►Cft>t#bnrtlng jjjMJtjsgi Lexington is hosting a Roots & The Eastern Heritage Festival through Sept 28 to celebrate African American culture. Find out about the festival's Progress various events on www.easteraprogress.com ' n! publu <i Kentucky University II Ni> I Eastern's SGA A year after the Sept 11 terror attacks on America, one Eastern student reflects on the issues international students face faces big tasks and the move to another country in search of... BVJtNNWH Booms and Hammons said the renova- Co-so7tor tions are supposed to be com- plete by Sunday- Eastern's Student The Residence Life Council, Government Association is deal- headed by Vice President Adam ing with some major tasks. The Hensley, is also trying to fill its SGA is trying to fill all its empty vacant positions — all 14 of A Brave New World positions through bom elections them. Hensley said most of and appointments, and is prepar- those vacancies were a result of ing to move into renovated people being elected to repre- offices in die Powell Building. sent one haO and then moving to On Tuesday the Student another. Senate unanimously approved all RLC rules require that stu- nine of President dents live in Lucas the hall they Hammons's 44 represent appointments to Hensley is executive cabi- If all we're doing also trying to net positions, fill spots on approved is talking about his leadership Executive Vice team President Mary yesterday, we're Elections Hall's appoint- to fill vacant ments to five not doing SGA positions vacant senate anything today. are scheduled spots, and select- for Sept. 24. ed members Applications from its own —Daniel Logsdon may be picked body to serve as SGA Committees on up in the senate chairs. Committees Chair Powell But the sen- » Building and ate failed to approve its annual turned in by Sept 19. budget after several senators According to the SGA consti- said the line-item budget they tution, those elections were sup- were presented with was not posed to be held on the Tuesday detailed enough. The motion will of the fourth week of class. appear on the senate's sgenda Instead, the SGA moved elec- again next week. tions in hopes of being in their Senators also heard prelimi- offices by that time. nary reports from the committee Until all the RLC's positions chairs that had already been are filled, quorum won't be appointed. established at any of the meet- Committee on Committees ings, Hensley said, preventing chair Daniel Logsdon encour- any action from being taken. aged what he called a "young" Hensley has ideas about group of senators to look toward issues he'd like to act upon, but making SGA even more produc- said until he gets more mem- And! Undsnrnayer/Progrsss tive than in years past bers, he's not going to push any- Vssrindsr "Vtiny*Tanata, an Eastern *4m*1nm*^tdm*)at*mmmm9lWi1.TMmm&Km»*totot*mt*lMm. "If all we're doing is talking thing. about yesterday, we're not doing "I could come up with a as he struggles to understand why pened," Taneta said. "People tost their anything today," Logsdon atid. slew of tilings, but I'm not real- N*WB»dltor • anyone would want to kill his neigh- lives and for what good reason? But the SGA still faces the ly sure where the body wants bor, a neighbor who had no enemies. Nothing." problem of being without office to go," he said. "If s not what I It is a busy day in Rohtak. a small For Taneta and other neighbors of Taneta pointed out that Americans space. Hall told the senate that feel should be done. If s what town in India The year is 1967, and the the victim, mere wdl be no celebrating. weren't the only ones to suffer from leaks put a damper on construc- the student body feels should streets are alive with color in preparation the attacks. tion this weekend, but both she be done." lor Dhvali. a religious festival celebrated * * * "Kentucky is my home — home is in October or November. Kentucky," Taneta said. "It did feel like Each townhouse entrance is decorat- Nearly 15 years later, 23-year-old Sept 11 was happening to me too. Not ed with traditional designs, while color- Taneta watched his television at hia only me, but in the World Trade ful lights glow from nearly every win- apartment as first one plane and then Center there were many Indians who dow. another slammed into the World worked there. This was not just an As me da/s festivities begin, a gun Trade Center towers. attack on America — everyone was shot is heard. A Hmdu man is dead — As he struggled with anger over affected by it " just because he's Hindu. the attacks on America, his new home, According to Taneta, he came to The news reaches 8-year-old he couldn't help but remember the America for two reasons: be enjoyed a Veerinder "Vinny" Taneta. Taneta, neighbor he had known long ago. also Hindu, is devastated and scared, "(Sept. 11) shouldn't have hap- See INTERNATIONAL, AS Vendor upset about scheduling conflict BY CAsaoNOfu IORBY different times — Tye-Dye h , •* MMI N*w»0dHor Thorn was scheduled to be on campus last week, and The man with the long hair Devers was scheduled to be and tie-dyed clothing is a famil- here at the end of August. iar face at Eastern. He sets up Instead, because of uncon- a booth outside the Powell trollable circumstances, Building and sells items rang- Devers called and pushed his ftp ing from hemp jewelry to tie- date back. dyed T-shirts. "My wife and I booked two The man, who asks to be weeks ago, hut her mother iff referred to as Tye-Dye died so she had to go to » Thorn, has been setting up Mexico and move our date Kcwn MsYferwrogrMt his booth at Eastern twice a up," Devers said. "(Tye-Dye year for the past five years. Thorn) was kind of unhappy Gettln' the run-around However, because of vendor because he likes to work by scheduling conflicts with himself and I don't blame Sigma Chi pledges, from toft. Brad Borbage. Jason AJbrtor* and Eastern, this year may be his him — but her mother died," «. Dates Robinson, race wfth their chapter flag onto the flew at Devers said. Roy Kidd StacSum Saturday. Sigma Chi and otwr fraasmsass According to Tye-Dye Tye-Dye Thorn admits be rushed the (Md at rtatfbme. For additional coverage of Eastern's Thorn, he and another vendor. wouldn't have been upset with Mi home foottoal opener and First Weekend, see B4, 5 and 6. Scott Devers, origin say were Tye-Oye Thorn. 34. shows Ertn Daisy, a freshman accounSng scheduled to be at Eastern at See VENDOR, A8 necklace on dsptey. Tye-Oye Thorn regufany Committee begins to narrow search for VP ► Md* ► WwnWJsiT r Friday. After 17 Co+Mor "We have bad a very good months at mourn*-** .** Eastern is beginning to response," Spain said. Eastern, Dee vOliiiij narrow a pool of applicants However, she would not reveal Cockrille mmmmm -*» for the university position of how many applicants have resigned an JP% vice president for student applied thus far. vice presi- s^safwww WmwmmrW'w ■ ■ ■ • ■ asAsP affairs. On Friday, a commit- The committee, according increased dent for stu- K) tee appointed to assist to Spain, is "looking for a per- vices to aontfaditional stu dent affairs mmmmm J*,I **" Eastern in its search will son who is very student-cen- m November dents and international stu MMKaf MnVntY aVat begin reviewing applicants tered, innovative, energetic dents and new bowsing oppor- of 2001 and srstsajngansssni MJMJPaW • •••••• aaMFV nanny Judy Spain, an associate and a team builder." Other tunnies for sororities and fra- returned to HnaOawnls JJ m| ■ , professor in the College of her home in acangv-ice B< Hi 82 committee members include teraJnea." Low: S3 Business and Technology and David Greenlee. Gladys la addition, the ad says me North prssMsntfor chair of die search rownittee, Johnson. Daniel Logsdon, vice president for student Carolina to •anwssssw ...a, rondatfonr told The Progress Monday the Mustapha Jonrdini, Bonnie affairs also is responsible for work in the Soway "review process win be ongo- Plummer. Matthew several student services and mental pvRiminlir ing until die position is nnrd Schumacher. Cari Wanace and health field. Rfca Davis, former win be involved in Eastern's MI Mowtry cloudy While Spain said she antici- Brandon Dennis Wsntams. new Wetness Center project vice president for enrollment pates she wii" hare received all An advertise iiuul posted on ■ order for an anpfant to be management, has been serv- The deadhne to sign up for Mr Family doudy applications from those inter- the Chronicle of Higher considered, he or she musl have ing as vice president for stu- Student Government Association MM Scattered ested by Friday, however, the Education's Web she states that at least a graduate degree. dent affairs. Aaron Thompson. elections » Sept. 19. thunderstorm* committee will continue to the vice president for i review applications received ii "join Easterns i ensens. See SEARCH, AS t -* .— NeW8 A2 The Eastern Progress, Thursday. September 12. 2002 Key still missing, No Space Cadet new locks in Todd Non-trad works at BY Co+dHor Residents and staff mem- NASA all summer bers in Todd Hall are resting a little easier this week. So is BY JENNIFER ROGERS are 15 steps ahead of you," she Director of Housing Kenna Co-editor said.
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