Blue Angel $25 $50 Sep-98 Barbara Fritchie House $100 NE N/A Blue Balloon $60 $175 Jun-87 Barbara's Girls $35 $145 Jul-87 Blue Bouquet $16 $90 N/A Bare Limbed Reflections $25 $100 N/A Blue Boy $40 $125 N/A Barn Dance at the Wh Bn $95 $120 Dec-97 Blue Crucifixion $150 $200 Mar-88 Barn Raising, The $75 $385 Feb-95 Blue Eyes $25 NE Oct-97 Barnyard Buddies (03 Jr.) $50 NE N/A Blue Magic $25 $85 Jan-92 Barter Theatre $110 NE Oct-00 Blue Plate $125 $145 Feb-88 Basket Babes $25 $65 Sep-91 Blue Reflections $65 NE Feb-00 Basket Boy $35 NE 5-Aug Blue Shoes $35 $125 Aug-87 Basket Collector $75 $95 5-Apr Blue Winter $100 $300 Sep-86 Basket Girl $35 NE N/A Blum Belle –A Treasures $100 NE Dec-13 Basket Lovers $45 NE Dec-11 Boats, The $60 $110 Jun-88 Basket Pals $40 $60 Nov-95 Bon Ton $75 NE Apr-99 Baskets for Sale $95 $435 2-Nov Boo $60 NE Sep-99 Baskets Galore $95 $130 3-Nov Born of Love $65 NE Nov-98 Baskets of Apples $80 NE 3-Mar Bountiful Harvest $100 $175 May-93 Baskets of Joy $70 $185 Apr-90 Box Kids $60 $100 Jun-90 Be Mine $85 $100 6-Feb Boy Series III $50 $70 Jul-94 Bear Haven $40 $115 Mar-94 Boys and their Toys $95 $100 5-May Beautician, The $60 $90 Feb-97 Boys of Summer $70 NE 5-Aug Beauties in Blue $160 NE Sep-99 Boys Series II $40 NE Oct-97 Beauties Promise $25 $87 4-Oct Boys Together $45 $115 Aug-94 Beauty at Star Barn $75 NE Oct-99 Boys, The $45 NE N/A Becky $75 $150 N/A Bradley $50 $90 Nov-95 Becky & Tom $10 $225 N/A Brandon $20 $110 Dec-86 Bedtime Prayer $45 $110 Jan-92 Breath of Spring $90 NE 2-Feb Before The Bell $120 NE 5-Apr Brian $20 $350 Sep-86 Behold $35 $100 N/A Bride and Groom $110 $200 Oct-92 Ben $25 $150 Sep-87 Bridge and the Mill $50 NE 2-Oct Bess $25 $65 May-90 Bridge at Long Grove $65 $105 Sep-93 Best Friends $70 $165 May-88 Bridge at Long Grove, The $90 NE Dec-99 Best of Friends $60 NE 1-Nov Bridge at Okoboji $70 $75 May-00 Best Pals $60 NE Oct-09 Bridge in the Woods $85 NE Feb-12 Beth $20 $110 May-87 Brighter Tomorrow $80 NE Dec-98 2 RARE VALUE GUIDE 8/10/2015 * 2015 change in value #2015 new addition to guide TITLE Issue Current S/O Bringing in the Apples $180 $450 Aug-94 Carpenters, The $75 NE May-97 Bringing in the Hay $55 NE Oct-00 Carrie $30 $150 N/A Brittany $35 $130 Feb-96 Carrie's Tree $75 NE Sep-99 Brother & Sister $60 $175 Apr-87 Carrot Top $45 $75 Jan-94 Brotherly Love $55 NE Dec-99 Carry Me Back $200 $250 6-Sep Brothers $35 $140 N/A Cassidy $30 $75 Feb-90 Brothers and I $60 $155 Feb-90 Cassie $25 $153 Aug-91 Brothers Four $50 $130 Feb-88 Cat Club $50 $85 N/A Brothers in Arms $40 $130 Aug-89 Cat Dreams $75 NE Oct-99 Brother's Story $55 $76 Nov-95 #Cat in Hat I 35 NE Oct-23 Brothers Three $50 $125 Feb-88 Cat Quilt $70 NE Sep-99 Brothers Together $55 $85 Oct-96 Catherine $40 NE Dec-08 Brothers Two $65 $100 Jan-99 Cathy $20 $160 N/A Brower Homestead $100 $250 N/A Cat's Alive $65 $115 2-May Brown Bear $50 $95 Feb-90 Cedar Creek $100 $190 Aug-91 Brown Beauty $50 $165 Mar-88 Cedar Valley Heritage $120 NE Dec-00 Brownie $30 $100 Jun-89 Celebration by River $175 NE Sep-98 Bruton Parish Church $150 $165 Sep-94 Celebration Ride $100 NE Sep-98 Bucket Full of Love $80 NE Feb-13 Central Park $80 $275 N/A Buckeye Landmark w/emb $230 NE Oct-08 Champions, The $80 $165 Dec-88 Buddies $30 NE Nov-99 Chapel by the River $85 NE Sep-11 Buffalo Spring Herb Fm $125 $160 6-Dec Chapel of Life $120 NE 5-Aug Bump, Set, Spike $65 NE 3-Mar Chapel on the Mountain $90 NE 4-Jan Bundle of Joy $35 NE Sep-98 Chapel Wedding $100 $160 Nov-92 Bunny Bungalow $50 $56 Jul-99 Chapel, The $100 $170 Aug-89 By the Fire $60 NE Aug-99 Chautauqua Heritage $55 NE Sep-98 Cabin in the Hills(lg) $200 $525 4-Jul Chautauqua Memories $75 NE Nov-98 Cabin in the Hills(sm) $100 NE N/A Cheese House, The $80 $90 Nov-99 Cabin in the Woods $175 NE 3-Jul Chelsea $30 $110 Nov-88 Cabin on the Square $95 NE Jun-95 Cherished $35 $150 N/A Caitlin $40 $165 Feb-89 Cherished Eve $45 $175 May-93 Calf Best Loved $50 NE Oct-97 Cherry Blossoms $60 $180 May-90 Calling at Gov.

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