Inside News 2 Features 3, 5, 6 Weekend Edition Editorial 4 October 27 - 30, 2005 Sports 7, 8 Comics 10 Surf 11, 12 VOL. 100 | ISSUE 53 Serving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa since 1922 WWW.KALEO.ORG Learn to Surf: Warriors face Equipment the Bulldogs this Check weekend Surf | Page 12 Sports | Page 9 No policy governs content on UHM boards NewsBriefs Simple Souls concert tomor- No change row A free live island music con- in policy after cert with Simple Souls and Kanalo will take place tomorrow night at 7 sexual assault p.m. at the Hemenway Hall court- yard, next to Bale. These bands can be found at By Michelle White myspace.com/kanalo and myspace. Ka Leo Staff Writer com/simplesouls. Admission is free of charge. The University of Hawai‘i at The Campus Center Board is Manoa does not regulate the content sponsoring this event. of what goes up on the bulletin boards For more information, call the around campus. The boards are consid- Activities Council at 956-4491 or ered free speech areas, and postings do visit www2.hawaii.edu/~ccbac. not need approval. The 40-year-old Waikiki resident Social change lecture tomor- suspected in a recent sexual assault used row the campus bulletin boards to post fliers seeking art models. A UHM student “I Ku’u Pono, ‘Aole Pau responded to the ads and met the man (Our Work for Justice continues) at an off-campus restaurant. She later - 1946 . 1976 . 2006," accompanied him to his home, where a lecture in social change, will she was sexually assaulted, according to take place tomorrow from 12:30 her Honolulu Police Department report. p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Architecture “Manoa does have guidelines, Auditorium. but there is no one who approves Mari Matsuda will deliver what goes up," UHM spokesperson TONY BLAZEJACK • KA LEO O HAWAI‘I this lecture. Carolyn Tanaka said. “There are no Freshman Brenna St. Onge, a Restaurant Management major from Colorado, looks for used surf board ads at the bulle- This is the inaugural Ah Quon plans to change the way bulletin tin boards next to Hemenway Hall. A female UHM student was assaulted last week after responding to an ad that was McElrath Distinguished Lecture boards are handled.” looking for female models to participate in an art project. in Social Change. Matsuda is the Students have mixed feelings about first tenured Asian-American law the bulletin board policy. postings are not larger than 14-inches by Honolulu Community College bul- “HCC boards are easier to monitor professor in the United States. “I think it would be better if 22-inches, they are allowed on boards. letin boards are designated free speech than a large campus like Manoa,” said She is the author of three things that go on the board were Other UH system campuses main- areas but are closely monitored by the HCC Senate President Patrick Stuart. entries on the Yale Law School approved first,” UHM student Deyna tain tighter control over their boards. Student Life and Development Office. “Maybe a monitoring system should be Library’s list of the ten most-cited Shiraishi said. The University of Hawai‘i at Hilo “Our policy does not prohibit any- put in place.” law review articles. One of the pri- “The boards are okay as long as only allows campus-related items to go thing unless it is overtly inappropri- Kapi‘olani Community College mary voices in critical race theory, people are more cautious when respond- up on bulletin boards. “We do contact ate,” Emily Kukulies, director of stu- Student Life Department handles Matsuda is nationally recognized ing to ads,” business major Gaby people who post without authorization dent life and development at HCC, said. posting for the college. They use a expert on civil rights, feminist Cravalho said. to tell them that they can’t do it,” said “Postings must be stamped and posted stamp to keep track of authorized theory, affirmative action and hate UHM's bulletin board guidelines Nadine Austin of UHH Auxiliary ser- by our staff. We remove unauthorized postings and remove any that have speech. regulate the size of posting. As long as vices. “Our boards are not free speech.” postings almost daily.” not been approved. Matsuda received her JD from University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Law School in 1980 and LLM from Harvard University in 1983. CampusBeat She is currently law profes- sor at Georgetown University and is a visiting professor at UHM Pig head found in locker, cat killed with air powered gun Richardson School of Law. Matsuda was born and raised in Compiled by Michelle White Tuesday, Oct. 18 9:18 a.m. – Hale Lehua staff reported hol violation at Hale Wainani. Hawai’i. seeing someone leaving the building This event is free and open to Monday, Oct. 17 8:54 a.m. – A collision between a car with a fire extinguisher. Saturday, Oct. 22 the general public. and a bicycle was reported. Both parties The Ethnic Studies depart- 10:14 a.m. – Staff at the UH Lab declined to file a report. 1:33 p.m. – A woman reported that she 1:50 p.m. – A campus wide power out- ment is sponsoring this event. School reported that 15 lockers were had been harassed by a man when she age was reported. Power was restored For more information call parked in the visitor’s lot. at 2:55 p.m. Dean Alegado at 956-6915 or e- broken into. The Honolulu Police 3:20 p.m. – A parking officer report- mail [email protected]. Department was called. ed that a woman was on the ground Johnson Hall staff requested 7:10 p.m. – A motorcycle was found on at Kuykendall Hall. Campus Security 6:20 p.m. – assistance with two residents who were the ground. Security picked it back up. Brown Bag Biography lecture found that the woman was feeling faint. 2:31 p.m. – A man stole shoes belong- being evicted. The eviction was related on homelessness She was transported to the hospital. ing to a football player. The football to the earlier fire extinguisher incident at 7:23 p.m. – A cat was shot and killed by player told security that the man Hale Lehua. someone with an air gun. The cat was “Truly Dually: A Musical A resident from Johnson Hall could keep the shoes. 5:15 p.m. – taken to the Humane Society. about Chronic Homelessness and reported that items were stolen from his 7:58 p.m. – A Hale Lehua resident report- Mental Illness,” a Brown Bag 3:35 p.m. – Athletic staff gave a ver- dorm room. ed a theft. Sunday, Oct. 23 Biography lecture, will take place bal trespass warning to a non-student today from 12 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at at the softball stadium. 6:08 p.m. – A bicycle was stolen from the Thursday, Oct. 20 12:54 a.m. – An alcohol violation was Henke Hall 325. Hale Aloha bike rack. reported at Hale Noelani. Michael Ullman will present Two students were stuck 9:56 a.m. – Syringes were found in this brown bag biography lecture. 6:24 p.m. – Wednesday, Oct. 19 in the Hale Lehua elevator. They the women’s restroom at the POST Monday, Oct. 24 Ullman is an author, playwright, were let out 48 minutes later. building. social worker and former director 6:02 a.m. – The fire alarm at Hale Lehua 7:44 a.m. – A pig’s head was found in a of programs in the Institute for was activated. Security found students Friday, Oct. 21 locker at the UH Lab School. Custodial Campus Security found Human Services. 8:52 p.m. – spraying a fire extinguisher into a room. staff disposed of it. items that indicate that someone may Admission is free and open to The door of the room had been tied 1:45 a.m. – Pacific Protection Services the public. be sleeping at the softball stadium. closed. reported having problems getting 1:55 p.m. – A woman reported that a The Center for Biographical An ambulance was called for the non-students to leave a party at Hale man gave her his business card and Research is sponsoring this event. 9:57 p.m. – Hale Lokelani staff person who had been trapped in the Noelani. wanted her to pose for him. She was For more information call requested an officer to pick up a con- room. HPD was also called. A criminal concerned because of the recent sexual Craig Howes at 956-3774 or e- fiscated bong. property damage report was filed. 2:18 a.m. – A report was filed for an alco- assault issues on campus. mail [email protected]. Page 2 | Ka Leo O Hawai‘i | Thursday, October 27, 2005 | PHOTO ESSAY Campus Security Gets Physical By Tony Blazejack Ka Leo Photo Editor After a string of sexual assaults near the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa in the past year, interim President David McClain has proposed an increase in authority for UHM Campus Security. The proposal would grant officers the power to arrest. The proposal is still being constructed, but security officers have already begun training with the State Sheriff’s Department. UHM Campus Security officers are commonly the first respondents to inci- dents that take place on campus, which can range from breaking up parties to dealing suspects without using excessive force. with violent situations. TONY BLAZEJACK • KA LEO O Currently, officers are unarmed and “This program is widely recognized as effec- HAWAI‘I cannot arrest suspects.
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