J 'IV 1-\ Y ~I E U ~I I V E R S t "fy l 0 0 _< S ~r 0 ~r t-t E f U ~r U RE 'IV t ~r t-t DE ~r RO t ~r III !llrllll I .'. '" .. " G f f III I1I1I111111 " " " , ,---- - . -- -- - ~ ..---- ---- .-~-- -=~-~ I, t" _,~ .... ~._ ~~--~------ --''':'- - ~ . ----------' ---" ._-_._------.. -._----- - . .- i '.::; _ . : I 1111111 I! i 1111111 1 \ ! L_._ __ .... ..... _.... < .• 1IIIIIIIII IW'illllllllllll,iilll s:.;nrn l va.'! SNOIlVZINVQlIO sa I..L IA I..L:::> v saSSV'1:::> NOI..L VlIlSINIWav -s 1 N 1 N o J 1 1111111 11111 , III II1111 ;;OOlilit!lll~tilirinMllil!hll!i-llm j - ;{ - - n rutlt -tin Mllil n or- [ -- II IN MEMORY of ",rayne University students and alumni killed in service * Alphonse Adams Herbert Jeschke John M. Russell Dugald R. Schmidt Edward C. Armstrong Louis. Kalem George E. Arnot T homas Kass Theo. E. Schwentorus Peter Bader John P. Keefe Anthony Serapiglia Curtis C. Bellfy Saul J. Kempner Gregory A. Skully Phillip Bernstein Seth Cole Klein, J r. Stanley Smith DEDIl:ATION Louis.F. Blossom, Jr. .I oseph E. Kritt William Sowell, Jr. Salvatore F. Bommarito Leonard L. Lewis Ralph A. Speer Donald T . Chambers William R. Livermore Vito Stabile ,,,rITH HUMILITY WE DEDICATE L. Brennan Clark 'Nilfred B. McAllister Robert D. Stewart Harold Coblentz Gerald McDavid Dorothy Stretch THIS YEARBOOK TO THOSE OF OUR Thomas Collinson Laurence McKenny Alex Stupyra Raymond Eastcott John J . Maher, Jr. William C. Sutton Frederick F: Mallon Robert K. Swarthout CLASSMATES WHO DIED FOR THE Emerson K. ·Franks Kurt Friedman Ernest Carl Matthews Joseph F. Szczygiel Ralph Gawlas 'Varren R. Merritt Ray Traynor FUTURE THEY WILL NOT SHARE. .I oseph GeOl-geoff Morris Miller Gerald Trotman, Jr. Robert Godfrey Benjamin W. Moore Dale W. ,,,Teatherwax Roy F. Green Richard E. Nautsch Norman Weiner Edward Noack Milton Gurvis J. William West Gordon R. Osland Eugene Hahn ** John R. Weyand M. A. Parker ilferd Hansen Richard J. Wright ,,,r . Lawrence R. Peretto Walter Wytowich Roy C. Hicks, Jr. .I oseph Peters, Jr. Frederick J. Hine Richard Ponatoski David Yaus Nathan Hochman Arthur R . Rebb Maryan J. Zaleski Robert B. Holiday Douglas E. Rhead Samuel Zelby Garrard J. Hung Robert B. Runyon Rav, Zessar '*' \Ve regret any omissions that ma}' have occurred in this list. * .... Faculty. Our leaders ... whose guidance in the past has made possible the promise of our future. ADMINISTRATION "irif 11"11" i'HI li'I"f 'inn -ri m. irintl. j, [- David D. Henry, Ph. D. President of Wayne University "' ....•· t!' I .~ . Warren E. Bow, ll. M., LL. D. Late President of Wayne University , I' i : j I '~ I i ,. William W. Whitehouse, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Roland T. Lakey, Phar.B., 1\'I.S. Dean of College of Pharmacy f~i'\ 'r \ Don S. Miller, 1\'I.S. Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Arthur R. Carr, Ph.D. Dean of Colleg'e of Engineering i: , --. n£ H' . I tf I -rt""~ r'''~''''''''''"''tm!'''. iii n r---- -- ,..---.--~- -. Waldo E. Lessenger, Ph.D. Dean of College of Education r.: . William H. Pyle, Ph.D. Director of the Graduate School Robert M. Magee, A.M. Assistant Dean of College of Ed uca tion Paul T. Rankin, Ph.D. Associate Director of the Graduate School I rn'tlnJili i'iI nm in -f ri -n Illrintl I /irir-'imlflnllr r II -- fi-1'1 -11 nt .m: tit! i, Lent D. Upson, Ph.D. Director of the School of Pub­ lic Affairs and Social Work • i d .• Raymond Hussey, lVI.D. Dean of the College of Occupational Health . Arthur F. Neef, A.B., J.D. Dean of the Law School Kathet'ine Faville, lVI.S., R.N. Dean of the College of Nursing G. W. Kingsblll"y, A.B. l - . Director of Financial Aids and Secretary for the Vllayne University Foundation G. }'lint PUl'(ly, Ph.D. University Librarian Alft'ed C. Lamb, A.M. Director of Division of Univer­ sity Buildings and Grounds Victor F. Spathelf, A.M. Acting Director of Division of Student Personnel " r-'---, Olin E. Thomas, A.M. Director of Division of Finance William J. Stapleton, Wendell Vl'eeland, A.M. Ph.G., LL.B., M.D., Director of Division of U niver­ F.A.C.P. sit)' Research and Publications Assoc iate Dean of the Coll ege of Medicin e Although we leave too early to share in the Wayne Univer­ sity of tomorrow, we are proud of the achievements of today and of the potentialities of the future. £: L II s s E s II • P£i . Ui lrihHt --j ilm f If litiririf ;{ n i II -ntt ~ Hint n . lititi'rfriritl. n.t fl{Tfrfitiri fif! Adams, Helen Lucille Agmlloff, Annette Allard, Ben D. Bernhard, Grace Beny, Elaine Bifano, Katherine Education Liberal Arts ~Iedicine Liberal Arts Education Education Later Elementary Home­ Ph i Rho Sigma· Epsilon. Delta Gamma Chi, Cor. Choir; Chorus; Newman Club; Natural room Club. Sec.; Home Economics I'i Gamma. Science Cill.b 'H; PI·es. Club; Home Ee. Sr. Class, President. Andonian, Sonia AnSline, Beuy Appleman, Mary Jane Bilkow, Gladys llilnk, Stephania Bishop, Florence Liberal Arts Liberal Arts Education Education Education Education Soph. Board; Junior Archery Club; Newherry Cluh, Treas.; Pi Gamma Sorority; Pi Lambda Theta, Pres.; Board; A.W.W. Exc­ Spanish Club. Omega Upsilon, Rec. Wayne Christian Zela Chi; All Class nllivc Board. Secretar),. Fellowship. Boards. Alpha Nco; Student Council Jan. '44; Art Ed. Club. Bloelscher, Frances B. Bower, Donald William Boyle, Albert J. Archanb<llllt, Dorothy Arkelian, Cecelia Aronica. BeH)'l'ae Education Medicine Medicine Law Liberal Arts Education Zeta Chi; W.A.A.; Stu· Phi Beta Pi; Phi Beta Pi. Phi Delta Delta. Orator), (19·13); W.t\"\.; Zeta Chi; Wintennarl; dem War Efforts; F.E.C. Glee Club. Debate Squad; Tellnis. War Chest Drive; War Work. Bradley. Fl'eddie Brown, Willie H. Bremler, Marilyll A vcdissian, Lonnie Baker, Helen Margaret Ashle)" ~Olll Liberal Arts Education Education Education Educatioll Education Alpha Kappa Alpha, Panorama Staff; Soc. Studies Cluh; Home Ec. Club; President. A.C.E., Vice Pres. W.e.F.; Classical Red Cross Executive Societ),. Group; W.A.A. II Brickel', Lucille Brocious, C. O. Broner, Robert Baker, Robert E. )J,nbaglia, Louis C. DeB, J. Frederick Liberal Arts ?\[edicine Graduate Medicine Medicine Medicine Soph. Board; Zeta Chi; Phi Beta Pi Mackenzie Union Ac· Nu Sigma Nu; A.W.S. Party Plotters. tivit), Council; Board of Sigma XI. Governors; Alpha Nco, President. Brant, VaJita Brown, Lila Brownell, Beverly · Berger, Chat'les Junes Berkowitz, Nonnan Bel'Hn, Bryon Liberal Arts Education Eciucalion Medicine Liberal Arts Medicine y.W.e.A.; F.E.C. Zeta Chi; A.W.S. Part)' Glee Club (Fresh &.: Mackenzie Union Board Plotters; Hostess Corps; Soph.) of Governors; Student· A.C.E. Nli Sigma Nll. FaculLy Directory, Ed.; Sophomore Board; Pi Sigma Alpha; Winter· marl. Bucka. Melvin A. Buhl. Gloria Burch, Mary Cooper, William Leroy Cosner, Johanna A. Creegan, Phyllis Jane Liberal Arts Liberal Arts Education Medicine Gmduate Libeml Arts Delta Gamma Chi, Treas.; ~lerchandising Club, Pres. Burton, Mariam CaldweJl, Hortense Canon, Dean Crissey, Raymond T. Crowder, Mil-iam Cummings, P. K. Education Education Medicine Medicine Liberal Arts Libcml Arts Zeta Chi; Student Alpha Kappa Alpha. Shahs Fraternity. War Effort; A.C.E. Cattel. Patricia Caulfield. PhyJIis Caven, Hugh J. DahlCl", Jackson 1- Dante, Helen Davis, Chades M. Liberal Arts Education Medicine Liberal Arts Education Engineering Fencing Team; Alpha Pi Gamma Sorority; Phi Beta Pi·Kappa. A.C.E., Treas. Chi Alpha Sorority; Pi Omega Pi Fraternity. Collcgian, W.A.A. Bowling; Exact Science Club; Y.W.C.A. Dean, Carleton Robert Chalk. Carl Cowan Chambers. Lucille A. Chandler, Robert E. Davis, Elsie Denis, Jean E. Medicine Medicine Liberal Arts Medicine Education Liberal Arts Nu Sigma Nu·Sec. Avuka. Nu Sigma Nu; Glee "'intermart; Alpha Treas.; Interfraternity · Club; Medical School Nco. Council Member Freshman Class, Vice· President. Chayey. Marjorie Chew. Patricia Che}'ne, Betty Dennis, Richard L. De Raymond, Regina Di Gaetano, Sara Liberal Arts Liberal Arts Liberal Arts Pi Kappa Sigma, Pres.; Engineering Education Education Alpha Beta Pi, Pres. 2 Home Economics 'Club: Later Elementary Club; Y.W.C.A.; Cokettes; Pi Kappa Sigma, Vice yrs.·, Canterbury Club, Phi Upsilon Omicron. Pres.; Studcnt Council, Choir; Chorus; F.E.C. Social Studies Club, Prcs. and V-Pres.; In­ Pres.; Federation of Vicc·Pres.; Gold Key, tercollegiate Debate; Vicc-Pres.; Soph. Board; Education Clubs, Pres.; Collegian, Ass't, News Pi Lambda Theta. Junior Board; Scnior Ed.; Gold Key Honor Doard; Studcllt-Faculty Society; Delta Sigma Budgct Committee; Rho. Chairman Blood Drive; Wayne War Chest Drive, Co-Chairman. Cioni. Mary Louise Coffman. ·Eugene ,V. Cook, Alice Grace DilIell1l11h, Madyn Dock, netty Marshall Dod, S}'hia Education ~ledicine Education Education Liberal Arts Graduate Phi Beta Pi Alpha Deta Pi, Social A Cappella Choir; Social Studies Club, Chairman; Y.W.C.A.; Omega Upsilon; Delta Treas.; Liberal Fellow­ Social Studics Club. Omicron Honorary ship. Pres. l\f I\sic Sororit v, Secretary. ' ',.-. _. - - .' , .•: ..... ,.... ' __ 'h"~"'" ,,_ ... __ ., .• ,,', .,.... _ " '-. r",< ".l.: - ...... '" ,.,,,,,,,..,,....-.r,.' '" ~ Drake, Mary E. Draper, Eunice Drum, Elsic Fockler, DOlT Frank, Olan Fricd, Harry L. Education Liberal Arts Education Liberal Arts :Medicine Engineering Zeta Chi, Pres.; Y.W.e.A., Vicc Sigma Iota, Sec·y.; WaYlle Christian Phi Delta Epsilon. Sophomore Board. President. Pi Lambda; Special Fellowship, Pres. Education Club, Pres. Gaddisoll, Eye Gannatal, Elda B. Garrison, Leola. Eades, Muriel EdnicJ .jean Edstrom,. Ruth Liberal Arts Education Education Liberal Arts Education EducatiOll Homc Economics Club. Theta Kappa Sigma. Senior lloard, Pres.; Griffin, EdiLOr; A.\\,.S., Pi Lambda, Sec'y.
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