THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 30, 1860. 3935 Acts, or either of them, or of any otherAct of the last-mentioned fence to the boundary dividing Parliament." the said parish of Little Bookham from the parish of Effingham, and extending thence first north- " The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing ward and then westward along the said boundary Scheme has reference. and along the middle of a cart road leading from Hogden-lane to New Barn to the middle of another "The District of Saint Barnabas, Ranmore, cart road leading from New Barn past Laundry being:— Farm to Ranmore Common, and extending thence "All those parts of the several parishes of first southward and then eastward along the middle Great Bookham, Little Bookham, Dorking, Effing- of the last-mentioned cart road as far as the boun- ham, and Micklehain, in the county of Surrey and dary dividing the said parish of Effingham from diocese of Winchester, wherein the respective the parish of Little Bookham aforesaid, and ex- incumbents now possess the exclusive cure of souls tending thence south-westward along such last- which are comprised within and bounded by an mentioned boundary to its point of junction with imaginary line, commencing at a point in the the boundary dividing the parish of Wotton from middle of the [Reading, Guildford, and Reigate the parish of Little Bookham aforesaid, and ex- Railway, opposite to the middle of the southern tending thence south-eastward along the said last- end of the fence which divides the close numbered mentioned boundary to the boundary dividing the 697 on the Tithe Commutation Map of the said said parish of Wotton from the parish of Dorking parish of Dorking, and on the map hereunto aforesaid, and extending thence in a direction annexed, from the closes, numbered respectively generally southward along the last-mentioned 823 and 822, on the same 'maps, and extending boundary to the middle of the Reading, Guildford, thence first northward and then north-eastward and Reigate Railway aforesaid, and extending to and along the middle of such fence to the thence eastward along the middle of the said rail- middle of the road leading from Dorking to way to the point where the said imaginary line Ranmore Common, and extending thence south- commenced. eastward along the middle of such road to its point of junction with a cart road leading from Dorking past the Dorking Lime Works to Bradley And whereas a draft of the said scheme has, in Farm, and extending thence in a direction gene- accordance with the provisions of the said se- rally north-eastward along the middle of the last- condly-mentioned Act, been duly transmitted to mentioned road to a point opposite to the middle the incumbents, and to the patrons of the churches of the southern end of a bridle path leading from of the several parishes out of which it is intended Bradley Farm aforesaid to West Humble-lane, that the district therein recommended to be con- and extending thence in a direction generally stituted shall be taken, and no objections have north-westward to and along the middle of the been made by such incumbents or patrons to the said bridle path (crossing the private carriage road said scheme: leading to Denbies House) to the boundary between And whereas the said scheme has been approved the said parish of Dorking and the parish of by Her Majesty in Council j now, therefore, Her Micklehain aforesaid, and extending thence north- Majesty, by and with the advice of Her said Coun- ward along the same boundary to the middle of cil, is pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme, and West Humble-lane aforesaid, and extending thence to order and direct that the same, and every part north-westward along the middle of the said lane thereof, shall be effectual in law, immediately from as far as a point opposite to the middle of the and after the time when this Order shall have northern end of the fence which divides the close been duly published in the London Gazette, pur- numbered 395 on the Tithe Commutation Map of suant to the said Acts; and Her Majesty, by and the said parish of Great Bookham, and on the map with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct hereunto annexed, from the closes numbered re- that this Order be forthwith registered by the spectively 398 and 402 on the same maps, and Registrar of the diocese of Winchester. extending thence southward to and along the Arthur Helps. middle ol the said fence to the middle of the cart road leading from Bagden Farm towards Tanner's Hatch, and extending thence south-westward along the middle of the last-mentioned road as far as a T the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of point opposite to the middle of Paternoster-lane, A October, 1860, and extending thence north-westward to and along the middle of the last-mentioned lane for a dis- PRESENT, tance of 300 yards to a point opposite to a boun- The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. dary stone placed on the eastern side of the same lane and inscribed 'R. St. B. N. P. 1860, No. 1,' and extending thence in a direct line due west- HEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners ward to the middle of an occupation road leading W for England have, in pursuance of the Act of 'the third and fourth years of Her Majesty, from Polesden House to the Home Farm, and chapter one hundred and thirteen, and of the Act opposite to another boundary stone placed on the of the fourth aud fifth years of Her Majesty, chap- western side of the same road, and inscribed ter thirty-nine, and of another Act of the thirteenth «R. St. B. N. P. 1860, No. 2,' and extending and fourteenth years of Her Majesty, chapter thence in a direct line north-westward to a point ninety-four, duly prepared and laid before Her upon the boundary between the parish of Little Majesty in Council a scheme, bearing date the Bookham and the parish of Great Bookham afore- ninth day of August, in the year one thousand said, in the middle of Hogden-lane opposite to eight hundred and sixty, in the words following; the middle of the eastern end of the fence which that is to say : divides the close numbered 178 on the Tithe " We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Commutation Map of the parish of Little Book- England, in pursuance of the Act of the third and ham aforesaid, and on the map hereunto annexed, fourth years of your Majesty, chapter one hundred from the closes numbered respectively 182 and 183 and thirteen, and of the Act of the fourth and fifth on the same maps, and extending thence westward years of your Majesty, chapter thirty-nine, and of and south-westward to and along the middle of another Act of the thirteenth and fourteenth years.
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