J Ol/L Issue No. 143 JUNE 1989 Price 40p , t- IN THIS ISSUE Communion Photographs Political Party Notes Sports News Street Talking Emigration Advice Trade Fair Photographs Community Games Photographs History of Maynooth Series Having a Party? Hire all your requirements from us (Delph/CutIery/Glass/Table Linen/Tables and Chairs etc.) ,; " OR GIVE YOURSELF A TREA T I AND LET US LOOK AFTER ALL YOUR CA TERING - Pet6p O'Bpi6R Gat6Pinfj GO. httl. "WOODVILLE", PAGESTOWN, MAYNOOTH. PHONE: 286566 ~ 00 0" 0 o MA YNOOTH NEWSLETTER EDITORIAL published by The Maynooth Community Games on cheer them on, congratulate or con­ MAYNOOTH COMMUNITY Sunday May 21 st were held on one of sole them. That, after all, is the sort of COUNCIL The brightest and sunniest days of the support and guidance a family can year so far, and were organised with best give. Editorial Board the usual success. This event is now Elsewhere in this issue, there is men­ Kay McKeogh firmly established on the local calen­ tion of the condition of the Avenue. Peter Denman dar, and is looked forward to eagerly by With the opening of Carton House on Ann McStravick the younger members of the commu­ the first weekend of this month, the Suzanne Redmond nity as a competitive and social occa­ Avenue will perhaps again see an Peter Hussey sion. For the children it is a big day; a unaccustomed amount of pedestrian Mary Simon chance to race ani:ftest themselves traffic as people make their way up to Carolann Reaper in a safe and organised environment, the entrance gate. People can note for without the rough and tumble which all themselves the overgrown borders, the too often characterises the jungle law sorry state of the trees (will the next The opInions and statements ex­ of the school playground. generation have an avenue?) and the pressed in the articles are those of the It was unfortunate, therefore, that the broken waste bi ns and seats (does this contributors and not necessarily those spirit of the Games seems to have generation even deserve an avenue?). of the Editorial. been abused - not by any of the partiCi­ What they wili presumably not see is All matters to be included in the next pants, but by some of the parents. the condition of the back road which edition of the Newsletter should be These were the ones who dropped off runs parallel to the Avenue, from oppo­ addressed to :- their children at the gates of the GAA site the cattle mart up to Blacklion. field, then drove away feeling that they This is in an appalling condition; to The Editor, had secured a few hours of free struggle through it is like picking one's Maynooth Newsletter, childminding. way across a rubbish tip; the surface is Town Centre Mall, Maynooth f irst, it was unfair to the organising pitted with potholes that are spectacu­ Tel: (01) 285922 'eOmmittee,who had put a great deal of lar even by present day standards. It is work into arranging a day's sport. In a impassable to cars, and practically Maximum number of words 500 per wider context, it goes against the very impossible for walkers. article. principal of "community" which is at Are we content to leave it in that condi­ the foundation of the event, with the tion? If we do, itis an open invitation for Copydate: idea that people should gathertogether. more rubbish to be dumped there: If it Monday 26th June, 5 p.m. But most seriously and sadly of all are were cleaned up, this town would have " EDITORIAL STATEMENT the implications forthe children. If they got rid of a health hazard, and regained The Maynooth Newsletter is pub­ care enough to take part.in the event, for itself a fine circularwalk,leading up lished as a service to the people and then lhe most important spectators for the avenue and back by this quiet road. organisations of the neighbourhood. It them are their own family, who could is an "open access" publication and will I.:: generally carry any material submitted by Cluain Aoibhinn Residents' Asso­ to it, subject to the law of the land and ciation was badly attended. Although to editorial judgement. The' judgement all absentee landlords were. invited to is exercised by the Editorial Commitee the meeting only two were present. in order to preserve the independence The underground cable for the piped and balance of the Newsletter. The T.V. in Cluain Aoibhinn is still uncom­ Committee reserves the right to alter, pleted although this shouldhave been abridge or omit material which in its 0 done four months ago. opinion might rend the Newsletter tile m promoter or mouth-piece of sectional COMMUNITY COUNCIL There was a report concerning a man interests. NOTES passing remarks to young girls in the Any contributor seeking further guide­ Avenue to Carton. lines in this matter is invited to contact The Community CounCil meeting was the committee. held on Monday 8th tv1ay at 8 p.m. A There was a party in Cluain AoiblJinn second representative, Matt Kirwin from recently to which the guards had to be NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS Moyglare Village, was welcomed to called. The matter has been taken in We request all our contributors to make the meeting. hand by ML Smith of the College. sure their material is legible. If· pos­ Other than that the . relationship be­ sible, material should be typed, but as . COMMUNITY AFFAIRS tween the students and the Commu­ not,everyone has access to typewrit­ nity has improved. ers, the best way to present material is It was stated that there were travellers to use either neat legible writing or camped at Bond Bridge and that the Kildare County Council are consider­ block letters, on one side of the paper. Council should ehquireas to the rea­ ing using the roadsweeper in the es­ son for camping there. The Neigh­ tates - it has already been used inOld bourhood Watch meeting organised Greenfield. Another concerted effort is 3 Cont'd being made by Kildare County Council 'The office is losing three of its workers 2. (Thefts of Cars) to collect all money due for water and - Maurice Fitzgerald has gone into busi­ 13th April, 1989 refuse charges. ness for himself. Carolann ' Reaper leaves forthe summer in Australia and Letter sent to: SUB COMMITTEES LouiseBoyce is takingup a postin'the Superintendant Walsh, College librarY. We\vish them all the Re~onaIHeadquarteffi, TIDY TOWNS best of luck: Garda Barracks, 'Theentry fee of £15forthe Tidy Towns Naas, Co. Kildare, has been paid along withlnsiJrance of At present the'staff in the office com­ £200 . The petition forthe removal of prise: Christina Saults, (Administrator Dear Superintendant Walsh, the infamous "Thing" in the Square and 'Supervisor' Teamwork' Scheme) was very well supported during the '. Louise Boyce, Martin O'Brien, Michael We are writing to express our grave Trade Fair. It was felt that 1 ,000 signa­ Hughes, Helen Clarke, Suzanne Car­ concern at the incr~asing number of tures would be required and the Resi­ roll and D,ianne Walsh on the Team­ car thefts in Maynooth town and in the dents' Asso'ciations will be requested work Scheme. adjoining housing estates, We believe by the Secretary to have the petition that the lack of a patrol car in the area signed. on the estates. It was also Norah McDermott (Supervisor of So­ is partly responsible andwe are asking suggested that' a competition be' initi­ cial ,Employment Scheme) Bridget you to consider increasing patrols in ated to provide an alternative. Weldon, Bernie Gannon, Carolann order to curb this serious probler:n. _;> - /1 '\ ~-, , Reaper, Peter, HusseY,Evelyn Lane Grass cutting has been carried out at and 'Marita Thompson on the Social Yours sincerely, the Church and in the square. Employment Scheme. John McGinely. YOWTH AFFAIRS The Community Council won a crystal Ice Bucket,at the Race Night organised Letter recieved from Superintendent's All the area finals of Community Games by the Boys' School. It was decided office, Naas, Co. Kildare. ' will have,taken place at the time of that a draw should tobe held amongst going to. print and the Annual Flag the councillors present at·tbe meeting Re : Thefts of Cars in Maynooth Town Collection has been completed. and Tommy FlanagCl.n was the lucky, and Housing Estates. popular wjnner: Congratulations COMMUNITY FESTIVAL Tommy! Dear Sir, Carton House will be opened to the Apologies to Tom McMulion for· omit­ I wish to acknowledge receipt of your public on Saturday and Sunday June ting his name in the listof·acknow­ letter of the 13th April in the above : 10th and 11th 2 :6 p.rn. ledgements for theDaisyPat.Lottery, matter. The matter is receiving atten­ , His initial suggestion was theinstiga­ tion and I will communicate with you in A full programme of events was circu­ tion of this extremely successful event. ' course. lated to the meeting and is to be found Thank YOl,l Tom: Congratulations to further in this issue. The programme S1. Anne's Hostel and Sr. Josephine on Yours sincerely, will also be i$sued free of charge to the winning the £300. G,F. Moran . households inMaynooth. From this month onwe include a selec­ ACK, ~OWLEDGE~Eths tion of correspondence 'sent out and 3. (Travellers) " received by the Secretary in response I would lik~ ~o , thank ,. ~11 those who to our requests and-representations, Letter sent to: helpedattheCommunityCouncil$tand at the Trade F.air - both c'omm\Jnity CORRESPONDENCE ,H ..Lyons, Councillors arid Office Staff. Thanks County Secretary, also to.AJdan Flood for.1he provision of 1.
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