P L U M M O U N T A I N N E W S Volume 13.4 Winter 2006-07 Dear!members!and!friends, tion) in the evening concludes around 10 this further later in this issue. On the PM the first couple of nights and then morning of the 8th day of our Rohatsu, TItis has been a very eventful quarter. progressively gets later as the week goes which celebrates the Historical Buddha’s Just after returning from Rohatsu at Dai on. By the last night, everyone was stay- awakening, we had a Tokudo (Ordination) Bosatsu Zendo (DBZ) in New York, the ing in the zendo (meditation hall) past Ceremony for Brenda (Zenmu) Nightin- Zen House roof blew off during one of Se- midnight. The last five nights of Rohatsu gale. Zenmu lives with her husband and attle’s biggest wind- family in Saskatchewan, storms on record. Well Canada, but has agreed to not the whole roof, but spend at least half of each some very big chunks of year in the States doing it. This left us scram- formal Zen training for the bling to make temporary foreseeable future. We repairs to prevent major will also have more on water damage. After the this auspicious event later third temporary patch, we in this issue, but let me got some tarps hammered say now how pleased I was down to hold until the that Zenmu’s dozen guests roof replacement could from up north reported that begin, which is going on they felt very welcomed as I type this letter. It is and accepted by our a good thing that Presi- Sangha for the ceremony dent Bush has assured us which began at 5 AM, that global warming is January 12th. just a flawed theory; oth- erwise, I might be Borrowing from DBZ’s tempted to believe in Al Rohatsu, our Rohatsu pro- Gore’s film, An Incon- gressively increased the venient Truth, that hints structured sitting time over that events like Seattle’s the course of the eight wind storm, the severity Eido Roshi with Chobo-ji Participants at DBZ Rohatsu days. By the end, we of Hurricane Katrina, were formally sitting included an “Om” kinhin (walking medi- until midnight with yaza (unstructured sit- and the rapid loss of polar ice are harbin- tation) that I found to be inspiring and in- gers of catastrophic change in the Earth’s ting) going on all night. If you are new to vigorating; therefore, we tried it at Chobo- Zen, you may feel this is extreme, but climate brought on by human ignorance ji’s Rohatsu (1/4 – 1/12) with good effect. and avarice. please read my Dharma Talk in this issue During the course of Rohatsu, all partici- before drawing this conclusion. The Dai- pants became both exhausted and also Tenzo (Chief Cook) this sesshin was Going to Rohatsu at DBZ was amazing. somehow full of vibrant fresh energy. Charlie (Taishin) Blackman; he was as- First of all, I was joined by Chobo-ji sisted by Bob (Daigan) Timmer. Together members Rodger (Tozan) Park, Brenda As usual the temple was closed for the with other senior Chobo-ji students they (Zenmu) Nightingale, Bob (Daigan) Tim- week between the Christmas and the New skillfully produced delicious “temple mer, and, of course, Peter (Shinkon) Years and then reopened on New Year’s food” three times a day, which is no small Glynn, who is a resident at DBZ. To- day with our annual chant, bell ringing feat. Our Shika (host/manager) was Dee gether we made a very strong contingent and potluck brunch. Soon thereafter, we (Seishun) Endelman; she kept Rohatsu or- among the 45 participants. Eido Roshi began our own Rohatsu at Camp Indianola ganized and running smoothly. Holding and Roko Ni Osho, Eido Roshi’s Dharma on the Kitsap peninsula. We had 27 par- us punctually to our expanded schedule Heir, were in fine form and provided ex- ticipants this year, which is a good size was our Jikijitsu (Time Keeper), John cellent leadership. Shinkon was DBZ’s for us, not small and not crowded. The (Daikan) Green. The Jisha (tea server) for Jisha, a very demanding post at a training first full day we had a Jukai (Precept) this Rohatsu was Zenmu, backed up by monastery, and was in charge of caring for Ceremony for Matthew Perez. Matthew Edward (Daiki) Cadman. With Zenmu’s all participants. It looked as though it has trained with us for some time now, home cooking touch we were served some went very smoothly for him. At DBZ’s and has also been training at the tradi- delectable fare. My assistant (Inji) was Rohatsu, each morning starts at 3 AM. tional Japanese Tea ceremony with Rev. The final structured sit (period of medita- Genko Kathy Blackman. We will go into Continued on next page… Plum Mountain News Vol. 13.4 Page 2 Continued from previous page… bourg Dojo in time to help with sesshin He reached out to Genko who then made preparations. Josen was the Tenzo; other contact with my daughter Adrienne. The Scott (Ishin) Stolnack; he got a few more Birankai (International Aikido) Sangha three of them then went down to the vet’s assignments helping with the Tokudo took other posts, and I was Jikijitsu. office to be with Bruno. Bruno was ceremony, and I was grateful for his pres- There were 25 participants. At the conclu- happy to see them and wanted to be ence. I was also grateful for Genko’s pres- sion of zazen that evening we checked our picked up and held, which they did in ence overseeing the midday whisked green Seattle email to discover that our dog and turn. Josen and I knew that night that tea, assisting Bruno’s bodily Zenmu during the departure was im- Tokudo cere- minent, but we mony, and coor- did not know dinating our final when in the next Dokuson (Dharma 24 hours the Interview) very event would take early Friday place. During our morning. The sleep that night Densu (Chant Bruno came to Leader) was Linda me in a dream. I (Muka) Wehnes was holding him who performed saying my good- superbly in this byes; he was lick- post. Last but ing my tears. I not least, Tom awoke aware that (Shodo) DeGroot, this was likely one of our most the moment of experienced mem- his bodily release, bers, was our Jo- and Carolyn kai, Keisaku (waking stick) assis- Participants in Strasbourg Sesshin agreed. The next morning we were tant. not surprised to learn that Bruno’s Chobo-ji’s mascot Bodhisattva, Bruno, physical release was at the same hour as Daiki and I helped lead a well attended was very ill. Though it was late evening the dream. Coincidence? You could say half-day sesshin with the Reiun-zan in Strasbourg, it was only the middle of so; I think not. Ellensburg/Wenatchee Sangha at the El- the afternoon in Seattle. At Randal lensburg Ecumenical Church, Saturday, (Daigetsu) Tanabe’s suggestion, who is In addition to what has already been men- January 20th. Then on the evening of often Bruno’s caretaker while we are away, tioned, you will find in this issue a Fund January 24th, Carolyn (Josen) and I made we called the vet where Bruno was Appeal for our new roof, an announcement our annual trek to Europe to lead a three- brought for treatment. Right when we of our upcoming Annual Meeting (3/11), day sesshin in Strasbourg, France. We phoned, the vet was consulting with Dai- where every year we elect our Board of Di- spent the first night in Zurich, and sat getsu about Bruno’s condition. It turned rectors, an announcement for Spring Ses- with the Shogen-dojo Sangha and Rev. out that he had a swollen dysfunctional shin (3/24 – 3/30), and a listing of new Shokan Marcel Urech who is also a long liver, swollen heart and poorly functioning posts for Spring training beginning March time student of Eido Shimano Roshi. kidneys. In other words, Bruno had no 1st. As usual we will be having a Spring Shokan and I have often sat next to each chance to survive and needed to be “put Intensive beginning at mini-sesshin March other at DBZ’s sesshins, so it was won- down.” This would have been a difficult 11th and concluding with Summer Ses- derful to sit with him in his hometown of decision for Daigetsu to make in our ab- shin (6/23 – 6/29). Zurich. We shared a simple meal with sence, so it was quite fortuitous that we him and a few members of the Sangha be- called when we did. As many are already aware, Genki Taka- fore retiring after a long day of travel. I’m bayashi Roshi (our founding Abbot) will afraid I wasn’t in my best form and be in Seattle on April 8th, to celebrate knocked over the flowers at the dojo en- the 2,550 anniversary of the Historical trance! Of course Shokan was very gra- Buddha’s birth, and to elevate Genko to cious about it, but I know many of you Ni Osho (full priest) at a 10 AM cere- have knocked over the flowers in Chobo- mony to be held that day. Therefore, our ji’s foyer, and now I know how you feel. Zurich was cold, snowy and beautiful, mini-sesshin normally scheduled for that what little we saw of it. I hope to visit morning will be moved to the following longer one day.
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