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The As the election rules biggest loss of seats for now stand in Canada, the NDP was in Quebec the Party that gains the where the Bloc Quebecois most elected seats forms gained more seats than the government. A Party anticipated. Moose on the move CHRIS ASHFIELD | HERALD SUN can receive the most in- The Green Party was With the fall season comes more sightings of wildlife, such as this large bull moose that was spot- dividual votes across the elected for 3 seats in par- country but would still liament and there was WHGDORQJWKHKLJKZD\LQWKH4X·$SSHOOH9DOOH\UHFHQWO\0RWRULVWVDUHUHPLQGHGWRXVHFDXWLRQDQG not govern. one Independent elected. VORZGRZQZKLOHGULYLQJDWQLJKWWRDYRLGZLOGOLIHFROOLVLRQV The Liberals were In the Souris-Moose elected in 155 ridings Mountain Riding, Conser- with a total of 5,911,879 vative incumbent Robert support grew substan- candidate Ashlee Hicks Goodale leaves Saskatch- lowing the defeated can- votes (33.1% of the votes) Kitchen easily won the tially from the 2015 elec- received 3,096 votes with ewan with no repre- didates to concede their and the Conservatives seat, seeing 33,932 bal- tion when he received Liberal candidate Javin sentation within Justin loss to the voters before were elected in 121 rid- lots cast for him for 84.4 70.14 per cent of the total Ames-Sinclair earning Trudeau’s caucus where the winner speaks, leads ings with 6,153,521 votes per cent of the vote. His votes. Meanwhile, NDP 1,658 votes. The People’s the Liberal leader will one to believe that lead- Party candidate Phillip need support from other ers will need to heal the Zajac was in fourth place parties on confidence deep divisions in order with 675 votes while the votes to remain in power for this government to Green Party’s Judy Mer- as a result of the minority rule effectively. gel got 653 ballots marked government. Trudeau, on election for her name. Only 166 The Liberals lost 29 night, acknowledged the ballots were cast for the seats in cabinet and the economic hardship fac- Nationalist Party’s Travis Conservatives gained 23 ing Saskatchewan and Patron. seats. The Bloc Quebecois Alberta, and promised to Voter turnout in the gained 22 seats and the work with them. Souris-Moose Mountain NDP lost 18, losing every Premier Moe has al- riding was 77.33 per cent, race in Saskatchewan, the ready presented a list of which was 40,180 of 51,957 province of its birth. Both new deals on the day fol- registered voters. The na- the Green and the Inde- lowing the election. tional average of voter pendents gained one seat. 71.7 per cent of eligible turnout for this election The country now sits voters across the prov- was 66 per cent of eligible with a minority govern- ince turned out at the voters. ment where western vot- ballot box this year. This The Conservative ers have shown extreme was a small decline from Party won 14 of the 14 discontent with the Lib- the 2015 election, when seats in Saskatchewan eral policies. roughly 72.1 per cent of and won 33 of the 34 seats There are a few op- eligible voters filled out in Alberta. tions for Prime Minister a ballot. In the 2011 elec- The Liberals now have Trudeau to take to try to tion, only 66 per cent of no representation in Sas- get the federal house in the population turned out katchewan or Alberta. order so that a confidence to vote in Saskatchewan. The only Liberal seat in vote or any votes can be Will these voters be Saskatchewan, previously passed during the sitting returning to the polls held by Ralph Goodale of this, the next govern- shortly? The answer will Scheer makes gains ??? | ??? for the past 26 years, was ment. lie with the elected rep- won by Conservative can- The controversy on resentatives when the $QGUHZ6FKHHUVSHDNVZLWKPHGLDWKHPRUQLQJDIWHUWKHHOHFWLRQDIWHUVHHLQJ didate Michael Kram. election night, of the po- Prime Minister recalls his Conservative Party increase their seats and win the popular vote but not The departure of the litical candidates not parliament. IRUPJRYHUQPHQW7KH/LEHUDOVZRQDPLQRULW\JRYHUQPHQW influential Liberal Ralph following the norm by al- EDUCATION WEEK BROADVIEW SUPPER SENIOR HOCKEY CANNABIS STORY Whitewood School held a flag Volunteers help feed over The QVHL season is set to kick Zagime (Sakimay) First Nation raising to kick off Education Week 3 350 at Community Supper 7 off; Whitewood Orioles out 8 opens cannabis store 19 The Herald Sun www.grasslandsnews.ca 2 October 25, 2019 Premier Moe tells Trudeau to prove his words By Chris Ashfield message to the Liberals is from Saskatchewan or Al- days campaigning against he could do right away. markets, meaning pipe- Grasslands News clear. berta,” said Moe. the western Canadian en- Those being cancel the lines. “In Canada, we now Responding to ergy industry in Quebec.” federal carbon tax, com- Moe said he is ready The morning follow- have a Liberal minority Trudeau’s victory speech The Premier said that mit to negotiate a new to meet with Trudeau to ing the election, Premier government that did not in which he said he heard if the Prime Minister is equalization deal formula discuss moving forward Scott Moe issued a state- receive the popular vote, the frustrations of Sas- serious and really means that is fair to Saskatch- on these important issues. ment saying Saskatch- has no clear mandate, will katchewan and Alberta he has heard the concerns ewan and Alberta and “You said you heard ewan now needs a new be supported either by a and wants to be there to of Saskatchewan and Al- commit to develop a plan our frustrations and want deal with Canada. High- 4th place party that has support them, Moe said, berta and he is ready to to ensure Saskatchewan to support us,” said Moe. lighting the fact that Con- never governed or a party “Those are nice words, work with the provinces, and Alberta can get our “We are ready for you to servatives won all 14 seats that does not want to be but we need action, not that there are three things exports to international prove it.” in Saskatchewan and part of this nation. This words. This is more im- claimed 33 of 34 seats in minority government portant given that Mr. Alberta, he said that the also has no representation Trudeau spent the last 191036G3 191046G0 191046G1 MP Robert Kitchen retains riding that has 191046G2 191046G3 191046G4 strong Conservative hold since being formed 191046G5 By Elaine Ashfield liament in 2015 with 70 per cent of the Grasslands News more than 37,000 ballots cast. Since the riding was formed in 1988 Conservative candidate Robert it has primarily been held by MPs from Kitchen has been re-elected MP for the right-leaning parties. The lone exception Souris-Moose Mountain is when the Liberals held riding. Kitchen received it from 1993 to 1997; the 84.4% of the votes with election cycle that saw the 33,932 voters placing their Progressive Conservatives x beside his name on the lose all but two of their ballots. previous 156 seats. Kitchen was well ahead Then Reform Party of his opponents with the member Roy Bailey won NDP candidate, Ashlee the seat in 1997 before re- Hicks receiving 3,096 votes; tiring in 2004 as a member Liberal Javin Ames-Sin- of the Conservative Party. clair receiving 1,658 votes, Since then, the riding has followed by the People’s been held by Conserva- Party, Phillip Zajac with tives, first Ed Komarnicki 675 votes, Green Party and now Robert Kitchen. Judy Mergel with 653 votes There are 51,957 regis- and Nationalist Travis Pa- Robert Kitchen tered electors but there tron with 166 votes. would also probably be vot- Kitchen was first elected as the ers who registered on election day. The Souris-Moose Mountain Member of Par- population in this riding is 72,635. 19104AX2 The Herald Sun www.grasslandsnews.ca October 25, 2019 3 SEE US TODAY! We make it ¥!-£>!@;W,-;'>33&T BUSINESS CARDS 1-306-735-2230 We make it EASY;3&'9-+2!2&68-2;@3<8#<9-2'99$!8&9W $32;!$;|+8!99£!2&92'>9W$! Whitewood School Education Week kicks off with flag raising ceremony By Elaine Ashfield Kakisiwew School; White- Grasslands News wood Legion members, Ray Giroux and Diane Whitewood School Dartige and representing began Education Week the Metis culture, Kyle with a Flag Raising Cer- Mackin. emony on Monday morn- The drummers and ing, October 21. singers performed an The drum group, made honor song, followed by up of senior and youth the Mayor’s remarks drummers from Kakisi- where Mayor Doug Arm- wew School, drummed strong commented that and sang the group of dig- the flags are represen- nitaries into the school tation of Truth and Rec- gymnasium where the onciliation and portray invited guests circled the equal representation be- gymnasium floor where tween all students in the the students were seated school.
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