, . __... delegation· traVels to MoscowD for Orth0dox0 talks VATICAN CITY-An offi• cinl Volicnn communique ,prepnred by lhe Secretarial lor Prornollng . Christion •· Unilv ·confirmed here that llulch-born B I s h u p Jan Willebrands. lop nld to Cnrdinal Auitusllne Den, hns gone to 1\loscow to talk w 1 1 h Hussian Orthodo:'l ~/ Churc h lenders. The sl•lrment declared that ilw ml•sion I, .. In the framt 1<ork or lhe rr~ulor ronlach lhat an• 1akln1t 11lacr between 1hr lluman Calhollr Church and ~, rad, nr lhc aulnet•pholous Orlhl'• t!ux Churl'lu.•s." ll 1>h1111 W1llrhran1I• wa< IC• r11mp:1111 r1I by lht• s1•rl't:ariat'1 E»h-rn <11<•ciali,1. American .lt-•11 lt Falht•r John LonA. Also VOL VIII NO 12 INDIANA ~bLIS, INDIANA, DECEMBER II, IH7 111 l)le ~rou p arc ll,n•c ,pcelal• ___·___ •__ . __________ _,,,,_-- -----------,------ ' o,ts In sotlal \eaching1 ul life NEW IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ACADEMY IIUILDINGS-Archblahop Schulte bleutd two new b~llding1 at Oldenburg'• Catholic Churrh. .. lmmicul1lt Conuptlon Ac,dtmy on Fridey, Dtc. I . On Iha l1lt 1bo.. h the 1udamlc building, whjch i~Gdu 011101, 10 SE/JI/NARY lflEETING CITED They ore: Hallan ~lsAr. Pietro .cl111room1 ind typing, 1cl1nce end home economic· l1b1. A pymnulum h •ho louted there. Up th( hill to tht right 11 the l':1\ :111, Amt:'rlcan ~ls~r. Grori:1.• 1udltorl um and mualc dtp11lmtnl. The eudllorlum hu • S!l,1 u l up1elly wllh lull 1l1ge production l1cllillu. Situated Im• lh~~lns anti . Frrorh J,•suil F a• mtdl1t1fy behind the , t1g1 i1 the mu1lc dtpartmtnt, whl~h lncludu offic11 ind ~ ,mall, ctrptltd pr,cHct room, for pltno lh1•r .lt•:,n YH•• C•h ••1 Th,•y ind l~trument1I 1tudents. Curren! enrollmrnt of lht. At1drmy h 370° glrh. Principe! 11 S1,ter Thrrue d• Lou rdu, O.S.F. " ill hnH• :rn ,•xd1an:.:,r or , ic,u: Other photo, un be found on P1gr 11. · Curia showing sig:ris on ~·,,·,al pruhh•IIIJit \\llh prurcs• " '" nr Iht • Thculo~) Fu,·11H r 111 .. 1.t•nin;.:rad. MSGR . PAVAN, u prol1•••Jr ~I Archbishop· Unique· i11teifait~1 R·a ps report IC 01,w·:1 l~ tl'rJn Unl\'C::r ... 11). i• d Lcl1t-:-tl \'llh lll'l11;.: llh• ' prin• • of 'aggiornarilentd lll)Jl u.h l~t•r lu l'o11c .John rCJCCts· 11se ~ t. t ' XX III Ill lht• tlrnl1111:: 111 ll•e l ' II• - ~ l0/1 on welfare l'\ r :1rals ")latr r ,., :\bi;:. 1, tra·· cornora se unT .· 1 0 1 1 r lly REV. R. A. GRAHAM, S.J. ~'i~i': ::~;..~~.~. ;~~~11:~~·;~\,,',',.~~~ ::::;~;.::-.;:;;,:,:~·;~; ;;'.~·,·.:,~•r .;,., .. , •• ,,.mIn Trnis... of cathcd1·a l 11,\1.Tl~ll)ll f:-Tl11• llal 1111111n• foilh corpurallon. \\lllrh hope\ lcg1· slat1· on VATICAN CITY - The •hal 1101 1k•t rll11•1I m 1hr now• .11, cr, lhGG'"' I• l1<•ad of the orl'lulu,r,•, ,• ontl 1111, Cnlumhlo for r,1•n111n l Je111<h rt•prr•rnta new Hornn11 l'uriu 1>assed n ran,nus •rll•I,· in 1hr :,;. ·cw Thr r han~,· In 11ers11n111•l l'rfl· · 1 , 11 r 11 · • .. .. Sor ia , t'1 11111 ,•1•ar1 11 wn 1 II l l' t'o111wr:1l 1\t' :\l11w,,1r~ 1 hod) ur linn. ":ti. '"fornw• o n tlll' pr,•m• \\' \ Slll:"\C.TO:"\- TI h ol s ignificant tes l recently Yurkr r In Urlohcr. t!JGJ, h1• the tlu, rd lmmcdiale ,r,ulls. and Umled Slalt•• Colhohe Confe r• R1l1ted alory, P•v• I t:l l'rn·,•-iom ,h•nnnllnallon,- , •., .l!rnl 100 mu,·h monr)' 1, , • • • 1c ca,I when the representa tives of p,eudonon)nwu,, XHirr ll1nnr ihi, wa ln1rndrtl hy thr Holy rnr1•. S\:- F1t.,:-t·isr1> - Arrhhl•h haH• annmllirNl rurmow,n·n, 3 • 1,..,;i- 011 hnll,hn~ orul 11 01 ''"' :-01 ,;,11,t Cunler<•nre ol Cath• 130 Catholic universities F 1 '1\fl J · lie1 c0 n l'ail,, r , ·,ot, .. ,. ,w" Jr.suu ,ro, ~. , .,,, ... , , T .'lrl",,,• k,•n ,,rs•,, ,,.ri111rJl11111 t1l11d1 ,.,11 prU\11h• ,nnu~h on mmlslr)' .. u_hr 1·11~ri11r, has rolled on lhc Ulltl th0 olor1ical f ncttlties Th ie bo,ly. howenr. ,.,ffcml oi ,,r,. r,r •,nuarrl ~ • 1 " 1 ,,1 1 ·' • • I 'f I I I I I 4 J s \,; ,, u 1111' :Hlmt t.lrcllnr of inllurnr{• 3, ~n '}tn t un "' II (' i:m~r Lt namr , Hlt'ial of Frunc,•, i " 11 111 hur :u\,I • , Ju1111 > o IH'1 n • 11,:100~ ar1 ,1 '-'" t'atl f" J hn J \\"al"'h ••x,•c·,.1, S,•n:11t• t., r(' ,•rt th~ Jlnusc, rn, mcl here with the Vntlc:111 lhc lloly OUlce heath·d by t.:• r• •nil will lw kn?"'" a• 1hr r on• lnrim•r dlrcrtur or ,\ , i,on 1,,.11• h :,nri•rn •anl 1,,,.,. Iii,• """" 111 1h,•. "''" r11y ur l'nl11111h1n, 1.. ., : ,'.,;rel~r) or lhr ; ,rluho nlo• ronh•rt•nr<• rnmmlttcc rrporl or)lanizntion dealing with dinal Atrrtdo u1u ,·lanl. ""h ~••~•lion !or thrh111n ln11ruc• nl•.n·. 11ionr,•r •orial ,11,111111 0 ,lmr• ., ha, ,lrrhn,,,1 .,n ntl,·r 1~.- ,1,1 ~ hnlh111) l••l\ll'<'II llaltimor,• rrHn comm1•>1on for Chri,1lnn un ~nrl•I S,•ru(IIY anwndments. nries tt,· formation. --11lrl1 It ha tl "'Ork•d ·,n •los,· lion. "' rari, u1 lrnrh• Fi ,,r11;11,I B1- h1111 ,. Kll mt•r amt \\'J,hl11 ~1on. ll C I' t· ., " .. , , \f _, ,·r, ihat (;rilCt' J:;u,rOJlill 11111\r, t.lc•,rn lw1l the C11ho 1r • ~, .. ~r 1..:1\~n•nrr J . Corroran, Only O kw i rars ago, the rullahor11 lon. l'upc 1'111I . Vt Tht envoy, of th, world', IT WAS re,alle,I her,• 11131 ,.. ca'l1t•ilral he m,•,I lnr raihnlle rarihnal l.>1He nre Sh,1,an .. r l'ru1,•,1an1 H nlun• a, nn .. ,.~ :\'(Tl' ,•At•c1111«· scrrrlar)'. sent Co n1trc~atlon !or Seminaries an,\ railed Arehhlsho11 (now <:ar- C1lhollc unlvtraltlu end theo• lu,l i ,·:ir's \\'urhl l'uunrll of ~r, t1rei. llail,mor,• and 1hr lie•· t lart•nr1• pn•,• 11111 or the trust 'l'' lm ·).n • 1t•lr~n11n .10 k1•y Senate ll'ad• Unl\·eriltlrs regarded tl lnall f:mllr G rronr. lrom tin• logle1I l1rulliu were aum• Sinolair. rX<•rnll\'1• 111111t'•1<•r of 0111• another: · ,.,. osklnu 11,r•m 10 push for a "'°' 11 1 • 0 1111 1 .. lllllr lloly Offi ce: • f'rrnrh sec or Toulou1e. lo he montd htrt lo odvhe on lhe 11C11h u !~•es•;r1 '111" t ~•I \ ~~••r•• \rrhl11•hn1> ~lr(l11rk,,n lh•nkrd 1hr 1·,.1!111111110 Coopcralh·e )lin• FATHER WALSH I •I nrw ri•t>orl. 111• ulJ he wu • pro-prclcrt or the Cong rr~•tlon. rol,lon of Iha p1p,I ngult• L urc • oc,e ). · •' r.,, r hop ~l i er fnr 1111' .. Hr) i<l r) . 1010111 ,.-surd a •lntemrnl . • " ,u ' ' O makln~ llul appeal In rcsp0nsc On the r ve ol the Vatican • GERMAN bilhop. Ju,ciih lion, ut down In 1'31 by the pnlltan Nlcodlm, ,•,1crnal affair, " ra1·1o •11J 11ircr:· JJ11l- •ai1I hr hotl unnuunrtn~ the new corpora . P.•ilor or lhc u _'.hollr parl.•!• 111 111 "11l,•s1irca,I nr~in~ on 1he part Councll 1hC con~rl'gation 1ccmcd r con,titutlon Deu, Scltntl1rum ,ll•Jiarlmt,nt h•mJl+r or th,• :\lo,•, ~oncltull•d IIH' plnn " 11ulcl n1 11 tlnn. kn11\\ n ;ic tlw Jl" l1i;:111u) Fa, ' 11•11 11111!3· saul tht drrrt• on or ('athcOir. Chrtr1 tle~ oUicrs t rmharked on a course aiming at SchroeUcr. or t::l,hilall, Wl \ f.\ Domlnut ,·oil' l'ulriarrhal,•. rnl>1•tl 1h'' ,,,.,.. \\01k r1 ll11rs l'11ri111rn1lo 11. \\hlch wi ll •••·umcni,m, 11111111~ lrnm Vall• ar1111 111l 111,, roun1 ry. ahsulute crnt rallution and in asked to lcal'C his dioruc to bl'• · c,111)' uf an ··c,·11111111111 .. ol rull1• · .,-un•lnu·< huihhn~s lur \\Orshlp 1J 11 Counr ll II. pol1111•,I 11111 1ha1 1 an ultra-consen ·ath·• direction. come strrelary "rneral. flt· n· Tllrlr ~uhlc 11as ,·11lran tr• 11l:t· ,·,1•1<s on 11m o1,• 1rnlll'rl)'. 111 ,1111;1 ~l)crs ha,I 11H<•n•1I lh1• , 1111• rhurrh r,•late,I •cll\llirs an,~ 11 l111t• th•ep 111\lslons exist ,111011~ · Th,• runfcrrnrr co111 111i11ee re• { plarcd Archbilhop Dino S11tra. tlrrn•r, on 1hr rormo1inn or the lloman clrd,·s ,oy th,· • 1111• or 1l1 · F.111,rn113l ,·oll1t·1lral lo•o; ,, llll'III ,.rtlrlpmn~ ron• t'hmlian rhurrhcs. ncH•rlhrlr,, t••rl 1M1•M I 1111><1 liberal • wrl• u,,3 111 1 , !larks on orl"lnal Catholic a d)'namlc and lor,eful prelate rler~)' 1n1I 1he 11pda11nµ ol cu:• ho1 h In, lh,· r nn«•rrallon 11! l: L ~,• ,1 11 , har,• in nnr liapl 1<111 and fJrt' prm 1.. 1011, \\hlrh h:111 hccn 1h 111 1 111 0 1 scholars In Home and clscwher,•. credited wilh brin" the n••I rlrulum uml mrlhotl , In th,• " ruup wil l lt<cil t>lrcu '' • · , u,,lliry ll1,hn11-1h•<o~na11• )loll, M••·~" """ um,,,a \111r1hlp one (.lod.'' h) 01 th apprm 1•tl th,· Sena I~ It ,·nruur•~•tl hy lhe Congregation, dcrhion•maker. ~•ho was pro- ll~hl or runenl rrqulrrmcnts of llnlc e Church,•, t\llh ,.• . ., . llurh•) or the Cn1l1111ir ,rl'l1• THE CORPORATION, de• """"' r1•1111iri• all ohlc wcl!ore w1•rr tolrratctl by · l'ope J ohn molrd to another but remote •ricmlli, rurarch an,I unh·r:• ~aril 10 human lille.
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