Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 22/17 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 16.-31. Dezember Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Anklage gegen 16 Jahre alte Palästinenserin .................................................................................................. 1 2. Massenentlassungen bei Teva ......................................................................................................................... 2 3. UN-Generalversammlung widerspricht Trump ................................................................................................. 4 4. Medienquerschnitt ............................................................................................................................................ 5 1. Anklage gegen 16 Jahre alte Palästinen- (…) The public and its leading media pundits need to serin be cognizant of this form of warfare. (…) In that same Weil sie einem Soldaten vor laufender Kamera ins vein, it must be noted that the shooting incident in Gesicht schlug, muss sich die 16 Jahre alte Palästi- Hebron involving soldier Elor Azaria was also a psy- nenserin Ahed Tamimi vor einem Militärgericht ver- chological terrorist attack, which drew senior IDF and antworten. Körperverletzung, Bedrohung und Aufwie- defense officials into its trap. The strategic effect gelung wirft ihr die Staatsanwaltschaft vor. Tamimi achieved in Hebron by the enemies of Israel and the war Mitte Dezember festgenommen worden. Sie manner in which Azaria's case should have been hatte vor ihrem Elternhaus im Dorf Nabi Saleh im be- handled did not have to correlate. He could have setzten Westjordanland zwei israelische Soldaten at- been punished and at the same time the Palestinians tackiert, die sich offiziell dort aufhielten, um zu verhin- and their collaborators did not need to be awarded dern, dass Palästinenser israelische Autofahrer mit with the ensuing discord among the Israeli public and Steinen bewerfen. Auf einem Videoclip, den Tamimi its leadership. (…) Israel should consider adopting an selbst ins Internet stellte, ist auch Nariman Tamimi, "offensive" policy on the psychological warfare front, die Mutter der jungen Angeklagten, zu sehen. Die such as rounding up all the European activists en- beiden bewaffneten Soldaten reagieren passiv. In gaged in these sorts of provocations and expelling arabischen Medien wurde die Palästinenserin mit them from the country. Generally speaking, restraint den wilden blonden Locken als Heldin und Symbolfi- and self-control are beneficial. (…) gur des Widerstands gefeiert. In israelischen Medien Amon Lord, IHY, 20.12.17 hingegen wurde diskutiert, ob die zurückhaltende Re- aktion der Soldaten ein Zeichen von Menschlichkeit A slap across Israel´s face und Stärke oder von Schwäche sei. (…) despite the clear-cut story which the images tell, some observers have come out in praise of the two Resist the psychological warfare men in uniform, as though their passivity in the face If you think all Israelis feel ashamed over the images of violence was something worthy of approval. Noth- of young Palestinian women hitting IDF soldiers, then ing could be further from the truth and it is imperative think again. (…) The purpose of this type of psycho- that the IDF adjust its policy accordingly. logical warfare is to make the Israeli public feel neg- Restraint is admirable on a personal level, but sol- atively about the IDF and soldiers. This psychological diers in uniform represent more than just themselves. terrorism is intended to foment divisions among us. They embody the state and its security. Their task is 1 not to educate young Palestinians about propriety in voiced in Israel for the restraint the soldiers demon- interpersonal relations, but rather to project power strated by coming down hard on the Tamimi family. and defend the nation. In that respect, the two senti- (…) the exemplary restraint the soldiers exhibited is nels failed at their task, exemplifying weakness and the exception to the attacks that usually characterize inviting derision. (…) consider what lessons other relations between the IDF and those resisting the oc- young Palestinians throughout Judea and Samaria cupation. Israel will pay a heavy price for its aggres- took away from the clip: You can berate, curse and sion against this girl who resists the occupation, who even physically assault Israeli soldiers without fear of acted with minimal violence toward the representa- a response. Better yet, your video can go viral and tives of the army who invaded her home and had ear- earn you acclaim on the Palestinian street and at lier critically wounded her cousin. Displaying sensitiv- school. Simply put, that single act of docility on the ity and understanding to these motives will earn Israel soldiers’ part is likely to entice other young Palestini- compliments, and justifiably so. Leaving Ahed Tamimi ans to become copycats and try their hand at provok- in jail for a long time will once again show the ugly ing soldiers, perhaps even escalating the types of vi- face and violence of the Israeli occupation. (…) olence and abuse that are employed. (…) Anyone Tamimi and her relatives must be allowed to return who perpetrates such acts should be arrested on the home, and the IDF needs to recognize the value in spot and not only once the story broke in the press, moderation and to encourage its soldiers to act with as happened in this case. When that Palestinian the minimum required force – certainly against un- youth struck an IDF soldier, she slapped all of Israel armed young girls. in the face. (…) Editorial, HAA, 23.12.17 Michael Freund, JPO, 21.12.17 The blue-eyed poster girl of Palestinian propa- Restraint is wise, not humiliating ganda It was not easy to watch that video showing teenage Ahed Tamimi’s success in the Western public opinion girls accosting and even hitting Israeli soldiers in the stems from the fact that she doesn’t look like a typical village of Nabi Saleh. (…) The troops would have Muslim or Palestinian woman; she generates sympa- been humiliated if their weapons had been stolen or thy because she looks like the daughter of the white if their mission had been compromised. They were family next door. As long as she delivers the goods, not humiliated by this unsuccessful attempt to pro- the clear racist aspect in this ability to identify with her voke them and get them to act against good judg- doesn’t really matter. (…) For years, she has been at ment. The video is not going to convince anyone that the center of more and more staged provocations. the IDF has lost its power of deterrence. Rather, it will She always tries to get IDF soldiers to respond with convince people that Israeli soldiers are wise enough violence, and she always fails. (…) But in a region not to walk into the trap laid by young girls. (…) All of which holds the world record for cameras per square us have had to face surreal situations in the field and meters, some kind of inappropriate behavior is found have had to improvise to deal with the old lady at the every few months, as not everyone is perfect. (…) We checkpoint, the woman who goes into labor just as mustn’t delude ourselves. In the battle between the she is being questioned, the parents who are pun- propaganda of lies and Israel, the lies win. The some- ished because of their children's bad behavior, and what exaggerated restraint of the Israeli soldiers isn’t so on. Even the most moral among us have seen im- helping either. (…) moral behavior we would prefer to forget, including Ben-Dror Yemini, YED, 27.12.17 some of our own. (…) so long as the adherents of the status quo call the shots, more controversial videos will surface (…). We must do our utmost to put an end 2. Massenentlassungen bei Teva to this perpetual temporary state (…) Der israelische Pharmaziekonzern Teva wird einem Yossi Beilin, IHY, 20.12.17 Viertel seiner Belegschaft kündigen. Weltweit sind 14.000 Mitarbeiter_innen betroffen. Die Entlassun- Israel must free Ahed Tamimi gen sollen innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre erfol- The government has to start caring more about what gen. In Israel werden zwei Werke geschlossen, ein the international community thinks and less about ex- weiteres soll verkauft werden. Gut 1.700 Angestellte tremists on the far right, which is why the detained 16- werden dann voraussichtlich ihre Arbeitsstelle verlie- year-old Palestinian girl should be released. (…) It ren. Tevas Aufstieg zum erfolgreichsten Pharmaun- seems Israel wants to fend off the criticism and scorn ternehmen der Welt gründete hauptsächlich auf ein 2 Medikament: Copaxone, ein Mittel zur Behandlung Israel must compete with other countries to attract von Multiple Sklerose. Die israelische Gewerkschaft multinational concerns (…). If Israel refrains from of- Histadrut rief zu einem Solidaritätsstreik auf. Auch auf fering competitive tax rates to companies like Teva, dem Flughafen Ben Gurion legte die Belegschaft für Intel and Check Point, those companies will pick up einige Stunden die Arbeit nieder. Heftig kritisiert wur- and go to a country where it is cheaper to manufac- den die weitreichenden Steuervergünstigungen, die ture. (…) Tens of thousands of jobs were created as Teva in den vergangenen Jahren in Israel gewährt a side effect, even though they were not directly em- wurden, ohne zur angestrebten Sicherung der Ar- ployed by Teva. (…) Ideally, it would be nice if for beitsplätze geführt zu haben. Teva, Mutterkonzern every shekel in tax breaks Israel gave, it got back a des deutschen Medikamentenherstellers Rati- shekel
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