INSIDE: • “1998: THE YEAR IN REVIEW” – beginning on page 5. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXVI HE No.KRAINIAN 52 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1998 EEKLY$1.25/$2 in Ukraine Ukraine’sT new ambassadorU to U.S. W meets Ukrainian American leaders Tkachenko, in Moscow, pushes by Yaro Bihun expect great things from him.” for Russia-Belarus-Ukraineby Pavel Polityuk Ukraine and Russia, by union Russian deputies. Special to The Ukrainian Weekly “He understands the distinction of being Special to The Ukrainian Weekly The treaty was signed last year by an ambassador and ... being a representa- Russia’s President Boris Yeltsin and the WASHINGTON – Leaders of the tive of the community,” Mr. Lozynskyj KYIV – During his two-day official president of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma. Ukrainian American community and said of Ambassador Buteiko. “He under- visit to Russian Federation, Verkhovna Ukrainian deputies ratified the treaty ear- Ukraine’s new ambassador to the United stands how far his relationship with the Rada Chairman Oleksander Tkachenko lier this year, while Russian lawmakers States, Anton Buteiko, got a chance to community should go.” said Ukraine might joint the Russia- have delayed the ratification for months. meet each other and exchange views on [In an “Open Letter” dated October 30, Belarus union and create a new common “My task was to do everything for rat- issues of mutual concern December 18, Mr. Lozynskyj had criticized Ambassador economic space through a shared currency. ification of the treaty by two sides,” Mr. during a meeting and reception organized Shcherbak, taking the diplomat to task for Mr. Tkachenko also said creating such a Tkachenko said. “And now I can say that here at the Embassy of Ukraine. his presentation at a Ukrainian American union is “a necessity” for the three neigh- Mr. Seleznyov promised me that the Before his appointment to Washington, professionals conference earlier that boring republics of the former Soviet Duma is going to ratify the treaty on Ambassador Buteiko, 51, was first vice month in New Jersey as well as for the Union and directly supported Russian December 25.” minister of foreign affairs. He arrived here work of the Ukrainian Embassy.] Duma Chairman Gennadii Seleznyov, who “I expect the treaty will be ratified by soon after his predecessor Dr. Yuri He applauded Ambassador Buteiko’s called for the tripartite Slavic union during the Duma this month,” Mr. Tkachenko Shcherbak’s departure in late November. statement that Ukraine would rather earn his visit to Kyiv this October. said. Russian deputies previously declined He presented his letters of credence to the funds abroad through trade than accept As a chairman of Ukraine’s parliamen- State Department, but they have not yet to ratify the treaty because the Ukrainian foreign aid. tary delegation, Mr. Tkachenko met with Parliament would not ratify several agree- been officially accepted by the president. “He is not seeking handouts,” Mr. the chairman of the Russian State Duma The meeting was with leaders of some ments about the status of Russian Black Lozynskyj added. “He’s looking to create (the lower house of the Parliament), Mr. Sea Fleet in Ukrainian port of Sevastopol. 20 Ukrainian American organizations, an investment climate and environment in Seleznyov; Prime Minister Yevgenii among them three umbrella groupings – “We agreed that the Duma will hold rat- Ukraine and a relationship between the Primakov; vice prime ministers; and the ification without regard to fleet issues or the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), two countries which will bring in capital governor of Russian Central Bank, Victor the Ukrainian Congress Committee of questions about the status of the Ukrainian infusion that will enable Ukraine to devel- Gerashchenko. Black Sea port of Sevastopol,” Mr. America (UCCA) and the Ukrainian op its resources – not by virtue of gifts or “It was an absolutely successful visit,” American Coordinating Council (UACC) Tkachenko said. “We have agreed to solve donations but by virtue of investment in Mr. Tkachenko said at a news conference one problem, and to discuss other issues – as well as the major women’s, profes- Ukraine’s resources.” in Kyiv on December 21. sionals’, medical, academic, scientific and after the friendship treaty is ratified.” Ihor Gawdiak, the newly elected presi- He said the major task of the visit was The Verkhovna Rada chairman also con- military organizations and foundations. dent of the Ukrainian American to push a ratification of the treaty on The 90-minute working meeting was off Coordinating Council, also praised Mr. friendship and cooperation between (Continued on page 37) the record. After the session, however, some Buteiko’s businesslike approach. of the participants expressed their reaction “Most of all, I liked his response to a to the new ambassador and what he said. question about why Ukraine is the way it Without exception, all were positive. is. He said that they were all taught how The newly elected UWC president, to destroy capitalism and not how to build Kuchma predicts unless democrats unite Askold Lozynskyj, who also serves as capitalism. And so, no one – not only in president of the UCCA, said he was Ukraine but elsewhere in that region – impressed by Ambassador Buteiko’s knows how to convert socialism into cap- presidential victory will go to the left apparent “practicality,” “level-headed- italism,” Mr. Gawdiak said. by Pavel Politiuk President Kuchma is merely trying to ness” and “professionalism.” Mr. Gawdiak also found Ambassador Special to The Ukrainian Weekly compromise the democratic forces and “Perhaps I’m biased, but he thinks the pull them toward him in the run-up to Buteiko’s approach somewhat different KYIV – Less than a year before pres- way an attorney does, because he is (one), from that of his predecessor. “And I say this presidential elections because he has lit- in fact; he has a juridical background,” said idential elections, Ukrainian President tle chance of obtaining their support oth- without any criticism intended,” he added. Leonid Kuchma forecast that they Mr. Lozynskyj, who also is an attorney. “They simply are two different individuals.” erwise. Few believe that he would be would be a repeat of last spring’s “Without disparaging or saying anything The UACC president said he expects to nominated by any of the current center Parliament referendum, when Ukrainian negative about any of his predecessors,” he see very good relations developing between or center-right parties. added, “I think that he is a quality ambassa- centrist and right-wing parties could not Analysts say the president is afraid to dor, in the fullest sense. He’s a pro, and I (Continued on page 37) unite and allowed the left to win more lose his current status as the only candi- than half the seats in the Verkhovna date who is fighting against Communist Rada. influences in government and is trying “I am sure that the situation with to convince voters that other political presidential elections will be analogous leaders do not have the power to combat to the situation during the Ukrainian par- the leftist threat. liamentary elections,” President Even as President Kuchma criticized Kuchma told regional journalists during the lack of unity in the democratic politi- a meeting on December 15. cal bloc, a move toward coalition had “Democrats cannot unite themselves, begun. Early this month, two strong par- which is to the detriment of Ukraine,” he ties – Rukh, which is led by National said. “Each sees himself with the bula- Deputy Vyacheslav Chornovil and the va” [mace – a symbol of authority]. Reform and Order Party of Viktor During the past few months Mr. Pynzenyk, a former vice prime minister Kuchma several times has called on cen- in the Kuchma administration – united trist and right-wing parties to unite in in a pre-election political bloc, creating collaboration with the president and the the first potentially powerful election government against a front of powerful coalition. Communist and Socialist political “This is a union of two center-right Yaro Bihun forces. wing parties that has a real chance to UCCA and UWC President Askold Lozynskyj (right) continues his conversation But center and right-wing political with Ambassador Anton Buteiko, during a reception following the new envoy’s leaders have expressed concerns that (Continued on page 37) meeting with Ukrainian American community leaders. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1998 No. 52 Television documentary focuses NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS on nationalist leader Bandera Kuchma seeks abolition of death penalty consequences [of the strikes] for the by Roman Woronowycz their myths and legends. “The Soviets said region and whole world” and expresses Kyiv Press Bureau Bandera was a bandit; people say that KYIV – President Leonid Kuchma has the hope that the United Nations Security Mazepa was a traitor and that Khmelnytsky asked the Verkhovna Rada to pass a law Council will do “whatever is possible to KYIV – The first television documen- sold Ukraine to Moscow. People must learn abolishing the death penalty in accor- tary on Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian avoid further escalation of tension our history. It is a tragic history, but it is dance with the country’s international around Iraq.” (RFE/RL Newsline) nationalist hero and by many accounts the ours and we must learn from it,” said Mr. obligations, the Associated Press report- most charismatic Ukrainian national figure Lukanov. ed on December 19. Ukraine agreed to Ukrainian plane down in war zone of the 20th century, aired on Ukrainian tele- Convincing financial backers that this abolish capital punishment in 1995 when vision on December 20. was a worthy project was among the more it joined the Council of Europe; it intro- KYIV – A Ukrainian AN-12B plane dis- Bandera led the Organization of difficult tasks that Mr.
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