CURRICULUM VITAE EUROPEAN FORMAT Daniela Guglietta, Ph.D. PERSONAL INFORMATION First name, Surname Daniela Guglietta Address Via Pasquale Del Gudice, 15, 00175, Roma, Italia Telephone +39 06 90672750 Fax +39 06 90672733 E-mail [email protected] Nationality Italian Place and Date of birth Fondi (Lt), 13/05/1978 WORK EXSPERIENCE Name of employer National Research Council REGISTER: 15160 RESEARCHER (FIXED-TERM EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT) LEVEL III Dates From 17/12/2012 - onward Name and address of employer Institute of Geology and Environmental Geoengineering (IGAG), National Research Council,- (CNR), Area Ricerca RM1- via Salaria, km 29,300- 00015 Monterotondo Stazione, Rome (Italy) Type of business or sector Research Occupation or position held Researcher (fixed term employment contract) Main activities and responsabilities Environmental risk assessment by means Remote Sensing and GIS. Dates From 10/10/2011 to 30/11/2012 Name and address of employer Institute of Atmospheric Pollution (IIA), National Research Council,- (CNR), Area Ricerca RM1- via Salaria, km 29,300- 00015 Monterotondo Stazione, Rome (Italy) Type of business or sector Research Occupation or position held Research grant Main activities and responsabilities Change detection analysis to monitor land use- land cover change by using hyperspectral images. Dates From 01/01/2007 to 30/09/2011 Name and address of employer Institute of Atmospheric Pollution (IIA), National Research Council,- (CNR), Area Ricerca RM1- via Salaria, km 29,300- 00015 Monterotondo Stazione, Rome (Italy) Type of business or sector Research Occupation or position held Research grant Main activities and responsabilities Study of lanscape features to monitor the territory by using hyperspectral images. Dates From 01/07/2006 to 31/12/2006 Name and address of employer Institute of Atmospheric Pollution (IIA), National Research Council,- (CNR), Area Ricerca RM1- via Salaria, km 29,300- 00015 Monterotondo Stazione, Rome (Italy) Type of business or sector Research Occupation or position held Collaboration Agreement Page 1 - Curriculum vitae [Guglietta Daniela] Main activities and responsabilities Fire risk prevention by means GIS and Remote Sensing. Dates From 01/01/2006 to 30/06/2006 Name and address of employer Institute of Atmospheric Pollution (IIA), National Research Council,- (CNR), Area Ricerca RM1- via Salaria, km 29,300- 00015 Monterotondo Stazione, Rome (Italy) Type of business or sector Research Occupation or position held Collaboration Agreement Main activities and responsabilities Identification and study of burnt areas by Remote Sensing. Dates From 11/11/2004 to 30/10/2005 Name and address of employer Department of Environmental Biology, University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ (Italy) Type of business or sector Research Occupation or position held Collaboration Agreement Main activities and responsabilities Quarry restoration, photointerpretation system based on stereo-orthophotos. EDUCATION AND TRAINING Dates June- July 2014 Name and type of organisation Course of “R Project for statistical computing” awarded by Statistical Sciences Department- Rome University “Sapienza” Principal subject Multivariate analysis; indicators of frequency, position, relationship; dimensional reduction of the data; graphic representations of quantitative, qualitative and mixed data. Title of qualification awarded Certificate of partecipation Dates From March 2010 to May 2013 Name and type of organisation PhD in "Valuation and management of agro-forestry" awarded by the University of Naples "Federico II" Principal subject Study and monitoring of the territory aimed at the fire risk prevention in the land cover- land use change areas and at the wildland-urban interfaces by means GIS and Remote Sensing. Statistical, analytical and computational analysis applied in the field of ecology. Title of qualification awarded PhD Dates April 2008 – December 2009 Name and type of organisation University Master Degree in "Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing" - awarded by University of Venice “IUAV” Principal subject Study of land use changes by means remote sensing data analysis of forest and urban sprawl; construction of GIS, maps. Title of qualification awarded MS Date November 2004 Name and type of organisation BS in Natural Science awarded by the University of Rome "Sapienza” Principal subject Photointerpretation of orthophotos for the detection and localization of forest typologies; phytosociological surveys; recognition of plant species; statistical and ecological data analysis; soil analysis. Title of qualification awarded BS Date July 1997 Name and type of organisation Piero Gobetti High school gymnasium in Fondi (province of Latina), Italy. Type of qualification High school diploma Page 2 - Curriculum vitae [Guglietta Daniela] RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Research sectors Monitoring of land use- land cover change by using GIS and Remote Sensing; Analysis of the combined effects of increase of urbanization, land use abandonment, shrub encroachment and extent of new forests in relation to fire regimes; Study of fire history to provide useful information and tools to decision- making and firefighting for fire prevention risk; Statistical and spatial analysis in the field of ecology. Recent Scientific Activities From 2007- onward Research Activities at the Laboratory of Applied Ecology, Department of Arboriculture, Botany and Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Naples “Federico II” in the environmental risk prevention by LULC monitoring, study of vegetation and relationship with activity and human presence. Data are analyzed by GIS and Remote Sensing techniques and statistical analysis in order to construct risk maps. From 2004- onward Research Activities at the Department of Environmental Biology, University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ with a focus on understanding the interactions of land use and land cover (LULC) changes and wildland-urban interfaces (WUI) and wildfire by means GIS and Remote Sensing. Statistical, analytical and computational analysis are applied on collected data. From 2013 to 2014 Research assistant for the project: “Valutazione della stabilità climatica e supporto informatico modellistico”, funded by Sogin. From 2011 to 2012 Research assistant for the project. “Coasts and Lake Assessment and Monitoring by PRISMA Hyperspectral Mission” (CLAM-PHYM), funded by Italian Space Agency. August 2011, Oceanographic campaign within the CLAM-PHYM project along south Italian coasts. Purpose of the project: characterization of hyperspectral reflectance of the sea surface from hyperspectral data acquired on the ground and from airborne and satellite sensors, determination of the parameters bio-optical and their relationship with chlorophyll, TSM and CDOM. Articles Guglietta D., Migliozzi A., Ricotta C. (2015). A multivariate approach for mapping fire ignition risk in the National Park of Cilento (southern Italy). Environmental Management in press Cavalli R.M., Betti M., Campanelli A., Di Cicco A., Guglietta D., Penna P. and Piermattei V. (2014). A methodology to assess the accuracy with which remote data characterize a specific surface, as a function of full width at half maximum (FWHM): application to three Italian coastal waters. Sensors vol.14, pp. 1155-1183. Ricotta C., Guglietta D., Migliozzi A. (2012). No evidence of increased fire risk due to agricultural land abandonment in Sardinia (Italy), Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, vol. 12: 1333- 1336. Marcantonio M., Chiarucci A., Maccherini S., Guglietta D., Bacaro G. (2012). Caratterizzazione della diversità vegetale nei boschi di faggio dell’Italia centro-settentrionale: un approccio metodologico a fini conservazionistici. Forest@ vol.9, pp. 198-216. Basile Giannini M., Creta T., Guglietta D., Merola P., Allegrini A. (2012), Methodologies to identify asbestos-cement roofing by remote data. Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 44(1), pp.27-37. Guglietta D., Conedera M., Mazzoleni S., Ricotta C. (2011). Mapping fire ignition risk in a complex anthropogenic landscape, Remote Sensing of Letters vol. 2, No. 3, September 2011, 213- 219. Merola P., Guglietta D. (2011), Fusione-dati multisensore per la ricerca archeologica, in Rivista Page 3 - Curriculum vitae [Guglietta Daniela] Archeologia Aerea IV 2010-V 2011. Studi di Aerotopografia Archeologica, pp. 283-288, ISBN: 978-88-8431-376-8, ISSN 2035-7540. Ricotta C., Di Nepi M., Guglietta D. and Celesti-Grapow L. (2008). Exploring taxonomic filtering in urban environments. Journal of Vegetation Science, vol.19:229-238. Cinnirella S., Pirrone N., Allegrini A. and Guglietta D. (2008). Modeling mercury emissions from forest fires in the Mediterranean region. Environmental Fluid Mechanics (2008) 8:129-145. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MOTHER TONGUE ITALIAN OTHER LANGUAGES ENGLISH • Reading skills Good • Writing skills Good • Verbal skills Good COMPUTER SKILLS OPERATING SYSTEMS: Windows, APPLICATIONS: ENVI; ER Mapper; Definiens Developer; Parge, Trafo;IDRISI The Andes; ERDAS; KOSMO; EarthVision, ArcGIS and ArcView GIS; RStudio Page 4 - Curriculum vitae [Guglietta Daniela] .
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