xz DOCUMENT 5.3 .1 2 Environmental Statement – Chapter 12 Figures National Grid (Richborough Connection Project) Order Regulation (5)(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 and TEN-E Regulation EU347/2013 Application Ref: EN020017 January 2016 Richborough Connection Project Volume 5 5.3 Environmental Statement Figures 5.3.12 Chapter 12 Figures National Grid National Grid House Warwick Technology Park Gallows Hill Warwick CV34 6DA Final January 2016 Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.3 Document Control Document Properties Organisation Arcadis Author Dominika Sawicka Approved by Hannah Dennett Title Environmental Statement Chapter 12 Figures Document Reference 5.3.12 Version History Date Version Status Description/Changes 04/01/16 1 Final 1st Issue Final January 2016 Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.3 FIGURES FOR CHAPTER 12 Figure number Figure title Figure 12.1 Air Quality Management Areas Figure 12.2 Construction Dust Study Area Final January 2016 615000 620000 625000 630000 635000 N MARGATE " 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:600,000 0 0 7 7 1 1 Key: Orde r lim its HERNE BAY " Ma jor s e ttle m e nt " Air qua lity m a na g e m e nt a re a St Nicholas at Wade Broomfield " " " Hunters Forstal Marshside Herne " " Sarre Monkton 0 RAMSGATE 0 0 0 0 " 0 5 " 5 6 6 1 " 1 Maypole " Minster Herne Common " Hoath Chislet " " " Upstreet Broad Oak " " Hersden " Westbere " Sturry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 1 1 Hales Place " Great Stonar " Harbledown " " SANDWICH " 0 1 2 4 Kilom e te rs CANTERBURY Sca le : 1:80,000 @ A3 \\h c-ukr-ln-fs -10\LN_P roj\UA007129 Rich b oroug h Conne ction\ D-Ca lcs \GIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 1 1 Rich b oroug h Conne ction P roje ct 5.3.12 Environm e nta l Sta te m e nt Fig ure s Figure 12.1 Air Quality Management Areas Data Sources: De fra Ordna ncDe SEuArveLy " Ve rs ion No.: 01/12/2015 Re v. A Dra wing Re f.: 004-UA007129-UP 31-05 615000 620000 625000 630000 635000 Re produce d from Ordna nce Surve y (Se pt, 2015), b y pe rm is s ion of th e Ordna nce Surve y on b e h a lf of th e controlle r of h e r Ma je s ty’s Sta tiona ry Office . ©Crown Copyrig h t Ordna nce Surve y. OS Lice nce No. 100024241 Copyrig h t not to b e re produce d with out th e writte n pe rm is s ion of th e Na tiona l Grid Ele ctricity Tra ns m is s ion P LC. 616000 618000 620000 " 622000 0 0 Chislet 0 0 0 0 4 4 6 6 1 1 N 1:300,000 Key: " Major settlem ent Order lim its ??&& Bellm ou th R eferenc e with BM22 ?& BM26 ac c om panying ID referenc e (e.g . BM1) BM21 BM25 ?& & BM27 Constru c tion du st stu dy area ? ?& ?& BM20 BM14 ?& BM23 Ac c ess - Constru c tion 0 BM15 & 0 0 ? BM24 " 0 0 & 0 2 Broad Oak ? 2 Ac c ess - Dism antling 6 6 1 BM19 1 ?& BM13 Hersden " BM17 BM18 " Westbere ?&& ?& ?& BM16 BM12 BM39 ?& BM11 ?& BM10 BM09 " BM07 Sturry BM06 ?& BM08 0 ?& 0 0 BM04 ?& 0 0 0 0 0 6 ?& 6 1 1 ?& BM05 NOTE: ?& BM03 ? For details of Bellm ou th loc ations refer to Fig u re 3.14a-h , Doc u m ent 5.3.3 BM02 BM40 ?& 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilom eters Hales Place Sc ale: 1:25,000 @ A3 ?& " \\h c -u kr-ln-fs-10\LN_Proj\UA007129 R ic h b orou g h Connec tion\ D-Calc s\GIS BM01 R ic h b orou g h Connec tion Projec t Harbledown 5.3.12 Environm ental Statem ent Fig u res Figure 12.2 0 0 Construction Dust Study Area 0 Data Sources: 0 0 0 8 8 5 Ordnanc e Su rvey 5 1 1 CANTERBURY Pag e 1 of 4 " Version No.: 01/12/2015 R ev. A Drawing R ef.: 005-UA007129-UP31-03 616000 618000 620000 622000 R eprodu c ed from Ordnanc e Su rvey (Sept, 2015), b y perm ission of th e Ordnanc e Su rvey on b eh alf of th e c ontroller of h er Majesty’s Stationary Offic e. ©Crown Copyrig h t Ordnanc e Su rvey. OS Lic enc e No. 100024241 Copyrig h t not to b e reprodu c ed with ou t th e written perm ission of th e National Grid Elec tric ity Transm ission PLC. 618000 620000 622000 624000 " Herne " Marshside N Sarre 1:300,000 BM32 Maypole Key: BM31 ?& " Major settlem ent Herne Common " & ? Order lim its Hoath ?& Bellm ou th R eferenc e with ac c om panying ID referenc e (e.g . BM1) " " Constru c tion du st stu dy area 0 Chislet 0 0 0 0 0 4 & 4 6 ? 6 Ac c ess - Constru c tion 1 BM30 1 Ac c ess - Dism antling ?& BM29 BM28 " Upstreet ??&& BM22 BM25 BM26 ?& BM27 ?& ?& BM23 0 0 0 BM24 " 0 0 0 2 2 6 6 1 1 Hersden NOTE: For details of Bellm ou th loc ations refer to Fig u re 3.14a-h , Doc u m ent 5.3.3 " Westbere ?& 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilom eters BM39 Sc ale: 1:25,000 @ A3 \\h c -u kr-ln-fs-10\LN_Proj\UA007129 R ic h b orou g h Connec tion\ D-Calc s\GIS " Sturry R ic h b orou g h Connec tion Projec t 5.3.12 Environm ental Statem ent Fig u res 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 12.2 6 6 1 1 Construction Dust Study Area Data Sources: Ordnanc e Su rvey Pag e 2 of 4 Version No.: 01/12/2015 R ev. A Drawing R ef.: 005-UA007129-UP31-03 618000 620000 622000 624000 R eprodu c ed from Ordnanc e Su rvey (Sept, 2015), b y perm ission of th e Ordnanc e Su rvey on b eh alf of th e c ontroller of h er Majesty’s Stationary Offic e. ©Crown Copyrig h t Ordnanc e Su rvey. OS Lic enc e No. 100024241 Copyrig h t not to b e reprodu c ed with ou t th e written perm ission of th e National Grid Elec tric ity Transm ission PLC. 622000 624000 626000 628000 " St Nicholas N at Wade 1:300,000 Key: 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 " Major settlem ent 6 6 1 1 Order lim its ?& Bellm ou th R eferenc e with ac c om panying ID referenc e (e.g . BM1) " Marshside Constru c tion du st stu dy area Sarre Monkton Ac c ess - Constru c tion BM33 " ?& BM36 Ac c ess - Dism antling BM32 " BM37 BM31 ?& ?& ?& ??&& " 0 Chislet 0 0 0 0 0 4 & BM34 4 6 ? 6 1 BM30 BM35 1 ?& BM29 BM28 " Upstreet NOTE: For details of Bellm ou th loc ations refer to Fig u re 3.14a-h , Doc u m ent 5.3.3 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilom eters Sc ale: 1:25,000 @ A3 \\h c -u kr-ln-fs-10\LN_Proj\UA007129 R ic h b orou g h Connec tion\ 0 0 D-Calc s\GIS 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 6 1 1 R ic h b orou g h Connec tion Projec t 5.3.12 Environm ental Statem ent Fig u res Figure 12.2 Construction Dust Study Area Data Sources: Ordnanc e Su rvey Pag e 3 of 4 Version No.: 01/12/2015 R ev. A Drawing R ef.: 005-UA007129-UP31-03 622000 624000 626000 628000 R eprodu c ed from Ordnanc e Su rvey (Sept, 2015), b y perm ission of th e Ordnanc e Su rvey on b eh alf of th e c ontroller of h er Majesty’s Stationary Offic e. ©Crown Copyrig h t Ordnanc e Su rvey. OS Lic enc e No. 100024241 Copyrig h t not to b e reprodu c ed with ou t th e written perm ission of th e National Grid Elec tric ity Transm ission PLC. 628000 630000 632000 634000 N Monkton BM33 " & ? BM36 1:300,000 BM37 ?& Minster " Key: " Major settlem ent Order lim its ??&& ?& Bellm ou th R eferenc e with ac c om panying ID referenc e (e.g . BM1) 0 0 0 0 Constru c tion du st stu dy area 0 0 4 BM34 4 6 6 1 1 BM35 Ac c ess - Constru c tion Ac c ess - Dism antling 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 6 1 ?& 1 BM38 NOTE: For details of Bellm ou th loc ations refer to Fig u re 3.14a-h , Doc u m ent 5.3.3 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilom eters BM42 Sc ale: 1:25,000 @ A3 & ? \\h c -u kr-ln-fs-10\LN_Proj\UA007129 R ic h b orou g h Connec tion\ D-Calc s\GIS & ? BM41 R ic h b orou g h Connec tion Projec t 0 0 5.3.12 Environm ental Statem ent Fig u res 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 1 1 Figure 12.2 Construction Dust Study Area Data Sources: Ordnanc e Su rvey Pag e 4 of 4 Version No.: 01/12/2015 R ev.
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