December 17, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2559 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MR. MARVIN CHASE to 2001. And he was vice president of the Michael Horton, David Liason, Ben Wilcox, New England Antique Racer’s Association. Jensen Harris, Justin Calabrese, James HON. ROB SIMMONS Finally, Marvin played a significant role in all Campbell, John Brown, Eagar Lewis. The OF CONNECTICUT of my political campaigns, offering me his Dreadnaughts prove that academic excel- lence, intensive training and a lot of heart, will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sage advice and insights to a variety of issues. His was always a voice of reason and lead a team to victory. The school’s motto is Thursday, December 15, 2005 sound judgment. He was a friend—and a ‘‘Nulli Secundus,’’ which means ‘‘Second to Mr. SIMMONS. Mr. Speaker, on December friend can tell you things you do not want to None.’’ I know that I speak for every member 12 a good man, a fine public servant and a tell yourself. But those are often things you in offering congratulations and the best of luck good friend of mine died at the age of 65. most need to hear. I will miss him greatly. to the Lakeland Dreadnaughts, who officially Marvin Chase lived in North Stonington and f are ‘‘second to none’’ in the Nation. during his lifetime he was truly a citizen in ac- f CONGRATULATING THE LAKELAND tion. For those of us who knew him, his name FURTHER CONFERENCE REPORT is synonymous with public service, a love of DREADNAUGHTS AS NATIONAL CHAMPIONS ‘‘NULLI SECUNDUS’’ ON H.R. 3010, DEPARTMENTS OF his community and a deep love for his family LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN and friends. SERVICES, AND EDUCATION, AND Marvin was involved with his community. He HON. ADAM H. PUTNAM RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIA- was a Republican but he was from the school OF FLORIDA TIONS ACT, 2006 of thought that said, ‘‘I don’t care what your IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES political affiliation is, I care about you and I SPEECH OF Thursday, December 15, 2005 care about your ideas.’’ Consequently, he was able to work with individuals from across the Mr. PUTNAM. Mr. Speaker, it is with great HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN OF MARYLAND political spectrum. He liked and respected pleasure that I rise today to applaud the ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES people; and he was liked and respected in re- complishments of the Lakeland High School turn. Varsity Football team from Lakeland, Florida— Wednesday, December 14, 2005 A 6-year member of the North Stonington the 2005 Class 5A Florida State Champions Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposi- Economic Development Commission, which and the 2005 National Champions. tion to the fiscal year 2006 Labor-Health and he chaired, Marvin won another 5-year term in Coach Bill Castle, 2004 5A Coach of the Human Services-Education Appropriations November. First Selectman Nicholas H. Year and recent inductee of the Polk County Conference Report. I was dismayed to hear Mullane II, said Marvin was ‘‘probably the best Sports Hall of Fame, led the Dreadnaught’s to my friend, the Chairman of the Subcommittee, chairman I’ve ever seen on the EDC.’’ their 5th State Championship, 17th District state that this bill ‘‘more than any other, illus- Marvin did more than keep the seat warm. Championship, and 1st National Champion- trates the compassion of the American peo- In 2003 he led the commission as it studied ship. The Dreadnaughts defeated Ft. Lauder- ple.’’ But the American people did not produce the best way to bring business to town. He dale’s St. Thomas Aquinas, 39–19, ending this bill, and, judging from the hundreds of also led the commission’s two-year effort to their season at 15–0, in a rematch of last calls and letters to my office, they do not sup- create a low-impact commercial development years title for the Class 5A State Champion- port its provisions. zone near Interstate 95 exit 92, which the ship. This is the first time a Polk County foot- Across the board, in nearly every area of Planning and Zoning Commission approved in ball team has won back-to-back State titles, importance to American families, our citizens February. And that zone change drew imme- and the first time that two top-five nationally are shortchanged by this bill. The Labor-HHS- diate interest from businesses. ranked teams have met this late in the sea- Education bill is often the most contentious Marvin was always sensitive of the need to son. appropriations measure to move through Con- balance business with the rural nature of our I would like to extend my congratulations to gress. This is because the programs it funds community and our region in southeastern Coach Castle and his staff, Dan Talbot, Dan affect the health, the quality of life, indeed the Connecticut. He wanted to attract businesses Moonet, Frank Webster, Chris Davis, Clay future of every American. This year, the origi- so that taxes could be kept under control and Taylor, Jason Butler, Michael Peeples, Denny nal version of the conference report was so that there would be jobs; but he knew how Krahe, and Brian Abdon, for the positive ex- deemed so harmful that it was rejected once important it was to ensure that North ample they set and for the leadership they already on November 17. Today, the authors of this bill have returned it to the floor with a Stonington kept the quiet characteristics that provide. In addition, Principal Mark Thomas few cosmetic changes designed only to secure make it such a wonderful place to live and and his administration, Athletic Director Sid enough votes to squeak the bill through. But raise a family. Kimbrell, the faculty and staff, the parents, the this so-called ‘‘new and improved version’’ will Marvin belonged to the North Stonington students, the alumni and the fans should all be no less objectionable to the sensibilities of Grange, served on the North Stonington Fair be commended for their community spirit and the American people and certainly no less constant support. Committee and for more than 30 years he was harmful to American families. a member of what is now the Masonic United Most importantly, however, I would like to This legislation sends a clear message to Coastal Lodge 57. A former deacon of United recognize those outstanding student athletes, the American people: for educational oppor- Church in Stonington, Marvin served until a who exemplified the hard work, character, and tunity, for food assistance to elderly Ameri- few years ago as moderator of the First Bap- sportsmanship, to make this victory possible: cans, for help with heating bills next winter, for tist Church in North Stonington. He was chair- Matt Grier, Scott Bryant, Chris Rainey, access to quality health care, for advances in man of the North Stonington Republican Town Rashard Coleman, Andre Walker, Pat Turner, medical research: do not look to this Congress Committee and a lifetime member of the North Deonte Parker, T.K. Lamb, Ledarius Dobie, for help. Stonington Fire Company. Darius Jones, Tyler Grantham, Billy Lowe, The majority says it cares about families, Marvin worked for the State of Connecticut Awtan Glover, Jordan Hammond, Jesse about better education, about improved health Motor Vehicle Department as an inspector for Smart, Paul Wilson, Adam Williams, Blair Cas- care, about a productive workforce, about eco- the Dealers and Repairers Division and he tle, Leon Covington, Steve Wilks, Cedric nomic opportunity. But it has produced a bill owned and operated a Shell Service Station in Edom, Preston Chatmon, Ahmad Black, Jamar that cuts the bootstraps of middle class fami- Preston for many years. Taylor, Troy Johnson, Calvin Shaw, Derrell lies trying to stay afloat and aspiring families There was also a racy side to Marvin—he Harrison, Connor Johnson, Tony McElrath, who are reaching for the American dream. drove race cars at the Thompson Motor Aaron Walters, Devon Terry, Justin Burdette, Overall, this bill cuts $1.5 billion from last Speedway, Norwood Arena, Waterford Bryant Peace, Matt Roddenbery, Nic Moody, year’s funding levels. Let us examine what ef- Speedbowl and Stafford Speedway from 1960 Colin Clyne, Quinten Campell, Mike Jensen, fect these cuts will have on our Nation. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:50 Dec 18, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15DE8.072 E17DEPT1 E2560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 17, 2005 A strong and productive workforce is key to education grants receive a 0.9 percent in- TRIBUTE TO GLADYS our Nation’s future. According to the Depart- crease—the smallest increase in 10 years. TANTAQUIDGEON ment of Labor, nearly 8 million Americans and We talk a lot about the need to increase 120,000 Marylanders are unemployed. But this education technology, yet this conference re- HON. ROB SIMMONS Congress is poised to slash more than $400 port cuts that funding by nearly half. We speak OF CONNECTICUT million from job training and employment serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ices funding. of the need to protect our children from vio- It will also cut State unemployment insur- lence and illegal drugs, but this bill cuts Safe Thursday, December 15, 2005 ance and employment service offices by $245 and Drug-Free Schools by one-fifth, and pro- Mr.
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